How A Young Ugandan Became A Billionaire at 40!

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foreign Ty is the State of Mind 100 you don't even manifests into a physical form it only takes a physical form when you start lacking things but poverty exists with the person whether they have money or not you can you can even give someone a million dollars yeah and he wastes it in two months now that is poverty that has wasted the money it wasn't just a problem that he didn't have money no he doesn't have the capacity to hold it and manage it [Music] before I leave this end I want to be known as Africa's number one Braga please add that to my name what admire Africa's number one brother the guy who brags about the beauty of Africa the guys who goes around to brag about successful Africans yes I take pride in that [Music] I'm excited because I made it to Uganda and I can't wait to show you why it's called the pearl of Africa I am here to brag about a young African is there a millionaire or billionaire no actually I mean be I may be moving to a billion dollars I have never heard of this entrepreneur do you guys want me to feature and most of the people recommended and by the names of Mr Mr gundo a Ugandan a businessman trading in real estate and now moving largely into agroprocessing and value addition uh uh I was born in Uganda I've lived in Uganda all my life if you've never left the country no I travel in and out but I mean I'm talking about like you left Uganda to study abroad no no no no all I've done and all I've achieved I've achieved in Africa actually I think I'm a living example of the fact that you can make it in Africa is a real estate developer but developing residential homes is not his core business so what is the core business then no I have quite a lot of commercial properties in Uganda in various areas from commercial structures to now real estate housing structures for for residential I have quite a number of projects quite a number can you believe that the this guy built the replica of the White House right here in Uganda when you look at the United States I would say one of the best elements that has penetrated the African mind is Hollywood because our young children think that what is in Hollywood that's the way they should live and the signature Mark of 90 percent of American movies is the White House yeah so I was like what can I do with the resources I have that can get better to buy fellow Africans and ugandans per se start believing in themselves and the fact that we can make it here and I was like if I'm put up my headquarters let me make it like the White House to give them confidence someone passes it and is like wow it's just like the one it is a state so you know the mind is key his house looks like a castle when you look at the house I I built I live in a very big house only live in acres but I you know a person needs only one room I have like eight cars but you can drive one car detail but why that because a person can only live in one room person can only live on one bed and if you know the bed you can only stay on one side of that bed require the soft content and you can sit as it owns Timber yeah you have a sauna still in the bedroom yeah we have some nice team bath and you know to me I thought this guy has achieved everything but when I asked him what is your biggest achievement he told me establishing this aggro processing business right here in Uganda by adding value to the raw materials they produce in the country you don't think that's incredible no like you've seen uh you've got a chance to move around my projects and I think all my projects are big but Agro processing and value addition is going to be my biggest project because you see our economy is small as Uganda and my aspirations and predictions are big so if I penetrate and take Agro processed products Beyond Uganda at the big economies where we can sign contracts in billions of dollars I think I'll spread bigger and better and I'll be able to remit reasonable amounts of money or Draw back reasonable amounts of money into the outgrowers who are Ugandan so my plan forward is not individual but communal in ham Palms Villas you got a football pitch as you can see I just scored a goal that you've never seen in your entire life which means that in this Village they got a football pitch but he could be satisfied with the football pitch that he has built in his own estate but can you believe it this young guy is building a modern Stadium in the city of Kampala Lake can serve a lot of projects running and putting up a stadium for 200 million dollars actually the main effect of the stadium it's its illustration to my fellow ugandans that if I can do it do it and if we can independent land from an individual perspective pull off such a development so that we can spare it before mid of Uganda he is Young a 39 year old almost worth a helium I know the question that is going through your mind just like what is going through my mind is what did you do different from your age mate or your peers [Music] reason because you see I'm constant on this thing of reason because that's all that's old there is if you want to solve a problem when God created Humanity in fact God created us naked but with a brain it is only through the brain that we manage to transform over a given period of time now we are flying everything is on the phone ICT yeah these are all you know it is evidence of our reasoning capacity as humans so when you ask me ham what do you think you do different from others that has made you achieve what you achieved yeah it's just reason if we want to develop and Elevate Africa I think we should attack the mind of the Africans for all that hams has been able to achieve in this very short time if you ever ask me what is the major challenge I would definitely tell you about Finance but to hands I would say negativity people are so negative even if you are doing something to their advantage some may do it out of ignorance but majority do it out of hate so that leaves me wondering how shall we pull up when we fight so much to keep each other down how does not Grant interviews but he gave me the opportunity to speak to him for the first time on camera I think I've made it in life and because of this can you all do me a favor and like this video now I noticed that most of you watch the videos without liking come on thank you but hey if today is your first time seeing this annoying face on your screen I mean one and only Annoying Village boy on a journey to change the negative Narrative of Africa by celebrating African Excellence Please Subscribe and support our journey thank you so much now let's dive into the video because I am inspired and I know you will be inspired Maya everyone calls you have yeah but I'm gonna call you Mr ham yeah yeah that's fine are you made in Africa 100 percent I'm in London and proudly African all I've done and all I've achieved I've achieved in Africa actually I think I'm a leading example of the fact that you can make it in Africa so why the doubt that it's not possible to make it make it in Africa [Music] actually I think that is a little bit wide because um it all comes down to one element I think which is reason for me I believe uh where a direct reflection of Arizona capacity I would ask what do you think is the difference between the west and US despite the fact that Africa holds 80 percent of World Resources yet exploitation takes place in the West and they claim they donate to Africa simply because we haven't figured out on how to utilize the prevailing resources we have at hand naturally to express them towards their own Prosperity so success and failure at the end of the day just like I wrote a book success and failure based on using Andrea and reality for me I believe reason is one of the governing elements of someone's capacity to articulately analyze what is before them and see how they can make it towards their own prosperity and the society at large so the distance and gap between success and failure is merely reason are you trying to say Africa is poor because you are not reasoning no reason is is a little bit deep because if I take it from a general perspective let us take the world I think all present past and future discoveries of humanities reflection of the reasoning capacity of humanity all people of that particular period in time reason governs everything when God created man he created us with a mind for me I believe success and failure it all starts and ends in the mind there are limited resources in the world such fine man is unlimited once so it's how someone utilizes the limited resources towards their own progress prosperity and the societies where they live what's your definition for success [Music] survival can be success a man can successfully survive on Earth so success is a little bit broad ability to live within your means and ability to manage your life and solve your problems can be an element of success but uh as humans we we move for this success where you build Empires a lot of finances are you talking about that kind of success I think when it comes to success to so many uh I mean the world successful people I mean we say successful people are people who have been able to accumulate wealth yeah someone could say that time is a successful man but yeah but you see for me I believe ability tourism is an element of success because when you look at Africa under West I think the difference between Africa and the West is mere reason because you see they have simply Outreach on that something as simple as that because you dare me talk about reason but just like I find it in my book actually I wrote two books success and failure based on reason and reality another book which says reason as the world masterpiece why do I say reason as the world masterpiece in life we all have challenges yeah and we all think ing is basic but reasoning is deep when you think acts fast and short term when you reason you articulate deeply and act long term that's why we see most of African programs even when it comes to our countries we don't tend to take the long term drive we want short-term so just like I Define reason in my book reason is one is ability to deeply articulately analyze the prevailing circumstances let it be an element of a challenge or a problem in order for that person to grasp and understand it in its totality within realistic perimeters which gives them the ability to forge a corresponding solution to such a problem you know a productive continuous chain of one is ability to solve life challenges is what is transformed into progress at the prosperity at the end of the day what problem are you solving in Uganda now when you talk about Uganda it's a little bit big but what problems have I solved in my life [Music] some extent yeah yeah our statuses and what we possess may it be a direct reflection of Arizona capacity if you asked me harm what have you done to get where you are today I'll give you an answer reason is that what you did differently because you're so young and what you've been able to achieve I think my next question will be what did you do different from your age mate or your peers [Music] because you see I'm constant on this thing of reason because that's that's all that's old there is if you want to solve a problem when God created Humanity in fact God created us naked but with our brain it is only through the brain that we manage to transform over a given period of time now we are flying everything is on the phone ICT yeah these are all you know it is evidence of our reasoning capacity as humans so when you ask me I'm what do you think you do different from others that has made you achieve what you achieved yeah it's just reason if you want to develop and Elevate Africa I think we should attack the mind of the Africans if we can get Africans to reason I think we shall have solved all the problems of Africa if Africa holds all the world majority of the other resources yet we are still donated to up today we take resources in raw materials minerals and they are brought back in form of peanuts Indonesians what stops us from utilization of the available resources and the exploitation towards or a finished product in line or in the direction of our prosperity what is stopping us the resources are here now what is stupid does you're not reasoning enough [Music] but according to you what do you think is the problem of Africa I think we haven't expirated our reasoning capacity Forge a way forward for our continent because at the end of the day if you asked more does Africa need to do to develop I'll tell you things like Unity but it takes reason for us to unify we cannot unify physically if we haven't unified in the mind we talk about borders but these borders are only physical the real borders of Africa are in our minds if we are breed mentally that we take out the borders I think they will be out but with fail to reason even on the simplest things Africa would be one that would would have one unified flag Africa would have a free Trading Zone Africa would be would be traveling on one passport why do I need a to cross from from me at South Africa through a Visa all these things you know the limiting factor of our ability to grow despite the resources we hold as a continent is risen you know someone might ask what is reason what is reason but you know you see reason is so simple and so precise that its strength lies in its softness actually it takes reason to reason and yet almost we have all the capacity to adjust and kick start our reasoning capacity the books I wrote We are known to tell you where Ham has been how much he has achieved what is he looking to achieve no these books were made to kickstart the person is reasoning capacity to make you think what am I doing wrong how can I explore the prevailing circumstances towards my own progress um let's go back to how it all started what was your first ever business that you invested in it's my personal progress I started as a Young Man immediate after my uh a level classes before joining campus I started trading first and foremost my family has a trading background but I started really small trading in garments on retail scale mainly ladies garments and bugs then I moved into another to another bigger scale of the same I started getting these things from Thailand Hong Kong and China and selling them not only to Uganda domestically but also regionally to Burundi businessman from Burundi Rwanda Sudan Congo [Music] he's a whole people from the village different areas of Uganda Central North everywhere they come and Shop their stock from here which they take back and sell on retail so that's why you see a lot of people most people are coming from the villages to treat okay on wholesale they go back and sell on retail I think I even saw people from different African countries yeah I saw Kenya yeah we have we have Congolese we have Kenyans we have tanzanians we have Sudanese people from different East African countries come and Shop here and get back to their country as my Capital grow I moved into real estate putting up a few commercial structures now I've moved into industrialization like you can serve a lot of projects running and putting up a stadium for 200 million dollars I'm setting up 500 houses and instead of 500 houses I'm setting up I'm aggro processing Industries so I'm doing quite a lot [Music] welcome to Naki Vivo Stadium the only stadium that was designed built and funded by ugandans that's incredible man [Music] when you walking around and you see what you've been able to achieve how does that make you feel actually as an element of reason I don't take too much pride in what I've achieved because the reality is what I've achieved I already have otherwise if you focus too much on what you have within perimeters of reason then it denies you that drive to strength what you have interchange here I don't think it is an element of reason to take too much pain in what you hold really yeah but I mean in Africa people who make it always want to let us know that they've made it but whatever I have whether I'm proud or not it is there you see as a young African when I see a fellow young African who has been able to achieve so much success in a short time we tend to hate on that thinking that okay how did this guy accumulate his wealth you know we tend to attributed to other sources I don't know has anyone ever I mean yeah negativity is one of the limiting factors of progress in any society and trust me Africans are larger to negative they always want to pull down wherever they see going up but you see that goes back to the mind it is an element of inhabited reason because maybe if I'm up I can pull you down I can pull you up I can't pull you up when you're both on the ground but you see they don't think that way at the end of the day they always fight too much to pull you down and if you ask me where do you get prayed am I proud of what I've achieved yeah to some extent if young people in Africa look up to me in what I've achieved because you see success and failure cannot be limited to an individual to some extent you learn this with time in fact Prosperity or progress in a poor Society becomes more of a liability than an asset after something because people look at you and they are like you see what harm has got our resources maybe the resources we have present would be enough if all of us had equal shares but I'll come here is too much and we have less so they start hitting on you but you don't hit back as a reasonable member of society you start thinking what can I do to improve the lives of those around me that is where you find um like we have the problem majority of Africans are leaving the country going abroad this has been brought by our education systems that were imported and imposed and education system is supposed to provide corresponding Solutions or build the society the Young Generation with the capacity to solve problems within the prevailing circumstances but this imposed imported and imposed education systems don't address our problems as Africans the way they are on ground that is why when majority of landfill is studying the only thing about one thing how do I go abroad in fact I would say we blame slavery but there are more Africans willingly leaving the country today going abroad moreover qualified ones with degrees than they were when they are being taken on chains what does it mean that we've been out resumed mentally slavery never left Africa it was simply upgraded from physical slavery to Mentor silver and that is the problem we have so the worst has successfully outrisoned Africans foreign [Music] our politicians I've seen a lot of motivational speakers political speakers they talk about how the West has exported us they talk about us they've made us suffer they talk about you know they keep criticizing the West on what they've done wrong for us to fail but we haven't talked about our inhabilities reason an African hates an African more than he can eat any foreign person why [Music] we have even failed to appreciate our identity as Africans identity is an element of Reason simply identifying Yusuf and saying you know what I'm an African man in Africa is where I belong for me I would with the kind of man I have I would move and and move to the West that is betray I can't live with it [Music] but why do I do all that the way you saw it the modern to illustrate many fellow Africans and ugandans look here what you see in the states we can equally do it if I can get more ugandans and Africans living in themselves as an element of reason together we can lift this continent up but something that is as simple as believing in our originality and character and the fact that we are Africans and it is our responsibility as Africans to develop this country has failed then we have even failed to take the first step [Music] [Music]
Channel: WODE MAYA
Views: 652,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: africa, beautiful african cities, african entrepreneurs, african entrepreneurs success stories, african entrepreneurship, african entrepreneurship academy, young rich african entrepreneurs, young african entrepreneurs institute, top 10 richest people in uganda 2022, richest people, richest man in uganda, hamis kiggundu, hamis kiggundu stadium, hamis kiggundu residence, hamis kiggundu white house, hamis kiggundu vs cristiano ronaldo, cost of living in uganda 2022, wodemaya
Id: npFBO7JkYtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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