How This 35-Year-Old Built A $30 Million Real Estate Portfolio As a Single Mother

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before we get to today's show man i have a quick question for you do you desire to make an extra six figures on the side or maybe an extra seven figures i love the sound of that well here's the truth man this year alone my company it makes on average six figures or more a month and i want to give you five keys on how you can make an extra six figures on the side a year listen man my team and i have put together this system that can change your life it took me from the back of my car to amazing opportunities into a very lucrative business and i want to help you really go after your dreams whether that's eliminating debt starting a business um building your dream house or behind your dream car you name it whatever that is i'm going to teach you on september 22nd within 90 minutes for absolutely free how you can make an extra 126 thousand dollars this year all you do is go to the link in today's show notes i'll go to four slash five keys register for free get your girlfriend get your boyfriend get your brother get your sister because i'm telling you right now in 90 minutes this can change your life hey let's get to today's show because this is gonna be a special one make sure you register peace so people oh you're cooking clean also you hire someone if you have to see that's what you see when i'm that system's in place that way i can focus on other things i know how to cook i just don't have time so we gonna eat now but i want you to cook it now which one do you want now let me ask you this question brothers what's happening no captain about to get a plate oh pull up to the table let's go yo we're gonna get straight into it because uh you know the fastest growing entrepreneur today um and i keep saying this it's not brothers it's not black brothers it's not white brothers it's not hispanic brothers the fastest growing entrepreneur is a strong black woman and man i've been hearing this name around uh the internet waves of this young woman 35 years old who has built a massive uh portfolio when it comes to real estate and you all know me like i'm the debt free guy but i'm starting to have this thought of if you're going to get into really the real estate game yo that's pretty much the only game i i have no problem uh with taking out debt so i did some research on her and i said you know what bring her to the table because this queen is young brother she's single um and she's beautiful and she has a mind so she has the beauty and the brains um and i like her because she's in the 30s you know what i'm saying she's 35 years old sitting on 30 million i'm like well get your behind to the table but before we get to uh today's uh show i want to thank our sponsors well one of our sponsors a mother show church hill mortgage you can go to anthony o'neill dot com forward slash churchill they are sponsoring today's show because they will help you get into your dream home real estate is flat flattening out right so you can actually get into it here's what i love about churchill they're not going by your credit score they're going to go by you know who are you they're going to manually underwrite and interview you and go through the whole process and they want to help you get into your dream home help you get into your first investment um home so my friends over there are locking in the lowest interest rate in the country they are also much better than this whole bank of america situation because bank of america's new stuff is only in five cities churchill is in every single city and they're gonna take care of whether you're black or white and they're gonna even help you out with your down payment programs as well so listen go check out my friends at churchill anthony o'neil dot com forward slash churchill they're gonna give you a certified pre-approval today if you sign up today they're also gonna give you an extra five thousand dollars to put down towards your uh not down payment uh but towards your what do they call that thing not the closing costs what's the other thing um where you put it down i haven't done it in a while uh earnest money is money yes they're gonna give you an extra five thousand dollars to put down towards your earnest money to make you a guaranteed buyer so that way you know what if you have to back out of the deal your seller will understand that you're a guaranteed buyer so check them out churchill so y'all let's get into it because i got my girl devon did i say right you did devon reeves she's 35 years old and she's sitting on 30 million when you say you sitting on 30 million break this down for us well thank you anthony for having me on your show absolutely i had to hey brothers y'all y'all better slide talk to us what you got so i got three hotels yep three hotels i got some some residential investment properties but the majority of my real estate portfolio the bulk of it is hotels hotels yeah so what made you get into the hotel business and not the you know housing businesses like you know single duplexes multiple duplexes stuff like that well i actually started off in the hospitality industry so i started off as a front desk agent front desk agent at a hotel yeah for real yep that's how i got my start so that's all i knew i didn't know anything about flipping houses or wholesale i didn't know anything all i knew is how to basically check and guess and i did it while i was in college for real yep i thought i was in college where'd you go to school georgia state university georgia state university yep royal gsu go panthers that's right in atlanta and so that wait no he no hate don't don't cause i don't don't hate on g-state right that is it g-state is all right all right we okay we're going we're going to tell you that we're going to talk about hotels real quick and i want to bash on your show real quick what was your degree in my degree is actually in sociology and hospitality sociology and hospitality so you knew you was going into the hotel business but i didn't know i was going to ownership okay okay yep so my goal was to actually become a general manager for real yeah that was my goal is there money in general managers yeah absolutely like what's like once you really get into it like how much can you make it it depends on the size of the hotel and it depends on how long some general managers are making close to half a million dollars what yeah because they get stock options yeah a half a million dollars been in general marriage how many black people are in that it's not too many black general managers it's more than when i was in the industry okay um so probably a small percentage probably like less than 10 yeah of the big boxes there of course you know like general managers are smaller hotels but they're more grown number of women from there yeah and black yeah okay cool so you're working the front desk you're working the front desk yep and how long you were the front desk i worked at the front desk oh probably about what two or three years maybe then i got promoted so i did other things and then i was a trainer so i would go around the country and train folks train folks yeah okay cool um you work in the front desk at what point did you say you know what devon i want to get into actually owning a hotel like what hit you what made you want to do that so i joined this organization called under 30k it was the american hotel lodging association which is one of the largest hotel associations and they had an organization called under 30 gateway okay and so at the time i didn't know you could own a hotel like because hyatt owned the hotel that i worked at so i didn't know you own it okay so i joined this organization and there were folks who were my age they didn't look like me but they inherited hotels and hair that's first it was given to them by their family right so you know i inherited the house but they ain't here at the hotel i was like oh so this is different level it's a different level of real estate okay i said wait a minute break this down for me you had some folks who owned a hotel development company fine yeah so i was like oh and i'm thinking i'm a superstar right until i meet these folks so but they didn't look like me so basically what i'm saying is my it was like the light bulb just clicked let me get into it let me get into it let me get into it as a black woman right now getting into it i want to keep it real was it hard because of your color it wasn't because of my colors because of my age oh so how old were you when you got into it first so i was always either the youngest black or the only female and a lot of times all three so how i actually got into the ownership side transitioning from operations working in front office yeah i took a non-pay internship okay so i took a non-pay internship because i needed that experience to get into consulting in the transactional side wow yep so i did that in the morning from nine to one and i worked at the hyatt from see from nine to twelve i read the height from one to nine so i did that for about three months and i was like okay i love this the company took me on full time and i i left to hyatt and uh it's been history ever since history ever since so now you do this full-time i do this full-time so this during that time i was learning so i was in uh doing feasibility studies and basically the feasibility is looking at a piece of land and seeing what you can do with it seeing if it's feasible or not and so that's why i learned the financial projections i learned about how to put a deal together learned about how to raise capital and i learned it from hotel owners because that's what we were consulting so i was getting paid to build my experience i mean they didn't know i wanted to be a hotel owner they just thought i wanted to be a consultant for the rest of my life how much were you making uh before you became who you are today like on the average year oh you mean before my consulting before i brought bought my hotels probably about low six figures low six figures yeah probably about little six figures no probably no no no not low six figures probably mid the high five figures are you serious yeah okay cause i own my own consulting firm so yeah and your consulting firm helps people get into the hotel business correct all right let's talk about that because i mean i want to get straight into that yeah uh the very first thing for the people watching right now they're probably saying hotels like okay cool number one is there money in owning hotels like can you profit yeah definitely i mean just like because so a lot of people they don't realize that hotel is actually real estate so it's an operating business sitting on real estate so not only are you profiting from the real estate component you're profiting from the business component that's true because you're buying a building right you have the land and then now you're running a business with people coming in and out which one is more profitable so let's say for an example like media let's say you know what i just want to get into real estate would you say get into the real estate sites where you just own the building or can you even own the building or like like for example will hyatt want to come in and buy the building or will they lease the building uh probably not a brand maybe more so of a municipality brands they don't own the hotels so they probably own like less than one percent of their portfolio they actually own the properties so they frank is so more of a franchise model so that scenario or example be more so from like a city or something owning a land and then you can lease it out from them ah i love it i love it i love it boy i love it i don't know you getting a little too deep you ready hey man listen when you i was when i was studying i was like yo this is actually not a bad idea because i just invested about six figures into a fund yeah um this one was actually for um apartment complexes and so you know y'all know me i i try to do as much as i can possibly with cash so i'm testing it out with this first thing right but now i'm thinking like going down your road like okay cool i i could see uh for the real estate side of things taking out um some some some you know mortgages or whatever that is to get into the game uh because it seems like there's a lot of money in that space but you need to be able to get in there with a good amount of money yeah um definitely cash is keen yeah uh that's what anything and um also you want to be capitalized so hotels are very capital intensive um you know real estate okay and it's complicated to get financing for hotels because they wanna because again it's an operating business multi-family you could just bring in the rent roll you know you're getting you know money for six to 12 18 months you know somebody's gonna be coming in yeah hotels it's a nightly lease oh yeah so you don't know if people are coming in and then one thing about hotel so multi-family and apartment complexes people are always gonna need a place to stay regardless if it's the economy zone hotels is based on the economy so if the economy is doing poorly the hospitality think about kovic yep yep i mean you got hotels struggling like shutting down well that's how i ended up getting my hotels because we bought it during kovic oh right you bought it when it was low and they were hurting right and then you stepped in they're like boom we coming back see i missed 2008. yeah we were young man i probably if i was smart i had a little cash yeah i was smart i told me you had a little cat i had a little cash family took care of you family took care of me hold on hold on hold on hold on i had a good grandmamma your grandma she was i didn't see i didn't listen to your podcast if your podcast would have been known back then you know what i'm saying listen if my podcast then i will be [ __ ] [ __ ] so your grandmama passed passed down some wealth to you yeah what yeah she was still alive but yeah she made sure her grandchild was me and my sister but yeah she made sure it was okay she set up um college funds for us but since i got scholarships i didn't really have to take advantage of it are you serious yeah see here's why i like that right because i think oftentimes in the black community yeah we teach struggle yeah we teach like hey you know what i'm saying we all had to struggle and fight through it yeah your stories will be different you had to fight but fight differently i had to fight differently yeah i wasn't so my i didn't wrap my reign i didn't wrap my brain around what my grandma was saying when i was younger i was young i wasn't it wasn't clicking i knew everything like i wasn't so she always told me to keep i paid off house in the family she she always said keep a paid off house in the family she's oh oh grandma oh yeah so now i'm taking it to the next level so i'm gonna keep it paid off hotel in the family hey yeah yeah that's the goal yo grandma say yo we gonna keep walking family yeah but she did it didn't resonate like you know my grandma she died with no dick okay she paid off her funeral she paid off her funeral 10 years before she died yeah yo reston rest in heaven grandma yeah i know she's smiling down right now looking at you sometimes she'd be you know shaking her head a little bit that's life you know but that's all right she that keep that keeps me humble man that's good so i like that so grandmamma set you up you always have an emergency fund always yeah keep your credit good there you go yeah your cred your credit is your name she said her credit is her name um yeah you know i don't have a credit score well i do yeah i don't yeah i have a mortgage yeah i don't have a mortgage only market to have it for my hotels yeah i'm just doing what my grandma said it's clicking she was like you got a mortgage i don't you know hey melissa i'm gonna be there one day give me some loving that though i like that she was like i don't have a mortgage um so all right cool i want to get into the hotel business what's the first thing that i do the first thing you want to do is make sure that you're financially capable of getting into the hotel and what does that look like so let's talk about on the personal side so on the person side so there's two directions you can go you can go to passive route you can go to active route so what you just said as far as what the multi-family was talking before it sounded like you went with the passive route because somebody else is running it for it you just invested passively okay so that's passively so that's passive it's like because you have a business that you you know you're running this is your baby you're like you know let me just let my money grow somebody's gonna handle it that's the passive route so that's one route you can go okay okay but you still want to make sure you have enough money that you can lose because investing is risky so if i don't recommend for people to invest their life savings or their if they're saving up for a house i don't i don't recommend anybody to do that no matter how good the deal is because it's risky and you don't know if you're going to get it back anything you're investing exactly right so that's one route okay so the next route be if you want to own it yourself like if you want your name on the mortgage um you know name on the franchising agreement um you probably need to be capitalized at least have uh depending on the size of the deal but half a million to a million dollars and that doesn't just that doesn't just have to come from you okay it could be you got a hundred you got four other friends they got 100 each now y'all got half a million so but then the name but it will be in my name so let's say i got me you i got my producer and my right hand man alice right so that's that's four of us in this building right now yeah so that's let's say we we all come up with a half a million dollars we give it to you you take that half a million but the mortgage is in your name and then you will make contracts with us and i'm an investor into your that's the passive rate okay so and if you want to do like let's say we all come together and we form a partnership and you want to be a gp then that's the active route so maybe so maybe you know maybe your role my role could be i'm raising capital or something or negotiating you know with the brands and maybe since you have relationships with the banks then you're working on the the bank side like everybody like has a role and so since everybody has a role so maybe you put in like 150 somebody else put this and then your equity split can be based on which you contributed to the table so the average person is not going to have a half a million to invest some people do some people don't especially if they're going to capitalize as far as getting the capital yeah people typically on the first time not to unless they come from a different like a well well-off background typically people don't have i don't see it too much too much so let me ask you this question and you know you know you know my answer with you okay uh if i'm drowning in debt okay on my personal side of things yeah should i go borrow another half a million dollars to invest into the hotel uh ah no no and and i'm and i'm not a financial advisor and i always say to that talk to your financial advisor because every every situation is is different um but it's like you know if you take in if you have half a million dollars and then you got personal drowning you're drowning in debt i don't personally think that may be the best decision that's why i was saying the first thing you should do is check your personal financial statement right take your personal balance sheet and if you don't know how to do that then work with the financial so that's that's why we say that's the first thing she cool with me that's the first thing she cool she she cool with me cause i was gonna let her answer i want her to be her true self because i mean that she's she's i mean she got 30 million she's sitting on 30 million portfolios i always respect everyone's opinion but no if you trying to in debt yeah i wouldn't recommend don't don't don't you know i get that a lot you know people are like oh my credit is messed up i'm like you know go ahead get your credit fixed too and then come back it's okay just go ahead and get that get that take care and here's my thing why are we building on a rocky foundation right exactly and as i'm growing as i'm evolving i am changing just a little bit of my ways and i think when it comes to real estate especially within the black community we need to become owners yeah and that is why i invested the uh the passive route right and i gave six figures because you're right i have this business this brand uh that i'm building well that's not your expertise right yeah and then it's gonna take you so long now you're taken away from from what you're really doing what's your passion to focus on this you know what i mean that's not so let's say someone says oh you know what i don't have a half a million i don't have the opportunity to do that right now you know i just got out of debt i've just now built my emergency fund so i only have 10 fifteen thousand dollars right now it sounds like their route may be maybe going towards like the past the passive yeah their ride is the passive and you are now even offering uh like a fun type thing right yep it's called uh it's a crowdfunding platform it's called bester investor yup yup so yeah we are probably one of the first um uh crowdfunding platforms for hotels so break this down and i'm talking about like to the kindergarten level because my people are like okay what are y'all talking about this is what is crown crowdfunding essentially what it is is old school is people pulling their funds of of money together remember that 15 8 000 example you just used so you know let's say 10 people coming together uh at 15 000. now you got a 150 you know so let's say let's say anthony you wanted to buy your hotel right right but you needed a million dollars and you only had a hundred thousand okay yeah and so you put the deal on the platform on we go through the due diligence and everything and so you want to raise the rest of the funds so now we have you know folks from your community or friends and family they can actually invest they can come in at the ten thousand because maybe they didn't have a hundred thousand so they can come at the ten thousand maybe they could partner with their family they gotta find the other thing and they can come in and now you know they can invest and this crowdfunding platform both accredited and non-accredited folks can invest and so what an accredited investor for those who don't know accredited investor is someone who makes over 200 thousand a year or has a net worth of a million dollars or more okay um and not everybody are accredited investors right but that also leaves a lot of people from not investing in great opportunities because of a lot of the great opportunities where people really make their wealth only accredited investors can invest so what's the non-accredited so not on credit invested in anyone who falls under that category so let's say let's say you have uh you make a hundred thousand dollars a year and you have a net worth of 900 000 excluding your primary residence right technically you're not an accredited investor you have to have oh you have to make over 200 000 a year and you have to have a net worth of a million dollars or more excluding your primary residence and by the sec's definition that means you're an accredited investor wow and if you're married you have to have a combined income and over 300 000. so okay let's say this person non-accredited comes in and says all right i got 5 000 yeah um i know like what my program just did right but what would you say is the bare minimum if if if they're not investing with you right and they go into another fund they're brand new into this what should they be looking for upfront so i'm i'm giving you know devon 5 000 um am i looking for five thousand dollars back plus five percent ten percent yeah it depends on the deal so every deal is different every deal is gonna be structured different so you wanna go in and ask these questions you may you know and this is just due diligence regardless of the hotel or not who is the sponsor meaning who is putting a deal together does this person have experience you know have they closed before who are the members on their team asking those tough questions when are you going to get your money back how are you going to get your money back is it dividends you know ask those types of questions you know regardless if it's 5 000 or 100 000 or a million dollars ask still those those tough questions tough questions oh yeah that's your money you worked hard for it yeah yeah i asked i said when am i getting my money back uh how much can i expect in return how many of these have you done how long have you been in it uh who's on your team i didn't ask that question who's on your team i think i may text them yeah you want to ask on your team because teams are because you can't do nobody knows everything got you so you want to have a team and that includes lawyer oh it includes who's going to manage the property right so that's probably the biggest probably the most important person on the team if not the most important i mean literally because the operator is going to be operating in business day-to-day so you're looking at a multi-family that's the property management company wow so how are their marketing how are they keeping tenants in you know how are they resolving tenant issues because you want to keep that apartment complex full how are they managing the cash flow right okay so uh hotels you know same thing with the management company okay how are they operating your hotel is the service based you know business right so how already taking care of your guests because if you don't take care of your guests they're not going to come back and you have to shut down the hotel how are they managing the cash flow right um and then if you're not an experienced hotelier then you need to have a asset manager to manage the management company because if you don't know what you're doing you're just going to believe the management company and then you know at the end of the day nobody's going to take care of your property like you yeah right so you need to have somebody that's on your team that'll be able to advise you to make sure that your property is profitable so that way you can take care of yourself and if you have any investors making sure the investors get their money back she's 35 sitting on 30 million dollars in the hotel and just real estate business man i am i'm extremely excited to have this queen at the table uh because she is full of wisdom um and here's my thing when it comes to like knowledge and wisdom it's how do you apply it how do you learn and how do you apply it and you could literally tell she's listening to her grandma i want to thank our second sponsor of today's show prize pool price pill it price pool is in my personal opinion the number one savings app um in america because it's online it's going to be high yielded returns when it comes to you know dividends and interest and just rewards i want you to go over to forward slash savings because if you open up an account and let's say for example you're already at prize pool and let's say you put 300 into that account they're going to give you an extra 10 000 uh tickets to go towards their grand prize of 25 000 15 000 at the end of the month then every single week they're giving out an extra thousand five thousand ten thousand dollars and so my people only go to for savings and they will give you extra 10 000 tickets to go towards the grand prizes because hey they love us and so i want to remind you of that um before uh we go because this is absolutely amazing um man i wish we had more time on our wednesday shows but you have a book called how to buy a hotel the road map to hotel ownership that's correct and what's all in this book so literally what i talked about what we talked about but it's broken down a little bit more okay so i'll talk about um you mentioned some of the first things you should do um first thing personal financial tape the next thing is ownership thesis that's more so like a confidence to kind of guide you say that again ownership thesis some people call it investment criteria okay um it just literally walks you through um you know what type cause there's so many hotel types there's over 20 hotel types there's over 100 different brands so walk you through kind of navigate also have um it's a visual component as well as different interviews with different hotel experts wow so um along with my business partner he's a genius when it comes to analyzing deals in less than 20 minutes so i'll walk you through how to analyze a hotel deal in uh 20 minutes or less all right last 10 minutes of this show okay let's get real oh should i should i be worried i'm going to start sweating yeah you are oh all right don't miss my makeup you're 35 and you're that's what my birth certificate says yeah and you're a single mother you're not you're not raising your your son by yourself because he has a great father who's in his life you're 35 single mother um raising a child with another good man um and you're running this business how are you doing that before i would have said oh my gosh team no sleep now i'm big on systems how are you yeah because i realized i was leaving a lot of money on the table um and leaving the most important thing my health on the table because that's big like i won't be able to be there for my son or live my life or live to be 92 like my grandma because i got to take care of myself first right um so definitely putting systems in place bringing folks on a team um my hotel so we bought into that business so that has a management company but my other companies which is my consulting and in my my crowdfunding platform so definitely bringing team members in place and putting systems i'm not a process person so that's why you hire your people to help you absolutely develop those processes and put those systems in place um so that's what i do so do you prioritize being a mom do you prioritize you being single because i mean you're single are you not married so you have your dating life and then you have you know the business life when how do you juggle between those three it is very hard um i do prioritize being a mom okay because this could you know i don't want to because my parents were present especially my mom when i was growing up okay so i remember her being i was in a marching band so i remember her being at you know my games and coming like i remember that and i want i don't and i've heard stories where children they didn't have their parents because their parents always working and i don't that's an excuse to me so i want my son to know okay my mom is here i remember her coming to my games when i needed her she was there um so you know being there for him is a priority uh now since i have my sisters in place uh uh you know starting to get back to the dating world um i do travel okay i do work okay and so how i balance is just you know i i take time and i know when to say no yeah when it's too much it's too much and i say no a plus not even that you make time for what you would make time for do you yeah i do how many times what i don't make time for i don't think i can make time for everything i want to make time for when something some things i can't do right some things i can't some things i won't be able to make yeah but then that's when i weigh okay what's more important right you know um if i feel like i'm traveling too much and i'm not seeing my son too much then you know what i may have to say no to some things so that way i can be there with my child so i'm really good at listening right when i went to seminary school one of the things that we were taught was to don't listen to just what the individual is saying also listen to what they're not saying you know where i'm about to go where are you about to go you spoke a lot about your grandma spoke a lot about your mom i don't hear no men in your story oh my dad yeah or granddad well i didn't grow well i think my biological grandfather but my dad i was a daddy's girl oh okay cool great whoo yo i was like a straight up daddy's girl oh if you look on my instagram it's straight there i was like oh lord jesus we ain't got no brothers in this story yeah i got a yeah i have a younger brother uh yeah but i'm straight up daddy's girl that's good yeah i'm not really nervous we got to step up well that's true but my dad uh my um my dad he was a firefighter and so he uh he wasn't big into entrepreneurship i remember when i first started my you know he was like no cause he believed in you go to work absolutely you get a pension absolutely and then you die absolutely like that was his you know he was he had the same job for 25 years wow he was a firefighter yeah yeah and there's nothing wrong with that philosophy because it worked back then you know what i'm saying i think now in today's day and time yes i think having a good career is important yeah because people like you and i we need solid people who want to work nine to five right um everybody everyone can't be an entrepreneur and i and and i'm glad that you said that because i think a lot of a lot of people especially what's going on on social media people are feeling like they have to be an entrepreneur like they're failing and i'm like no because matter of fact the majority of my investors are people who have corporate jobs or work nine to five like i don't have matter of fact none of my investors in any of my deals or my platform um they're entrepreneurs they may be entrepreneurs on the side right but their main job is they're they're they're in corporate and that's what i want to say yes it's like yo if you have a good career have a good career yeah but what can you do on the side that can generate you some good income and i'm very big on this because i met this one guy who's he makes 225 000 a year no no i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry he makes 68 000 a year in his job but makes 225 000 on this side business and i was like well how come you won't leave is it because i actually enjoy what i do for my career i was like he's gonna say because it benefits no no he was like i just i enjoy it you know what i'm saying he was like but the 225 000 it's just like that really pays my bills and says bro this is my play money over here and i was like wow and i believe that there's nothing wrong with having a career but also especially in the black community we do need to build something so that way we're not held to this held in with multiple multiple streams of income you know we can have it grow it go from there so well my personality didn't fit with me being like a incorporate like i just i'm more of a i'm thriving now because i'm i'm more of a strategic creator and another thing is like i'm passionate about building my own brand and helping you know others like going back to you know now you got me talking with my daddy now oh let's talk about him you know let's talk about a black man on this show i love it i love my dad hey he's not here with this but my man i know somebody did but am i even dedicating my book to him i saw so i'm going to open it up so so my dad i remember uh when i was working in corporate um he was like devon he was like everybody at that job i had a ford explorer i love my ford explorer it was paid off it had about close to 200 000 miles but it was still going wow it was paid off no didn't know hey somebody paid off it still worked right and so he would make fun of me because he was like they find everybody in your parking lot have a nice car with you basically what he was saying is you need to do more don't continue to work for don't if you're not valued if you're not getting paid enough don't stay don't just be loyal just because of you know he's basically learning from his mistakes like he's like i want you to be you know better than me you know of course you know he's he he saw a little bit but he never saw me own my own hotel he saw a little bit you see you yeah i want him to check anything pop said he said pop said what i'm saying yeah and he's proud you know what i'm saying yeah and i love seeing my my black sisters really building and doing it i think men get in table do men when you're dating are they intimidated by you so i just literally got back in the dating pool because i took like a hiatus um but um yeah that's it's been a day it's a difficult it's a dif it's difficult it's difficult well i think sometimes in my opinion again it's just my opinion sometimes they think probably when women are too appear to be dominant that they may not you know be they may not be as submissive as they want they may be too dominant wow but a lot of times as women sometimes we don't have a choice but if we're feeling comfortable or if somebody comes in in that role it's it's cool i think sometimes men think oh well i get oh i don't have hotel money right i actually have hotel money i didn't actually i didn't ask you to buy me a hotel so there was other ways that you could that you can impress me you just led off without hotel i'm like i didn't know she did you're not even trying to get to know me to see what i like to see what i want you may be like oh okay that's cool hotel money that's what that's what people say to me i'm like i didn't ask you all that brothers we got to step up to the plate yeah it's the other thing so would you date a guy who just works at normal 95 yeah um i will no the reason i'm saying that because no no no i would they don't they don't have to be an entrepreneur if he has a nine to five okay yeah would you date a mechanic if he owns the mechanic business cj alex i was listening to this clubhouse room yesterday and she said she would never date a mechanic and all of us was like yo do you understand like these mechanics make good money especially if they own this okay for one i'm not doing my oil change so if the light fix there you go so it's other things like it's as long as somebody's hey when you when there's always somebody treats you right right is if he if he does have a nine or five is does he have an entrepreneurship mind it's not about the income it's about the mind it's really more so the mindset and also he needs to be confident and secure right i don't want to go home feeling like i'm competing with my partner like we should be rooting for each other yo yo put this camera on me cj ladies i'm gonna try to comment in the uh comments if you're watching this on youtube if you're on uh listening to this on podcast jump over to youtube for me real quick and just answer this question uh do you all feel that men are insecure when it comes to a successful woman whether you black white hispanic whoever you are right uh because if so i i think i'm gonna do a show with men about why they do not want because i have heard men say that they don't want their woman working but i'm like is that because you just want her to be free and just focus on hope or is because you're kind of insecure right with the woman and i think sometimes i do believe this that sometimes i think ladies get it confused i don't think it's because they think men are insecure i think it's because men just really want their wives to be at home and i heard one guy and i'm keeping the buckets on my show one guy said he just want to be able to have all the sex he can with his wife and she just focused solely on the family but but the women can do that you can you wouldn't do what women can do a lot of things but you all can we can do a lot of things but if y'all are working if y'all work in building like you let's be real you married you come home i've had married friends say that sex be kind of like lazy i'm the reason i'm not going to talk because i'm really going to get people in my video i'm not going to say i'm not going to say i'm not going to answer that don't do it your response right there the early oh wait i know what she might be saying i'm not gonna say anything i'm not gonna say anything but that's what my that's what some of my close friends say is like man listen that that entrepreneur woman sex and intimacy with their with their spouses sometimes it's not the best because they're so tired well that's why i don't cook and clean so people oh you don't cook and clean oh so you hire someone if you have to see that's what you see when i'm that system's in place that way i can focus on other things think about i gotta come that's why so think about it oh what you want to eat oh i had to cook now i can't focus on you but if i got somebody cooking you gonna make i just told you i'm a grandma's girl so make sure you're fed i'm not gonna cook it and i know how to cook i know how to cook i just don't have time so we're gonna eat now but i want you to cook it now which one do you want now sometimes people can be a little too picky so brothers let me ask you this question let me ask you this question brothers what's she simply saying without saying it because i can say it on my show she said listen i'm gonna make sure you have all the intimacy you need but we're gonna hire someone to cook so do you want a wife who will cook and give it a the not so good or do you want to hire uh and i like how she said it do you want to put systems into place that would help y'all's relationship long run and i like that um i really do like that because that's for me like i have systems in place like so when we're recording one week out of the month i actually hire a chef to come in and cook for us right because when i've learned when me and cj was in here in the beginning before alex joined the team we sometimes had an attitude with each other because we weren't eating good and yeah i didn't probably have any women and we had no women yeah because men y'all be so focused y'all don't think to eat women we come and be like listen we yeah and then and it was my good friend she said you need to hire a chef and then i called my cpa and i said yo can i write that off cause i wasn't about to pay for herself if i can't write it right but then when i looked at she said absolutely and when i look at the money i'm maybe spending about maybe an extra seven hundred dollars but look how much time you're saving and look how much now you're thinking you're focused with me i don't people get now people get on me now my family even get on me the women aren't what you mean you don't cook i don't clean either get somebody i i got i don't even mad at that though because if we put systems in the place and there's food and a house is clean and you oversee that as my spouse and i'm still getting some and i think and i let them know what praying i let you so it's not like man dog shouldn't even cook no you knew that because i told you i don't cook i can't cook i just don't want to i ain't even mad at that because as long as you overseen him making sure we good yeah matt cause i don't like a junky house because that'll make me all stressed out ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen her name is devon she is single 35 sitting on 30 million we're going to tag her information on today's show no oh my god so brothers all i'm going to say is you don't have to own a hotel or have hotel money but you do got to have some brains on you know what i'm saying uh but seriously uh solid woman um i want you all to get a copy of her book um i wish we had a lot more time on the show but this show is all about exposing um financial messages that are not really seen out there and she's 35 and she has the wisdom and i'm going to actually end up doing something with her on the passive side because i don't have time to be an owner owner like that but i do believe in investing so don't forget i have no problem with you investing but make sure before you invest on the personal side you're debt-free you know i'm saying she don't have no mortgage like i do have a mortgage you know she don't have a car no i don't have a car enough uh but on the business side of things she's making the proper investments because she's secure over here on the personal side so if you want to learn how to do more of that get a copy of her book we'll put the link in today's show notes um hit her up on ig if you want to learn more about her and what she's doing my sisters i love you all you all are winning i want to again thank today's sponsors churchill and prize pool go to for churchill to get into your dream home or into especially get into your first um real estate investment portfolio they would love to help you over there they're going to actually they're helping me out with mine they go over to prize pool so you can park your money so as you're saving to invest um you have a high yield a savings account um over there at price pool for savings so it's your boy anthony we love you god bless you and we'll see you in the next [Music] you
Channel: The Table With AO
Views: 97,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthony oneal, anthony oneal debt free degree, anthony oneal student loans, money, budget, how to save money, personal finance, debt free, how to budget, debt, how to make money, how to get out of debt, EYL, Dave Ramsey, earn your leisure, black wealth, how to pay off debt, finance, wealth, retirement planning, credit card debt, bitcoin, stock market, building black wealth, Union Church, graham stephan, grant cardone, financial education, minority mindset, financial freedom
Id: Lu8Ey9vxnRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 16sec (2536 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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