How They Save An Ocean!

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hi the guys you see next to me are solving one of the least sexy problems in the world hi my name is IDO hi my name is Julie but first let me tell you what the problem is concrete not many people know this but concrete this rock solid gray boring structure is great to build houses but it is terrible for the ocean so if you look into places where there is concrete in the water you'll see that marine life is suffering the fish is no longer around the oysters and corals are disappearing and the concrete is lifeless for decades and guess what concrete is the most confused with Europe in the world after water and that's where these guys come in to solve the lifeless concrete they do ain't shimrit to marine biologists spent the majority of their lives research studying diving and learning about the oceans and after many many years they came up with an amazing technology that turns concrete from this to this it's a unique unit built with new added materials it's designed with tiny holes for the small fish to live in them it's eco-friendly and it's even stronger than normal concrete [Music] so when you put this new concrete in the water for months the most amazing thing happens small fish live around it seaweed grow on top of it corals and oysters appear around it and marine life dried [Music] and all of this brings the concrete to life you see oysters are growing on the designs so this thing here is the belching that grow on the concrete and it actually make the concrete stronger and it's called bio protection lifeless oceans could turn into an amazing ecosystem for humans and animals alike that's why these guys are designing ports breakwaters sea beds and sea walls that are built with the ocean in mind [Music] it's not just beautiful it's also good for environment and for the concrete concrete is not a sexy problem and solving it can be tough the expensive challenging and takes decades but so far Edom Shinri installed their concrete in five different countries in five different waters and the results are amazing we can't let me design them and they're placed in the Brooklyn Bridge Park in New York where they bring life to this orbit environment how did you bring life by you retaining water at low tide they create hot spots for biology so it's the design that makes all the difference it's the design the material and the composition of the surface that is make all the difference and when they install millions more of these around the oceans they will change the world one block at a time see you next week [Music]
Channel: Nas Daily
Views: 1,326,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nas Daily, Travel, Ocean, World, Concrete, New York
Id: ocfhOSgQ_uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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