How the UNSC In Amber Clad was infected by the Flood

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hey guys welcome back today we are covering a topic that I've actually had quite a surprising amount of requests to talk about and that is how the UNSC in amber clad was infected by the flood now to be fair I can actually kind of understand why so many people want to see this video because halo 2 really does leave it's infection as somewhat of a mystery the last that we see of the anumber cloud before it was infected is above the library on Delta halo just after it drops off Miranda Johnson and their squad of Marines to go and retrieve the index and then it shows up only one mission later inside High Charity and it's somehow completely infected by the flood so today we are going to try and get to the bottom of this bloody mystery but before we do real quick I've got an announcement your boy is now officially on Instagram the iconic parasite is spreading at an uncontrollable rate so go and follow me over there the username is literally just hidden exterior really easy to find nice and simple alrighty let's kick off this good old-fashioned investigation with what we know for sure so firstly Miranda and Johnson obviously came to ground in a pelican before riding the gondola into the library and the area that led up to the gondola station where they likely landed was completely overwhelmed by the flood when they then got the library most of their squad were then killed and then likely infected by the flood which only added to the ever-growing number of combat forms that were swarming the structure and trying to stop the humans and loss of the Covenant from retrieving the index while all of this was going on in the background the grave mind was continuing to take control of the ring and the flood was spreading elsewhere as well on his way to the sacred icon the arbiter deactivated the containment shield in the sentinel walled surrounded the library now this was a very very bad move because this shield was keeping all of the flood trapped in the quarantine zone but now where the disabled called the flood were able to pour out of the zone through the Sentinel wall and begin spreading across the rest of the Ring and with all of this happening on the surface of the Ring Keys left the in amber clad in the worst possible place in low orbit right above the flood infested library what a smart move that was good job keys okay so now that we have what little we know on the table we can look at two of the most likely theories that explain how the ship was infected the first theory is that the flood commandeered air transport and then flew up to the ship so during the mission quarantine zone we can see that UNSC piloted pelicans are flying around providing supplies and air support for the Marines that are helping retrieve the index now given that the flood were in the coordinator stage of development during Halo 2 and that they had a grieve mind controlling them and were clearly intelligent enough to pilot vehicles it is highly possible that they commandeered a Pelican maybe a crash Pelican or maybe even the one that Miranda and Johnson came to the surface of the Ring in and flew it up to the anomeric lat now given the number of human comet forms that we saw in the quarantine zone in particular when there's a crash Pelican nearby the flood definitely had sufficient knowledge from their hosts to know how to fly a pelican and when they flown the Pelican up to the frigate the human is on board wouldn't have been able to tell that it was a flood control Pelican that was coming into dock until it was too late they'd be entirely caught off guard with most of their armed forces down on the ring and the flood would be able to infect the ship with ease the second theory that I have primarily focuses on good old-fashioned flips pause now it took the gravemind less than a day to fully infect hi charity and for sports to begin spreading in his air and given that it existed below Delta halos library for literally tens of thousands of years and the fact that the outbreak was large enough to even create a grave mind in the first place I find it really hard to believe that at the very least the air in and around the library quarantine zone and Sentinel wall wasn't compromised by flood spores now I don't know if that thick green fog that you sometimes see in flood areas is technically meant to indicate spores but parts of a sentinel wall are filled with it so if it if it doesn't mean that then I guess it might is proof that the area is spore compromised however I concur given to the in amber cloud is in low orbit above the library in the Rings atmosphere if the air was compromised by flood spores then they could easily have reached the frigate and then infected its air filtration systems and begun infecting the crew members even if only a few spores managed to make it that high up all it takes is for one person on board to be turned into a combat form and then they can very easily spread the parasite by biting other people transferring their bodily fluids or by growing infection forms in that back now of course the two theories are mutually exclusive five enemies a food compromise Pelican could have flown up to the frigate while spores in the air infected its filtration systems but I think both theories definitely have their own merit at the end of the day it doesn't take any mental gymnastics really to understand how easy it was for the anomic lab to be infected now given that it was left in low orbit above the most dangerous location on the entire ring presumably also without much defense they practically left its front door wide open and just invited the flood in to be infected halo ring etiquette 101 never ever ever leave your ship unguarded above the library it just doesn't tend to end well so which theory do you think is correct I'd be really interested to see your thoughts in the comments because this video was very highly requested so if you have any thoughts or theories of your own then leave them down below I'd love to see them these are just my own personal thoughts on the event just my theories but given all the evidence that I put forward and how easy the ship really was to in fact I think that both theories are about as likely as each other alrighty I think it's time to seal this investigation if there's any other weird gap inhaler law or any other plot hole in one of the games that you want to be see me make a video about then please let me know in the comments because I really enjoyed making this video on this me it was quite fun so if there's anything else similar to this but you want to see a video about leave it in the comments and I will very very likely consider it so I want to give a big thank you as per usual to everybody supporting me over on patreon your support genuinely does mean the world to me ardent tomahawk Evan Momo she cut at me on air Matthew Pierre Tony Jim Theo Michael Jack Madden Eric Brown Sam Grafton Bree 98 Hayden woods Matthew brown Gareth Davies renegade ginger and wormy goat let me go it that's quite the spot the name right there thank you so much for watching guys I really appreciate it and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 535,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo Flood, Halo UNSC In Amber Clad, Halo, Flood, Halo Flood lore, Halo Flood theories, Halo 2 story, Halo 2 campaign, Halo 2 Flood, Sgt. Johnson Halo, Miranda Keyes Halo, Halo ring, Halo Infinite, Halo 2 Sacred Icon, Halo 2 Quarantine Zone, Halo 2 High Charity, Halo Cortana, Halo Master Chief, Halo Arbiter, Halo Tartarus, Halo 2 ending, Rtas Vadum, Halo Gravemind, Flood outbreak
Id: WC8tB5JFrpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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