How The Richest Man Ever Spent His Trillions
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Mr. Luxury
Views: 499,646
Rating: 4.8649564 out of 5
Keywords: mansa musa, how was mansa musa so rich, how much was mansa musa worth, how mansa musa spent his trillions, how mansa musa spent his billions, mansa musa net worth, wealthiest person in history, richest person in history, the richest person of all time, the richest man of all time, richest man in history, wealthiest man in history, mansa musa wealth, richest person ever, the richest man ever, the richest person in history, the richest man to ever live, mansa musa history, mali
Id: jHqjVoqRGZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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