How The Pros Finish A Wood Floor | THE HANDYMAN |

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it's time ladies and gentlemen it's time all that works for today what are we gonna use buona bomb the classic seal is the first layer that goes on this floor got some utensils application of the devices here this goes on my t-bar just leaning up against the wall there I've also got these little guys here they're real real nice for swirling right up into corners you can get these at the Depot for two to two dollars or something like that has anybody never seen how this is done before raise your hand okay first step is you have to wash both of these you want to get any loose fuzz off of them any chemicals anything that will mess with the finish I always wash these off beforehand this is the t-bar kind of squiggles like this gonna slide the cover on I'll put links in the description for all this stuff you know a few years ago you couldn't buy this stuff the only people that could buy it where people are in the hardwood floor industry not just a little bit 80% of your annual business has to be hardwood floors in order to buy just the bonus seal and these tea party applications you can't buy this stuff anywhere locally you have to order it the way I'm gonna do this is he must start here and work my way back and forth back and forth down and back and back from here I'll get a nice pole and a plow into there up through here and I'll be well this will be interesting and I'll be heading on out out the door I Drive duck code on it's cold outside because I can't come back in I'm gonna give it a good shake we're gonna pour out a stripe of it oh four to six inches wide of a stripe of this this has five to six-hundred we're feet coverage so I will won't use all of this your applicator always if you set it up against the wall when you get down to the end sometimes you got to blot it off because it's too heavy always do it in line never do it this way or else that will permanently be there always blot your applicator off in line with the board's in the grain you got my booties on don't want any sock linters sweat anything to come through always kind of faded out at the at the end so you don't have so much down there at the end [Music] [Music] [Music] look at it I haven't even tried yet haven't even worked this and look how close closely that matches you can see this little shadow right that actually might be me it's still sloppy it hasn't even been screened yet I'll give you a better shot see if I'm get - the shine of that seal coat that overlapped but those who are wondering if is this going to match is the color gonna match the colors gonna match as you can see the entire dining room is emptied I will be refinishing this floor on the last coat not this coat so I'm gonna start with the buffing I will bring the buff buffer in here a little bit kind of feather this out do what I did yesterday okay you got to learn your patterns on the seal coat I got a little hung up a little hung up over there well it was a little awkward getting in and out of the door use your seal coat as how you're gonna learn to back your way out I give you a quick close-up I want to show you just how forgiving this seal code is if you get a little bit of sticker in one area than another area if you keep working and keep working and keep trying to crawl onto it you can kind of mess it up so you bring it out real close and show you what it looks like what the seal coat looks like before it gets cream coming down close here and this it is kind of rough did raise the grain which it's supposed to do it's a sanding sealer cat hair oh yeah this is that when I got that one out if you have pets these people have a cat somehow that hair will end up in here no matter how much you vacuum and how much you plastic the area off a cat hair will find its way in here alright this isn't really working that good I think batteries are going dead anyways I wanted you to see that it evaporates it dries in any of those ripples well any of those puddles seem to just completely disappear once it dries so don't get too upset if you see a little bit of a puddle we're not talking a pond I'm talking a little bit of a puddle why am i choosing 100 grits that's what the directions say they'll give you a range 80 to 100 or 80 to 120 for a certain cut oh yeah 100 grits after the sealer I'm going to go over the directions and the actual product up close and personal with you as soon as I'm done buffing [Music] [Music] [Music] next is a dry microfiber cloth and my hands are super dry it's always like velcro commercial-grade buona traffic HD the best of the best of the best sir two parts one of these or one of these the dining room and the kitchen is 400 square feet this application I will not be finishing the dining room so I'm sticking to just the kitchen but will not finish this entire jug especially since the sealer coats been on it's going to go on a lot smoother so I probably will only use half of this or all this into here and then one thing I forgot to mention sylco you have to put in your your filter this filter pops right down in there there's some stuff floating around in this it's not bad stuff but it will come out if you don't have here your filter now you're gonna let this sit once you shake it up you let it sit 5 to 10 minutes before you start pouring it on the floor okay this is it don't get too anxious it's okay just stay cool remember go slow especially out on your turns you come down to the end Oh whip it around or out that stuff will swing out across the floor and it may sling out onto an area that you've already made a pass and you don't like that I'm stretching it and I ran out yeah it's not something you want to do it wasn't too bad [Music] [Applause] here Oh [Music] now you can see how wet that is this is definitely not going to be that glassy this is a satin finish and bring it down here get up close and personal with the flashlight I want to show you just how forgiving this is okay got you guys on the floor oh wow look how dusty that is when you turn this turn the flashlight off you don't see any of that so that's why I get the flashlight out run it across the floor so when you put your coat on your first coat on you're gonna see areas that are a little thicker than others and they're gonna dry slower than others and as you're watching it and you're gonna be like oh gosh it looks horrible looks it looks like a disaster once it's all dried out it looks perfect it's trying to find a little puddle I'm looking way down at the end there trying to get this sheen on it so even well obviously as I said before you don't want a puddle but if you have a little bit of a thicker area don't fret don't try to go back over it because this stuff dries fast very fast you can walk on this within two and a half hours three hours it's ready to recoat it's it's perfect it's a perfect coat we're still trying to find an imperfection to show you look at that look how its reflecting off of the the floor all right well I can't find one I was thinking down here at the end underneath these cabinets here these future cabinets where I was doing a turn there might be a thick area where you can see that it's noticeably thicker and that's a good thing that's good thing that's what I'm trying to show you is that it's very forgiving once it's all dried just real good now I'm going to show you where my seam is right here kind of hard to see it all right from this angle here I need a laser pointer right here is where I was sanding this here has been screened but not top coated so that's why this is a little bit hazy er but as far as the transition goes right now there we go right there see that little that little line there and there's a little bubble I'm not like a bubble but a little drop right there there we go that's what I'm looking for now in this area over here III feathered it much was that a hair stuck in there pet hair is crazy even this one right here was feathered right there was feathered nicely keep in mind the difference in the color is because the this part up here had been screened and not coated well we're gonna coat everything today I just got on my hands and knees and clean too all of this this floor I am gonna buff with a 120 grit screen this room and now if you guys are wondering go what's right here I'm gonna have a video on this floor squeaks but asked hundreds of times are you going to show how you fix up or squeak got one here and you're never going to fix everything well you could if you were determined you could these old houses they did not glue down the subfloor it's actually dining on Alley planks not sheets of plywood it's Diagon Alley plants that are underneath here you look right down here you can see - I'm talking about this year is the subfloor it's all just hammer and nail hammer not even a nail gun no glue so you're gonna have squeeze [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so now everything has been screened the new area has not cured yet so I didn't need to hit this up a lot that still has a chemical reaction going on right now it's still curing so when the next coat goes on it will bond chemically with that first coat this floor here this is 100% cured so you need to sand it good you need to screen it and abrade it there are clear instructions on what I'm talking about read the directions for yourself it's very easy to follow a lot of time is passed a lot of hand sanding vacuuming in different directions time for the microfiber towel I had a slightly damp for this area here and then I'll go over this area with a dry one I just need to make sure that this is a hundred percent cleaned and tacked off when a new is making sure no I have a hundred percent coverage out there tricky I got a little bit front of the fridge I gotta get out Kevin there it is you're gonna have to come back on Monday Kip come back on Monday and we will see the 100% dried see how glossy that is now this is a satin finish when this dries it'll be a nice nice satin finish I'll even show you how the seam worked going up from the this floor to that floor it's going to match perfect just looking at it right now it's identical it'll be the same Sheen I got a raid on a nice edge of a board and I don't have any fans I don't have anything moving moving through here I want this to self level and go slow slow cure slowed right I'm slowing it down as much as possible this bone of traffic HD is an extremely low vo see there is no smell at all the the sealer had a much higher VLC
Channel: The Handyman
Views: 185,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hardwood floor repair, covered oak floor, how to sand hardwood floor, red oak floor, old red oak flooring, drum snader, how to use drum sander, edge sander, hardwood floor in kitchen, kitchen reno, kitchen remodeling, fix and flip kitchen, kitchen cabinets, kitchen backsplash, kitchen design, kitchen layout, kitchen lighting, diy hardwood floor, bona, bona high traffic hd, bona high traffic, handyman, the handyman, handyman business
Id: f6zmK_PPymY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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