How The Law Offices of Kyle Robbins Use Process Management to Handle 2x Their Competitors' Cases

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[Music] hey everyone my name is kyle robbins i am the owner of the law offices of kyle robbins and we are a firm that specializes in probate and estate planning in the austin texas area and we um were experiencing a lot of growing pains that process street has been absolutely essential to help us manage and solve problems along the way and so i'm going to kind of show you how uh how we use process street street uh our old system we used to have this excel spreadsheet that you can see right here and it was just completely unworkable eventually i mean we got up to over 100 plus cases and everyone just had you know what we needed to do next memorized there's over 100 different steps over about a nine month period when you're taking a estate through probate and we would just write down over here on the right you know what we've done the date we did it on and everyone would just have to know what the next step was and it just became completely unworkable because you know whenever whenever we're working through this many cases it's just uh absolutely insanity things were slipping through the cracks i did not feel comfortable growing i had to cap what we were doing and i began to look for a engine that could map our process uh it's very complex it changes it it depends on a lot of different timelines and circumstances and i was very pleased with the way process street allowed us to map our process and track what to do next and when to do it by and it was also what offered the flexibility of when things go wrong it can adjust our deadlines and our due dates for the next upcoming tasks without us having to you know adjust anything so we now run our cases through process street everyone you know every team member has multiple tasks throughout that they have to do we've got about 10 people working on each one of these and the beauty of it is you know now we can see what to do next and when to do it by no matter which case we're working on so you know one of my employees here knows oh my gosh these are overdue i better prioritize these upcoming tasks for these cases first these tasks are due today so this is what i'm going to be working on and you know upcoming tasks if she wants to take a peek at what we're going to be doing next week or next month even it really allows us to get a feel of how what type of a workload my my employees have if they're overwhelmed if they're behind and why so everyone can see what everyone else has on their plate and it just is a beautiful system that we've designed where you know things don't slip through the cracks anymore we start and here's a case where we started in march and look at all these tasks we have to complete and each one of these decision trees have different different results and different tasks that get generated and process street now makes sure that we stay on the ball with our communications with running our tasks through uh from beginning to end and more importantly we don't miss anything and the thing that really differentiated it for me was you know things things go wrong clients don't get us what we need uh for whatever reason you know they and other other things can get complicated and so things get delayed and don't stick to a rigid timeline process treat allows my staff to override the due date and stretch it out if they need another week if they need another two weeks they have the ability to change when a task is due which then changes when all the other tasks that are dependent on that one being done and so it's not like there's this rigid deadline that we have to stick to now it gives us the flexibility to be able to change what to do next and when to do it by so now uh now we literally just log in see what our upcoming tasks are and get to work without having to worry about you know oh my gosh am i forgetting anything without having to scroll through hundreds of different cases and and you know read up a little summary as to what we've done and remember what they have to do next and i have the ability to look on here and see you know okay what you know these they're overdue we've got a couple tests that are lagging what's going on maybe we should uh maybe we should focus in and and take a look and see if we need to adjust anything so it's a very powerful engine uh i think it completely revolutionized our ability to grow we we were able to double very comfortably and we see probably per attorney uh is able to manage twice as many cases as most of the other people in my industry so it's a powerful powerful uh system that we've created that allows us to be more efficient it allows us to be more accurate and and and it just has changed the way we do business so we are very pleased with it um so i hope you enjoyed the tutorial [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Process Street
Views: 101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: standard operating procedure, sop, process, bpm, business process, saas, b2b, process management, how to manage processes, law offices of kyle robbins, process street, process street case study, process management case study, legal process management, process management excel
Id: duNuaUentYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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