How the IoT is Making Cybercrime Investigation Easier | Jonathan Rajewski | TEDxBuffalo

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your best friend is home alone it's dark and they hear three loud distinct knocks from the front door opens the door and finds two friendly law enforcement officers and they say do you mind if we come in and ask you some questions we've had some vandalism in the neighborhood and uh we're just trying to get to the bottom of this sure so they come in they sit down at the kitchen table and they begin their conversation meanwhile you're at home you're about to sit down and watch your favorite television program you pull out your phone scrolling through social media and you see a picture of your friend's house you're like what's going on keeps scrolling you see another photo of your friend's house except this one has the caption breaking news vandalism you think to yourself what going on you call your friend in a panic doesn't pick up the phone so you travel as fast as you can to your friend's house and when you get there you see this you see a wall of TV cameras facing your friend's house you look over to the left and you see a neighbor being interviewed and this neighbor's irate she's screaming all of the houses on this street have been vandalized except this one your best friend's house and I'm pretty sure they had the suspect in there right now and they're interviewing them you're like wow this is really happening meanwhile in the house your best friend is having this conversation with law enforcement they say you know what we're I think we're done here you know thank you very much we appreciate you being so Cooperative do you mind if we just look around the house a little bit we want to you know exonerate we want we want to try and figure out if you're involved or not but also see there any vandalism you may have missed sure go ahead your best friend says and law enforcement starts to search the house they find three things one a receipt on the counter for a dozen eggs two in the garbage can an empty egg tray and three in the refrigerator this fancy looking egg crate it's futuristic looking thing that only has two eggs left in it so law enforcement they both look at each other they look at your best friend and they say do you mind explaining what happened to the 10 eggs here this is the moment your friend takes a deep breath and they say I think it's time for me to get a lawyer and they say you're right so they arrest your friend so I just share with you a very dramatic story um to try to engage you in in why it's why the Internet of Things is making my job easier so hi I'm John I'm a digital forensic examiner I typically get involved in people's lives when they're most vulnerable like your friend accused of a crime or a nonprofit or a corporation dealing with a data breach someone hacked into their Network some criminal is taking files stealing files how long were they there why did they do it to me how did this happen I'm there to seek the truth I'm there to find digital evidence and try to tell a story so what are the intive things and it's a pretty common word or phrase that's being used to you probably have some of this in your house today I like to break it into two categories old stuff and new stuff the old stuff has been around for 50 100 years cars thermostats even baby changing tables are now connected to the internet then we have new stuff the new stuff includes what some entrepreneur came up some great idea that people need typically you see this stuff on crowdfunding websites a monitor that you can put next to your bed that'll monitor your sleep patterns you need that and oh by the way all of this is connected to the internet that's what makes it an internet of thing one of the most popular new items are fitness trackers people need to count their steps and know their biometric sensitive information at all times what if I told you this was predicted 35 years ago I found this book and in this book I'll paraphrase the two highlights that I have in the pink basically what's being described as the detectives of the future this was written in 1981 detectives of the future will need to be computer operators or very techsavvy I agree I also would suggest that at least 90% of all crime today has some technology or digital component whether it's in the planning the commission or the After Crime right there's some type of digital component someone planned or researched their their target someone actually use crime to hack someone or something like that or they bragged about it online the next section talks about how computers will help govern our lives and help keep us safer we're pretty close we have access control systems that lets us into our cars all this is managed by a computer or some digital device so how can we help your best friend well I'm gonna give it my best shot I'm not really here to help your best friend I'm here to find the truth and figure out what happened I want to tell a story to try to steal the investigation in the right path so question I'm going to ask is where are the eyewitnesses do they exist and maybe the better question is where are the digital eyewitnesses because they truly will tell a story once we find them now if I were to ask you how many digital eyewitnesses do you think is in the room with us today I would say a lot lots of them are Apple based products and they're constantly connecting to Bluetooth they're trying to this is just me I did not hack your phone I promise I did not hack rogers's iPhone or the blackberries or the fitbits or the Garmin forerunners but your devices are eyewitnesses to what's happening today if something were to happen right now we could look at them and try to figure out what happened so if I were to approach your best friend's house I would see this lock this is a Bluetooth Smart Lock a remarkable piece of technology because it allows you to have a digital key your cell phone and you can lock or unlock the Smart Lock from your phone a byproduct of this activity is the timeline I love timelines it tells a story and most people can connect to a timeline so as you can see on the slide I have a lock unlock with the date and time associated with it now I often have to testify at trial or have to present my findings to a client and I'm trying to be neutral I'm the expert I'm there just to tell a story about what I found what my opinion is so I'm gonna start to build a timeline for you today and we're gonna see if we can try to figure out what happened so we can see the door being unlocked at 3:31 maybe this is when someone came home then we see the door also being unlocked two more times at the 5 o' Hour let's see if there's more devices we can look at the infamous egg tray this futuristic device that law enforcement found the two eggs in this egg tray is attached to an app on your phone when you're at the store you're trying to figure out if your eggs are fresh or not this device will tell you now in order for this magic to occur this device needs to know when eggs are placed in because it starts a timer so I can see that 10 eggs were placed in this egg tray approximately at 3:34 in the afternoon that big long string of day of numbers the 14 768 is the Unix date time so this is an eoch date this is a date that I would see on a computer recognize instantly that to daytime it's translated to 10:18 2016 at 3:34 in the afternoon now it's interesting is I can see an inventory updated which is essentially at 5:21 p.m. only two eggs remained let's add this to our timeline it's not looking too good for your best friend at this point let's start looking at more devices this device is a very innocent looking black box sitting in the corner of your home that records highdefinition video in both light and dark it also senses any atmospheric or um smoke in the room it detect that as well uh air quality this device generates thousands of logs and I parsed these logs and found two relevant ones that were in the time frame of what I was looking for so I'm going to add this to our timeline in a second but I want to talk about these three devices Nest so Nest makes a camera a thermostat and a smoke detector a carbon monoxide detector these devices work together and when there's a when the smoke detector detects smoke the camera will turn on instantly to try tell the owner of the home what's going on or the thermostat needs to adjust itself because it recognizes that someone's in the house I'm here to tell you that in order for that magic to occur digital is not magic it's not Hogwarts it's not the place that you send your children to learn wizard wizard Wizardry or witchcraft um it's not there's a whole bunch of technology that we look at forensically to try to figure out what's happening in order for these devices to work it needs to keep track of dates and times so every single time you walk by your smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector it records that so I can see that someone was in the house let's add that to our timeline so as you can see here we're starting to get a better picture of what's going on I know I don't know who was there but I can tell you what's going on in the house let's look at one more device the Amazon Echo now this is becoming like the personal assistant Google's going to release one of these very soon called the Google Google home and there's a whole bunch of artificial intelligence going on you can ask these devices questions what's the weather today what is my schedule and it will read your calendar to you a really neat device now I want to show you what I found here I'm no culinary expert I'm an amateur chef at best but what I'm seeing here forensically is someone added three items to a shopping list at approximately 7:03 in the morning eggs for a cake eggs for an omelet and egg salad now again I'm no expert in culinary crafts but I would assume that you need at least about 10 eggs to pull this off so I'm here to find the truth I'm here to try to steer the investigation in one way or the other you know try to figure out what happened um it's important to look at this objectively and try to feed this information to an investigator digital forensics is not always the Smoking Gun but we do try to find the truth of what's going on and kind try to complement an investigation so we're to add this to our timeline we now go back in time remember that receipt that was on the counter it's all starting to make sense so I want to close with a couple Concepts the phone on the left is from 1994 the phone on the right is is a modern smartphone we could all agree that technology has evolved over the last 20 years when it comes to Cellular technology the phones now are computers they do so many different things iot is not going to take 20 years to evolve we're seeing in research that some of these devices have a lot of artificial intelligence built into it they're starting to talk to each other and work with each other and suggest things to you your car will someday drive you to your favorite restaurant when it knows you're hungry that's happening and that's making my job easier because the data is going to tell a story there's also going to be 20 billion billion iot devices in the world by 2020 according to Gardner 13 billion will be in households and the rest will be in business making my job easier what if I told you that there's a problem with the internet of things that some of these devices are inherently insecure that someone can access the private information the sensitive data that we're putting into these devices could potentially access modify or change the data and that my friends is a tale for another day thank [Applause] you
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 146,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, United States, Technology, Crime, Internet, Teaching
Id: 9CemONO6vrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2016
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