Why Cybersecurity is Important! | Romeo Farinacci | TEDxGrandCanyonUniversity

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I made this look good [Laughter] I'm dr. Romeo fara nachi first name Filipino last name Italian as you can see I'm neither I have a lot of fun with my name truly I love especially in interviews I love when I sit down waiting and someone comes out and they ask for Romero fara nachi I love their expression on their face when it's black guy stands out it's awesome but I've met a lot of people with names that just don't define them and it's really cool about that I met guys with women's names women with guys names there are so many names that are general new gender-neutral you know Jackie and Bobby and McKenzie and so and so forth I had a resume come to me one time the name was Jules Martinez I kid you not my expectation was a short Spanish woman when interviewer came to the conference room kid you not I had to look up to the six-foot white guy from New York strong New York accent come to find out his name is Julian he just goes by Jules but it's interesting how a name can no longer provide us an expectation of who you are we can no longer and it is accepted norm that we no longer judge people by their name you can't it's not possible let me look at that name and that says so much that is not me and it's crazy I love it it's a norm today we no longer ask or question whether or not you are who you say you are that's kind of a danger especially with the internet way the World Wide Web is going where you can now be anonymous we can hide ourselves we can use the network and the Internet to become anyone we want to become the danger in that too is we put so much out there on the networking sites that we actually are living online and if the bad people get ahold of this information they can actually pervert what we are doing and who we are and actually change our image change what we're trying to represent modify the truth organizations are actually trying their best to control this a lot of them do that's how they market themselves they show us exactly what they want us to see so that we believe in them that we believe and who they are and what they're trying to promote we also need to do the same thing we need to take control of these networking sites and understand how we can leverage them to give the truth of who we are that's where we are right now we need to make sure that when we control this that we control the network in the social sites in such a way that we use it to define us rather than the network defining us for us why am I here today I'm here to talk about control here talk about how organizations and how we as individuals can leverage control leverage cybersecurity to allow us to do what we need to do to feel safe comfortable to allow our kids to use these devices I'm not here to talk about or define cybersecurity a lot of us already know if we have an intelligent phone we're already integrated in it I don't know if you see what I did there I'm not here to talk about how cybersecurity career fields are on the rise how the skills for cybersecurity professionals in high demand no I'm not even here to talk about how October has been declared cybersecurity Awareness Month still can't believe that cybersecurity has its own month like man it's just weird but I'm here to talk to you mothers who have children using these devices co-workers who see these pop-ups when they're getting to a website and it's blocking them and they feel like it's stopping them from being productive talking to nurses who manage patient data and not necessarily knowing where that data is going not really caring I'm here to talk to the average person who deals and conducts transactions online without a full understanding of how to implement and control what they're doing so that we can take control cybersecurity awareness is all about us taking control and embracing a cybersecurity instead of looking at it like it's a hindrance I have a ten-year-old my boy right there he did something for me that really just woke me up several years ago I was sitting on the couch I was playing on the phone playing the game he came up next to me and he was just watching he's about 5 or 6 and he accidentally this question did you download that game as I answered him I kind of stuttered because I had to step back he used the word download at 5 or 6 years old not only is he using the word he understands what it means a word as far as I know did not exist when I was growing up and now I think about it it's taken me degrees to understand how to use it and how to manage it in the workplace and at home and yet here he is at five years old who gets it immediately our kids today are learning about technology learning about how to use these devices faster than we can imagine kind of scares me because as a parent isn't it my job to protect them and yet they're doing things with these devices that we are kind of naive to let's talk about parental controls will quick when I was growing up it was easy lock the door and the parents want to take it a step further go to your room it was easy nowadays can't do that not with the iPhones or the devices they have available to them their tablets today kids want to beat in a room now y'all go to my room play my games you know and without knowing how to manage what they're doing we're actually scaring ourselves when we're sleeping at night I do I know I do I have to understand what he's doing where he's going when he tells me that I saw this thing on YouTube I'm like whoa what else did you see on YouTube when they're on these devices they actually have worldwide reach which is beautiful it's great we need the Internet we use it every day to collaborate share to learn to teach to shop to eat in some cases even to define who we are but at the same time there are malicious people out there who have that same reach their children in their rooms using this tablet with somebody in their room across the country using the same common devices trying to influence your children we need to understand cybersecurity so that we can put the right controls in place embrace cybersecurity so we can stop these bad guys from reaching our kids even at the workplace a lot of us who are coworkers and we were trying to do certain things try to navigate the websites we get these pop-ups and we're like ah I can't do my job and I wanna today I want to help change some of that that's my goal is to change how we perceive it I want to realize that we want this we meet this especially at home we need to take that at work and say the same thing because parental controls at work is what the CEO is doing he's putting parental controls on his systems to make sure that his company thrives we need to understand when we see these things happening that they're there for a reason how many of you in here actually conduct personal business at work don't have to answer that I won't but some of us actually there's an article actually says that some of us prefer to do a lot of these transactions at work than at home because the environment at work is more secure it just goes to show how much we don't understand on how to secure and manage these environments at home and how we don't really appreciate when they are at work we're like hey it's good it's secure I can do what I got to do but I can't do it at home because I don't know what security is but I know they do security is not just about protecting lencha intellectual property it's not just about keeping the CEO out of prison it's not just about ensuring quality elections are taking place it's also about self-preservation it's about securing your job they have these boundaries in place these barriers in place I like to call them to ensure that you can do what you need to do that you are as productive as you need to be at work without worry of sending something to the wrong place I imagine as a nurse you're trying to send patient data to this physician who's going to do certain activities you don't want to send that patient record that patient data to the wrong place and hopefully boundaries are put in place to prevent that from happening those parental controls are in place to prevent that from happening I want to change things up a little bit I want us to think about something I want us to consider what cybersecurity really can do for us at home and how it really secures us I want you guys to embrace cybersecurity when I finish this talk because it's about you and your identity at the end of the day it's about your image it's about the company's image and the companies are already getting this they know this but we don't we don't know what it's doing to our kids to our homes think about bullying 20 years ago if my kid was getting bullied in school I can change schools now we can't do that because all the bullying is done online they're sharing it they're downloading at the recording it I 5 change schools guess what the information follows so we have to understand how this works and how we can control what we put up there so that we can control who we are control our kids triple our families control us consider this because I love how perception really really weighs on people imagine you're driving down the freeway and a cop pulls up behind you no lights he just behind you how do you feel uncomfortable anxious worried now imagine if you're being attacked if someone is threatening you or your family in your front yard and a cop pulls up just happen to be driving around the neighborhood how do you feel din take ambulance for example rush-hour traffic I'm trying to get home lights flashing behind me now I got to pull over now how do you feel delayed annoyed what if it was a family member in which the ambulance is trying to get to you hope it gets there as fast as it possibly can perception is important there are things known and there are things unknown and in between are the doors of perception adlet understand and provide awareness to what security is and we can remove or we can control perception that we have so that we can better prepare our kids and prepare our companies for when we're trying to implement certain things so they understand why we're doing it we're not doing it that slowed you down I like this for Morgan Freeman this kid came up with Napster and before that none of us thought of content protection think about the internet before the internet none of us thought about protecting what we put up there what we post on blogs going tweet tweet what do we do how do we do it think about that now we have cyber security because of these malicious actors out there trying to pervert what we're trying to do trying to bring us down and reduce our image to what we are not trying to show I like to take this one step further cyber security is just like this internet security we really got to embrace cops but not cops police cops you know I like this picture here this is awesome I had a CEO several years ago who really provided a very good perception on what cyber security is and he used this image he said imagine cyber security like brakes on a car the brakes on the car are not there to stop you they're there to enable you to go faster I'll blown away if you did not have brakes on the car either a you wouldn't drive or B you'd only go one mile an hour because that's as fast as you can take your left foot out to stop that vehicle but now you have brakes you have that comfort that security to know that this will allow you to control your vehicle brakes allow you control Wow blow my mind it enables me to go faster I love that that's what cybersecurity is doing it enables me to do my job without worry of what could or could not go wrong cybersecurity is on the rise there are attackers out there trying to prevent us from doing what we want to do yes it has its own month - it's crazy but we need to embrace what it's doing and how we can take these controls into our home educate our kids on what they are doing and then when we're going to work understand why these things are in place that's important that's how we keep our jobs cybersecurity increases productivity I love that line and that's one thing that I go everywhere everywhere I go that's what I do I say that I ensure that I'm a cybersecurity guy i love cyber security I want everybody here to love cybersecurity it increases productivity it's to me it's no different than those Jersey barriers on our Highway it's there to make sure that other people go on one way I'm going another it's what it's there for it's not there to stop me but it's there to allow me to think about what I'm doing if I get a pop-up if I get something that says are you sure it allows me to think about what I'm doing striking the balance between employee productivity and data security it's pretty much with our job is that security professionals that's our goal our goal is not to stop you from going to certain websites our goal is not to stop you from interacting with third-party vendors that are emails can't get back and forth our job is to do this strike that balance because there are bad guys out there I love this quote that's not me by the way knowledge is going to make you stronger knowledge is going to let you control your life knowledge is going to give you the wisdom to teach their children knowledge is the thing that makes you smile in the face of disaster I kid you not when I think of cybersecurity I smile I do I'm crazy a lot people think I'm crazy but cybersecurity if you understand its purpose understand its meaning and what it's there for it allows us to succeed it allows our companies to succeed it allows our children to use these devices and learn rather than being afraid rather than you being afraid I put parent controls all over the place I kid you not my 10 year old has no idea that I do he's able to do all the things needs to do and I know what's going on I know where he's going and he's still able to learn have fun play games and I don't have fear I love that if everyone in here and that's what I want to leave you guys with if everyone in here took cyber security for real embraced it really understood its meaning and then learned about it the little things and it's very easy again if you have a smartphone something that you already have if everyone took it seriously from the government down what what our presidency looked like right now thank you [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 93,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, United States, Technology, Computer Virus, Computers, Cyber, Security
Id: JIJslcA8Q5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2017
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