How the iceberg sank Titanic | Oceanliner Designs

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The Titanic saga is well-worn and it has  been told a million times - if you’ve   ever watched a documentary on the ship you’ve  probably heard metaphors about icecube trays   overflowing and heard all about watertight  doors, compartments, rivets and all that.   But what does it all mean? Why wasn’t  Titanic designed to withstand the iceberg?   What exactly caused the ship to sink so quickly?  How can ice damage steel? Well today let’s take   a close look at all this and more and find  out just how the iceberg sank the Titanic. To answer this question we have to look at  the events in four steps; first, the ship’s   design. Second, the events. Third; the damage  and fourth, the aftermath. Let’s get started. First some quick context. Titanic was designed  and built by an incredibly experienced team   of engineers, builders and artisans and even  though heralded as the world’s largest ship - at   the time - the Titanic was actually built in an  almost identical manner to hundreds and hundreds   of other ships. You see, Harland and Wolff -  the shipbuilding firm in Belfast - had been   building ships since 1861 and they were pretty  damn good at it. In fact they were up there as   one of the best shipbuilding firms in the world.  They were the builders of choice, not just for   Titanic’s owners the White Star Line, but dozens  of other shipping lines like P&O, Union Castle,   Furness Bermuda, Royal Mail and many more. But  a long-standing agreement saw White Star Line   commissioning virtually every one of their ships  to be built by Harland and Wolff. One of the many   stupid myths about the Titanic disaster is that  Harland and Wolff was a cost-cutting organisation   and built their ships out of sub-standard  materials. It’s just not true. They’d been doing   this for a long, long time and knew their stuff;  and they were extremely proud of their product.  So when White Star Line began discussing plans  for a trio of super-liners early in about   1907 or 1908, Harland and Wolff was all  ears. They knew they’d have to overhaul   their entire shipyard to accommodate the  massive engineering task so they knocked down   all their old slipways and built a monstrous  gantry to support cranes and build the new ships   as well as a cavernous graving dock to fit the  ship out once it was afloat- oh look there’s me! The reason I’m telling you all is this because  I want to try to highlight something for you;   Titanic, and her two sisters Olympic and  Britannic, were not really that special.   Yes; they were big. Really big for the  time. But Harland and Wolff wasn’t going   to re-invent the wheel on this project. They  took what they had built on a smaller scale;   ships like White Star’s Oceanic, Laurentic  and Adriatic - and scaled the designs   way up. So if you can understand how Olympic  and Titanic were built - then you really know   how almost every Harland and Wolff ship  was built in the lead-up to the 1920s. So when White Star began talking about advanced  safety features for the new ships Harland and   Wolff was happy to oblige because up until only  relatively recently by then, travel at sea was   a bit of a gamble - fairly regularly ships  were lost in storms and just never showed up.   White Star Line cut its teeth on the run to  Australia - that was a particularly dangerous   route and the worst 19th century loss of  life in Australian waters happened after   4 months at sea when the ship was just one  day away from docking safely in Melbourne.   So the travelling public was a bit apprehensive  about travel at sea. It didn’t help that in   1909 White Star lost a ship, the Republic,  when it was rammed and sunk off Nantucket.   White Star and Harland and Wolff would go above  and beyond to make Olympic and Titanic as safe   as possible - safer really than any other ship  afloat - and then market the hell out of it. So - what does this all have to do with the  design? Well, let’s look at how Titanic was   built from the ground up. Titanic’s hull was  a giant box girder; if you can picture it that   way then all the individual components will make  sense. Box girders are immensely strong and they   are ideal for resisting torsion, or twisting,  which is very useful in ships because they are   very long and prone to flexing and  twisting while going over big waves.   Box Girders require four “walls” to function. In  Titanic’s case, the bottom wall was the keel, the   top wall the strength deck and the two side walls  the hull. Here’s how it was built. First, the keel   was laid - this is essentially the ship’s backbone  - it comprised a keel plate which sat flat on the   slipway’s blocks - and then a girder which ran  most of the length of the ship. Then along the   length of the keel were fitted these things called  ‘floors’ - they provided the something for more   longitudinal girders to be riveted to - and slowly  the width of the structure increased until you had   an immensely strong steel skeleton. The bottom of  this was plated. The steel plates basically formed   a watertight skin for the ship. They were made  of steel and were surprisingly thin; on Titanic   the plates ranged from .64 of an inch - 1.6cm - to  about 1.25 inches or 3cm. The bottom of Titanic,   under the keel, was where the heaviest plates were  used - those 1.25inch plates I just mentioned.   Now on earlier ships this is kind of where the  yard would move on to the next step, but by   Titanic’s day things had developed a bit and the  ship was given a ‘double bottom’. This basically   involved riveting a second watertight skin of  plates on top of the keel structure. The ‘deck’   this created was called the Tank Top, and for good  reason, because the space in between the plates on   the bottom of the keel and the plates on top oat  the tank top was subdivided into tanks for ballast   water. The reasoning for this simple; ships for  as long as they had existed, had been bumping into   things. So there was a lot of knowledge around  the kind of damage a ship was likely to encounter.   Grounding damage was some of the worst - in fact,  Costa Concordia fell victim to this in 2012.   If Titanic encountered shallow rocks or  something they could pierce the bottom plating   and open the ship’s hull up to the ocean, sinking  it quickly. The second layer of plating on the   tank top would prevent this from happening.  Crucially though; the second row of plating   ended there. It did not continue up the sides of  Titanic’s hull. But we’ll get to that in a minute. Next, to the floors were riveted giant  frames which began to form the hull,   the side floors of the box girder - these were  forged steel beasts multiple storeys tall,   bent into the correct shape to give Titanic’s hull  it’s streamline hydrodynamic form - and they ran   the length of Titanic’s hull spaced out every 24  to 33 inches depending on their location. To these   frames were riveted the majority of Titanic’s hull  plates; basically the external skin of the ship.   From here up, the plates which weren’t part of the  double bottom were a little bit thinner. This was   to save a bit of weight and give the ship greater  flexibility while rocking and rolling through a   storm. Each plate had rows of rivets hand-driven  into each edge. The rivets were wrought iron,   pushed red-hot in place and then hammered home  until they fastened two plates together. 3 million   were used to construct Titanic’s hull and every  single plate edge was dotted with dozens of them.   If you were standing in Titanic’s boiler or  engine room, way down at the bottom of the ship,   you’d be standing on top of the tank top. Looking  to the side you’d see big frames just where they   curve to join the keel and its floors - and you’d  see plates. There is nothing between those plates   and the ocean on the other side. There’s not a  second layer or inner skin or anything like that.   Finally to give the box girder it’s roof the  reinforced strength deck, which on Titanic   sat at B-Deck, was riveted into place  and all the subsequent decks below it.   Remember when I called Titanic’s hull a box  girder? Here’s an actual box girder design,   a cross section of the tubular  Britannia bridge. Looks familiar, right? Okay - so Harland and Wolff have the hulk of a  ship. At the moment it’s safe from damage to the   bottom in, say, a grounding. But what if the ship  is hit from the side? An impact from a collision   would mean water could flood the hull and sink the  ship in minutes. No, something had to be done to   prevent this. It seems incredible that the idea of  watertight compartments was kind of revolutionary;   for hundreds of years ships had  just sailed around without them.   Titanic took the idea to the next level. Titanic’s  hull was divided into 16 compartments - basically   massive self-contained rooms, by 15 bulkheads  which were basically heavy-duty steel walls   that ran up the hull as high as practicable.  These were made of steel plating and, of course,   ran through some passenger and crew areas in the  lower decks. This meant that to get through them   there had to be some kind of doorway fitted that  could be sealed up in the case of an emergency. On   Titanic, this came in the form of the watertight  door and Titanic had a couple of different types.   First is probably the most famous; seen here  dramatically closing in the 1997 movie Titanic.   These ran on rails and closed downwards. They  were made of heavy cast iron and in the boiler   and engines rooms had to be wide enough for men to  pass through with coal-carrying wheelbarrows. The   doors were held open by a clutch; this could be  released automatically by switches in the bridge   or individually by simply lifting a  hand-lever connected to the clutch.   Each door could also be closed manually by  hand-cranking it shut from the deck above.   One final safeguard was installed; in the event  of flooding, a float would raise the lever   and disengage the clutch, lowering the door.  The doors were designed to lower slowly at first   so men could get out of the way, but for the  last 18 or 24 inches would drop suddenly like   a guillotine to create a watertight seal.  This guy would have been in big trouble. The second kind of watertight door closed  horizontally, or laterally and these were   the ones found in most of the passenger  and crew areas on Titanic’s lower decks.   These had to be hand-cranked shut  either on-site or from the deck above. The watertight bulkheads had as few openings  as possible and, when the doors were shut,   created a compartment with four watertight  surfaces; the tank top, the hull sides and the two   watertight bulkheads. However; there was no top  watertight surface. The decks above weren’t made   watertight because the bulkheads rose fairly high  up in Titanic’s hull above the normal waterline up   here on E-Deck. With this system in place, Titanic  could survive a number of theoretical disasters.   If hit by another ship from the side, two or  three of Titanic’s compartments would flood;   but the ship could float because the water  could flood only about as high as the top of   the watertight bulkheads. If the ship received  damage to the first three or even four of her   compartments, say in a side-swipe collision or  impact - then the water also could not flood   any higher than E Deck before the ship found  equilibrium, the flooding would stop, and the   ship would survive - although it’s bow would be  pretty low down in the water. Basically, Titanic   was designed to withstand any and all of the kind  of damage any ship had experienced up until that   point. Bow-on collisions, groundings, impacts from  other ships; Titanic could survive them all. She   was almost… what’s a good word here - unsinkable?  Unsinkable. That’s a good one, let’s use that. Part 2 - the events. Just before midnight on April 14th,   1912 Titanic’s lookouts and bridge spotted an  iceberg ahead at around about the same time.   The ship only had seconds to react and it was just  too late; instead of striking head-on directly,   Titanic’s rudder had moved the nose of the ship  away from the iceberg by a few degrees so the   berg scraped past along the side. Rushing  to the bridge from his adjoining stateroom,   Titanic’s captain Edward Smith now had to diagnose  his ship and gauge exactly what the situation was.   He ordered the watertight doors closed but First  Officer William Murdoch reported he had already   thrown the switches, so the vertical-closing doors  down in the boiler and engine rooms were shut.   Then he ordered the ship’s 4th Officer, Joseph  Boxhall to go below and check for damage   and eventually the ship’s carpenter. Already  Titanic was exhibiting some strange symptoms;   one of the ship’s lamp trimmers walked up on deck  at the very bow of the ship because he could hear   a hissing noise. Up at the forepeak of the ship,  the very front, was a vent for one of the ship’s   tanks; the peak tank. This was the forwardmost  tank on the ship and in order to be able to trim   the level of the ship and keep it on an even keel,  it could be filled or emptied of seawater. The air   had to be displaced, so the vent allowed air  to escape out. But now it was loudly hissing,   indicating that the forepeak tank was  taking on water at an alarming rate.   Just aft of this area, in the cargo hold,  Boatswain’s Mate Albert Haines was investigating   for damage and he could hear water rushing  in; the number 1 cargo hatch ran down into   the belly of the ship and at certain levels was  covered with tarpaulins or grates. He found that   the tarpaulin was being pushed up by air as it  escaped upwards, displaced by the water. This was   all reported to the bridge; to Smith this meant  that two watertight compartments were already   opened to the ocean and flooding. Then there came  more bad news; boiler room 6 was flooding rapidly;   so rapidly, the crew had had to escape up  emergency ladders to get out of the way of water.   That made at least 2 compartments flooding; then  came news from the post office. This was located   up on G-deck and had a mail sorting room just one  deck below on the Orlop Deck. Ten minutes after   the collision, water began to flood the mail  sorting room on the Orlop Deck and the clerks   began to shift mail as fast as they could to save  it. This mail room was located in the watertight   compartment forward of boiler room number 6;  that made four compartments open to the ocean.   Finally, Smith went below to check the damage  for himself; cargo holds 1,2 and 3 were flooding.   Boiler room 5 had a small hole and it was flooding  too, just slower. About 20 minutes after the   collision, the Squash Racquet court was reported  to be flooding. It painted a disturbing picture   for Titanic’s commander and officers;  the forepeak tank taking on water;   cargo holds 1 and flooding rapidly, cargo hold 3  flooded and water now lapping in the Squash court,   boiler room 6 flooded and boiler room 5 taking  on water. This spelt the end for Titanic;   the ship was designed to stay afloat with  four of those compartments flooded. But now,   with the bow of the ship being pulled down by the  weight of water in five compartments, it was past   the tipping point and water would surge up over  the bulkheads because of course the top of the   compartments were not watertight. And this it  did; by about 12.45 am, around an hour after   the collision, Steward Joseph Wheat found water  pouring down the E-Deck steps which led down to   the Turkish Bath one deck below. This meant that  water was coming up over the watertight bulkhead   separating the damaged boiler room 5 from boiler  room 4 below and flooding aft into the ship. 3. The Damage So what happened to cause this   kind of wide-spread flooding? I mentioned earlier  that Titanic didn’t hit the iceberg head-on and   that it managed to turn a couple of points and  get it’s nose out of the way of the iceberg ahead.   This meant that Titanic’s side brushed up against  the iceberg and suddenly the ship’s entire 40 or   50,000 ton mass was grinding up along the ice.  That ice, by the way, is extremely compact glacial   ice; very dense stuff. By contrast, Titanic was  - well - a bit squishy. Steel bends quite a bit   under pressure. If you look at photos of Titanic’s  sister ship Olympic after a 1911 collision,   you can see the steel plating bent like wet  cardboard and rivets popped out of place. The   rivets on Titanic was immensely strong but when  the ship came into contact with the iceberg a huge   amount of pressure was put on them and they likely  burst in some sections allowing the hull’s plates   to open up ever so slightly and allow water in.  It wasn’t a dramatic tear hundreds of feet long;   if that was the case, Titanic would have  sunk in minutes and not over two hours. No,   it was a series of small cuts in the hull plating  and thanks to sonar imagery and the damage reports   from the night, we have a good idea of where  they were. The first cut probably appeared here,   in the region of the forepeak tank. This  caused the hissing noise that could be heard   as it flooded with water. Next, a 5 and 6 foot  gash were both put into Cargo Hold number 1.   Then the seam of plates in cargo  hold 2 opened up for about 16 feet.   Just after this, between cargo holds 2 and 3, a  33 foot gash opened up Titanic’s fourth watertight   compartment - and finally just aft of this, a  big 45 foot incision opened up Boiler Room 6   and a little bit of Boiler Room 5. The  plates could only have been separated   by about as little as a half inch to 6 inches  but these openings were enough to doom Titanic. 4. The Aftermath The immediate shock and outrage caused   by the disaster initiated wide-sweeping changes  to the way ships were designed and built for the   next few decades. The most obvious solution was to  install a second ‘inner skin’ to the hull - like   the double-bottom but running up the height of  the boiler and engine rooms. This modification was   made to Olympic and was built into Britannic, the  third sister ship. Then the watertight bulkheads   were raised higher; on Olympic, these went as  high as B-Deck - the strength deck - but it   also meant now, in public spaces, there had to be  installed the horizontal-closing watertight doors. After the disaster, the general consensus somehow  became that a 300-foot long gash in the Titanic’s   hull had been ripped open by the iceberg but this  just wasn’t possible because such extreme damage   would have sent Titanic to the bottom way faster.  It was Edward Wilding who first postulated that   the ship’s damage had been intermittent; “I cannot  believe that the wound was absolutely continuous   the whole way. I believe that it was in a series  of steps, and that it was the end of one of these   series of wounds which flooded the different  spaces." - referring to boiler rooms 5 and 6. In 1986 Wilding may have been proved correct;  Dr Robert Ballard observed what little could   be seen of the area that made contact  with the iceberg and found plate damage;   a 45 foot long opening about 1 to 6 inches wide  in the seams of the plates. This was the one   that directly opened up boiler room 6 and part of  boiler room 5 - the incision that doomed Titanic.
Channel: Oceanliner Designs
Views: 78,357
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Keywords: great ocean liners, maritime history, ocean liners, famous oceanliners, ships documentary, history of ships
Id: ruM90tNGCVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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