How the Hell Do I Afford to Travel So Much?? 3 Decades of Travel

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[Music] hey there how's it goin I'm here on the island of Mykonos Greece in the kkuk laddus region of Islands right here is sort of a tourist central with a line of restaurants along there this is the old port where the ferries used to come in it has changed and it is now like around the corner over there I arrived by ferry a couple of days ago in this video that I'm going to be answering the question of how the hell do I afford to travel so much so I have now been to 50 countries I went to Cyprus right before coming to Greece and that was my 50th country this is my fifth time to Greece I've been to India eight times I've been to Nepal and trekking in the Himalayas three different times crossing the bridge here I've been to I've been to Thailand I think five times I've been traveling the world now off and on for 28 years since the summer of 1990 when I was 18 years old and went on a summer abroad around Europe I think this is my 14th trip abroad all extended trips from like three months to eight months and I've spent altogether something like five or six years total traveling abroad around the world and so it is a fair question of how do i afford to do all this traveling am i like a trust-fund kid or do i have stocks or real estate or some sort of underground business selling drugs or something like that the answer is no to all of those and so in this video then I will be explaining how exactly I managed to afford all of this traveling so this is actually the third video that I've done with this same title how the hell do I afford to travel so much I made one three years ago when I was on the island of Cozumel of Mexico Cozumel Mexico and then I made another one about a year and a half ago when I was a back home in California where I am from hey guys how's it going greetings from Northern California I'm here in Mendocino County beside a large lake and so I'm making yet another one both because I have added a lot of new subscribers since that last video a year and a half ago and also my situation has changed and so the answer is a little bit different so I'm now going to get started walking here and give you a little taste of Mykonos island in the course of this video and keep on explaining how I managed to afford all of this traveling first I'm going to sort of get out of this little bit busier area here it is mid-february smack in the middle of winter and the Greek islands totally die in the winter basically from October like late October until sometime in April then they are very very quiet and most stores and everything are closed Mykonos is one of the most popular islands in Greece and so it is still a little bit active but this island would be totally jam-packed totally besieged by tourists if it was summer so this is a nice quiet scene here so I'm going to get back into the little lanes which I've shown in other videos already the hotel where I'm staying is actually down that Lane there I will be showing my room in the course of this video but I'm going to continue walking up here and try to show some places that I didn't show in my last video walking around the town here all right so I wanted to cover very quickly how I managed to afford my travels before I started doing YouTube which was basically in the past three years is when YouTube actually started to pay for part of my travels prior to that then I was a guy you know working various jobs trying to save up money to travel as I said I traveled for like 25 years before I actually started doing the YouTube thing and so the ways that I managed to come up with the money to travel prior to YouTube was just working various jobs I have never had you know support from my family or anything as far as paying for my travels any kind of inheritance or anything other than me just working and making the money to travel and so I had different jobs I was a delivery driver in Portland Oregon delivering food for restaurants I've done construction and various handyman work and I worked in Jasper National Park at Canada in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta from 2008 until the last time I was there was 2014 for like seasonal stints of like 5 to 8 months and that was how I came up with the money to pay for my travels that kind of led into the YouTube thing I was born in Canada and so that is why I was able to work in Canada I'm a dual American Canadian and so I went up to Canada on a road trip I had a car and drove up there and was thinking of looking around for work and through a random a series of events that I ended up finding this job as a gardener for the hotels for this one company in Jasper National Park Wow such cool exploring back in here and so to make a long story short then I would work there for five or six months and then go travel spend all my money be broke and then go back and work again and make some more money and so that is the answer of how I managed to afford my travelling before I started doing YouTube and so if you also want to travel isn't this a cool shot with all these stairs lined up like that okay which way to go from here and so if you're you know asking yourself how can you afford to travel if you don't have a YouTube channel or a blog or some sort of an online business that pays you money then be simple and maybe kind of a discouraging answer is you just got to find a job and one that you know makes more money for you than you spend national parks are a good thing to check out because wow this is long I'm gonna walk down here just cuz so give a a good spot to keep talking here but basically the simple answer is if you want to be able to travel then you have to find a job that makes more money than you spend that allows you to save and have a chunk of money to be able to travel my earlier travels was mostly to India I've been to India eight times I spent altogether about two years traveling in India [Music] $700 per month and that is a very different thing than trying to travel in Europe where you gonna spend you know five times that it's pretty cool here a little like amphitheater that is not some sort of ancient amphitheater I don't think it's something more modern probably they have a you know music or plays or whatever here in the summers [Music] really cool okay I'm going to go back into the maze of streets there where it's quieter sleeping cat totally undisturbed and so now I'm going to transition into YouTube taking off for me so around you know 2012 is when I actually started to edit videos and there are those videos on my channel you can check out they're not very good and they didn't do very good but that was the start you have to start somewhere and so I started editing the video footage that I had from my previous trips that I'd filmed to Greece and Egypt in Turkey and the Philippines it wasn't very good footage because it was a terrible camera but it was something and it got me that's where I got started with it fast forward to 2015 the last time that I worked in Jasper National Park and at the time I was making about $80 per month on YouTube from my YouTube Adsense just from the ads that play on your videos and that obviously doesn't go very far so I left Canada with about five thousand dollars saved up from working there and my 80 dollars a month on YouTube and that was pretty much all that I had to work with and I went on a trip to Hawaii California to visit family and then headed off to come on stuff see hello to nombre es si Brenda Maria Gabrielle nice to meet you and over the course of the next like four to five months I guess it's going to be another dead end yep then I saw my earnings go from eighty dollars per month to about five hundred dollars per month in the course of five months of posting videos just very regularly and trying different things with the videos with the titles with the content and even though I can look back at those videos and say that they definitely aren't my best at all they did succeed and I saw a increasing number of my youtube earners and since then then I've just seen this steady and it's gotten to the point now where I am completely from what I'm making on YouTube now I'm going to show you something that will illustrate better more specifically why exactly my YouTube channel actually pays for my travels because if you you know see the number of views that I'm getting per video you know right after I post them five to ten thousand views or so then you might think you know understandably well how can that pay for your travels around the world you can't possibly you can't possibly make enough from just like 5,000 views per day to cover your travel expenses right correct so I'm going to go inside into my room and show you something on the computer there and then I will come back and talk about it all right so I'm back in my room here going to do a very quick room tour bathroom small but very nice TV AC and heating good Wi-Fi in the room the room is 40 euros which is about $50 so I'm now going to show you something that will illustrate why exactly I'm able to travel as much as I do how I can afford it so this is a website called anyone can go check this out and you can see the stats for various youtubers and then Instagram and I don't know snapchat or something like that but I just use it to check YouTube stats because it's interesting to see what kind of views and subscribers added and all that kind of stuff that other people are getting on YouTube so I have here organized you can see at the top ten different tabs showing the stats of ten different YouTube travel vloggers since my channel is about traveling so I picked some of the other people that many of you will have heard of and we're going to look at the stats of these different people and compare them to my channel so here we have fun for Louie and so right here then it shows the basic stats for the channel 1643 uploads subscribers 1 million nine hundred and ninety six thousand 192 I'd love to have that kind of a following video views 284 million eight hundred and forty nine thousand eight hundred and fifty-one so that's total video views' for all of his videos for his entire channel now there are two main stats that i'm going to show on all of these so that we can kind of go through really quick which is number of subscribers and views for the last 30 days so interestingly his views for the last 30 days is pretty close to his number of subscribers both at about two million and that I'm going to show the stats for these other channels here and then at the very end I will show you mine the reason that I'm at the end there is because my channel has the least number of subscribers of all these ten YouTube travel vloggers so I wanted to compare myself to the other guys that are more successful than me and so here we have Ben Brown he has 711 thousand eight hundred and fifty-five subscribers so just call that seven hundred thousand subscribers and views for the last thirty days eight hundred and sixty one thousand here's the vagabrothers five hundred and sixty four thousand subscribers definitely one of my favorite channels they're amazing and total video views for the last 30 days 1 million eight hundred ninety six thousand Christian LeBlanc his channel is called lost LeBlanc subscribers four hundred eighty seven thousand views for the last 30 days 2.5 million doing pretty good there here is high on life four hundred twenty-six thousand subscribers and 1 million 18,000 views for the last 30 days hey Nadine has three hundred eighty-three thousand subs and two hundred and seventy eight thousand views for the last 30 days Kristin Sarah of hopscotch the globe has a hundred and sixty thousand subscribers and so that is getting closer to the size of my channel and she has about eight hundred thousand views for the last 30 days syco traveller one hundred and fifty five thousand subs and eight hundred and five thousand views for the last thirty days about the same as Chris and Sarah Alex Chacon has one hundred fifty five thousand subs and two hundred and forty five thousand views for the last thirty days and finally we get to the guy at the bottom of the pile here of all the other travel vloggers Gabriel traveler explore the world with Gabriel Morris that's me subscribers one hundred and forty four thousand nine hundred and forty and how many total video views' have I gotten in the past thirty days here we go 1 million nine hundred and sixty nine thousand eight hundred and sixty three that is number two in this list of ten people as far as the number of views for the last 30 days fun for Louis as I said has 1 million 950 6,000 for the last 30 days as I showed I have 1 million at 969 thousand I'm getting more views in a month then fun for Louie is than anyone else on this list except for Lhasa Blanc who is getting 2.5 million and so that number right there is the simple answer to how I am able to afford traveling so much now going to head back outside and talk about this some more all right so context some explanation of why I am able to travel for my youtube channel which is that I'm getting a lot more views than you might have realized and I plan to make another video like YouTube tips how to make successful YouTube videos how to make videos that get long-term views and that is the secret to my success is posting videos that get long-term views because as you can see there I'm getting a lot more than just just from what I am posting that my subscribers are seeing but I'm getting a lot of views from videos that I posted over the past several years that are still getting daily views you know long after my subscribers who watch the videos then the videos are still out there on YouTube and the big question is then what does it just die and then it doesn't get any more views or does it keep being found by people and that is really a whole different subject that would take another 20 minutes or whatever to explain and I will try to make a video about that sometime soon but basically unlike some people there are so many different like business models to have to build around a YouTube channel and most people will say well YouTube Adsense the ad revenue that you make from your videos from Google placing ads on your videos and then you get a you know fraction of a penny per view hey Lassie then most people will say well that is just a small percentage of my income instead they're making money from affiliate links and sponsorships and merchandise selling t-shirts and books and whatever but for me like 80 to 90 percent of my income is just that YouTube ad cents ad revenue and so that is paying for my travels I think that right there might be what is called the venice of mykonos those buildings hovering right over the sea they're compared to venice italy the world I'm not you know getting rich here or anything but at least I'm able to travel somewhere like this beautiful peaceful Greek island paradise staying in a nice simple little room right by the village and enjoying and getting to see the world and live a life that I definitely cannot complain about all right take it easy more coming from Greece and as I mentioned then I will try to make a video explaining more in depth you know my YouTube strategy and how exactly I managed to make videos that get views that keep being seen by people for years after I post them and thus bring in income and support my ability to actually travel around the world like this alright you
Channel: Gabriel Traveler
Views: 173,975
Rating: 4.9374561 out of 5
Keywords: Gabriel Morris, Gabriel Traveler, travel, traveling, budget travel, adventure, adventure travel, world travel, tourism, holiday, vacation, backpacking, How the hell do I afford to travel so much, cost, costs, expense, expenses, expensive, cheap, money, afford, budget
Id: h18kwQDdK64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.