A Tour of Beautiful Hvar Island | The Jewel of Croatia

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[Music] good morning here i am pavar town i've been here for a week and the only other places that i've shown so far in previous videos is i walked along here and i walked along here over there and meanwhile there is much more of the island of hvar to see going all the way down here to sukuraj i have a car rented for the next three days yes that is it the pink panther a old vw beetle convertible this was just what they had like on the spot ready to go and so here i am the pink actually panther not panther that is even funnier all right let's get out of here and cruise and see amazing kvar croatia [Music] here we go i put the top up i just uh reserved oh man i just reserved a room for three nights in another village driving there now so we're looking forward to seeing more of this island oh yeah this car is funky to drive though the uh clutch and brake are just really awkward it's from the 70s i guess i don't know but uh it's an experience here's the room 35 a night i just booked it you know 30 minutes ago or whatever on my way here and uh a sweet deal here and so uh when i first rented the car then the guy had said if you want to exchange it because it was the only thing that he had at the time he said you can turn it in later in the evening and after driving that thing over here it is just a pain in the butt to drive so i'm going to be returning the car later but for now i'm going to walk into the little town of roboska i guess that's it right out there yeah i can see water that must be the bay and go show the town and grab some lunch and so it's called the villa welcome and a nice authentic neighborhood here and there we go i can see the water right there so this is super close [Music] this is verbosca [Music] a much different scene from havar town much quieter and more chilled out all right let's find a restaurant i'm starving [Music] so and i have here dalmatian pasta cotta a local dish dalmatia is a region of croatia the southern part of croatia so it is a beef dish with i guess sort of like pasta little pasta things there looks good so the mission now is to find a good spot to get wet that shouldn't be too hard to find wrap around this uh bay here and see if there's a good swimming spot what a cool little village and so now i know it looks like the better spots to swim are on the other side there but let's see looks like this will work [Music] so this is the town of starry starrygrad a port uh town the fairies go from split on the mainland of croatia here as well as to hovar town where i was before yes [Music] [Music] and just in time to watch the sunset man this is a really lovely little town here nice uh waterfront walking area here [Music] okay [Music] good morning so this is the change that has happened in the past week since i've been here is that uh the local businesses have started requiring people to wear mass inside some of the stores so uh just taking extra precautions because of some rising uh cases in other parts of the balkans especially such as serbia where i was before i came to croatia anyways here i am back in starry grad and i returned the vehicle and got another one and i'm getting some uh breakfast or brunch rather items going over to this bakery here and then head out and go to a awesome beach see some more of tavares i would love to know how old this is very worn down it could be from roman times the roman empire was in this area and so i'm in the back streets of starry grad and here is the bell tower and i guess the main church [Music] and so this is saint stephen square the main square was once a site for community meetings and negotiations on the houses on the northern side there is a sundial and the coat of arms of the noble hectorovich family from the 15th century the house on the western side has several large stone blocks from the original city walls of ancient [Music] faroes built into it [Music] as the sign above the entry says the bell tower was erected in 1753 i love croatia me too it is quickly becoming one of my uh favorite countries with this second visit of mine [Music] and got some pastries here for brunch and some yogurts [Music] so [Music] and here is the new and much improved vehicle with ac and a quiet engine and a smooth ride which was actually really essential for getting down this very steep and extremely narrow little road going down to this beach called zarache something like that i guess there's a beach at both ends down there and down there i think that i will go this way and see what's there should be a nice swimming spot nice scene here all right nice spot here and then the other beach is down here hey dude what's up and it's gotten a little bit hazy and not so hot now so i think i won't take a swim here i took a nice uh swim back at the other beach but i think i'll just take a quick look here and then keep on exploring this is milna beach and i am standing right there kind of busy and getting windy and we've got a fixer-upper for sale here and you can see the local croatian language is uh very similar to english in terms of some of the spellings anyways so this is the little village of rodina or rudina population 70 and apparently there is a nice lagoon here so going to poke around see what i find [Music] and it smells like horses around here probably they got some over there [Music] speaking of horses little guy uh kind of hiding back in the trees there he's tied up i can see hello there and we've got a sign that appears to be saying that the sea is a 15-minute walk along this path here so let's give it a try keep my eyes open for snakes awesome path another ankle twister gotta watch your uh step here [Music] so all right i guess the path keeps on going up this way or maybe not huh [Applause] all right kind of sorta yeah here you go and so now it's a more clearly defined path coming from that way but i came from this way and so i need to remember when i come back to take this right here and not go the main path hello thank you that's a good sign must be a beach or something down here [Music] some kind of old structure here and the trail turned into like a jeep road [Music] and i can see the water out there [Music] nice except for all the garbage maybe that's why most people are out on the rocks so let's uh hop along the rocks and find a nice spot for a swim [Music] i have no idea if that is the mainland of croatia or another island all right that water is looking amazing [Music] and so that is the island of breck or branch and beyond that is the mainland and split where i flew into about nine days ago and took the ferry over to hvar [Music] so [Music] oh yeah what a spot when in doubt go down the path less traveled and see what you find so i decided to take the other path and see where it went and it went to a little sort of a tree sitting spot for some local kids i'm sure get down from here and keep on walking and it looks like it's going to go back to a road that is where i came from another path who knows how old these uh walls are probably hundreds of years old and i can see kind of a dirt path up ahead and i suspect that this will then go back to the car because there was a junction there we'll see and some houses all right so uh sort of a neighborhood here let's see where this goes it's got to connect back to that main road that i was on one way or another all right i don't know what i'm doing at this point [Music] just trying to follow my intuition [Music] okay i don't even know if i'm going the right way at this point but uh it's an adventure [Music] boom [Music] hey guys another day of exploring here on hvar and i'm going through this little town on the way to a road that goes along the south coast of the island and this is just a classic little uh sort of country area here with vineyards and looks like wine tasting and a church up on the next left hill back up there and look at this just cool little village so the sun is out after a cool and cloudy and rainy morning so i'm glad to uh glad to have the sunshine back maybe i'll make a little stop somewhere here take a little closer look at this uh town i'm just going to do a quick poke around here this village is called pitfa p-i-t-v-e and the name of the town is derived from the older name of the island itself i was reading about the history there we go and it goes back before christ before the greeks were here all right kind of a dead end there and so far i have not seen a single other person around here classic old village things haven't changed here too much in a while wow what a just tranquil spot here i don't know if i'm in somebody else's like backyard but the windows are all boarded up so i hear some human activity over there at least so somebody's around and there is the uh sea and brac island and very soon i will be going to a tunnel to get through this mountain right here to get to the other side of the island so gonna keep on cruising and so this is the line for the tunnel i guess it's about 1.4 kilometers long so about a mile long and it was built during the yugoslavia area i think in the 50s the guy that uh rented me the car was telling me about it and he kind of warned me about it and said it's kind of kind of sketchy or something like that so i guess we're waiting and then we'll get going as a group here and see what it's all about all right got the green light and it is narrow no lights [Music] and so that's where i'm going right there about a 15-minute drive that way to the end of the road there and uh here you can see this other little island however you say that schedule or something is straight ahead there great perspective on everything here and out there is the island of corcola corcula something like that which i'm going to next tomorrow if i can get a boat i need to uh confirm that but uh i believe there are boats going straight there [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so this is sveta nadilja nadylia i guess there's a beach around here is basically the end of the road a uh little town sprawled across this hillside here so i'm just going to poke around and find a good spot to take a swim take a seat relax enjoy the sunshine while it lasts and so no beach i guess it's just this uh swimming spot here just kind of chill out here for a bit nice jumping spots carlo vacco cherno give this thing a try that is tasty that is a dark dark stout there whoa so cool [Music] man it gets deep fast i could maybe get up right over there but there's the ladder around the [Music] corner [Music] so [Music] hello [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay [Music] hey there so it is my last day with the rental car and i'm going to a beach that is just down there i stopped and parked and saw these old abandoned buildings up here i thought i would investigate you can see some remnants of people who lived here who knows when probably sometime in the 20th century there's another bigger building out there pretty trippy and so i'm going to return the rental car in a few hours back in havar town where i picked it up and then from there i will take a boat over to korchula island out there but for now i'm going to hike down to the beach there got some drinks and snacks right here and go check out what is supposed to be the most beautiful beach on hvar island there is a hiking path it's called dubo vicha if i'm saying that right beach there you go dubobicha and you can see there sv nedielja that is where i went yesterday the last clip that you saw from yesterday was at that spot and so i'm not sure but maybe you can hike there from here because it is a different road there's no road that goes along right here you have to go through a tunnel back to the other side of the island and then down and then through that other tunnel that i went through and then come back but from here it is actually quite close so maybe that is a hiking possibility and that would be a really cool hike i'm sure but for now just going to get down to this nice little bay and dubovich beach there it is looks pretty ultimate but also a small beach and other people on it so not the most private cove but uh as i showed before that other very uh kind of remote secret spot that i went to a couple days ago then there is so much more to see of this island and you can always find a spot to swim by yourself if you want because even if it isn't a nice beach then just swimming off of the rocks can be great and so maybe that's what i'll do is find a different spot off to the right or something it's a little less crowded but we'll see [Music] oh [Music] oh
Channel: Gabriel Traveler
Views: 117,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gabriel Traveler, Gabriel Morris, travel, traveling, budget travel, travel video, adventure, adventure travel, world travel, tourism, holiday, vacation, backpacking, Hvar, island, isle, islands, Croatia, Croatian, Balkan, Balkans, Adriatic, Europe, European, eastern Europe
Id: -ds6VXz8M-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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