How the Genius of Marie Curie Killed Her

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In 1927, 29 of the top physicists gathered at  the prestigious Solvay Conference in Brussels. The only woman in attendance was Marie Curie. She had a lot of firsts. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize. The first person to win the Nobel Prize twice. And the first person to win  in two different fields. Curie is best known for her work  in radioactivity which would save   a million lives during the first world war. But would ultimately take her own. Marie Curie was born Maria  Salomea Skłodowska in Warsaw,   Poland then under the control of the  Russian Empire on November 7, 1867. She was the youngest child of teachers. Her mother, Bronisława Skłodowska,   was the headteacher of a prestigious  boarding school for girls. Her father, Wladyslaw Sklodowski, taught physics  and math and was proud of his Polish heritage. As a result of his patriotism, his  Russian supervisors forced him into   lower-paying positions. He also lost  his savings through a bad investment. To support their five children, they had to  take in student boarders. This would be fatal. Maria’s eldest sibling, her sister Zofia,  caught typhus from one of the lodgers and died. A few years later, when Maria was  ten, her mother died of tuberculosis. The tragedies caused Maria to give up Catholicism  - the faith of her mom - and become agnostic. Her father wouldn’t forgive himself  for losing his family’s savings. However, his children would  remember him as the man who   nurtured them emotionally and intellectually. Maria finished high school at the top of her   class but wasn’t allowed to attend  university because she was a woman. The Russian empire banned women  from getting a university education. So she and her sister Bronisława (or  Bronya for short) enrolled in the secretive   Flying University - or Floating University  - in Warsaw - named after the ever-changing   location of classes to avoid the  watchful eye of Czarist authorities. Her sister then left for medical school in Paris. Maria hoped to eventually join her. The  two made a pact: Maria would support her   sister’s studies in Paris, and Bronya  would return the favor in the future. So, from the age of 17,  Maria worked as a governess,   tutor, and also studied in her spare time. While working for relatives, the Żorawskis,   she fell in love with their son, Kazimierz,  who would become a mathematician.   But the Żorawskis didn’t approve of her  because she didn’t have a penny to her name. It was said that as an old man,  Kazimierz would sit contemplatively   before the statue of her in front of the  research institute she went on to found. In 1891, when Maria was 24, she finally  had the means to join her sister in Paris,   and now used the name Marie. She enrolled at the University of Paris - known   as the Sorbonne - where she  studied physics and mathematics. At first, she lived in the home  of her sister who was now married   but later opted to rent a little  attic closer to the university. She often stayed at the heated library until   closing rather than spend the  evening in her unheated room. Her earlier education had been insufficient  so there was a lot of catching up to do.   She sometimes worked so hard she  forgot to eat and would pass out. Despite the difficulties, Marie marveled  at her freedom, writing: “It was like a new   world opened to me, the world of science, which  I was at last permitted to know in all liberty.” She earned a degree in physics,  and then another in mathematics.  She planned on returning to Poland but  then Pierre Curie came into her life. He was eight years older, a well-known physicist,   and an outsider who was educated  by his father in his teens. They were introduced by a mutual friend who  knew Marie needed lab space for her research   and Pierre headed a laboratory at  the School of Industrial Physics   and Chemistry where engineers were trained. Marie would say of Pierre: “He had  dedicated his life to his dream of science:   he felt the need of a companion  who could live his dream with him.” And he hoped that companion would be her. But Marie turned down his marriage proposal since  her plan was to return to her native country. However, she learned that it wouldn’t  be possible to start a career in Poland. When she went back to visit her  family during summer break in 1894,   Krakow University denied her a job as  a professor because she was a woman. Pierre convinced her to come  back to Paris to pursue a PhD. She insisted that he, too, get his doctorate,  which he did, pioneering research on magnetism. They married in 1895 at the town hall  in Sceaux in the suburbs of Paris.   Partners in life and in science. Marie wore a dark blue outfit on her wedding day  that would become her trademark in the laboratory. They bought bicycles with the money they received   as a wedding gift - their way of relaxing  in a life otherwise filled with research. Marie Curie would earn her Doctor of  Science degree from the Sorbonne in 1903. She did her thesis on radiation, which was  recently discovered in uranium by Henri Becquerel. Curie was intrigued by Becquerel’s  discovery and investigated further.   She used an electrometer invented by  her husband and his brother to measure   radioactivity in many substances and minerals. She realized through her experiments that   radiation was a property  of the element of uranium. Yet when she observed the mineral  pitchblende which primarily contains   uranium - she noticed it was far more  radioactive than uranium could explain. How could this be? It would only be possible if there  were something else in the pitchblende. Pierre was so intrigued that he dropped  his own work to join her in her search. They ground up tons of pitchblende  and discovered an element that was 400   times more radioactive than uranium.  Polonium. Named after her country of birth. And then, they discovered another element that  gave off 900 times more radiation than polonium:   radium. The unglamorous work of extracting and  isolating the elements took place in a   leaky and drafty shack near Pierre’s work  as they didn’t have a dedicated lab space. Their efforts paid off. The Nobel Prize in Physics in  1903 went to Marie, Pierre,   and Becquerel for their research in radiation. French academics originally proposed that  only Pierre and Becquerel receive the prize.   Leaving Marie out. A sign of the times. However, a sympathetic member  of the nominating committee,   Swedish mathematician Gösta Mittage-Leffler  alerted Pierre to the situation. He insisted that his wife share the honor. Marie Curie became the first  woman to win a Nobel Prize. She and her husband were too  busy with their research to   accept the award in person in Stockholm. Pierre was also sick, suffering  from pain and fatigue. They had no idea at the time that radiation  could be detrimental to their health. It is said that Marie would carry tubes of  radium in her pockets. She was fascinated   by what she described as "faint fairy lights".  Little did she know this was slowly killing her. The glowing green radium captivated the public. It would be a key element  in early cancer treatment. And would also find its way into everyday  products: toothpaste with a promise of benefitting   teeth and facial creams in the belief that it  would firm muscles and smooth out wrinkles. The element was so popular that in the 1920s,   a single gram of radium cost more than  $100,000 - well over a million today! The Curies could have tried to patent radium  and cash in big time, but they didn’t. Marie declared: “Radium is a chemical  element, a property of all humans.” After their ground-breaking work,   it was Pierre who would be promoted as head  of the physics department at the Sorbonne. Yet he still didn’t have a proper lab. Pierre complained and the university relented,   however, he would never get his dream  of working in a new laboratory because   tragedy struck less than two years after  the birth of their second daughter. On a rainy day in April 1906,  Pierre was walking across the   Rue Dauphine when he was run over by a  horse and carriage. He died instantly. Pierre’s father implied that  his son’s preoccupation with   his own thoughts contributed to his death. Marie was offered his academic post at the  Sorbonne instead of accepting a widow’s pension. She became the first female professor in France. Hundreds of people lined up outside the  university hoping to attend her first lecture. The period following her husband’s death  would be the most difficult of her life. In 1911, the French Academy of Sciences, the  gathering place for prominent scientists,   rejected her for membership when she  put herself forward for a vacant seat. They passed her over for physicist  and inventor Edouard Branly. Many suspected it was because  she was an immigrant and a woman. Despite getting snubbed by the Academy, she went  on to win something even greater later that year. A second Nobel Prize - this time in chemistry,  for the discovery of polonium and radium,   the isolation of radium, and the study  of the nature of that remarkable element. But the buzz around her wasn’t great. The French press was all over her affair  with her husband’s former student,   physician Paul Langevin, who was  married but estranged from his wife. She was labeled as a homewrecker  and even warned that it might be   best if she didn’t pick up the Prize in person. Curie sank into a deep depression. Only to be slowly pulled out with  the support of a fellow scientist. Albert Einstein struck up a friendship with  Curie at the Solvay conference in 1911. He wrote her a letter of  encouragement during this dark period. “I am impelled to tell you how much  I have come to admire your intellect,   your drive, and your honesty...” He then told her to pay no mind to the stories  in the press: “..simply don’t read that hogwash…” Curie went to Stockholm to  accept her second Nobel Prize   and the headlines about the  affair eventually blew over. She would slowly recover and was in the  middle of setting up a giant laboratory   at her newly created Radium  Institute when war broke out. As German troops headed toward Paris,  she took her stash of precious radium   to a bank vault in Bordeaux, in  southwestern France, the new capital. She also tried to sell her two gold Nobel prize   medals to help the war effort but the  national bank refused to accept them.   She would buy war bonds using her prize money  but this self-sacrifice wasn’t enough for her. She was determined to use her research  to save the lives of French soldiers. She had studied the work of German scientist  Wilhelm Roentgen who had discovered x-rays. Curie then brought x-ray machines to the  battlefield by inventing mobile units   called “little curies” to help surgeons locate and  remove shrapnel and bullets from wounded soldiers. She and her daughter Irène trained  150 women to drive these little cars   and drove one herself, despite the danger. Curie also oversaw 200 radiological  rooms in field hospitals. It’s estimated that by the end of the war,   her efforts saved the lives of a million  men but may have cost her her own. Curie knew that over-exposure to  x-rays would pose risks to her health. But there wasn’t any time to  improve on safety practices. Years later, she would die of aplastic  anaemia - a blood disease likely due to   exposure to large amounts of  radiation over her lifetime. Despite her humanitarian efforts,  the French government never gave her   any official recognition whereas she  was gaining increasing fame abroad. In 1921, U.S. President Warren Harding invited her   to the White House and gave her a gift of  a gram of radium to aid in her research. The French government was apparently embarrassed  by the fact that they gave her no distinctions   so, before that trip to DC, they offered  her the country’s most distinguished honor,   the Légion d’Honneur - the Legion of Honor. She declined. During her later years, she headed the Radium  Institute - later the Curie Institute in Paris. And opened another in Warsaw, where  her sister Bronya became the director. Both remain major research  institutions to this day. She was already in ill health by then. On July 4, 1934, Curie died at the age of 66 at a  sanatorium in the town of Passy in eastern France. She didn’t live to see her daughter Irène  win her own Nobel Prize in Chemistry   a year later for the artificial  creation of new radioactive elements,   sharing it with her husband,  physicist Frédéric Joliot. Curie was buried at a cemetery in Sceaux,  the suburbs of Paris where she married,   and where her husband lay. In 1995, both were moved to the Panthéon in Paris,   the resting place for many distinguished French  citizens like Victor Hugo, Rousseau, and Voltaire. Curie was the first woman to be honored  in the Panthéon on her own merits. Her remains remained radioactive,   so they were placed in a coffin  lined with nearly an inch of lead. Even her papers are still radioactive today.   Anyone who wants to examine them must  wear protective gear and sign a waiver. Curie’s tireless work was surpassed  only by her fight to overcome the   barriers in her way to become one of  the greatest scientists of all time. It wasn’t only her work that was  impressive but also her work ethic. If you’re eager to learn more, my sponsor  Skillshare can help you learn new skills. Skillshare is an online community  with thousands of inspiring classes   on a wide variety of topics and it’s FREE  to try out with the link in my description. YouTuber and doctor Ali Abdaal takes you  through his secrets of how to study effectively. I would ask myself 'Does this make  sense?' firstly, and secondly,   'Could I explain this to a five-year-old?' There are classes on everything from how to put  a story together from start to finish with MKBHD,   how to edit videos, and even how to take  professional photos with your iPhone. There’s something for everyone. What I really like is that each class  is broken up into short sections,   there are no ads, and no tests. 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Channel: Newsthink
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Keywords: marie curie, curie, marie curie documentary, marie curie movie, marie curie trailer, marie curie documentaire, marie curie biographie, marie curie museum, pierre curie, marie curie film
Id: snn29wkKTi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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