How The Founding Fathers Would See America Today

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[Music] hello and welcome to fire of learning the united states of america what began as a handful of fledgling english colonies on the edge of the known world would eventually grow into the world's preeminent military economic and cultural power this position was not guaranteed as the nation's very survival was challenged on multiple occasions such as in its bid for independence that many did not expect it to win and in its civil war which nearly caused the nation to disintegrate today the nation is still quite young by the standards of some a mere 244 years old naturally therefore it is in many ways still quite attached to the designs and beliefs of its founders who lived not so very long ago but in other ways modern america is quite a different place in the year 2020 than it was in 1776 it almost makes you wonder if one of the founding fathers were to step through a time portal into our world what would they think of what the nation and the rest of the world for that matter has become in what ways has it changed what would they approve of what would they be aghast at how well would they fit in well these are all very good questions in this video we're going to find out that's correct ladies and gentlemen in the city of washington dc a time portal has just opened from which have stepped some of the most prominent founding fathers of the united states george washington john adams thomas jefferson benjamin franklin and alexander hamilton america's first three presidents along with two other majorly influential figures to early america in this video we are going to explore their adventure in our world and answer the questions we've just posed drawing on their experiences as well as the experiences of the average early american to make this comparison before we begin i would like to thank anastasia faye john dixon derek eldridge constantine de great e2 antilla andrew j tardiff rudy tutti fresh and fruity joseph mabry shadow dice wyatt mantadea guillerme aaron glenn denning jay hobbs james jones ryan walker vance hill and sean fitzpatrick for being our most recent supporters on patreon they join these supporters who make these videos possible now then let's get to it i would like to begin by saying that this is not going to be just a comparison between the politics and governments of their age and ours that will be included but we will also be covering many other areas of daily life as well secondly as many of you are likely aware i have done two videos on topics like this already one last year on medieval monarchs and the other just last month on roman emperors who came to visit our world this video will not be just a rehashing of those two videos the perspective that colonial americans would have in studying our world is quite different from what those two prior groups would have regarding it in many ways these five individuals would find our world extremely alien but in other ways they were much closer to us in terms of day-to-day lifestyles and such things than the previous two groups were in fact the age in which they lived is often included in what we call the modern world in a very broad sense but how different and how similar were they well answering that question is uh why we're here let's start by putting it in perspective this is james albert hard a union veteran of the american civil war mr hart died in 1953 at the ripe old age of around 111. he lived long enough to have met many people still alive today furthermore he was born around 1843 early enough to have met this man daniel f bakeman one of the last surviving veterans of the american revolution he was born in 1759 during the french and indian war the same decade as alexander hamilton here and died in 1869 at the age of 109 long enough to help found a nation and then see it nearly be torn apart to my knowledge these two individuals never met but one could still say that there were people alive today who lived at the same time as a civil war veteran who himself lived at the same time as an american revolutionary war veteran the complete time span of the american nation viewed through the eyes of just three individuals albeit admittedly unusually long-lived individuals this i believe is very effective at revealing that this really isn't ancient history that we're dealing with here however that time span however short we may think it is has been amazingly eventful much has changed in those 244 years most prominently the industrial revolution was beginning in the lifetimes of these five individuals the advances of this age were a part of a hitherto unrivaled explosion of technological scientific and intellectual advances which prompted advances in changes in other areas namely political sociocultural and economic changes that dramatically changed everything within a period of about 200 years we went from the first hot air balloons to the first missions to the moon this presentation could therefore be seen as a comparison between people who lived in age not long before ours but before this amazing transformation of civilization that led humankind into a world that would have seemed like a fairy tale to the people of the past and so one fine september afternoon washington adams jefferson franklin and hamilton are transported unknowingly to modern-day washington dc entering a totally exotic and alien world they are amazed terrified bewildered overwhelmed they have no idea what's just happened what world they have entered nor what to do they can see they are surrounded by what appears to be mortal people in a great city but much of the behavior of these people the technology they use and the layout of the city is quite foreign dear me what is this land what is that hideous obelisk have we died and entered the kingdom of heaven oh no look mr adams there who could that be but satan the american people are amused as they see what appears to be a group of street performers pretending to be historical figures stunned by the world around them but quickly become concerned as they display erratic and dangerous behavior adams runs into traffic a woman offers franklin a strange small glowing box to as she says calls someone and franklin smashes it believing it to be a tool of witchcraft jefferson punches hamilton long story short a group of men behaving wildly and claiming to have no idea where they are are quickly taken into custody give me liberty or give me death tell it to the judge buddy but could he could these individuals tell it to the judge or explain their situation to anyone did they speak the english that we speak or has it changed much in the past few centuries to the point where it would be quite different maybe not easy to understand well yes these individuals spoke essentially the same english that we speak with only some minor differences in spelling and pronunciation english becomes more difficult to understand the farther back in time you go to the extent that old english is essentially a totally different language but by the mid and late 1700s things like the great vowel shift had ended and the language was on its path to becoming a standardized language modern americans can still read things like the declaration of independence with no trouble because the language has barely changed and thus because they could communicate with us easily enough they would eventually be able to convince someone that something was really truly off and not in the crazy way but in the time-travelly way scientists and historians then take an interest in the event and are eventually able to deduce that these individuals had somehow in fact traveled into the future we today are actually capable of very very primitive time travel believe it or not certain astronauts for example have traveled a notable fraction of a second into the future while in space this relates to what's called time dilation it's a subject we'll talk about some day more over on our science channel lucinox but regardless we haven't figured out how to go back in time and so these gentlemen would be stuck here now there is another issue which must be addressed with these time travel scenarios disease would they be at risk of death from infection from diseases in our world that they had not encountered and would we be at risk from diseases that they might be carrying and have since gone extinct well yes exposure to new diseases and moreover new strains of diseases which plagued them in the past could be a serious threat to them even in our world where diseases are kept at bay by sanitation and individuals suffering from them are more often saved by medical technology likewise any diseases they could be carrying may cause havoc in our world as well this would have to be corrected however for the sake of this video not sucking and ending abruptly with them dying we will assume that the time traveling process also sterilized any harmful bacteria and viruses that they might be carrying and brought their immune systems up to date against diseases from our world and thus the long process of teaching them about our modern world and how to navigate it would begin though these men were intelligent and well-educated with jefferson and franklin especially being prodigious scholars and inventors on the frontiers of science and technology in their day teaching them to navigate our modern world would still quite likely take months if not for certain things years one thing which would stand out immediately is the speed of our travel let's start there franklin adams and jefferson were each ambassadors to france the former two during the revolution jefferson after these journeys were often long and difficult to sail from the united states to europe and their age took depending on a variety of factors such as the type of ship they sailed and the route they took generally over a month likely about two adam's journey to france for example took him six weeks and four days and that was considered fast for the winter today a common person could book a flight from philadelphia to paris and arrive in under 10 hours that is roughly 72 times faster likewise traveling from what is today maine to georgia the length of the 13 colonies on horseback would perhaps have taken about a month though you likely would have wanted to sail today traveling from augusta maine to savannah georgia would take about 18 hours by car but of course today the us is much larger than the country with which they were familiar traveling from bangor maine to san jose california would take about 50 hours and orlando to anchorage 77 hours indeed the world as a whole is a much larger place than they were aware how much of it did they know about well they were a part of an age in which civilization was for the first time coming to understand the true size and makeup of the whole world they were not quite there yet but they were much closer than any other people in history the land west of the mississippi river which would eventually become part of the united states namely the interior included in the 1803 louisiana purchase was not well charted exploring it officially was the task of lewis and clark whom jefferson funded in fact the area was so poorly explored that when these adventurers discovered a fossil of the extinct mastodon jefferson wondered if those creatures might still be found in the american west abroad the outlines of the americas asia africa and australia were becoming known though places like africa and australia's interior remained a bit of a mystery russia would not discover antarctica until 1820 by the way to see that this land from sea to sea had been developed to the extent that it has would likely not shock them given our impressive technological capabilities but it would still be quite a marvel to them and it is noteworthy that the country they founded now governs many territories of which they were largely ignorant it would amaze them to see how the country rapidly grew from 13 states to 50 bringing those lands together to make the world's fourth largest nation within those borders are the residents of the world's third most populous nation the population of the 13 colonies was a little over 3 million it has since multiplied by over 100 today reaching an estimated population of about 328 million furthermore how well those people live in terms of their health would also doubtlessly amaze them living to a ripe old age was far from guaranteed to most people throughout history about half of all children born in rome and the medieval world for example perished within their first few years many from disorders we today can treat if you did survive then you entered a brutal and harsh world where death from accidents disease famine warfare childbirth and more were commonplace early america with an estimated child mortality rate of about 40 percent was not much different but it was getting a little bit better recall of course that america was founded on the cusp of the industrial revolution there were already notable improvements to things like agriculture and medicine being made in the lifetimes of these gentlemen such as the popularization of four-field crop rotation and the english scientist edward jenner's work on vaccines these kinds of improvements would soon not only allow many more people to live on this planet but allow them to live longer and healthier as well life expectancy was about 35 in late 18th century america but keep in mind most people did not actually die at 35. that number is an average dragged down by this common infant mortality today american life expectancy is about 79 years 76 years for men 81 years for women as we can tell by these statistics having a family involved a lot of pain risk and sacrifice it's interesting then that having a family and aiming for a large one was the normal behavior and a primary desire of the age much more so than in our age even marriage and child bearing was good for society god's will and therefore it was simply what one did today a voluntary decline in fertility and a rise in childlessness altogether is so common that the populations of many developed countries are actually in decline this is more so the case for countries like italy spain and japan but this trend is present in the united states as well a 2004 study from the netherlands has found that the primary reason for women specifically avoiding having children is that they infringe on freedom followed by them taking too much time and energy to raise very related areas i imagine the people of this age wouldn't understand this position so much and find this change quite unfortunate however with industrialization and much greater certainty that the children we do have will survive they would perhaps understand why we would be inclined to have smaller families to compare these populations and other traits people from this time period were slightly shorter than people alive today height is fluctuated throughout history in interesting ways the romans were shorter than us the average roman male for example stood at five foot six or 170 centimeters medieval europeans were taller reaching 179 centimeters or five foot nine again for the male average and then in the renaissance in the 15 and 1600s height dropped again to about 5 foot 4 or 167 centimeters keep in mind that there was all kinds of regional and class variation the upper classes were always taller than the lower classes in societies around the world for example henry viii king of england from 1509-47 was about a foot taller than the average peasant of his day by the 1700s however height was on its way up again though not very quickly the average height of a mid-18th century englishman was maybe about 5 foot 5 or 168 centimeters with women being shorter however it appears that colonial americans for uncertain reasons but probably dietary ones were taller at five foot eight or 172 centimeters the average american man today is five foot nine 179 centimeters and the average woman five foot four 164 centimeters washington was over six feet tall as was jefferson adams and hamilton stood at about five foot seven and franklin was five foot nine in terms of obesity america is today the 12th most obese country in the world according to the world factbook with a little over one-third of the nation being classified as obese a jump of about 10 percent within the past 60 years obesity rates in this time are hard to estimate but it's quite clear that they were far lower everyone including the wealthier had to be more active desk jobs for example were not nearly as common as manual labor jobs the common diet was also far healthier obesity where it did occur in this time was an upper class thing in some cases actually it was valued because again it was a sign of affluence and even comparative health in an age when malnourishment was normal franklin here for example was obese when we think of housing and architecture and this sort of thing from this time period we immediately think of the things we've seen in movies and television as well as places like mount vernon and monticello the latter two residences the homes of washington and jefferson respectively are very impressive places even by our standards however we do not as often see the other side of society in this time those who were living in extreme poverty in small sometimes unfinished wooden houses in the forest lagging and even the most basic essentials granted this level of destitution was not the norm either but it was not unheard of quality of life overall however was in many many ways much worse than it is today even for the wealthiest it was a world with a lack of efficient heating and cooling a lack of electricity and therefore internet a lack of privacy plumbing sanitation most forms of medicine and healthcare a lack of education and even to a degree literacy literacy rates were quite a bit higher than they had been throughout much of history by the late 18th century in america estimated it being 65 in 1776 with maybe about 80 percent of men being literate but they were still not at the 99 that modern america enjoys simply put there was a lack of a great many things that even most in the lower classes of modern developed societies are blessed with and which some even consider necessary for their survival so gentlemen what have you thought about this whole internet thing quite remarkable isn't it yes i searched my name on the archives of the uh the the google i found a number of quotes attributed to me on there some of which i'm not sure that i actually said have any of you heard of the mimi's memes whatever they are no oh they're hilarious look at this one i found on my facebook profile facebook i think i'm going to avoid reading that area of the internet it is a most sinister place why do you say that well just last night i was reading through it harmlessly browsing through the posts of the many friends i have made in my stay here updating them on my political views on an hourly basis as is the custom on that website when i came across an outright wicked post i was nearly cursed gentlemen i came across a post which reads something along the lines of if you do not hit the like and share buttons and tag 10 of your facebook friends then you shall receive bad luck for the rest of the year without my luck has been i saw no alternative but to share it however that is the last time i encounter such trouble i will have no more dealings with a website which tolerates witchcraft you're quite a boomer mr hamilton a what i don't know what that means anyway i was so offended that i challenged the individual responsible for making that post to a duel although i was banned for that wait a minute where's washington he went down to a social event down the street earlier this afternoon he's been gone quite a while perhaps we should go check on him what on earth [Music] hello is general washington in there president washington hello [Music] general washington what are you doing surviving mr adams that's what the kids call it i am vibing i thought you were a staunch opponent of parties political parties mr adams solely the political one i like to think of these historical figures in a modern day supermarket and how amazed they would be by the variety and availability of many things around them one of the things which would most certainly stand out to them is how removed modern people are from the production of food food production was very localized across the country and the world in this time even for the major cities you did have many things being shipped in and from other places in this time which made their way to the homes of average people or sometimes the bottom of boston harbor but nowhere near the level of today the lack of preservation and slow speed of travel made our lifestyles impossible to them i strongly suspect that a modern supermarket would seem like a palace of the gods to them i couldn't find any strong statistics on how many people in the developed world today exactly understand the basics of agriculture so i decided to try to get my own with a youtube poll keep in mind this is not again not a proper representative sample of the population it's more for just a rough picture of things but in a poll in which i asked if civilization collapsed tomorrow and the internet along with it would you be able to grow and produce your own food of the over 14 000 respondents at the time of this screenshot 18 said yes the most common response at 38 said only some things i couldn't clarify what exactly that means but i'm guessing from the comments that these are fellow gardeners who could perhaps grow tomatoes but perhaps not handle livestock or something like that 17 said they were uncertain and 27 percent said no they could not i could have clarified the responses more with further polls and spent 10 more minutes on this subject going over those polls and data from elsewhere but the point is we are among the first generations in history to not live in communities which would give a resounding yes not only do we not know how to make the food we consume on a daily basis and the great many other tools and objects we use on a daily basis as well for that matter but we don't even know where they come from or how they get here much of the time apart from an ambiguous made in china labeled which may appear on a product self-sufficiency is perhaps one area where they have us beat but hygiene is not the people of their age did focus on hygiene to an extent it's not as if they walked around filthy all the time but most people were certainly not bathing every day or anything like that in fact bathing was a very occasional thing for the average person of this time in contrast today about 65 percent of americans claim to bathe every day their era is also known for its poor dental hygiene washington for example had to wear false teeth in his older age which by the way were not made of wood however basic dental hygiene was becoming more common people have made an effort to clean their mouths throughout history the toothbrush had already spread to the western world from china by this time they actually made these primitive toothbrushes from things like boar hair and wonderful things like that the difference in manners and etiquette or what they might see as the lack thereof would be quite startling by their standards modern americans have become significantly less polite granted some of these changes were intentional and can be attributed to a changing system of values and culture but other customs have simply been forgotten it seems solely because of a lack of regard for them sir are you wearing a hat indoors are you wearing a shirt which exposes your arms did i hear you utter profanity and that in the presence of a woman and did you in fact fail to rise at dinner when the lady excused herself from the table and did you later smoke around her i suppose i shouldn't have been surprised after watching you dine oh the many many ways in which you fail to display any form of civility at the dinner table odds fish my dear fellow i can hardly bring myself to look upon you and you madam are no better the hat for you indoors is fine but the shorts and the t-shirt madam you are indecently exposed walking through the city alone without a chaperone recklessness and the both of you how exactly did you meet did you just call me john it's mr adams to you what kind of topsy-turvy world is this ah yes we hinted at marriage indeed the relationships people form today and the ways in which they go about them would in their eyes be considered well dangerously libertine courtship in this age especially among the upper classes was a fairly rigid process compared to our own closely involving the families of the individuals involved and their input marriage as a private arrangement made between two independent individuals for the sake of happiness alone was not to come for some time however it was not as controlling as is sometimes thought parents namely those of women could forbid marriage if they found the partner unsuitable but forcibly marrying one's children to someone whom they did not want to marry was quite rare by this time there was an emphasis on marriage creating bonds between respectable families for the purpose of politics or business or whatever the case may be rather than solely the two individuals involved but the two individuals involved did have a very heavy say there were unofficial limitations and regulations on who associated with whom but the marriages were not arranged the father of the bride was expected to pay a dowry meaning wealthier women were sometimes selected solely for their money the marriage process was a bit more relaxed for average people though and because of the cost involved people would sometimes remain unofficially married throughout their lives the community would recognize it as a marriage and hold them to the standards of a married couple enslaved africans could not legally marry but did often unofficially marry and have families slave owners encouraged them to do this in fact because it kept them rooted to the land for most all people it took place in the late teens or early 20s though anyone under 21 required the permission of a parent today the average american man is married at 29 and the average woman at 27 a noticeable rise from that time but still lower than places like europe and japan where the average has hit the 30s alright someone recommended reddit to me in place of facebook let's see what we got here well this is awesome it would not be merely america's size or population which impressed them however but also its power and influence the united states in their day was not viewed as an equal by europeans and much of the nation's early history consisted of contending with european powers who had an interest in the region there was a preference more so with figures like jefferson than hamilton for america to be defended by militias that would be called up when war became necessary today the united states spends more on their professional military than any other country in the world and it's not even close it's certainly debatable whether or not this change has been a good or a bad thing but the point is that to them it would be quite surprising likewise the fall of the european empires and rise of america to fill the power vacuum on the world stage something which is a relatively recent event witnessed by many people alive today would also probably be quite a surprise naturally a change in diplomatic relations unusual to these founders accompanied this transition they led america as an isolationistic country the attitude that the affairs of europeans and other countries was not their problem in fact carried on up until the second world war which many americans did not want to enter prior to japanese attack now some founders like washington and adams were more isolationist than others like hamilton but all of them would be blown away by the amount of influence that america has in the modern world the way in which citizens of the nation relate to each other furthermore and the culture of the nation would also be quite different politically speaking when the revolution ended it wasn't exactly clear how the united states was going to work there was quite a real threat of the colonies each going their separate ways and becoming their own countries now it was the work of these men who guaranteed that that would not happen at least not for a century or so but still to an extent the country was not viewed as a standard unified country but rather a group of what you could call separate states who had their own subordinate governments laws and rights joined together in a union under a common federal government or united states up until the civil war which began in 1861 people identified much more strongly with the state they were from than today jefferson for example was a virginian and his virginian identity carried much more distinctiveness and weight than it would today virginia was his country massachusetts was john adams country and they did speak of their states in those terms most again most of the rivalries between modern states are friendly based off of sports team affiliation or trivial age-old debates that are less important in our more relaxed world the primary source of real animosity between modern american states where it does exist is based off of modern political differences for fun here's a map of the state that each state hates the most now i have family from michigan and i'm not an ohio native so i don't have strong feelings on this ohio michigan rivalry nor a strong opinion on the toledo war nor the second toledo war which will come but i will say ladies and gentlemen that we here in cleveland as you may have heard pride ourselves on the fact that we are at least not detroit needless to say there's quite a difference today in religious affiliation and ethnocultural backgrounds america was from its early days a place where there was a fair amount of religious freedom many immigrants the country came fleeing the conflicts and disagreements that came from european nations attempting to set up state religions and fight the adherence of other faiths but up until the last century or so religious freedom was implicitly and sometimes legally about choosing your preferred variety of christianity and even then groups like mormons who arose later on and sometimes catholics weren't always welcomed in an early american society it's interesting that americans historically had more religious freedom than many contemporary europeans but were also and still are according to the data more religious than contemporary europeans likewise it was at that time a place of ethnic diversity but this diversity of ethnicity was primarily european along with the less willing immigrants from africa and indigenous peoples who often lived on the outskirts of society again only within the past few decades has immigration from other areas of the world become more common indeed early on americans like these founding fathers to an extent still viewed themselves as an english people who had gone their separate ways from the mother country for much of its early history america was dominated quite substantially in numerous fields by what are termed the wasps or white anglo-saxon protestants as this group was the founding stock regarding slavery early america was of course a slave owning society but perspective on slavery was changing in this time the abolishment of it was soon to come in europe the debate was an issue witnessed by each of these gentlemen and they each took a part in it in the late 1600s and early 1700s a number of religious groups like the catholic church and various protestants denounced slavery by 1772 it was clear that the practice was on its way out in the british empire france temporarily outlawed it during the revolution of 1789-99 the us then made slavery illegal in the northern states in 1804 and they and the british made it illegal to import new slaves into their territory in 1807. britain then outlawed slavery altogether throughout the empire in 1833 it would be another 30 years before the united states joined them heidi was the first country in the western hemisphere to outlaw it altogether in 1804 with brazil being the last country in the western hemisphere to outlaw it in 1888. we wouldn't be able to tell them that slavery has been eliminated from our world however an estimated 40 million people remain enslaved worldwide and many more live in slave-like conditions each of these founding fathers voiced some form of opposition to slavery and even acted to limit and regulate it however while the views and actions towards slavery of each of these gentlemen could take a documentary of its own to cover in fact entire books have been written on the subject at the end of the day adams and hamilton were the only two among this group to actually never own slaves in the north there was more consensus that slavery was wrong but very few white americans at all at this time believed that black people should be on the same standard as them all of them would likely be quite surprised by the many changes made in our society regarding race relations but likely would not be surprised that the question of slavery tore the nation apart as that was a major debate in their lifetimes as well women's suffrage would also be new mostly there were instances of female suffrage in early america even in the lives of these gentlemen but they were not common women gained the right to vote nationwide in 1920. suffrage has changed in more ways as well as it wasn't until 1856 that property requirements were dropped and the voting age was not lowered from 21 to 18 until 1971. america's voting system came largely from britain more directly but more distantly from rome as it was believed that only people who had a major stake in the land should be able to make decisions regarding it the preference for the voting age being at 21 was to prevent temperamental and inexperienced young men from making important decisions there are a myriad of political and economic differences between them and us and unfortunately we won't be able to go through every single one especially given that each founding father would have had a different take on things regarding the use of things like nuclear weapons my assumption would be that they would be opposed to them they certainly never conceived of such weapons but nuclear weapons don't exactly fit their desire for a small military call together when necessary although if they were president in our world knowing full well that other countries possess these weapons would they be so willing to give them up who could say that brings us to another interesting side point though electoral law doesn't to my knowledge cover time travel or reincarnation or things like that so adams franklin and contrary to popular misconception hamilton would each legally be eligible to run for office it's often believed that hamilton did not run for president because he was born outside the 13 colonies in the british caribbean which is true but he was a citizen at the time of the constitution's adoption so it would in fact count hamilton never became president a because he was a complicated person with many enemies and controversies b he hid the fact that he was a complicated person much less well than certain other founding fathers and c he got shot in his 40s franklin was too old to be president dying in 1790 and adams was unpopular and so he only served one term and so overall what would their opinion of america be well again it would in many ways be impossible to say as it's only an answer that they could give i think that there would be a number of things not just political and social changes but aspects of our world from fields of all kinds of which they would unanimously approve many things which they would find disagreeable if not horrifying and a number of issues and changes which they would likely have to spend a great deal of time thinking about in order to reach a solid conclusion on the matter these men had clear and strong values principles and beliefs but if someone were to be flung centuries or more into the future would they really have the same view of the world after their visit it's quite likely that seeing what the future held would reaffirm some of their beliefs but caused them to rethink other things it's quite unlikely that we will ever be visited by historical figures who have been randomly propelled into the modern world like this but as i've said before these kinds of thought experiments are very effective ways of understanding ourselves and those who lived in the world that came before us if you've watched this far then i assume you've found this presentation interesting i think one reason we find these kinds of things interesting is that we live in such a different world from the past the human species entered a kind of world only a century or two ago so radically unlike anything we have encountered in our entire existence we have been alleviated from many burdens which have plagued us throughout our history but also picked up new ones which we cannot look to our forebearer's example to solve because the past and present are so different it's more interesting than ever before to compare them another takeaway here for your consideration is that the people of the past did not live to see our world but they did play a role in shaping it likewise we will not live to see the centuries and millennia that will follow our deaths but we do have a say in what that future is like if we choose to value truth and justice to make wise and responsible long-term decisions whatever those decisions may be to devote ourselves to doing our best and to instill these values and beliefs in our descendants then there's no telling what the future could hold but if we fail to do these things then the damage we could do could be irreparable what would the year 3000 be like to people from the year 2000 well who could say but what one can say is that whatever world comes to exist in a distant future will be the product of a long chain of events stretching all the way back to the decisions that people like you and i make not just the big ones but the small unnoticed seemingly minor decisions as well i hope you enjoyed this video if so i invite you to come check out the rest of fire of learning and to subscribe to see more videos like this in the future like i said we did similar videos on medieval monarchs and the romans which you might also enjoy you can help support the production of videos like these by donating to us on patreon the link to which is in the description i'd like to thank our current patrons listed here for their support we are also on instagram and twitter and we again have a channel like this that focuses on science called lusinox so come check us out there too thank you for watching so you
Channel: Fire of Learning
Views: 1,444,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: USA, Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin, 1776, Revolution
Id: DjA0W45LBhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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