How The Bolsheviks Crushed A Coup Attempt From The Left - Kronstadt Rebellion I THE GREAT WAR 1921

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Well there's a fun coincidence. I'm watching YouTube on one monitor as I scroll through Reddit on the other. And guess what's playing on YouTube as I scrolled down to this post. Yep the Kronstadt Rebellion.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I watched a documentary on Kronstadt rebellion years ago. It is a real life tale worthy of being a Shakespearean tragedy. There is nothing like seeing your dream crumble right before your own very eyes and then you're suddenly plunged into a nightmare. I wonder what communism would have been like if the Kronstadt rebellion had been successful. The ideology could have turned much more democratic in practice than it did in real life. Although on the one hand, without the centrally planned economy, would the Soviet have survived the German invasion during World War II?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/EDI-Thor 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
This episode is sponsored by CuriosityStream.   Go to and  sign up for CuriosityStream. If you do,   you get access to Nebula too – where you  can watch current Great War episodes and   other creators ad free. You can find out more in  the video description or at the end of this video. It’s February 1921, and at the important  Russian naval base of Kronstadt,   thousands of sailors have risen in a  revolt against the Bolshevik regime,   which plans on striking back and taking the  fortress by storm – it’s the Kronstadt Rebellion. Hi, I’m Jesse Alexander and  welcome to The Great War.   By the end of 1920, Bolshevik leaders could  feel relieved after years of civil war: the   counter-revolutionary Whites had been defeated,  the peace treaty with Poland was on its way,   and there were some improvements in relations with  the Allied powers. But that didn’t mean that the   Russian Civil War was over: disease and famine  swept the land, the countryside was in revolt,   and Red Navy sailors were very unhappy with the  Bolsheviks. In this episode, we’ll take a look   at the events surrounding the famous Kronstadt  rebellion, which broke out exactly 100 years ago. Russia in early 1921 was in a state of absolute  devastation. The transport system was in ruins,   industrial production was a fraction of pre-1917  levels, and agriculture was in crisis. Bolshevik   economic policies had mostly made things  worse by imposing the War Communism policy   of grain seizures, abolishing private trade, and  nationalizing industry, even small businesses.   They also began early attempts  at agricultural collectivization   with Planting Committees. Now there is a debate  amongst historians as to whether War Communism   was a series of improvisations during a  time of crisis, or a deliberate policy   designed to create a Communist society  by forcibly re-organizing the economy. Whether improvised or by  design, for many peasants,   this was not the system they had hoped  for when they mostly chose to support the   Bolsheviks over the Whites during the Civil  War. They had wanted control of the land,   but that wasn’t quite what they had gotten,  as a peasant delegate complained ironically   to the 9th Communist Party Congress: “Everything  is just fine—the land is ours but the grain is   yours, the water ours but the fish yours, the  forests ours but the wood yours.” (Avrich, 164).   Instead, the normal sale and transport of food  between the countryside and the cities broke down,   and the Bolsheviks cracked down on the  black market that sprang up to replace it. The result, combined with the effects of more  than six years of war, was widespread starvation.   Anarchists Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman  were in Petrograd in 1920 after being deported   from the US. Goldman described the crises: “With  the prohibition of trading came the […] detachment   of [the Cheka secret police] at every station to  confiscate everything brought by private persons   to the city. The wretched people, after untold  difficulties of obtaining a pass for travel,   after days and weeks of exposure at the  stations, or on the [train] roofs and platforms,   would bring a pood of flour or potatoes, only  to have it snatched from them.” (Smele, 201) From 1917 to 1920, Petrograd’s population  fell by more than two thirds, and Moscow’s   by almost half (Avrich 24). Desperate citizens  hoped that once the war with the Whites was over   things would improve, but the winter of 1920-1921  was the harshest yet. Food rations were reduced,   and then delayed for weeks, while groups favoured  by the Bolsheviks, like party members, got more   than their share. The collapse of transportation  also meant that there was nothing to burn for to   heat homes or run the factories, and some had  to shut for lack of coal. These conditions were   perfect for diseases like typhus and cholera,  which added to the mounting death toll. So Russians were starving, freezing, and dying  even after the Bolsheviks had taken control.   It wasn’t long before even those who had supported  the Bolsheviks began to turn against them. One of the Bolsheviks’ most unpopular  moves was taking power away from   the popular councils , or soviets, and  concentrating it exclusively in the party.   They also suppressed other leftist groups like the  Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries, as well as   trade unions. Workers had been the Bolsheviks’  main bastion of support since 1917, but now they   connected the hunger and cold they experienced to  Bolshevik policies, so they took political action.   In February 1921, strikes broke out in  Petrograd and Moscow. The striking workers   not only demanded better living conditions,  but also political changes like free trade,   the release of political prisoners, and the  end of War Communism. Some demonstrators even   called for free elections of the soviets, or the  return of the pre- October Revolution parliament. In Moscow, Bolshevik leader Vladimir  Lenin addressed a crowd of metal workers,   and asked them rhetorically if they’d  rather have the Whites running the country.   One of workers answered him: “I don’t  care who comes along – Whites, Blacks,   or the Devil himself – just as long  as you clear out!” (Avrich, 36) The situation was getting serious,  as the Petrograd Cheka reported:   “Many provocative rumours are circulating,   to the effect that Soviet rule will fall  this spring.” (Наумов, Косаковский, 26) The Bolshevik authorities sent in Red Army  troops and the Cheka arrested thousands,   especially from other leftist groups like  the Mensheviks. But they also tried to calm   the workers by giving them emergency  rations, and allowing private trade.   These measures put a stop to the strikes in  Petrograd and Moscow, but were too late to stop   the storm that was brewing at the important Red  Navy base at Kronstadt, not far from Petrograd. Kronstadt was a fortified city and naval base  on a small island in the Gulf of Finland,   designed to protect the former capital. In  1921, more than half its population of 50,000   were sailors or soldiers, and since 1917 they  had ben influential supporters of the Bolshevik   revolution (Наумов, Косаковский, 8). They’d  fought on the Red side against the Whites   and had a reputation as, in the words of  Leon Trotsky “the glory and pride of the   revolution.” (Smele 200) But now, the men were  angry, as sailor Stepan Petrichenko explained:   “For years, the happenings at home  while we were at the front or at sea   were concealed by the Bolshevik censorship.  When we returned home our parents asked us why   we fought for the oppressors. That [got] us  thinking." (Avrich, 67) Between August 1920   and March 1921, the local branch of the  Communist Party lost half its organizers,   and in January 1921 alone about 5000  sailors quit the party. (Avrich, 69) On February 26, a delegation of sailors from  Kronstadt visited Petrograd to learn more about   the ongoing strikes. Two days later, they’d  returned to base and reported their findings.   The result was the Petropavlovsk Resolution, named  after one of the warships anchored in Kronstadt.   The sailors called for: new elections for  the soviets; freedom of speech for all   anarchists and socialists; the liberation of  anarchist and socialist political prisoners;   freedom of assembly, including for unions;   the abolition of War Communism; and equal rations  for all workers. (Smele 203) A few days later,   the sailors summed up their position in a document  entitled What We Are Fighting For: “In carrying   out the October Revolution, the working class  was hoping to throw off the yoke of oppression.   Yet that revolution resulted in even  greater enslavement […]. The power of   the police–gendarme monarchism fell into  the hands of the conquering Communists,   who instead of freedom gave the working people  the constant fear of ending up in a Cheka dungeon,   the horrors of which have [far] surpassed those  of a tsarist gendarme prison.” (Smele, 203) The sailors’ demands show that they  were against the Bolshevik dictatorship   but not against Bolshevik rule in principle  – they were still socialist and pro-Soviet.   But their declaration that the current  situation did not express the will of the people   was a direct challenge to Bolshevik power in that  it called on them to honor their own constitution. So the sailors of Kronstadt, once the scions  of revolution, had now fired a shot across   the bows of the Bolshevik authorities – and  they weren’t about to stop at resolutions. On March 1, 1921, the sailors of the Baltic  Fleet assembled for a general meeting. They   approved the Petropavlovsk resolution, and  shouted down government representatives,   including Premier Mikhail KalInin and  Baltic Fleet Commissar Nikolai KuzmIn.   The sailors also detained Kuzmin, and elected a  Provisional Revolutionary Committee the next day.   The Committee was led by Stepan Petrichenko,  who summed up the movement’s objective:   “Our revolt was an elemental movement  to get rid of Bolshevik oppression;   once that is done, the will of the people  will manifest itself.” (Avrich, 95) On March 2, the Committee occupied  all strategic points in Kronstadt,   including the Cheka headquarters. All warships  and coastal batteries in the town recognized   the Committee’s authority – even a general,  Aleksandr Koslovskii. The rebellion had begun. The Bolshevik government in Moscow responded with  a series of ultimatums demanding the release of   party members and an end to the revolt. They  also tried to discredit the revolt by calling   it a mutiny, so they wouldn’t have to admit that  workers and sailors had turned against them. The   Bolsheviks also publicly accused the rebels of  collaborating with agents of the Whites and the   French, which wasn’t true. The sailors fired  back in a declaration to the people: “Our enemies   are trying to deceive you. They say that the  Kronstadt rebellion was organized by Mensheviks,   S[ocial] R[evolutionaries], Entente spies, and  tsarist generals. They say we’re led from Paris.   Nonsense! If our rebellion were made in Paris,  then the moon was made in Berlin.” (Avrich, 98) The revolt had the Bolsheviks worried. They  were already dealing with peasant revolts in   the provinces, but if they lost the workers and  military rank and file, they might lose their   grip on power. In fact, some historians have  seen the rebellion as the starting point of a   third phase of the revolution pitting peasants  and workers against the Bolshevik dictatorship.   The Bolsheviks declared martial law, detained the  Kronstadt delegation that had come to Petrograd,   and took rebel family members in other parts of  the country hostage. They also began planning an   attack on Kronstadt. Communist party members,  volunteers, officer cadets, and Cheka troops   were all mobilized and prepared to crush  the rebellion alongside the Red 7th Army. The Kronstadt sailors were  divided about what to do.   General Koslovskii and other military specialists  wanted to send a force to land near Petrograd to   seize more weapons, and link up with sympathetic  army units to march on Petrograd. They also urged   the Committee to prepare for defence, by freeing  the two battleships in the harbour from the ice   so they could have clear fields of fire,  which would also stop the Red Army from   marching across the ice to attack  the town. But the Committee refused. According to some historians, at this early stage  they still saw themselves more as a political   and social reform pressure group than a military  rebellion. (Avrich 111) Instead, they hoped the   Bolsheviks would not attack before the ice melted,  and for the workers of Petrograd to rise up.   Commissar for War Trotsky though, was not  willing to wait. He issued an ultimatum   demanding the surrender of the rebels, and  warning them he was ready to suppress them by   force. The committee was not impressed: “The […]  [Workers’] Revolution has risen and will sweep   from the face of Soviet Russia the vile slanderers  and tyrants with all their corruption—and   your clemency, Mr. Trotsky, will  not be needed.” (Avrich, 145) So the sailors of Kronstadt had declared   open revolt against the Bolsheviks  in Moscow, but were hesitant about   armed conflict. On March 7, the crisis  turned bloody as the Bolsheviks struck first. Under the command of the battle-tested General  Mikhail Tukhachevskii, the Reds had assembled a   force of about 10,000 men, 85 guns, and 96 machine  guns The 25,000 Kronstadt sailors had 280 guns,   33 machine guns, and could also use some of  the guns on the two battleships frozen in   the harbour ice (Smele 205). Tukhachevskii  was worried that the ice would soon melt,   which would leave Kronstadt an island  fortress, so he wanted to act quickly,   despite the problems he was facing. For one,  his troops were suffering from low morale.   They were tired after years of fighting the  Whites, and since most of them were peasants,   some sympathized with the rebels. Another  problem was the tactical situation.   To attack Kronstadt’s fortifications, the Red  troops would have to first cross the open ice   of the Gulf of Finland, which exposed them to  the defenders’ fire with no cover whatsoever. All the same, the Red Army attacked  on the morning of March 7. After a   short artillery duel made difficult by  the fog and falling snow, the infantry   began to move across the ice. The defenders  opened up from behind the fortifications,   and the attackers hesitated. Shells opened  up huge holes in the ice which swallowed up   dozens of Red soldiers. Some units refused to  continue the advance, and retreated in spite   of the Cheka blocking detachments behind them.  The first assault on the fortress had failed. After this victory the Kronstadt Revolutionary  Committee put out a call to the Russian   population in the hopes of gaining support:”The  workers and peasants steadfastly march forward,   leaving behind them both the Constituent Assembly,  with its bourgeois regime, and the dictatorship   of the Communist party, with its Cheka and its  state capitalism, [and] whose hangman's noose   encircles the necks of the laboring masses and  threatens to strangle them to death. . . . Here   in Kronstadt has been laid the first stone of  the third revolution, striking the last fetters   from the laboring masses and opening a broad new  road for socialist creativity.” (Avrich, 166-167) But the labouring masses of the country did not  rise up with Kronstadt – in fact the strikes in   Petrograd had stopped after food rations had been  distributed. The Tenth Party Congress in Moscow   also voted to end War Communism and replace the  grain seizures with a tax in kind, the beginning   of the more liberal New Economic Policy  meant to calm the workers and peasants.   The Bolsheviks were also preparing militarily --  more carefully this time -- for another assault on   the island. Tukhachevskii now had between 20,000  and 35,000 troops, and more heavy weapons at the   ready (Smele 205). Meanwhile, the rebels’ position  was deteriorating. They were short on food,   fuel, medicine, and ammunition. Their morale was  shattered, since it had become clear that the   workers in Petrograd and the rest of the country  were not heeding their call to rise up. They had,   in the words of one sailor,  sold out “for a pound of meat.” So Kronstadt had resisted  one attack, but it was now   facing the Red Army alone. And the Bolsheviks  would not make the same mistake twice. The second Red Army offensive  against Kronstadt began on March 17.   This time there were two attacking  groups, the larger in the south   and the smaller in the north. After an  exchange of artillery fire through the night,   the Northern assault group crossed the ice  in the early morning darkness and fog. After   fierce fighting, they managed to capture all the  small forts but one, and reached the city walls.  At the same time, the southern group had  launched an assault on the Petrograd Gate,   the most vulnerable part of the fortress. They  reached the walls, but were driven back by the   concentrated fire of the defenders. The Bolshevik  forces tried again, and managed to breach the   wall north of the gate. They poured into the  city, where house-to-house fighting raged. Just before sundown, Red artillery was moved  into the city and brought a devastating   weight of fire onto the remaining defenders.  Around the same time, the Northern Red force   also broke into the town from the northeast.  They seized the rebel headquarters, and linked   up with the southern group in the city centre.  By midnight, the fighting began to die down,   and the last holdout forts surrendered the next  day. The Kronstadt rebellion had been crushed. The Battle of Kronstadt had been short but  bloody. Historians suspect that Soviet figures   of the time are too low, and recent evidence  suggests that the Red Army lost up to 2000 dead,   while the rebels lost at least the same  number (Smele 207). About 8000 sailors were   able to escape to Finland after the Committee  asked for asylum. Of those who stayed behind,   more than 2000 were sentenced to death,  about 6500 were sent to Gulags, and   2500 were deported from the  city (Наумов, Косаковский, 15). The Kronstadt Rebellion has gone  down as one of the most famous   and dramatic episodes of the Russian Revolution  and Civil War. Although the rebellion had failed,   it did have political consequences. Many  who had supported the Bolsheviks before,   were now disillusioned, like Emma Goldman: “Kronstadt broke the last thread that held   me to the Bolsheviki. The wanton slaughter they  had instigated spoke more eloquently against them   than aught else. Whatever their pretenses in  the past, the Bolsheviki now proved themselves   the most pernicious enemies of  the Revolution.” (Smele, 208) To consolidate the Bolshevik  hold on power even further,   the Tenth Party Congress also banned any fractions  or opposition within the Communist Party,   which accelerated its  centralization and unification. Even though the Bolsheviks had defeated the  rebellion, many took it as a warning sign   and enacted important reforms. They loosened  their economic policy by ending War Communism   and adopted the New Economic Program ahead of  schedule. The NEP introduced taxes on surplus,   and allowed private trade and small private shops  – which was just enough to keep most workers from   revolting. Some historians have argued that  the Kronstadt rebellion was the catalyst   that pushed the Bolsheviks into economic reform  – Lenin himself described Kronstadt as a quote   “flash that lit up reality  better than anything else.” For many revolutionaries, like anarchist Alexander  Berkman, the new reality was bleak indeed:  “Grey are the passing days. One by one the  embers of hope have died out. Terror and   despotism have crushed the life born in October.  The slogans of the Revolution are forsworn,   its ideas stifled in the blood of the people. The  breath of yesterday is dooming millions to death;   the shadow of today hangs like  a black pall over the country.   Dictatorship is trampling the masses under foot.  The Revolution is dead; its spirit cries in the   wilderness.” (Smele, 208) But in the spring  of 1921, far from Kronstadt, the peasants of   Siberia would soon show the spirit of resistance  to Bolshevik rule was still alive and well. Covering events like the Kronstadt rebellion  and the rest of the Russian Civil War is a   lot of fun for us but it also has its challenges.  Frankly, history is somewhat of a niche topic in   the grand scheme of YouTube’s reach  and in the past years they haven’t   made it easier for us history creators  to bring you a detailed and hopefully   objective view of historic events. Frankly, history is somewhat of a niche   topic in the grand scheme of YouTube’s reach and  in the past years they haven’t made it easier   for us history creators to bring you a detailed  and hopefully objective view of historic events.   That’s why we crowdfunded and released our  Battle of Berlin documentary 16 Days in Berlin   specifically outside of YouTube – where 250  of our videos were retroactively demonetized   because they changed their rules  years after these videos were made.   And in this kind of climate we went even further  to be safe in the future. We teamed up with some   other creator friends to have a platform where  we don’t have to worry about YouTube’s capricious   actions. This platform is called Nebula. On Nebula  you can watch top educational creators like us,   ad free and support them at the same time. For  example this video you are watching now – doesn’t   have this ad on Nebula. And we can publish  content there which we can’t put on YouTube,   like our documentary series 16 Days  in Berlin which I just mentioned. So what does this have to do with CuriosityStream,   another platform for classic,  high quality documentary content?   They like Nebula and what we are doing there  and they are supporting it with a pretty sweet   deal. If you sign up for CuriosityStream  through   you get access to two platforms instead  of one. That’s right, signing up through gets you  access to both CuriosityStream and to Nebula. Again, that’s  and right now that’s 26% off, less than 12$   for an entire year. We want to thank Sofia Shirogorova   for her help with this episode. As usual, you  can find all our sources for this episode in   the video description. If you want to support our  channel, you can support us on Patreon the link   is in the video description below as well. I’m  Jesse Alexander and this is The Great War 1921,   a production of Real Time History and  the only Youtube history channel that   will sweep from the face of the internet the vile  slanderers and tyrants with all their corruption
Channel: The Great War
Views: 103,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: History, World War 1, WW1, First World War, Documentary, Documentary Series, The Great War, Indy Neidell, 1919, Interwar Period, 1920s, Educational, Russian Civil War, Revolution, Interbelum, Kronstadt Rebellion, Lenin, Trotsky, Russian Revolution, Petrograd, Baltic Fleet, Red Army, Tukhachevsky, Кронштадт
Id: oZVvs1NWk7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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