Banana Wars - US Marines Occupy Cuba, Haiti & Dominican Republic I THE GREAT WAR 1921

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Fantastic Video, High School history class never mentioned any of this. That's why I love this Channel.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BrennusHoagie 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
This episode of The Great War  is sponsored by Audible. Stick   around for a special offer at the  end of this episode. But first: It’s March 1921 and Alfredo Zayas y Alfonso  has become president of Cuba. But there are   claims of electoral fraud, and US troops are  sent to the island nation – this is just the   latest case of longstanding US intervention  in the Caribbean: it’s the Banana Wars. Hi, I’m Jesse Alexander and  welcome to the Great War.   In the early 20th Century, the United States  was deeply involved in events in Central America   and the Caribbean. To protect its interests  and keep other Powers out, the US fought wars,   intervened in politics, and even occupied some  countries for years at a time. These conflicts   have become known as the Banana Wars, and in  this episode, we’ll take a look at three of them:   in Cuba, in Haiti and in the Dominican Republic -  and they were all going on exactly 100 years ago. Since the 19th century, Latin America was no  stranger to US presence – going back all the way   to the Monroe Doctrine of 1823. This doctrine  still outlined US priorities 100 years later:   keeping European influence out  of Central and South America,   and increasing trade with the independent  republics. In 1898, the US put the doctrine   into practice when Cuban leaders requested its  help in their war of independence against Spain.   American forces intervened and the US won the  Spanish-American War in just a few months. This   was a sign that American power and willingness  to get involved abroad was on the rise. In the years following the war in Cuba,   the United States took on an important  role in the country’s politics and economy. Some US politicians thought that the country  should annex Cuba, but President William McKinley   refused. Instead, he created a provisional  government under an American military governor   that was supposed to introduce social, political  and economic reforms to modernize the island.   Congress also passed the Platt Amendment, which  allowed the US to intervene in Cuba in the future,   and gave the US Navy use of the territory at  Guantanamo Bay. But for governor Leonard Wood,   progress was too slow. Cubans had enjoyed  a three-hour workday under Spanish rule,   and Wood claimed that their  experience as a Spanish colony   made it difficult for Cubans to adopt  what he saw as productive American habits: “The great mass of public opinion is perfectly  inert; especially this is true among the   professional classes. The passive inactivity  of one hundred and fifty years has settled over   them and it is hard to get them out of old ruts  and old grooves... We are much hampered by the   lack of practical experience on the part of the  really influential men and much tact has to be   used to steer and divert them without offending  or causing pain.” (Langley, Banana Wars, 9) However, by 1902, the Americans decided  that conditions were stable enough   for US troops to withdraw and leave Cuba in local  hands. But just four years later, in 1906, Cuba’s   two main political parties, the Moderates and the  Liberals, were clashing in pre-election violence.   Cuban president and Moderate  leader, Tomás Estrada Palma,   was accused of using security forces to ensure his  reelection. The Liberals, who were no friends of   American involvement in the country in general,  now called for the US to ensure free elections. President Theodore Roosevelt chose not  to intervene, and the situation in Cuba   degenerated. The Liberals began to raise an army,  and by September, they had 24,000 men under arms,   controlled the railways, and were threatening  the capital. The Moderate government   only had about 3000 police – so this time the  Moderate Party called on the US to come to Cuba. Roosevelt still didn’t send troops, and instead  called on President Estrada Palma to resign,   which he refused to do while the  Liberals were still armed. Meanwhile,   the Liberals rejected to disarm  unless they had US protection.   So, in September, 2,000 Marines were sent to  the island with instructions to accept the   Cuban President’s resignation and again form a  new provisional government. Fresh elections were   held in 1908, and have been described by one  historian as the “fairest in Cuban history.” The Liberal candidate got the most votes,  so with order seemingly restored, the US   once again withdrew its forces in 1909. But some  observers were worried about what might come next.   US administrator and army officer Robert  Bullard made a pessimistic prediction: “The U.S.   will have to go back. It is only a matter of  time.” (Langley, Banana Wars, 43) Bullard turned   out to be right, and American marines returned  to Cuba in 1912 to stop further violence. So the US had fought a war in Cuba in 1898,  and intervened numerous times in the years   that followed. But with American’s growing  influence and the outbreak of the Great War   in Europe in 1914, Cuba wasn’t the only Caribbean  island where the US was getting involved. The completion of the Panama Canal in August  1914 and its importance to US interests presented   a new strategic problem in the Caribbean. The  Americans already controlled Cuba and Puerto Rico,   but the island of Hispaniola presented a  potential weak point in US defences of the   eastern approaches to the canal. This sensitive  point became even more of a problem for the US   when Americans accused Haiti of  getting too close to German influence. Haiti covered half of Hispaniola, and had won  its independence from France back in 1804.   The country’s leaders had been  unreceptive to US diplomatic advances,   and sometimes dealt with German businessmen  who had married into the local elite.   By 1914, US authorities considered Haiti to be  aligned with Germany, and they would not tolerate   a foreign power’s influence in the region, or  the lost opportunities for American companies.   They also felt that given the population’s  African origin, Haitians would not be able   to govern themselves. In the view of the Haitian  government, they were simply acting as would any   sovereign nation. The US began to make plans for  an intervention, but events soon overtook them. Haiti had long struggled with  political instability, and since 1911,   seven presidents had been assassinated or deposed.  From the American point of view, it was this type   of chaos that was making it possible for German  influence to grow. Inside Haitian society,   the situation was more complicated. The island  was ruled by a privileged French-speaking elite   that considered itself apart from the poorer  Creole-speaking majority. The violence that   often broke out usually involved armed groups  known as cacos. To some observers, the cacos   were revolutionaries for hire, who periodically  captured Port-au-Prince for the highest bidder   before returning to their villages. But to  others, including many Haitians, they were the   expression of the population’s desire to resist  unscrupulous leaders and soon, foreign occupation. In July 1915, a new round of political violence  came to head. Just a few months earlier, President   Vilbrun Guillaume Sam had ordered the execution  of 167 opponents of his regime. When the sentence   was carried out, the population rose up against  him under the leadership of Dr. Rosalvo Bobo.   Bobo was an intellectual who had  supported popular uprisings against   previous Haitian rulers, and opposed Sam’s  closer relations with the United States.   During the July uprising against Sam’s executions,   Sam was dragged from the French embassy where  he was hiding and killed by an angry crowd. When news of the assassination got out, Rear  Admiral William Caperton was in command of a   nearby US Navy cruiser squadron. Without waiting  for orders, he landed five companies of marines   and sailors and made for Port-au-Prince.  Resistance was light, and US troops were   soon in control of the city, even though  this was a violation of international law.   Caperton said that he had acted to  protect foreign lives and property,   establish order, and maintain  Haiti’s constitution. President Woodrow Wilson approved the occupation  and in the following months, Caperton appointed   Phillipe Sudre Dartiguenave as president of Haiti.  He also forced through a treaty that made Haiti   into a virtual colony of the United States. The  treaty gave the US control of Haitian finances,   trade, diplomacy, and gave the US the right  to occupy the country for 10 to 20 years.   Some of the French-speaking elite in the  country was supportive of Caperton, but most   of poorer Creole-speaking population was not, and  wanted Dr. Bobo in power and the Americans out.  Haitian journalist Elie Guerin wrote of  his hopes for the future of the country:   “The Monroe doctrine, the Yankee imperialist’s doubt will deteriorate before long. [We  Haitians] we must strive, with courage, to still   suffer physically more and more, that is to say  until the end of the European War...In that case   we ought to be patient, calm and proud, while  at the same time enduring suffering, as the hour   for our liberation is the coming collapse of the  Monroe doctrine.” (Roberts, Haitian Studies 241) Relations between US troops and the local  population were predictably tense, made worse by   the racial attitudes of most of the Americans.  It didn’t take long before the cacos began a   simmering guerilla war against the occupying  forces, under Charlemagne Peralte and Benoit   Batraville. In fall 1915, the marines began to  patrol more aggressively outside of the capital,   and in a single November raid, killed 50  Haitians in ten minutes at Fort Riviere.   The Marines had stormed the fort with the  help of machine guns, while the rebels had   been armed with rifles, sticks, and stones.  No US soldiers were killed in the attack. These types of Marine patrols  continued, and by January 1916,   Caperton reported optimistically about  the military and financial situation: “All Haiti quiet… Military control of  situation and status quo being maintained…   Naval paymasters under paymaster Conard continue  in charge of the customs service and fiscal   matters. Practically entire Haitian financial  system is now being so administered.” (Posner 250) And so, with US troops in control of Haiti  and a US-friendly President installed,   American authorities turned their  attention to the Dominican Republic,   Haiti’s neighbour and the other  state on the island of Hispaniola. After gaining independence from Spain in 1868,   the Dominican Republic had  developed into decentralised state   where many of its people identified more  with their home region than the new nation. This made the country more susceptible to  foreign influence, including from the US.   From 1900 onwards, the US took  control of vital Dominican industries,   including plantations and mining. This  control intensified under President Wilson   who also sought moral leadership over  what he considered “uncivilised” peoples. Like Haiti, the Dominican Republic  suffered from internal turmoil.   In 1916, American-friendly  President Juan Isidro Jiménez   was at the head of a provisional government.  But his real power was limited to the capital,   and areas outside Santo Domingo were dominated  by regional strongmen known as caudillismo. In May 1916, Minister of War General Desiderio  Arias led a coup against the President. Jiménez   fled the country and reluctantly  accepted US offers for intervention.   The US threatened to bombard Santo Domingo, so  Arias fled to his regional stronghold of Cibao.   Further violence seemed inevitable, so Jiménez  resigned, as he explained to the US authorities: “I cannot keep my word with  you. I can never consent   to attacking my own people.”  (Langley, The Banana Wars, 135) Despite his protests, in June the US sent  in the marines anyway. At Puerto Plata,   around 500 Dominican fighters resisted an  amphibious assault of 130 marines. Once ashore,   Marine machine guns and supporting naval  fire quickly defeated the defenders. Meanwhile, more marines landed at Monte Cristi.  After taking the town without resistance,   they were attacked by local militiamen on the  outskirts. According to Marine commander Captain   Frederick Wise, around 150 fighters charged  down the hills directly at his machine guns.   He concluded they had never  seen such weapons before: “[They dropped] all up and  down the line… I could see   sheer amazement on their faces.”  (Langley, The Banana Wars, 139) Wise’s men then advanced along the Yaque del Norte  River, with instructions to meet with the Marines   who’d landed at Puerto Plata outside Arias’s  capital of Santiago. When the Marines arrived,   Arias had already departed, and most of  his forces melted back into the population. However, upon arriving there on July 4th,  they were informed Arias had departed,   with much of his forces simply dissipating.  On July 6th, the marines entered the city   without resistance. Santiago fell  to the Americans without a fight. So, with Arias defeated, US control of the  Dominican Republic seemed secure. However,   back in Santo Domingo, the US was unable to  find a pro-American presidential candidate.   Instead, in November 1916, they took  full and direct control of the country,   and installed a US military government  under Captain Henry Knapp. Unlike in Haiti,   there would be no pretence  of an independent government. So by 1916, the US had taken control of  Haiti and installed a puppet government,   and the US military was running the Dominican  Republic. But these were not the end of American   intervention in the region, and soon, the Marines  would be sent to familiar places once again. By mid-1917, the level of political  violence in Cuba had decreased,   even though there were still some areas  where it persisted. American businessmen   in Cuba were particularly worried about  the safety of their sugar plantations.   In previous struggles, plantations  had often been torched or abandoned,   and so in August 1,000 Marines were sent in to  protect them. This operation was disguised as   a training exercise to avoid trouble with Cubans  who opposed American influence and in the country. By 1921, major political  instability returned to Cuba,   which resulted in yet another US intervention.  This time There were claims of electoral fraud   concerning the election of  Moderate candidate Alfredo Zayas.   When new elections were held under Marine  guard in March 1921, Zayas once again won. Now, desperate for capital, he called  on US banks to fund his government.   J.P Morgan Jr. agreed, to the tune of  $50 million, but only if Zayas introduced   wide sweeping political and economic reforms,  including cutting the government budget in half.   Zayas agreed, but anti-American reaction  made his position looked vulnerable. Instead, once Zayas got hold of the cash, he  embarked on an extensive spending programme,   fired many of his American supported ministers   and became increasingly  resistant to following US orders. Meanwhile, Haiti was still an  American satellite state. In 1918,   the US-backed government forced through a new  constitution that allowed foreigners to own   property, which had previously been forbidden.  Although voters in a subsequent plebiscite   overwhelmingly supported the new constitution,  only 5% of the population had actually voted. US authorities in Haiti had also started  infrastructure modernisation programmes,   such as rail and road construction. To  do this, they revived a French colonial   labour system known as the corvée. On paper,  this gave Haitians the choice of providing   unpaid labour or paying a special tax. Since  the vast majority couldn’t afford the tax,   they had no choice to work – and this seemed  like a return to slavery in the eyes of many.   The policy was scrapped in late  1918, but left lasting resentment. In 1919, a caco leader Charlemagne  Peralte launched a renewed revolt   against the Haitian government and their  American sponsors. His call to arms   revived memories of Haiti’s own  struggle for self-liberation: “Haitians! [A] day like the 1st of January 1804  will soon rise. [For] 4 years the Occupation   insults us in every way, every morning brings us  a new sadness... No fear! We have arms! Let us   drive out that ravenous people whose ravenousness  is represented in the person of their President   Wilson: traitor, vagabond, rioter, thief. [Y]ou  will die with your country.” (Schreadley, 157) Peralte rallied about 5000 fighters  and attacked Port-au-Prince,   but failed to take it. On November 1st  1919, two US marines - with blackened faces   and wearing caco clothing - snuck into his camp  and shot him dead. They took a photo of Peralte   stripped naked and tied to a door, which was  distributed to send a message to his supporters.   Instead, it drew comparisons to the crucifixion  of Christ and turned Peralte into a martyr. Overall, the period of the Banana  Wars saw the US Marine Corp,   and Navy generally, taking on a central role in  US geopolitics. These so-called small wars would   challenge the infrastructure and abilities of the  Marines, as well as create a controversial legacy. On the ground, few forces could rival the  training and firepower of the Marines,   but many were also unprepared for the nature  of fighting in the tropics. Furthermore, for a   mission centric organisation like the Marines,  the lack of clear policy and orders proved   frustrating. Col. George C. Thorpe, a veteran  of the Dominican occupation, wrote in 1919: “It would seem that it would be a fine thing if  troops.. in the Dominican Republic and Haiti,   were told exactly what their mission is…  Uncertainty is always unsatisfactory. Men   can face a very black future if they but  know what it is. But an uncertain future,   even with bright possibilities is  annoying and unsettling.” (Johnson 143) These issues were compounded by the inherent  racism prevalent in the Marine Corps. The US Navy   even prioritised sending commanders from  southern states because they thought they   would be better at dealing with people of African  origin. These attitudes meant that the Americans   often did not recognize or understand the  political and social dynamics of different   Caribbean populations. Instead, local people were  usually lumped together based exclusively on race. American attitudes cost the US politically, but  they also cost local people’s lives, since a black   resident’s life was not considered as valuable  as a white American’s. In the Dominican Republic,   Dominicans were beaten and fined for criticising  the military occupation. Charles Merkel, a Marine   officer known as the “the Tiger of Seibo”,  gained a particular reputation for torture   and burning villages. He was eventually arrested,  but committed suicide rather than stand trial. After the US entered the Great War in 1917, some  Marine officers were transferred to Europe. The   ones who weren’t often grew frustrated at  missing out on the war in Europe, since the   Caribbean was considered a second-rate posting.  One Marine officer wrote to his commander: “If I do a good job of clearing  these… provinces of insurgents and   kill a lot… it ought to demonstrate I’d be a  good German-killer.” (Langley, Banana Wars, 147) These frustrations were  sometimes taken out on locals   and the small, but influential, German population. By 1920, stories of abuse began to emerge despite  press censorship in the Dominican Republic.   To a US public back home who  saw themselves as rescuers,   the accusations caused a scandal. Historian  Jeannie Johnson summed up the controversy: “Marines alone cannot be saddled with the  blame for bringing racism with them—they   did this by virtue of their American heritage—but   they must own the belligerent actions they  vindicated through this perceptual lens,   actions that fell enough outside the American  norm—racist as it was—that it was rejected by the   Marines’ own domestic public and brought shame and  indignation down on their service.” (Johnson 158) Despite being overshadowed by  larger conflicts of the period,   the Banana Wars would leave legacies that shaped  the region for decades. In the Dominican Republic,   the occupation lasted 8 years, while in  Haiti it continued for nearly twenty. Economics undoubtedly played a  large role in the Banana Wars,   and the US frequently sought financial  domination. But even though money was important,   it was not necessarily the end goal for  American policymakers. Financial control   instead served to underpin geopolitical goals,  and was seen as necessary for future democracy. However, the frequent threat and use of American  military might to push through unpopular treaties   and constitutions also fundamentally damaged  the reputation of democracy in the region.   To many, the supposedly democratic governments   were merely American puppets - a  claim that was difficult to refute. In some cases, the US presence did result in  limited modernisation, especially in Cuba,   but this was usually only in the capital cities.  The US did create central security forces such as   the Rural Guard in Cuba, the Gendarmerie in Haiti,  and Guardia Nacional in the Dominican Republic.   These forces did help to end the cycle of  political coups that plagued the countries,   but they also allowed power to be increasingly  centralised. And centralized power would cast   a long shadow on the history of the  Caribbean in the decades to come. If you paid attention during history lessons,  you will probably know that the relations between   Cuba and the US did only become more entangled  over the decades. Much has been written about   the Cuban revolution in 1959, one recent  book on the topic I enjoyed was The Great   Game in Cuba - How the CIA Sabotaged Its Own  Plot to Unseat Fidel Castro - by Joan Mellen.   In the book we get a rare inside  look into the CIA’s involvement in   Cuba and how the secret service struggled to  prevent and then reverse the Cuban revolution. And where could you enjoy Mellen’s work?  Well, you could enjoy it as an audiobook   and listen to it. And you could do so for free. Yes, if you sign up for a free trial with Audible   through, you could listen  to The Great Game in Cuba by Joan Mellen for   free. And that’s not the only great  history audiobook you can find on Audible,   the world’s leading spoken word platform. They  have thousands of titles in their catalogue,   not just audiobooks but also podcasts and more. Audiobooks are a great and easy way to enjoy your   non-fiction books on-the-go. When I am taking  a walk through Vienna or just want to lay down   instead of sitting at my desk the whole  day, I hit the play button on my Audible   app and dive into the latest history. Visit Audible dot com slash greatwar or   text greatwar to 500-500. To sign up for  a free 30 day trial. When you sign up   you will get one credit that you can  spend on any audiobook of your choice. We’d like to thank Mark Newton for his help  with this episode. As usual, you can find   all our sources for this episode in the video  description. If you want to support our channel,   you can support us on Patreon and the link for  that are in the video description below as well.   I’m Jesse Alexander and this is The  Great War 1921, a production of Real   Time History and the only Youtube history  channel advocating for three-hour workdays.
Channel: The Great War
Views: 221,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: History, World War 1, WW1, First World War, Documentary, Documentary Series, The Great War, Indy Neidell, 1919, Interwar Period, 1920s, Educational, Russian Civil War, Revolution, Interbelum, Banana Wars, USMC, Marine Corps, Hispaniola, Cuba, Occupation, US Foreign Policy
Id: sZUQsWexXT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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