How The Author That Sold Over 72,000,000 Ruined His Legacy.

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if you asked me to make a list out of the best series to release in Shona jump or just in the Shonen demographic period I would talk about Rooney Kenshin it's easily one of my favorite series of all time an amazing story with amazing antagonists such as shishio Makoto great Side characters and one of the best main characters ever in Kenshin himself it's an amazing story of how this character goes through trials and tribulations and tries to move on from his past someone who's found a peaceful way of living but is sort of tempted to enter violence something that has recently become very popular with the character of thorfin although that is done in a very different direction the author of that Series has sold over 72 million copies as was reported in 2019 but yet that's not entirely what he's remembered for Rooney Kenshin is one of the most influential series of the 90s regarding Shonen it was written by nobuhiro watsuki or real name nobuhiro nishiwaki and was published from 1994 to 1999. the series reported in 2019 has sold over 72 million copy it is without doubt one of the defining series of the 90s with an incredible story Incredible characters and in my opinion one of the best endings I've read within a manga especially to come out of Sean and John but on top of being massively successful as the series it would be the series that it would go on to inspire and have a direct tie to that would be just as large as the series itself it would be one of the main Inspirations for gintamo one of the most iconic Shonen series to ever be released but on top of all of that it would be the person that watsuki would take in Mentor and have worked for him as an assistant and that would be echido Oda who helped work on Rooney Kenshin at the age of 19. what more could someone really ask for in an industry that is as grueling and demanding as the Mongol one to have a breakout and successful series and go on to Mentor the individual who would have the by far best-selling manga of all time you've pretty much made it on top of all of that there would later be released Rooney Kenshin films the first one itself bringing in over 60 million dollars worldwide while watsuki himself sits at a net worth of around 5 million dollars and while although worth he's outclassed by the likes of tagashi kiritoriyama isiyama Kishimoto and well Oda himself based off of the net worths that we've been able to track the author of Rooney Kenshin would actually land near the top 10 highest net worth from mangaka all time in terms of Legacy he's pretty much set and in terms of financial status he's also incredible set for his entire life however there would be heartbreaking news that would be revealed in the year 2017 regarding watsuki it would turn out that there was an investigation done and he was found in possession of over a hundred CDs containing CP now I am someone who completely believes in innocent until proven guilty but these are not allegations these were crimes that watsuki himself pleaded guilty towards admitting his interest and his liking towards very young girls in his confession he said quote he liked girls in late Elementary School to round second year of middle school end quote now the punishment for this in Japan is a year of prison and a fine of ten thousand dollars USD however he was able to to get free only having to pay a fine of two thousand five hundred dollars USD now some other sources claim it was one thousand nine hundred but the point is is he only had to pay around two thousand dollars not close to the ten thousand dollar fine and was completely able to avoid jail time nonetheless the 47 year old was found indicted of possession of it and owning these DVDs as well as purchasing them since July of 2015 and they were able to find this in his office in Tokyo and what I find to be almost as concerning is the crimes he committed was the fact that none of this was considered illegal until 2015. so put that in perspective the United States in order to protect children from sexual exploitation past its first piece of legislation against this Banning CP all the way back in 1977. I'm honestly not even all that shocked sadly considering the sheer amount of Lolly things that exist in Japan but that's that's I don't even want to get into that topic the man who created one of the defining series of his generation and would go on to Mentor the most successful and iconic author in all of manga completely has had his legacy destroyed because of his incorrect actions in fact it was to the point that when my little brother heard about the author of Rooney Kenshin that was one of the first things he's brought up my brother has never read Rooney Kenshin yet and so it's one of those things where despite the great legacy he would have had his actions have caused his reputation to be forever ruined now this sort of brings up a little bit of an interesting discussion regarding separating the art from the artist now me personally I don't believe in drawing that line for other people because if I'm going to be brutally honest I think people are really willing to draw that line until it's something that they really enjoy or their favorite thing ever there are countless examples of this in music industry the filmmaking industry and as well as other forms of entertainment that have had very influential people be accused or charged of very serious things and yet that has not stopped the consumption of their art let's just say it wasn't the author of Rooney Kenshin let's just say it was Kubo Oda or Kishimoto I pray to God that this never happens but say one day news were to break out that one of them did something incredibly controversial problematic or just downright criminal I doubt anybody would really be stopping the consumption of their series and if some people did I doubt they would do so quietly they would do it publicly on social media so they look morally abstanding now let me clarify that's just my personal stance on separating the art from the artist I think it can be done but if you personally aren't comfortable with doing it so regarding certain things that's totally respectable nonetheless I found it incredibly disturbing when I looked into the information regarding what the author of Rooney Kenshin had done as I was somewhat aware of it but I wasn't sure if he had gone to prison or not and the part of it that concerned me the most was the laws in Japan the fact that the punishment was very little only a year in prison and a fine of 10 000 USD he got away with only paying two and a half Grand and on top of all of that the fact that this wasn't banned until 2015 is the most concerning part I don't even want to imagine all of the cases and people that could have been participating in this before the year of 2015 and completely Got Away scot-free since that's something they couldn't be charged for now as to what watsuki's been up to recently I believe he's continued Rooney Kenshin adding some Side Story spin-offs and on top of all of that Rooney Kenshin will be getting an anime remake done by light and films now if I'm not mistaken light in films was the one responsible for the berserk 2016 adaptation but I could be mistaken on that so don't quote me nonetheless I think it's a massive shame that one of the most influential and popular series of the 90s that would go on to have an even bigger impact on the manga industry due to its ties to its most successful author will forever be tied to such a terrible thing
Channel: The Masked Man
Views: 326,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rurouni kenshin, rurouni kenshin trailer, rurouni kenshin 2023, rurouni kenshin remake, rurouni kenshin anime, rurouni kenshin author
Id: S5BUXtmm_Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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