How STRONG Is Rimuru Tempest? | That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

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what's up guys it's me desan and it's about time we finally cook how strong is raru from that time I got reincarnated as a slime he is one of the strongest anime characters and today you're going to find out why now let's start things off with the beginning of the light novel or the Inception of ru's Journey as a Demon Lord the very moment he died in the real world and became a slime a upon his death he would be a virgin and this would give him the skill Great Sage now what makes Great Sage so special is the fact that it's basically na'vi from Zelda or the operator from near but a lot less annoying and a lot more helpful imagine having someone in your ear just constantly giving you cheat codes on everything it's basically having AI in a fantasy world remur would even describe this voice as a computer generated voice and with within this one ability five other abilities would exist within it the first of which being Hassen thought which boosts your perception speed by a th000 times keep in mind this is at the beginning of the series this would mean that for every second you are alive you would experience that 1 second a thousand times faster 1 second for you would be 1,000 seconds for rearo the next ability would be analyze and assess where he could basically analyze as a Target strength weaknesses and potential abilities reading his opponent giving him the upper hand in combat because You' know what to expect from his Target the next ability would be parallel operation which would allow him to retain normal thoughts while also analyzing his opponent parallel operation allows remar's brain to focus on more than one thing at the exact same time this means in Comm comat while he's analyzing an opponent it would not interfere with his normal thought process the next one would be cast cancel which anuls the casting period required when using magic meaning he can instantaneously use a spell without having to wait a specific time limit and the fifth and final one would be all of creation which would provide full coverage of all unsuppressed matter and phenomena in the world if he to get a basic understanding of any concept that existed within the world he could get a full analysis of it as for his next ability he would have Predator which consists of five other abilities predation analysis stomach mimicry and isolate but in order to save time the basic idea of this ability is the fact that whatever raru consumes he can analyze it whether it's organic or inorganic matter as well as skills and magic for example if you were going to hit Ruru with a fire attack he could consume that fire attack analyze it and develop a counter for it or even recreate it with Predator he also has another form of storage where he could keep weapons craftable items or any materials he wishes it would basically be his own personal pocket Dimension that he can use as a offensive or defensive ability as storage the list can go on while inside of raru stomach any and all objects would be unaffected by time if you were to have food inside of his pocket stomach Dimension it would not expire and the next two things that go along with this ability are where it gets really cool if you're a fan of Kirby let's just say raru can basically do the exact same thing as him with the ability mimicry after something has been inside of his stomach and it's been analyzed he can then reuse its abilities for himself if raru feeds on you he can use your abilities we see this when he first fights with the ogres he would consume multiple monsters and begin to use their abilities an evil centipedes paralysis breath a black spider's sticky thread and steel thread and an armasaur Us's body armor and other than mimicry he would be able to use this ability called isolate where he can take a Target or anything that he might not be able to analyze and break them down into Power Magical Force that he could then use for himself and boost his strength with these being the very first abilities raru would acquire at the beginning of his journey I feel like these would also be the most what's the word uh easy to digest the next thing I'd like to talk about would be C remember that AI voice that I mentioned earlier inside of REM head her name would be Cel and she can prevent any if not all mind attacks from affecting raru the abilities of C would get even deeper with alteration she would be able to modify and evolve skills making brand new abilities or just simply make rearo current abilities stronger than what they already are C would also be able to predict attacks with future attack predictions and whatever this ability does predict it is guaranteed to happen meaning if this ability were to tell me that you're going to cut in a direction you're going to cut in that direction verbatim now I'd like to say that right now C and the Great Sage are basically the same exact thing so all the abilities that I mentioned earlier such as thought acceleration all of creation chant enement would be some of her abilities as well but other than that I'd like to cover the ones that I did not mention with the ability synthesis CL would be able to combine two Targets into a single object and that would allow him to combine his skills into the one brand new one with separation you able to separate two Targets meaning that rearo could go to someone attack them and take their skills away from them with separation any ability someone might have he can take away and he can also take away things from himself if someone were to poison raru he could separate that poison from his body he would also have thought domination no not that kind of thought but the kind of thoughts in your head this ability would allow him to manipulate anyone's mind making them completely under his control and on top of this he would have law domination which would allow him to have complete control over the laws of the world and it doesn't matter whether or not it would be science or Magic based at all and on top of this he'd have the ability food chain which basically allows him to switch and swap his abilities with his subordinates all of the Guardians that I made a video on previously he'd basically have access to all of their abilities to put this into perspective no human can fight zon because he has water domination the human body is made up of water now because zon could do this raru would be able to do that as well meaning that no human would ever be able to fight raru cuz he'd be able to just manipulate the blood in their body and they die not even blood but all forms of moisture and then on top of this CL can autopilot ru's body in a Ultra Instinct like State worthy AI fights way more efficient than a human with emotions ever could kind of crazy because despite of how broken he currently is after after what I just explained there is still more to cover So based on everything I just mentioned in terms of his abilities I feel like uh that should give you a good idea or give you a decent Benchmark on how strong he would be and now I feel like we can slowly add on to this Benchmark or I guess you could say the first layer of how strong he is now in terms of tolerances and defenses rearo can pretty much nullify anything thing just in case you're younger or you just don't know what nullify means that means it cancels out anything cancels out abilities verbatim raru would have physical attack nullification that would mean no forms of physical attacks would work on him he would also have spiritual attack nullification meaning that anything that could potentially damage his Spirit could not damage him with natural effects nullification and any form of elements would not damage him as well with abnormal condition nullification if you try to paralyze him put him to sleep or make him corrode anything along those lines it just doesn't work on top of this he can't even feel pain because of pain nullification the only way you can possibly damage raru is through holy and demonic attacks but he would still be resistant towards that now that we've got his defenses and no ifications out the way let's Dive Right into his magic and I'm not going to go over every single spell because that is a bit much so I will be mentioning the strongest ones and summarizing others and yes what you're seeing on screen right now would be a list of remar's abilities and yes it is still going it is still going and it's still going I literally put it in fast forward to start things off raru can manipulate the elements through fire earth water anything Elemental for the most part he would also have holy magic at his disposal and one of his attacks disintegration can erase you at the speed of light alongside this he would have the ability to resurrect himself and others on the topic of life in the elements he can actually summon Elementals and demons as well and if you thought these sounded broken he would have access to nuclear magic alongside that he'd be able to use the strongest nuclear magic spell Abyssal Annihilation this attack is so strong it can tear down dimensions and destroy the planet regular nuclear magic can eat away at your cells and your spirit at the same time and to be honest you're not really defending against it so if he has the strongest spell at his disposal let's just say good luck fighting raru back as a magic nuclear light is tearing your DNA to shreds on top of this he can stop time and he can travel through it travel through time and space on top of this he would have an ability called Distortion field which puts himself in a spatial Dimension that nullifies all kinds of attacks including spatial ones and is the Ultimate Defense honestly just think of Infinity on steroids as far as magic is concerned I don't want to spend 90% of the video talking about the amount of spells raru has so we're just going to move on if time stop leaping through time and space and uh spatial shield around his body or nuclear magic that can destroy the planet I don't know what else you'd like for me to mention in terms of his magic as for more skills and abilities raru has the ability to make clones of himself and has infinite regeneration on top of this he would have Demon Lord aura that is so strong that if you are inside of it it can kill you or drive you insane his presence alone can kill drive you insane or even weaken your spirit imagine conquer his hockey but instead of getting knocked out you're just dead alongside this he would have molecular manipulation do I really need to explain what that is so far he can manipulate molecules in the laws of the universe and or world and there seems to be more abilities despite that so another thing that I'd like to mention is the fact that raru has two dragons inside of him Vora and vrin and he can use their spiritual bodies and have them fight with him if things get even dicier than that he could create a body double and have that Dragon Spirit hop inside of his body double and they can fight alongside raru now outside of having a good portion of ruru's broken abilities Vora would have probability manipulation I shouldn't have to explain that but you can change the probability of any outcome that he wants in his other ability Pursuit Of Truth he could go through the world records and events basically kind of peering into the past and and getting access to all types of information alongside this he would also have risk prediction which would allow him to look into the future as for vren they would have dimensional lead and this would give her access to another attack called SpaceTime continuous attack which would be an unavoidable dimensional attack that hits you beyond space and time honestly getting jumped by raru in these two dragons is is just ridiculous absolutely ridiculous I just don't know how anyone can fight back I really do not and if they're not on the field he can use their abilities because of remember that ability earlier food chain well in this case they're technically a part of him so that's just kind of naturally what he can do he doesn't even need food chain but keep this in mind he gets all the abilities from his Guardians he gets all the abilities of the dragons that exist inside of him it's so much it's making my head want to explode it's insane how the creator of slime isekai makes this all work that's some really good writing now before we go on to the big boy stuff like his ultimate skills I have to mention the fact that he has Universal sense which allows him to perceive all things around him from lights sounds magic heat Byakugan on steroids n from hunterx Hunter on steroids and he'd have a broken ability like marciles marciles if he views you as an enemy if he sees you as an enemy he can kill you and break your soul at any given moment and on top of this he would have a move called Infinity prison which traps you inside of a pocket Dimension or imaginary space for an eternity with no way out now it's time for Remo's ultimate skills in my previous video about the 12 Guardians I mentioned how they had Demon Lord Aura what makes raru so much different is the fact that he has Dragon Spirit Aura it can kill you and do the same things as Demon Lord Aura but he can actually turn his Aura into magic being in the presence of raru could burn you it could put you to sleep it could cause physical damage it could paralyze you or just simply tear you to shreds ru's ultimate skill would be aith which would be a combination of bezel buub Raphael Vora and vgrid now I could have gotten deeper into the nitty-gritty of the other ultimate skills but I feel like there's kind of no need to because aatho would take advantage of every single one of those skills putting them to its fullest potential with aatho god of the Void raru would have the ability known as Soul gluttony which would basically be a hyper version of The Predator ability I mentioned before but he would be able to devour his targets while ignoring the rules of the SpaceTime reano would also have access to this special energy with imaginary collapse this would be known as the ultimate destructive energy and this same technique was also what was used to create the world of slime isekai with this same energy there is a point in the story where raru could recreate the earth I don't want to go into too many details but the Earth does get destroyed and he's put into a Ben 10es situation where he has the option to recreate it or not what does he do you'll find out I really can't stress enough just how broken this energy is if it's even mishandled even slightly it can destroy the entire planet this would be energy even stronger than nuclear energy nuclear magic this energy would be in a completely different grade in itself I'd even say it's like you breathe and blow up the planet that is why when Zion wields this it's very Miracle esque as I mentioned before with vgrid and Vora the move for that would be true Dragon release where he would create a clone for himself and have both of them fight alongside him another move that he would have would be true Dragon nucleation where rather than giving them a specific form he turns them into energy putting both the dragons inside of his sword creating an unmatched weapon on top of this raru would have SpaceTime domination which would give him complete control over time space and all of the elements and he can move instantly wherever he wants now for the most part I believe that covers everything raru is capable of well everything that I feel like would be notable unless you want an hourong video if you guys have never watched slimy zakai I hope this video made you interested in checking the series out if you would like more videos like this please consider subscribing liking and commenting to give us support and if you like to support us further please don't donate to the patreon it takes a lot to make videos like this and every penny counts love you guys here are 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Channel: Rash Plays
Views: 16,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimuru tempest, how strong is rimuru tempest, slime isekai, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, that time i got reincarnated as a slime, rimuru explained, rimuru power, that time i got reincarnated as a slime rimuru tempest, tensei shitara, that time i got reincarnated as a slime ranked, strongest isekai characters, i got reincarnated as a slime, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3
Id: ayW0qj1IJdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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