How Strong Is Luke TheNotable?

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what's going on minecraft fans my name is luke the notable and in this video we're gonna be finding out how strong i am you may have seen my video where i survived to 2000 days in hardcore minecraft and i promise i will get to 3 000 days also if at any point during this video you think that there's something that could kill me in minecraft on my main camp make sure to comment that down below i want to hear your suggestions if you think you know something that can kill me let me know in the comments section below and lastly if you want to see more cool stuff like this i'm chocked full of ideas make sure to subscribe so you don't miss them hit that sub button i'd really appreciate it i'm nowhere near 5 million subscribers but maybe if you all subscribe we could get there but i pretty much made myself unkillable in 2000 days and today we're gonna be testing that theory so we probably need to start and talk about what makes me so strong in my 2000 days play through well first we'll have to look at my armor it's it's very good i have really good armor full netherright protection 4 thorns 3 basically the best armor in the game my sword is also fantastic netherrite sharpness 5 sweeping edge i can't be stopped my minecraft base also makes me very strong there's multiple elements to this thing that make me pretty much unkillable on it first you have two sets of walls so nothing can get in and the area inside of those walls is lit up perfectly so nothing can spawn inside either i also have a 100x100 square of perfect sextuple beacon coverage and you'll see how op that is later so in this video we're going to be fighting a lot of things on my main camp to see what it would take to actually kill me here and i don't think many things will and i just want to state before we get too far into this this is all on a copy none of this is real i didn't risk the 2000 days world to make this video so the first thing i did was set up a spawner in the four corners of my inner wall i'll be filling these with spawn eggs and basically cramming the compound to the brim with all types of different enemies the redstone on it's pretty primitive but you know it works so you really can't hate on me and this was the first fight i tried just to pretty much test the machine it's 128 zombies that's a lot of zombies but i think i can take them now keep in mind 128 zombies is not something that could naturally happen in minecraft maybe if you had like a zombie spawner that was filled to the brim and they all escaped but for the most part you're never really going to see 128 zombies in one place it didn't lag too much and i had no problem taking them all out and that was pretty expected so then of course like any logical person i would crank it up to 768 zombies that's three stacks of spawn eggs per spawner it lagged me pretty bad but it was still playable and i didn't really come close to dying for a while i let the mosh pit sort of just have at me and i took a good bit of damage but nothing that i couldn't out heal remember with my beacon powers i'm very strong it took almost 10 minutes to take them all down but i kind of expected that it's a lot of zombies and no they never came close to killing me so the next move was obviously to fill all of the spawners to the brim and this would produce 2 304 zombies now this was supremely laggy i had no idea if my computer was even going to make it through this i mean you can see it's pretty much a slideshow now fortunately that was kind of to my benefit i'm not exactly sure how minecraft works when it gets super laggy like this but it didn't seem like all of the zombies could hit me at the same time the game just couldn't register it so i think if anything 2 000 zombies was a little less deadly than 700 zombies nevertheless i didn't really think that would be a problem for me and of course i killed all 2 000 zombies i do want you to keep in mind when you watch the rest of this video that like if this ever happened if there were ever 2 000 zombies on my camp i probably wouldn't fight them i would probably stay behind my walls or run away i'm not going to risk my hardcore world to try to take on 2 000 zombies this video is just for fun so after killing 2 000 zombies i tried a thousand skeletons 1024 to be exact i thought maybe with all of those bows and arrows shooting at me i'd take a lot of damage and it would really start to rack up quick and i thought maybe i'd die here but that wasn't really the case as the skeleton's arrows couldn't really touch me through my armor and beacon resistance effects and because the horde of skeletons started shooting each other they all started fighting amongst themselves so most of the kills weren't actually done by me yeah it took me like five minutes to kill all the skeletons mostly because they killed themselves i didn't bother killing 2000 skeletons because i figured that effect would just get compounded and something very similar happened with creepers i started with 512 because i figured all those creepers definitely would kill me right they do so much damage they explode well no you see when you have 500 creepers on the battlefield when one explodes 15 or so creepers die and the explosions don't exactly work together if one explodes he kills the others instantly and those others don't get to explode so even though i was fighting 500 creepers here it kind of felt like i was fighting 50. so when i bumped the number up to 2304 creepers yeah it was pretty much the same they all kind of just killed themselves it was very laggy but not as laggy as the zombies interestingly one regular creeper explosion isn't enough to kill me on my main camp and with all of the ways i can heal and with my beacon powers it's just not gonna be enough the arachnophobes might not like this one but i also thought 2304 spiders a mix of cave spiders and regular spiders now here i thought i could definitely die because the poison of the cave spiders might compound with the spider bites of the spiders but again it just didn't come close regular old cave spider poison gets offset by my beacon powers like regeneration and especially if i start eating my golden carrots and golden apples they just don't do enough damage to do anything to me and a regular spider bite even 2 000 of them just doesn't do enough damage to poke through my armor i fought 2 000 spiders and pretty much stayed at full health the entire time it's just kind of crazy to think about when i was making this video actually recording this you know i just thought every single time every fight i thought well this will definitely kill me there's no way i'll live this and then i just exceeded it with flying colors so now we've kind of done the basic mobs the zombie creeper skeleton spider you know the things that you're going to find in any normal minecraft world again none of this is normal you're never going to have 2 000 spiders ever without some sort of cheat uh but you know just to prove that i can kind of handle an unlimited amount of the normal mobs in minecraft i did that first just to show you how strong i am here i tried 2 000 endermen and that was a weird fight for sure first off you know they're endermen so they only really fight you when you look at them or hit them so if we're speaking truthfully if this ever happened on my main camp i would just not look at the endermen run away wait till morning and they all disappear but this is a video for entertainment purposes so of course i fought the endermen and you know they hit pretty hard yeah in the mosh pit of the enderman i was taking quite a lot of damage i was able to heal through most of it and i never really got close to dying but they definitely gave me a run for my money but you know you gotta remember at the end of the day these are endermen and all i have to do to not die is put a block over my head even two thousand under men can't hit me if there's a block over my head part of my main compound is the walls the alcoves all of the places i can hide and if two thousand endermen spawned on my main camp for whatever reason i would handle it here's another just completely unnatural and downright disgusting thing we got 2 000 slimes again another thing like everything else in this video that could never possibly happen in minecraft but i'm gonna try to kill them similar to the zombies it got pretty laggy so i think 2 000 slimes was just too many even though they were totally mosh pitting me i didn't really get too much damage for how many slimes were around me maybe i would have had a harder time with 500 or a thousand slimes i think the 2000 just the lag just hurt me there or i should say hurt the slimes because it probably made it a little easier for me to survive you know this couldn't do enough damage i do so much damage myself and once you slash them down to their lower counterparts the slimes don't do any damage in their littlest forms so it wasn't really that tough took a while this one definitely took a while because of all of the little slimes that spawned but still i was fine in fact i found the best strategy for taking out a massive amount of slimes like this is just digging a little hole so your sweeping edge effect hits all of them it's just the most efficient way to kill all the babies i definitely thought this one would kill me i don't know why i thought that but i thought it would kill me and that's 2000 phantoms it was pretty much constant phantom screeches and attacks the entire time but again they just couldn't do enough damage all at once to take me out you gotta remember on my main camp i have resistance i have regeneration so i'm constantly healing and i take forty percent less damage even though there's two thousand of them what that means is they just can't touch me at the end of the day and when i'm sweeping edge the thorns armor i just output too much damage for these guys it doesn't matter what they do to me they just can't touch me even though there were 2 000 phantoms they're just not individually strong enough to take me out i kind of thought i would die though for sure with 2 000 phantoms you know i thought that might add up to be enough but it wasn't and this is probably my favorite and we're going to do 2 000 gasts i didn't think 2000 guests would kill me because they're just gassed you know you can slash him with a sword you can shoot him with a bow it wasn't going to be a problem but it was it was pretty funny i mean the sound was just horrendous [Music] yeah and similar to the skeletons they kind of all just killed each other so even though there were lots of ghasts they were shooting each other in the back of the head and it just ended up being better for me it was kind of fun flying around my main camp like an ac 130 taking him out with my bow and elytra though that was that was a definite cool moment i don't know how you would get 2 000 gas to spawn in the overworld but even if it did even if you could make that happen i'd be fine now this one was definitely the laggiest not the most difficult but definitely the most laggiest and that was 2 000 witches now i'd already done the spiders so i knew that poison wasn't going to be enough to kill me maybe with their potions of harming if they kind of comboed it upright they could get me but yeah the witches they they pretty much did nothing it was kind of tough killing them all i will say witches can use potions of healing they can also use potions of fire resistance so the fire aspect of my sword uh wasn't really doing much to them and they were able to heal so even if i did slash one with sweeping edge it would generally heal itself and with all of the lag it made it pretty tough to get these guys down and even though i thought i wouldn't die they did get fairly close to popping a totem of mine i didn't actually have to pop the totem but they did get fairly close to getting me to low health so hey maybe if 2000 witches spawned on my camp i might have to run away i probably wouldn't fight them head-on like the zombies or the creepers so like i said the witches kept healing and they were really really laggy so i was having trouble actually getting them all to die so i had the great idea of blowing them all up with tnt so i went over to my nearby creeper farm and got some tnt and by the time i got back they all despawned so i won kind of i didn't physically kill them but they died at the end of the day i mean if we're speaking realistically literally any of these fights i could just run away or wait till day and all the things would either despawn or burn up in the sunlight so i'm i'm i'm literally unkillable you can't stop me you can't you can't now we're gonna have some fun with some command blocks this is kind of the first time i ever used command blocks and they're pretty fun here we're trying what i'm calling the diamond horde i'm not sure exactly how many creatures we have here but it's a mix of zombies and skeletons all with diamond armor what do you want me to say it really wasn't that much tougher like really they just had more health sometimes they could do more damage but i move so quick i do so much damage and i resist so much damage on my main camp again it wasn't it wasn't that tough it really wasn't none of this would ever happen in a normal minecraft world but that is definitely something that would never ever happen in a normal minecraft world and uh still i handled it and looking at the command block stuff of course you know i had to spawn an ender dragon though i will say the ender dragon doesn't exactly work if you spawn it in the overworld it does you can get it to spawn but it's not exactly super aggressive towards players and eventually it'll just be lined towards zero zero it made a pretty cool looking hole and kind of flew around around zero zero but didn't really do much damage to me at all i think it did hit me a couple times but the ender dragon's supposed to be fought in the end and uh in the overworld it's really not that tough so even though here i didn't technically have my beacon powers and wasn't technically on my main camp i really had no problem taking out the ender dragon it was fun it was a very cool moment to see the enderdragon spawning on my main camp that was that was interesting i know it happened with cheats but still you know i had a little enjoyment out of that i also fought what i'm gonna call infinite bees so what i did is i i set up some command blocks to spawn bees and you can't technically spawn infinite bees but whenever i would kill bees more bees would spawn so i essentially just had a hoard of you know thousands of bees attacking me at any one time and uh yeah that was totally fine their poison does almost nothing and when a bee stings you it dies and even with my sword they're pretty much a one hit uh so yeah the infinite bees i think that was a fan suggested thing uh i think a lot of people thought infinite bees would kill me but infinite bees did not kill me really great footage though like that's that's something right there that is that is one to remember infinite beasts even if there were infinite bees on my main camp i could survive i would i'd be fine i also tried fighting a dog army this is about a thousand dogs i used command blocks to spawn them so i don't have an exact number here uh but i figured you know dog armies can be quite powerful they're very good at taking out raids and if you have untamed wolves they will all attack you at the same time kind of like bees and while they definitely had some good combos on me when they were all attacking me they got some fairly good damage up the dogs just really don't have that much health at the end of the day so if i really wanted to i could slash them all to bits very very easily not to mention the fact that like literally and i've said this a couple times i could just hide behind my walls i could i could fly away i'd go to max height in my space elevator and just fly to l town like i don't have to fight these things but i do i've said this a couple times but i really thought the dog army would kill me or at least do a little more damage and i don't think i ever got near even 75 percent hp they really did almost nothing to me on my main camp now i did try to fight 500 piglet brutes and i gotta say at first it kind of looked like they were gonna give me a run for my money they were doing quite a lot of damage they also have good health so it wasn't like i could just one hit them i basically had to backpedal and uh run for my life pretty much against these piglet brutes however because they are pigment brutes in the overworld eventually they turned into zombified hoglands not zombie pigmen whatever what do you see on screen they weren't piglet brutes anymore and at that point they still did a lot of damage but it wasn't enough to take me out and they're pretty easy to get around again one of my beacon powers is speed so i can outrun pretty much everything if i backpedal i'm backpedaling like sprinting speed basically so i'm always sprinting in every direction and pretty much the entire fight i backpedaled and slashed and that got me through gotta say though i think if they stayed picklin brutes i might have died maybe but they didn't so we'll never really know i also fought about 100 iron golems i'm not sure on the exact number because i used command blocks to spawn them but i set up this little thing here where basically i have a makeshift village and i killed the villagers and then the iron golems would aggro me oh yeah the iron golems definitely gave me a run for my money even just a hundred of them iron golems are pretty strong almost immediately i got comboed pretty hard and even popped a totem and hide behind my wall just to keep myself from dying they have a lot of health they do a lot of damage even with all of my beacon powers all of my enchantments yeah these guys were definitely going to kill me if i fought them head-on but remember at the end of the day they're iron golems so all i have to do is build up three blocks and they literally cannot touch me i just sat up here killed them all it was easy you might say that i cheesed that one but if a hundred iron golems attacked you would you fight em all head-on or would you build up you'd probably build up after that i had an absolute craving for pain so i spawned 128 evokers yes only 128 because i definitely thought they would kill me i didn't want to go straight to 500 right away and just get clap so 128 we're gonna start with it wasn't the evokers i was worried about it was the vex and i figured with all of those evokers it was just gonna be an absolute swarm of vex and i was gonna have so much trouble surviving and while the evokers definitely were pretty good they were shooting spells at me and all that it seems like there's a cap on just how many vects can spawn from evokers i'm not sure what that number is but to be honest the vex didn't seem any more numerous than they are in a general level 6 raid there was definitely more evoker magic the evoker magic was all over the place but the vex yeah i didn't really i didn't really see any difference there there really wasn't that many and i think all of the evokers actually worked against the vex because as soon as i took out nevoker all the vex would kind of de-aggro me so i'm not sure exactly how that ai works but it definitely isn't supposed to work with 128 of them so i did win this fight how about 128 ravagers you think i can take that out that's that's kind of like the iron golems where you definitely don't want to fight him head-on oh yeah definitely like the iron golems if i were to just jump into the mosh pit with all 128 ravagers i would be dead fairly quickly but i'm not just gonna go do that like i'm not dumb i'm not gonna jump into a pit of ravagers i do outrun them i do jump higher than them and my walls are able to contain them so i used that strategy it took a while yeah it definitely took a while to kill all the ravagers this way but i still killed them if 128 ravagers spawned on my main camp which would never happen i've said that so many times it would never happen but if it did i would be okay you just gotta remember that the point of this video is to show how strong i am on my main camp all of these things would never happen in minecraft but i can still handle them because i've built my main camp to be that way yeah the emeralds are pretty but i built it in a way that makes me very hard to kill and in a hardcore minecraft playthrough that's what i was going for and you can see i took out 128 ravagers what else is there how about a hundred charged creepers yeah a hundred so yeah kind of like the first time i fought creepers when one would explode all of the others would explode and then their explosions would be cancelled out so even though it was a hundred charged creepers it was really only like i was fighting more like 10 or 20 because one would explode and just blow all the other creepers up so it really wasn't like i was having a hundred explosions happening at the same time that being said they are charged creepers even on my camp they do a lot more damage than your average creeper i did pop a totem because one blew up right next to me they didn't kill me but they probably could have if they got a good combo if one blew up popped my totem and then i fell in a hole and another one was down there and blew up i could easily easily die but i didn't you might be sitting there and thinking there's got to be something that kills him in this video there's got to be something so let's try three withers now how the wither ai works is they don't exactly go after you right away just because you spawned them you kind of have to attack them first and i was fairly certain that the three withers would definitely kill me if they were all on me at the same time so i was smart with this fight and only took out one at a time and on my main camp against three separate withers at three separate times you probably aren't surprised that i made it out okay the land was pretty destroyed like there's a bunch of holes and that would take a very long time to fill up but i was fine at the end of the day not that much damage it's fixable so then i fought 10 withers all at once together in a big wither ball now what was tough about this fight is in the first phase of the wither fight you have to use your bow they're up high you can't slash them with your sword and in the big wither ball i would only be able to hit one one or two times before he'd go back into the wither ball and then i'd be shooting at another and because the weather heals it was pretty tough to actually do damage to any one single wither where i started to get in trouble is where my armor started to break my helmet broke first because they're hitting me on the top of the head so yeah i ran away went to my storage room grabbed some diamonds and made myself some new armor after that i kind of figured that i couldn't take them out all in a wither ball but kind of like when i fought the three withers i took them out separately but at the end of the day i spawned 10 withers on my main compound and killed every single one now here you really gotta believe me i fought a hundred withers on my main camp i lost the footage though and it was like a two-hour fight it took a very long time they were all around the camp in the air in the in the animals in the monster farm underground by bedrock they were everywhere but i did it i could do it again but uh i'll be honest i just don't want to i'm sorry you go fight 100 withers yeah you do it you got to believe me 100 withers i killed them all on my camp i just don't have the footage it's corrupted it's gone i don't know what happened the only thing i have is this screenshot which i posted on the community page of my youtube channel it's the only evidence i have of 100 withers and you can see it's even more devastated than the 10 withers you just got to believe me the fight was pretty much like the ten wither fight where i kind of just fought every wither individually but a hundred instead of ten so you can basically get the idea but anyway that's the end of the video i hope you enjoyed watching me take out some absolutely insane fights on my main compound and hopefully now you know how strong luke denotable is yeah i look pretty good no double chin yeah remember 3000 days is definitely coming soon so hit the like button if you're hyped for that also let me know down in the comments if you want me to build anything in 3000 days let me see your ideas i've definitely already taken my compound to pretty insane heights but if you want to see something if you want me to build it let me know down in the comments section below also yeah please subscribe because 3000 days is coming you don't want to miss it hit that sub button i'd appreciate it thank you all for watching please stay notable and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Luke TheNotable
Views: 2,813,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luke thenotable, luke, the, notable, 100 days, 100, 100 days hardcore minecraft, 2000 days, 1000 days, How Strong Is Luke TheNotable?, how, strong, is, luke thenotable emerald tower, 100 days in hardcore minecraft, luke thenotable minecraft, hardcore mode, 100 games, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, minecraft survival, minecraft challenge, minecraft, mine, luke thenotable strong, how strong is ltn, ltn, 100 drops
Id: 23G91Lsc8iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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