How Speedrunners Beat Jak & Daxter With 8 Power Cells

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Has bridge blast been messed with in a TAS scenario? Seems like it would at least be worth messing with to see if it's at all usable, even if it's a complete crapshoot and not RTA viable.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/NanoHologuise 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask here.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Kuitar 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
out of every level in jack and daxter the precursor legacy one would have never guessed that the connector levels would hold the most rich and exciting history the game has ever seen the discoveries within these levels have consistently defied the limits of what was thought possible and have forever changed the way the game is played progressing through each of these levels requires riding a vehicle called the zoomer unlocking the zoomer to each connector level comes with the cost of collecting a large amount of power cells the game's main collectible for many years skipping these power cell requirements was considered impossible in every way the idea that you could get through fire canyon mountain pass and lava tube through other means besides the zoomer was a big stretch but of course these are speedrunners we're talking about and they will always find a way over time the jack speedrunning community have managed to lower the power cell count for beating the game from its intended 77 to now only eight let's see how they did it the sponsor of today's video is a trustworthy and reliable brand that i've used for months and that is surfsharkvpn surfsharkvpn is a fast and easy to use vpn service that can be used on unlimited devices in your home i currently have surfshark on my computer and my phone which helps me be secure at all times from shady corporations attempting to steal my data it feels nice to know that with a simple click of a button in the surfshark app i can assure myself that i could be completely safe on public wi-fi when i'm outside another big perk with surfshark for me personally is being able to listen to underground songs and albums on youtube that i can't find elsewhere on streaming services like spotify occasionally these songs will be blocked in my country but surf shark allows me to change my location to anywhere in the world surf shark also maintain a strict no logs policy so you truly are safe when using their service you can get surfsharkvpn at ricky and enter promo code ricky for 84 off and 4 extra months for free that's ricky progressing through jack 1 is relatively similar to many other 3d platformers of the era consisting of multiple hub areas separated by the connector levels you run around the hub levels collecting precursor orbs which are the game's currency scout flies which are kind of like mario 64's red coins and power cells which you need a certain number of to move from one hub area to the next the cell requirements are in order 20 cells to get from hub 1 to hub 2 via fire canyon 45 cells to get from hub 2 to hop 3 via the claw boss fight and mountain pass and 72 cells to travel through the notorious lava tube to reach the final level of the game 77 is the lowest amount of power cells you need to obtain to beat the game after unlocking lava tube with 72 you obtain another by reaching the end putting you at 73. in the final level goal in maya citadel your objective is to free the four sages blue red yellow and finally samos the green sage all of who giving you a power cell putting you at 77. in the earliest days of jack speedrunning all the way back in 2009 this is how runners xenic reverie completed the game in 140 11. this was effectively the run to beat both in terms of time and power cell count as 2009 10 and 11 pass we enter the so-called twitch era where speedrunning would enter a bit of a golden age in terms of activity the first person to lower the power cell count of the full run would be zeppelins who picked up jack and daxter speedrunning in 2012. zeppelins discovered a very bizarre glitch on the final level of the game certain versions of the game had a faulty checkpoint flag when entering golden maya citadel after watching the cutscene with samos upon entering you can save the game load the save you just made and you'll appear at the top of the citadel right next to the final boss door the door won't open unless you free samos so he is required to rescue but the other three sages are now completely skipped sieving around six minutes and lowering the power cell count by 3 to 74. the version zeppelins was on when performing the glitch was an american black label version of the game some other versions including the ps2 greatest hits version and the digital ps3 and 4 versions have the skip patched for some odd reason if you're interested in which versions the skip works on there's a detailed post on the jack speedruns forum link to that in the description with that in mind a massive chunk of time was cut from the speedrun and the first big sequence break was found the community continued to grow slowly but surely throughout 2012 and 2013 and another big sequence break would be found not too long afterwards this time by freak for games shown here in a highlight by rosa in october of 2013 a skip for the 45 cell requirement in rock village was discovered this was named boulder skip as the big boulder is the main obstacle blocking you from progressing to the claw boss fight by dipping low with a punch off a ledge then uppercutting and spinning quickly you can regain the height you lost from the punch in the form of an extended uppercut you can then stand on a small outcrop that sticks out from the wall and jump around the boulder yes i got it that is a way of skipping both the kira cutscene there and the blue sage cut scene over in his hut which i can't see from here uh that will save about two seconds and i'd like playing freak for games for telling me about it and then uh everything works fine you can still trigger the red sages cutscene and this works fine yeah that's a new new little skip which saves a little bit of time even though the discovery was significant allowing a large cutscene to be skipped the time save wouldn't quite be as huge as everyone had hoped for yeah sure you can skip the 45 cell requirement but you would still need to acquire 72 for lava tube and at that moment everyone was thinking the same thing that's definitely the end of the road lava tube skip is too far-fetched it's almost certainly impossible impossible impossible theory behind lava chew skin is it is impossible if i can make it on foot all the way all this way if i can make it on foot all this way to here and then get into the next area when i die it'll spawn me up here on the zoomer before i've activated kira in the other place that's the theory the theory is if you can make it that far without dying on foot all this way then you don't need 72 cells and it's it's impossible oh god what okay i completely forgot about this i mean if you look here i can stand here uh somewhere here here yeah i can stand here without taking damage and then if i i don't know if i roll jump i can stand on this thing without taking any damage and this thing without taking any damage you can make it stupidly far um i can stand on these i believe yeah so now if i roll jump right to the very edge of that thing i think it's from here ah [ __ ] anyway if i landed where my feet are i can stand on those brakes come over here that take damage here take damage here make it over here you're now on two health you've got to start with four health make your way over here come over here from here you get to here then from here you can get to here i don't know how it works i've completely forgotten and this this is how far i've got i've got this far and the thing is if i can make it across this one gap it may be possible it might be possible but thing is it's not because of that one gap if you can skip getting 50 cells then the game's like 20 minutes long i've done so much to try and get that a little bit further but it just can't be done how in god's name was this gonna work the ps2 emulation tools we had to work with in 2013 were poor and unoptimized so they weren't of any use if lava tube skip was going to be found it was going to come down to the game and the player every attempt i did i had to go to spider cave pick up a health block and walk back you can't save and then load because that puts you back to three health if you want to get even slightly that far you need the four health and every attempt i did i had to go back to spider cave in order to get more health it just couldn't be done despite some decent progress with how far you could get into the level on foot there was still so much more to go as mentioned previously 2013 were more primitive times back then the community was much smaller than what you would see now and the amount of people putting in work to try and make this gap possible could pretty much be counted on one hand ps2 emulators were also demanding for pcs back then with rozer and i being unable to run the game at a stable frame rate the biggest challenge now would be to find a way to get from this pillar with the scout fly box next to it all the way over to the rocks on the other side this proved a little too daunting at the time and the possibility of finding new time save elsewhere in the run seemed far more likely lava tube skip would have to wait as more speedrunners began streaming on twitch and posting that runs to youtube it would attract more and more new people to the community at the european speedrunner assembly 2013 it was just me and roser attending of course it wasn't just us two in the community but we were the only two europeans able to go the following year of 2014 we would see one more member join us at the event but after that activities skyrocketed in the scene 2015 and 2016's were big years for the jack community at esa 2015 we had nine people attending and 14 at 2016. this boost in activity naturally meant that there were going to be more people interested in finding skips and glitches for the runs one of the newer runners to join the scene was headstrong who became infamous for breaking legendary minute barriers within the jack games while simultaneously finding lots of useful glitches headstrong and another old-school glitch hunter bloppy decided to take a look at lava tube skip at the start of 2016 and found an improvement almost immediately it was now possible to save one health at the start by ledge grabbing all the way around the outside of lava tube grabbing each ledge pretty much blindly from out of bounds this find was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the discoveries that would be unearthed at the start of 2016 and they would all come from the same source qatar began speedrunning the jack games in early 2014 throughout that year i was one of the only people actively streaming runs of the first three jack games so i gained a decent following averaging between 50 to 200 viewers i would stream almost every day when i came home from school and guitar would take notice of my consistent streaming times he quickly became a regular viewer of mine and ended up running jack 3 because of me he got some respectable times in the game for 2014 but quickly got burnt out on grinding for a better time and started to gravitate more towards glitch hunting katara was never known to stream on twitch very much so when it finally said that he was live it was definitely exciting to see what he was cooking up he had made some pretty big waves with his findings in jak3 so when he heard that headstrong and bloppy were working on lava tube skip he decided to crack his knuckles and see what he could do within the span of only two days in january of 2016 katar would edge his way closer and closer to making lava tube skip a possibility not wanting to reveal his discoveries to anyone besides a handful of people he decided to keep it under wraps until the final product was ready to be revealed on january 23rd he hit us with surprise dot mp4 guys he's got a timer on it i swear to god if he's going to show us lava tubes if i'm going to kill him i think this is the death of jack one everyone goes to jack two now okay so oh no no wait this is not a tube skip isn't it what the hell is happening why is everyone's very possibly lava tube skin oh no oh here we go here we go five seconds three two one oh it's over boys it's [ __ ] over any percent is dead capper oh oh my god what a great [ __ ] yeah this is perfect but he doesn't have to do it through the entire thing he just has to get past oh my god really he had to get that far with nothing okay that's [ __ ] stupid all it does is gets him that far without taking damage now what's he gonna do yeah he has an extra help oh no oh no oh dude oh oh oh dude dude dude this is [ __ ] perfect oh god oh my god i love it i love it oh he has to ledge grab along here because for whatever reason that one gives you damage okay nice we got it dude i'm would contact zeppelin's right [ __ ] now oh my god this almost finally did it it's 2016. lava tubes give us a thing there we go this this was like the smallest gap where you still take damage so um i remember asking uh in the skype group like if someone like had an id like uh how to like cross this and i think pressure was luigi that said like oh you can get boosted on the on the scout fly so that's why i tried i realized that like the scout like it like bounces up and down and that's why that's why here i wait um i use like that small bounce to get like a little bit more height i'm at just enough to make that [ __ ] that's so insane yeah like that's crazy the the crazy part about this that every time you do a movement on the on the scout fly it like resets a timer and so the the box stop bouncing for a bit which means that even though i'm on an emulator and then i can like i could like do a safe set wait and then like see at on which frame um it bounces and then like just remember that like frame count and then like walk a bit earlier like get the boosted uh you couldn't do that because if you start to work early you like reset the counter on the box after like 10 minutes of trying like from pre-episode i just got it um when i just got that when i got that boosted i knew like i knew at that point like okay let me cheap skip disposable that's just at that point i was at four damage so i just knew at that point when i got that uh boosted for the first time that was like the last the last piece of the puzzle this uh this actually like look a bit crazier than it is because you'd think like there's only like this area that you can stand on but it's actually like more like this there's like a big area here okay it's like a big area here visually it still looks like crazy though but yeah if the hitbox is bigger then yeah you can see here i don't even like land on the on the rocks uh yeah like here see i i learned like i'm the rava but all of this is xf here i just like jump around this corner like from here to like very far there's like no there was like no crowd spot like this pillar here i i feel like while working to it and like doing high jump and stuff i could like go inside of it so just like messing around with that and at some point i got stuck inside of it i was oh okay i can give like a standpoint i can go and goggle so what can i do from here actually the bottom of this is like solid from the inside so what i do here i jump here and i you can like slide all the way to like the next oh my god after finding the setup and after like making a safe set at the setup so i do the whole setup and then i make a safe set and it still take me like 20 minutes to get one of those like this this whole jump um it's like probably the single hardest like jump in the whole game like i i can't think of anything that's like harder than this jump there's not a single spot where you can save more health to do v1 like if any of those like 50 things that has to happen to for the skipped work like didn't work like the skip would be impossible during the lava tube skip unveiling an almost prophetic message was posted in the chat by murgy here is my prediction before anyone will ever pull the skip off in an rta run we will have a different way to skip it way easier mark my words not a bad prediction as lava tube skip version 2 was just around the corner one month after the discovery of the skip headstrong had this happen to her what what what did i do what you just saw is something called an idle deload and is a very complex trick to wrap your head around it would become the key in making version two of lava tubes get possible to understand how this works we need to keep track of two values within the game's memory one for jack's current checkpoint and one that stores the id for a level but not necessarily the one jack is currently in this stored level id is used to know which level to load and where to put jack in case something goes wrong by being in volcanic crater and doing the rocket uppercut that you saw in version 1 we can go out of bounds we're now going to head towards the entrance of lava tube and grab its checkpoint from out of bounds afterwards we need to wait 30 seconds to trigger jack's idle animation the idle animation is one of the flags that updates lava tube as the stored level id after jack's idle animation plays we head backwards out of bounds to switch the checkpoint from lava tube to volcanic crater we need to keep this as our checkpoint until the end of the trick so we're going to jump around the entrance checkpoint of lava tube with a precise extended uppercut now we can head through lava tube on foot utilizing as many cold spots as possible to reach the scout fly box halfway through do the boosted off the scout fly box just like before and now we wait yet another 30 seconds has to go by here for us to be able to perform the previously mentioned idle deload by canceling the start of jack's idle animation with another action in this case a pause buffer done by pressing start and r2 or l2 on the same frame for some reason we trigger a failsafe routine within the game during the failsafe the game looks back at the stored level id which in this case is lava tube it then attempts to verify that the current checkpoint matches this level since our current checkpoint is in volcanic crater instead of lava tube the game will now choose a new checkpoint inside of lava tube the way the game decides which checkpoint to select is by looking at the closest checkpoint in proximity to jack's position by standing in this exact location we are just barely closer to the second checkpoint of the level so when you die you'll spawn at this checkpoint which puts you on the zoomer making it possible to complete the level for the first time in history it was now possible for humans to skip the colossal 72 power cell requirement to unlock the zoomer at the start this now meant that 50 cells were cut from the run all the way down to 24. this also cut a whole half hour off the run and the current world record for this route is sitting at 2336 by outrageous josh okay so the next step is fire canyon at this point it's gonna be difficult for me to convince you that there's something out there more insane than lava tube skip fire canyon skip is on a whole nother level the level is extremely long and narrow there are no cold spots anywhere to be seen and there's basically nothing to stand on out of bounds way back in 2013 there was a slight glimmer of hope that maybe lava tube skip was doable fire canyon skip didn't even cross our minds it was only when lava tube skip became a reality in 2016 that the community made efforts to try and find yet another way to lower the power cell count even though it seemed impossible for fire canyon skip to become a possibility a certain type of madman would have to step into the picture someone with extensive knowledge of glitches and game mechanics a person with persistence introducing bobby kaze bobby started glitch hunting for jack one back in mid-2015 but has been proficient in finding glitches texture corruptions and big time savers in a plethora of games after watching lava tube skip's discovery from the sideline he had big interest in trying to take the game to the next level bobby's first thought in finding fire canyon skip was to incorporate the same methods that were done with lava tube skip it wouldn't be a long search for bobby as he would quickly discover a location where an idle deload could be utilized to perform fire canyon skip the only problem being this spot was about midway through the level and getting that far on foot seemed virtually undoable bobby decided to hit up our old pal guitar for any suggestions for traversing the level without the zoomer kitar had actually been working a little bit on fire canyon skip himself and prior to bobby asking had attempted to letch grab through the entirety of fire canyon but he couldn't make it all the way to the end he was however able to make it to the midway point the two came to the realization that fire canyon skip could become a possibility by combining their two discoveries a checkpoint bypass was still required for the idle deload to work which bobby had no issues finding and on january 5th 2017 somehow some way it all came together you don't have enough power cells to fuel my heat shield you can't cross fire canyon until you collect enough power cells uh hey if you're starting to see a pattern in this you're not the only one an insane skip is theorized and then considered inconceivable speedrunners dismantle the game in ways not thought possible and miraculously the skip ultimately comes to fruition what follows is those same runners attempting to make the skip viable for humans so full game runs could be pushed further than ever before the ledge grabs out of bounds in fire canyon were completely unviable for anyone to possibly attempt bobby's video of fire canyon skip includes 8 minutes of straight out of bounds ledge grabbing half of which are being performed blindly due to the level not loading properly oh and also one missed ledge grab is instant death for anyone to possibly perform fire canyon skip in a run we had to find another way even prior to proper testing for fire canyon skip bobby kept an idea in mind back in 2015 a weird mechanic was found in fire canyon that involved some strange bouncing on the lava surface this was quickly dismissed since full control over jack while bouncing could only be achieved from the end of the level going backwards if he tried to use the same strategy from the start of fire canyon jack would take damage and bounce back to the start if there was some way to skip the bounce back at the start of the level then the doors could be opened for a humanly viable fire canyon skip lots of things were tried to begin the infinite bounces jumping off the cliffs into the lava roll jumping past the bounce back trigger and even zoom walking under the level and entering from below even if you could manage to start the infinite bounces there are tons of obstacles placed throughout the level that will attract jack like a magnet if he gets pulled in by any of these objects and lands on them it's once again instant death nothing seemed to work what comes next required some out of the box thinking what if the answer was not in fire canyon this whole time bobby and qatar had their sights fixed on fire canyon alone and on august 25th 2017 a stroll through the beach was all it took bobby uploaded well over 30 separate videos entailing various methods of getting past metal orb crates precursor ramps and dark eco crates while easier than the ledge crabs this was still just too hard to perform in a real-time setting but who knows maybe with enough practice and enough setups for all the various obstacles someone could in theory make it all work bobby consistently documented all the various ways he had tried to make fire canyon skip work and he would always see the same person pop up in the comments a black profile picture and the name luigi he was definitely fascinated with bobby's progress and used the youtube comments to ask questions about fire canyon skip and to congratulate bobby on his discoveries he just seemed like a casual viewer at first but little did we know he would play a vital role in the full realization of fire canyon skip in july of 2018 qatar found an easier and faster method of starting the infinite bounces that didn't revolve going all the way around to sentinel beach by entering fire canyon then saving and loading the game jack spawns without the bounce-back state you can keep avoiding the state by jumping within a three-frame window every time jack is about to hit the ground these jumps can be chained to get to the lava at the start of fire canyon to begin the infinite bounces luigi quickly took notice of this and began improving setups to get past some of the harder obstacles throughout the level there was a lot he had to work out but he started nailing them one by one with grueling amounts of hours spent practicing luigi was noticeably becoming better at bouncing through fire canyon and now it was just a matter of time before everything came together on december 20th 2018 luigi would send a message to the person who inspired his grind all along fire canyon skip was for the first time ever pulled off on console by a human with luigi being the only person at the time capable of doing fire canyon skip he knew he had to take it all away he wanted to be the first person to set a new world record with lava tube skip and fire canyon skip in the same run finishing out the game with a total of eight power cells at the start of 2019 the by yearly speedrun marathon games done quick was around the corner a bunch of jack runners would attend the event while luigi was silently grinding away back in france on the 7th of january he got a run past fire canyon and all of a sudden all eyes turned to slash luigi that's insane that's just insane how how can i get it that often okay far enough okay that works okay okay okay okay all right can you tell that i'm playing like extra stressfully i don't even know if this that's a real word i'm so stressed okay this is not a joke anymore that could have okay nope not that one either that's [ __ ] it okay i don't know this is pvp pace for sure i don't know i i don't know oh my god i can't wait to just hug my roommate right now if that's if that if this one ends i'm going straight to my roommates and just hug him actually i want to hug every single person in my chat i want to hug you all really how is this even real how is this even real i'm sorry but how how is this even happening right now this has to be a a joke it has to be a [ __ ] a [ __ ] joke dudes how is this even real because this one's gonna oh no no no no no just punch just don't roll whatever you do just don't [ __ ] oh my my god josh is gone a prank a prank oh that's a shitty drink holy [ __ ] go back to spyro damn that was legit dude i'm kidding that's our boy dude yes holy [ __ ] i'm so happy you [ __ ] hell yeah with luigi's incredible feat jack speedrunning had been elevated to new heights that nobody back in 2013 could have imagined over the years all the teamwork and dedication had culminated in a run that was worlds away from where it all started so where do we go from here if you only care about the aspect of speed this might be the end of the road in terms of the power cell count the current 80 world record by outrageous josh with lava tube skip and fire canyon skip sits at 16 35 and it's unlikely we'll see 15 with this route if you care about lowering the power cell count going down to 7 cells is actually possible and pretty easy in fact but it isn't done in speed runs because it's slower the four power cells in the tutorial level geyser rock are necessary to collect to leave the level there's one cell at the end of fire canyon that you need to collect to remove a big invisible wall stopping you from going to the second hub there's one at the end of mountain pass which is the one you can skip normally the platform used to demount you from your zoomer is blocked by a power cell if you get to the end of the level you can get off the zoomer by saving a loading or dying afterwards you can squeeze under the invisible barrier leading into hub 3. the next cell is at the end of lava tube which follows the same story as the fire canyon one big invisible barrier you have to get it then the last one is at the top of goal in my citadel which opens the door and spawns the elevator up to the final boss so now we're left with the question is 7 power cells the end well to be honest going much lower than 7 hasn't exactly been explored all that deeply mostly due to the fact that skipping additional cells would almost certainly be slower which generally doesn't favor the goal speedrunners are trying to accomplish the end-of-level cells for fire canyon and lava tube could maybe one day be skipped which would lower the count to 5. currently skipping the cells seem a bit out of reach but once again it's slightly underexplored skipping the citadel cell seems more or less impossible considering how tall the elevator ride is up to the final boss geyser rock skip is another dream scenario where a skip would be incredibly huge but is most likely impossible with what we know now the level itself and the cutscene upon exiting are only slightly over two minutes so if a skip were to be viable you'd have to do it in under that time frame sandover village is actually loaded all the way off in the distance and with emulator cheats you can reach it the level does have collision and making your way up to fire canyon does work as intended to get there in under 2 minutes however you'd have to somehow get flung all the way across the sea which seems unlikely speaking of getting flung let's talk about bridge blast the theoretical end game for jack and daxter this is about to get wild so strap yourselves in shown here in a tutorial by ra you have to follow a very specific setup to activate a little something you'll see later start by going out of bounds with a boosted uppercut continue along the out-of-bound standpoint and load in sandoval village go back to forbidden jungle and begin to connect the ecobeam's mission while doing the final mirror you need to hit pause at the same time as the cutscene ends this causes a weird side effect where the fisherman cutscene dialog will begin to play now you need to hop down to the fisherman and speak to him during a certain audio queue at this point the game completely shits itself and the frame rate drops down to single digits for multiple minutes in this horrible lag you need to catch an eel to fail the mission as quickly as possible now you might notice things take a bit of a turn the bridge above the fisherman has now entered a wild uncontrollable frenzy what you're actually seeing are the physics of the bridge being broken down because of the lag the planks on the bridge also happen to be moving at ludicrous speeds capable of launching you way out into the void holy moly what the please clip this right now somebody that is misty island that is geyser oh my gosh what all right so with bridge blast it can either send you going that way or it can send you going that way and the theory is i'm on emulator right now so if we turn on load boundaries you can now see the planes that are both checkpoints or not both but they're either checkpoints they're either load boundaries or like triggers for cutscenes and stuff like that so the theory is to get this bridge to throw you towards this way and as it throws you that way it passes you through one of these checkpoint triggers out here because some of them are differently colored and some of them i believe are still active so you can pass through one of these there's no way the developers thought like you could get out here because all of this is just void you can't walk on anything you'll die and then you'll respawn back over there but if bridge blast could potentially throw jack way out there i believe that is citadel cuts or not cutscenes but citadel uh checkpoint triggers out there so it could in theory throw you out way over here and potentially hit a currently active checkpoint and if you pass through that checkpoint and then die the game will see oh your last checkpoint was in citadel we should respond you in citadel then and it would skip all of this and you would just come straight to the end out here if you could somehow bridge blast all the way from forbidden jungle to the final boss you could technically beat the game with four power cells those four power cells all being in geyser rock the tutorial level of the game if you care about speed we're not even sure bridge blast would be faster due to the lengthy setup and all the lag that follows this is definitely a bit of a stretch but could it happen i don't know i guess we'll just have to wait and see jack and daxter has had a rich history of many players contributing to its legacy from the humble beginnings of a simple save and load to huge sequence breaks resembling a mad scientist experiment i'd like to think we've made it quite far maybe even to the end but if there's one thing i know about speedrunning it's that you never know for sure thanks for watching please consider supporting me on patreon take care and have a good one you
Channel: ThaRixer
Views: 625,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jak and daxter, jak & daxter the precursor legacy, jak and daxter the precursor legacy, jak, and, daxter, ps1, ps2, ps3, jak 1, jak1, speedrun, speedrunners, speedrunning, glitch, exploit, world record, wr, skip, power cell, precursor orb, scout fly, playstation, play, station, jak 2, jak 3, video essay, documentary, video games, video, games, gdq, games done quick, gaming content, playthrough, debug mode, glitches, Precursor, legacy, explained, speed, run, world, record, glitch hunters, glitch hunting
Id: 59dhHVL8Frs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 53sec (2693 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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