How speedrunners beat HITMAN (2016) in 10 minutes (Silent Assassin, Suit Only - SPEEDRUN EXPLAINED)

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Hey everyone, my name’s tomatoanus,  also known as Taygaloo Cat,   and this is a segmented Silent Assassin,  Suit Only speedrun of HITMAN (2016). This run is performed by Kaadzik, a top  runner for the game, who also helped me   write the script to make sure it’s all as accurate  as possible, and that I didn’t include any goofs. If you’d prefer to watch either this  segmented run without commentary,   or Kaadzik’s current personal best, there  are links to both in the description below. Real quick, what is this  game and what is this run? Well first off, it was suggested  and chosen to be featured on the   channel by my Patrons over on Patreon,  more on that at the end of the video. HITMAN (2016) is the installment in  the World of Assassination trilogy,   which also consists of HITMAN 2 and 3. Each game in the series is considered to be a  release of a new season of missions, with the   first game being Season 1, the second game being  Season 2, and the third game being Season 3. HITMAN (2016) is where all the  Season 1 missions originate,  and is a single-player stealth  game where you play as Agent 47,   and play through a series of missions where  you’re given a target, or targets, to take out. Each mission is an open-ended  sandbox that you can freely explore,   with various means of assassination, some of  them being a bit more flavorful than others. This video is specifically covering  a speedrun of all main missions from   the Season 1 campaign, from “The  Showstopper” to “Situs Inversus.” At the end of every mission, you’re given  a rating for how well you completed the   mission based on things like how unnoticed your  actions went and if there was collateral damage. This run requires you to get the  highest rating, Silent Assassin,   on each individual mission, which requires  you to only kill targets, not get spotted,   have no witnesses, not get caught on camera  (unless you destroy the footage), no bodies were   found (unless they’re targets killed by accidents  or poison), and prevent non-target kills. In the game you have the ability to wear disguises  to be able to sneak into restricted areas and not   be noticed by certain individuals, but the second  part of the name for this category is Suit Only,   meaning you aren’t allowed to change  what you’re wearing mid-mission,   you gotta stick to whatever default  outfit you start the mission in. Alright, let’s get into the run. You know, my brother Calvin Hammerhands  is the one who came up with the name   “Gavin Chainsawhands’s Deluxe Safari Escort  Tour” and it wasn’t until our cousin, Marty- Holy hotdish, it’s our arch-nemesis,  the dragon Duncan the Dread! What’s up, boyos? He can talk now? (dinosaur roar) (fireball swooshes) Oh, maybe not. Look out! He just fired one of  his patented fireballs that causes   genetic predispositions for male pattern baldness! (fireball swooshes) Gavin you didn’t even move! That’s a move I call the “Your Mom.” It’s alright though about me now having a genetic   predisposition for male pattern  baldness, because I have Keeps. Did you know that two out of three  men will experience some form of   male pattern baldness by the time they’re 35? Uff da, what a coinkydink,   aren’t you cursed to stay 34 forever  because of that wizard that one time? Yes, but irrelevant. The best way to prevent hair   loss is to do something about it  while you still have hair left. Thankfully, Keeps offers generic versions of  the FDA-approved medications for hair loss   and has licensed doctors that review your   information to recommend the right  hair loss treatment plan for you. But it can’t reverse baldness, right? Right, just help prevent it. Keeps  treatments typically take between   four to six months to start seeing  results, so the sooner you act,   the better chance you have of having your girl  run her fingers through your hair instead of mine. Holy buckets, I’m sold. If you’re ready to take action and prevent hair  loss, go to, or click the link   in the description to receive 50% off your first  order. That’s K-E-E-P-S dot com slash tomato. So this first mission is at a fashion  show in Paris and we have two targets,   Dalia Margolis and Viktor Novikov, both  of whom are involved in some spy biz. When Kaadzik loads into the mission, he waits for  the full cutscene introducing Dalia to play out,   so that she gets into position  in the center of the room. Kaadzik then abruptly stands up from this  fashion meeting, heads out to the balcony,   hides behind some see-through windows so no  one can see him, and shoots the chain holding   the chandelier to drop it on Dalia, cutting  her presentation for the class off short. Kaadzik is now going to perform a  glitch called the “ledge drop glitch.” So after shooting the chain, Kaadzik pulled up his  inventory and swapped to the explosive compound. Kaadzik will then walk to the edge of the balcony   and drop the explosive compound on the  ground to set himself up for the glitch. By then pressing ‘F’ to pick up the  compound and ‘X’ to vault over the   balustrade in rapid succession, Agent  47 will climb over the balustrade,   and drop quickly between levels  to reach the ground floor. It should also be noted that while in this  case Kaadzik drops the explosive compound,   this glitch can be done with just  about any item that can be picked up. It’s just that the explosive compound happens to  be one of the better items to use for the trick,   because it isn’t an illegal item  that will draw attention to us. Upon re-entering the building, Kaadzik  is gonna swap to the remote explosive,   drop it, and explode it as he rounds a corner. This causes a ton of confusion and serves  as a distraction for the NPCs so that we   can pass through a restricted area  without being found trespassing. While running through the restricted area,  Kaadzik equips the explosive compound again,   and when he enters the entrance hall,   he’ll turn to the left and toss the compound  onto the wall at the base of the stairs. This separates a guard from Viktor  since they both hear the object thrown,   and Viktor tells the guard to  check it out since Viktor is a VIP,   making it so that there won’t be any  collateral damage in Viktor’s death. Agent 47 is a super thin dude, so  Kaadzik is able to hide behind this lamp,   which is a blind spot, and shoot  the chain of another chandelier,   causing it to fall on Viktor, completing our  second task, meaning we can now run to the exit. Kaadzik now makes his red carpet exit  from this fashion event that had two   deaths by falling chandeliers, and  when he goes to leave the mission,   he’s going to do what’s referred to  as a “fast interact” or “fast exit.” To exit a level, you normally have to hold down  “G” until the interact circle fully fills up. However, if you press “F1” or  “Escape,” then press and hold “G,”   and then press “F1” or “Escape” again,  you’re able to exit the level right away. This saves anywhere from a few  milliseconds to a second each   time you do it, and Kaadzik will be  doing it on every level in the run. Additionally, something worth addressing while we  have a moment, is that the route you saw in this   mission, as well as every mission going forward,  while usually consistent, do contain RNG elements. There’s no guarantee that these routes  will work every time, because there’s   always a chance of things like Kaadzik hiding  behind that lamp to shoot the chandelier,   but being spotted by a guard across the  way even though Kaadzik’s in a blind spot. Little things like that which throw a wrench   into things that make these  routes not always consistent. Okay, back to the run, let’s see this fast interact Kaadzik is about to do to exit the mission. Kaadzik doing the fast interact to exit  the mission brings to the second mission,   World of Tomorrow, which takes place in  the fictional town of Sapienza in Italy. In this mission, our goal is to  take out two scientists in charge   of a deadly weaponized virus project,  Silvio Caruso and Francesca De Santis. To start the mission, Kaadzik will  let the full intro cutscene play out,   which gives a chef enough time to move out  of our way at one point in the mission. Once the cutscene ends, right away, Kaadzik  will grab a sniper from a case in our room,   followed by picking up a brick outside on the  roof right before he drops down from a ledge. Oh, and by the way, we’re cosplaying  as Vin Diesel on this mission. We need to cut through this building real quick,  but there’s a chef in our way, so Kaadzik fires   a shot into the wall to the chef’s left to  distract him while we run past him on the right. Kaadzik veers left as he exits the building  to avoid coming too close to a couple guards,   then runs along the side of a  building to get to a vantage   point where he shoots out an electrical panel. This panel is for Silvio’s telescope,   and destroying the panel makes  Silvio venture into his observatory. While Silvio does that, Kaadzik  blasts open a door with an explosive,   and will make his way to a stairwell  where he’ll start going upstairs. When Kaadzik approaches the top of the  stairs, he’s going to drop his sniper   rifle before going outside because  some targets have special bodyguards   that will spot you instantly if  you’re holding any illegal item. After climbing this pipe, Kaadzik will pull up his  inventory to swap to his remote breaching charges,   and to open this door ahead, rather than throw the  charge, Kaadzik drops it and then detonates it. This is because one of the staff can hear if you  throw the breaching charge at the door and will   come investigate, and Kaadzik doesn’t want the  staff to discover what Kaadzik’s about to do. Kaadzik then swapped to his brick, which  he’ll use to give a guard a kiss on the cheek. After destroying a model sailboat to retrieve  a hidden virus prototype vial, Kaadzik makes   his way back outside, dammit, back inside and  tosses the vial into the room Francesca is in. This causes her to contract the virus and  eliminates her after about eight seconds or so. This is pretty much a free kill,  because it counts as a poison kill   that only kills the target, leaving  anyone else nearby feeling a-okay. We still have to take out Silvio, so  after dropping off the roof we’re on,   Kaadzik heads back inside, enters the observatory,   and shoots down the solar system diorama  with his pistol, making it fall on Silvio. Kaadzik then picks up his sniper  enroute to the final objective:   destroying the virus in the underground lab. At the bottom of all these stairs,   Kaadzik is gonna toss a breaching  charge and detonate it to open the door. In the lab, Kaadzik will head to the right  and shoot a bullet to distract a guard,   then snipe the virus prototype  while standing at a ledge. He’ll then perform what’s called a “drop  down glitch,” where he aims with his pistol   and presses the drop down button at about the  same time to quickly fall to the lower level,   saving time by avoiding  having to climb down a pipe. To exit the area and the mission,  Kaadzik then runs to Silvio’s seaplane,   avoiding a camera in the process, letting us stay  undetected and keep our Silent Assassin rating. This brings us to the third of six missions, “A  Gilded Cage,” which takes place in Marrakesh. In this mission, we have two  targets: Claus Hugo Strandberg,   and Reza Zaydan, who’re both involved in  an impending military coup in Morocco. Kaadzik waits just a little bit before exiting  the cutscene at the start of the mission,   otherwise it throws off Reza’s  schedule too much for the route. Right away, Kaadzik will head  towards a stairway and pull   out a pistol in preparation for doing  something called a “wall drop glitch.” By aiming the pistol into a wall, pulling  up the inventory, and dropping an item,   the item is dropped inside of the wall. In this case, Kaadzik will  drop Napoleon Blownaparte,   which plays music when dropped,  and can be remotely detonated. The wall drop glitch can be used on  several walls, and the item that’s   dropped can either stay in the wall, or  drop through floors to the ground floor. Because the garage is the ground floor though,  Napoleon stays out-of-bounds right here,   and somehow Hugo will hear the music  playing through the concrete wall   that Napoleon is behind and will come investigate. Napoleon’s purpose in this run isn’t to be  the sacrifice though, just the bait for Hugo. Our sacrifice is actually just  going to be a rubber ducky. After dropping Napoleon in the wall, Kaadzik also   drops a proximity explosive ducky that  will detonate, by, well, proximity. Kaadzik vaults a wall outside to avoid a  security officer who also heard the music but   hopefully won’t investigate, grabs a crowbar  and makes his way through the city streets. There are two guards on a  staircase in one of these   alleyways, and Kaadzik needs to get past them. He’s going to do this by first hiding in an  alcove in front of the stairs so that the   guards can’t see him, then shooting the wall  behind them to get them to both turn around. Once they both turn around, Kaadzik is going to do   to them with the crowbar what Gibby  did to Spencer with a stop sign. It’s alright that we knock these two  dudes unconscious because as long as   we’re quick enough going forward,  no one should find their bodies. After yeeting and picking the crowbar back up,   Kaadzik will hide in a blind spot behind some  barrels and clip a guard with a pistol shot. Kaadzik will then wait to move until Reza notices   what happened because otherwise  we automatically get spotted. Once Reza does notice, the  compound gets sent into lockdown,   causing guards to escort Reza to a safe location. Kaadzik will then move to behind  a crate and shoot a wall next to   some guards a few times to have  them notice the bullet impacts. This causes them to turn around  so that Kaadzik can knock them   out from behind with the crowbar  while they’re looking at the wall. This will be followed by Kaadzik aiming at  a propane tank in the building with Reza,   and once Reza gets close to it, Kaadzik will take  the shot at the tank so that the propane leaks   and fills the room where an oil lamp is also  located, causing the propane tank to explode. Let’s see this series of events  now play out in real-time. As Kaadzik begins to make his exit down the  stairs, the explosion of the tank takes out Reza. It’s only a few moments later that  Claus finally wanders within range   of our little ducky, taking him out as well. Claus, and only Claus dying alone without  being seen is a combination of both luck,   and us going through the level quickly. Kaadzik exits the level  through some marketplace gates,   wrapping up this mission and bringing us  to the next one, “Club 27” in Bangkok. In this mission, we’ll be taking out an indie rock singer named Jared Leto, I mean Jordan Cross, along with his family’s lawyer, Ken Morgan, who covered up the fact that Jare-Jordan murdered his girlfriend. There’s a lengthy intro cutscene to  this mission that we have to fully   wait through in order to avoid waiting for  Ken and Jordan during the actual mission,   so while this cutscene plays out, I’d just  like to say I hope you’re all doing well. I know that at times, things can  honestly just feel insurmountable,   that no matter what you do you’ll be  stuck where you’re at in a dark place. I cannot stress this enough  though, that no feeling is final Things may seem hopeless, but  I assure you they are not. Good days are ahead, and no matter what,   there is a tomorrow and whatever you're  facing cannot take that away from you. I say this every video but it’s  something I personally believe in   always talking about so I’ll continue to do  it, but just a reminder, there is a tomorrow. You can make it through today. And also no one in the world is more  deserving of your love than you are,   so please take some time to  love yourself, you have worth. Back to the run, Kaadzik is running to  the Himmapan Hotel, being sure to avoid   bumping into anyone, so we avoid drawing their  attention so that we can pull out illegal items. At the top of the stairs, Kaadzik  shoots the support for a light   fixture to cause it to all fall and land on Ken,   taking him out, and increasing the  K/D of light fixtures this run to 3. Kaadzik then switched his equipped  weapon to a remote explosive ducky,   and drops the ducky on the stairs and  blows it up as he continues climbing,   which distracts the guards that  are guarding the Queen Suite. After exploding the ducky, Kaadzik runs past some guards at the top of the stairs and enters the suite proper. The staff of the hotel are all  panicking right now, so we’re   able to head on up to the top floor pretty  easily, equipping our pistol along the way. Kaadzik is going to run to the far window here,  where he’ll stand on top of some garbage bags and   aim his pistol across the way into another window,  constantly checking to see where Jordan is. Once Jordan is in position, Kaadzik  will shoot a fire extinguisher,   causing it to explode and kill Jordan,  counting as an accidental death. Fire extinguishers have a larger impact area than  things like, say, a normal explosive device or   propane flask, and fire extinguishers are lethal  explosions in this game, unlike in HITMAN 2 and 3. To make his escape, Kaadzik  is gonna just kinda... escape. The exit route Kaadzik takes is just  going down the stairs he came up before,   where the guards are still scrambling  around trying to figure out what’s going on. After this lengthy jog, we’ll  eventually make it back outside,   where people are pretty calm for the fact a  dude was just crushed by some lights nearby,   and Kaadzik will make his way down  to the speedboat to exit the mission. This’ll bring us to the next mission, “Freedom  Fighters,” which takes place in Colorado. It’s at this time we should do  a brief catch-up on the story. So to put it lightly, we been played. We’ve been doing all these contracts for this   person referred to as the “Shadow  Client,” or the “Client” for short. It turns out that all these hits we’ve been doing  are on people who are either members of a group   called “Providence” who have total control  over world affairs and thought to be a myth,   or they’re people directly linked to members  of Providence and the work Providence does. Pretty much the Client has been setting us up  and making it look like this is all our doing,   which like, I mean it technically is? Like we’re a hitman for hire, maybe look into  your contracts some more and figure out if   you’re being used for some sort of nefarious  plot before you start taking people out? I don’t know, just a suggestion. Anyways, we’ve just learned all this,  and we’re now headed to the next mission,   which is at a training camp  for the Client’s militia,   and we’re seeking to eliminate who we  think the Client is for their manipulation. At the training camp in Colorado, we have four  targets: Sean Rose, Penelope Graves, Ezra Berg,   and Maya Parvati, as well as a couple additional  tasks that will pop up after we take them all out. To start the mission, Kaadzik  exits the cutscene pretty quickly,   equips the remote breaching charges,  and crouches while heading to the   left towards a fence gate, which  he lobs the breaching charge at. Kaadzik will crouch just before he enters  the farmhouse here through the back doors,   and stay crouched as he sprints past a soldier  and hacker that are having a chit-chat,   being sure to not bump into them on the way. Kaadzik will then drop a breaching  charge at the basement door,   and detonate it before switching to his pistol. He’ll then take out Sean Rose by shooting  the gas tank on an SUV next to Sean,   then shooting the leak itself to blow up the car. The timing on when to do this  is a bit tight and unforgiving,   if you’re too early or too late, then either  Sean won’t be caught in the explosion,   or the nearby guard will die  as well, ruining the run. Kaadzik then heads to the basement, where he grabs  a lethal injection syringe on top of a cabinet. Kaadzik is going to be using  this syringe on Penelope,   but first Kaadzik has to wait at  the top of the stairs for Penelope   to walk into position at the desk in the  center of the room that’s on our right. If you look at the minimap,  she’s the bold red circle. Immediately after taking her out, Kaadzik heads back downstairs because  us speedrunners are basement-dwellers. Kaadzik shot a power grid panel to distract one of  the guards, then turns on the boiler via the fast   interact glitch to distract and lure Ezra over,  then waits for Ezra to round the corner before   jabbing him with a syringe that we brought  ourselves and found in our mom’s nightstand. After opening up the door to head back  outside and taking out the camera,   Kaadzik waits for the guard at the top  of the stairs to walk to the right,   then zooms on past behind him and goes  to hide behind some wooden boards. Once all relevant soldiers have stopped  searching and entered the house,   and the camera on the patio is facing away,  Kaadzik sneaks up near it and shoots it,   being sure to stand close to the railing  so that no one hears the gun firing. Kaadzik then takes aim at a rope and pulley  that’re supporting a hay bale in the air,   and continually checks where  Maya is with his Predator vision. Once Maya is in position, Kaadzik shoots  the rope, dropping the bale on Maya. I bet she hay-ted that. (crowd booing) Here Kaadzik picks up a baseball and does what’s called a “fast throw” on two hackers where he crouches, throws, and uncrouches. This causes the baseball to register as  hitting these hackers almost instantly,   rocking the two of them to their cores. Kaadzik then fast interacted with  the 3D printer without being noticed. We need to use the 3D printer to print a  mask that resembles Sean Rose so we can   unlock a door in the basement to a tornado  shelter which is locked via face scan. Once the mask is printed, Kaadzik  heads down to the basement,   where after waiting for a guard to face away,   Kaadzik fast interacts with the scanner and we  get to watch a mini-cutscene of the facial scan. Inside the tornado shelter then, Kaadzik has  to fast interact with two examine prompts to   be able to leave the mission through  the doors that are in the shelter,   which are actually the only exit to the  level, wrapping up the penultimate mission   and bringing us to the final mission, “Situs  Inversus” which takes place in Hokkaido. This last mission has us targeting  Erich Soders and Yuki Yamazaki. Erich is the training director for our agency  who turns out to be a mole for Providence,   and Yuki is Erich’s Providence liaison. To start the mission, Kaadzik lets a few seconds   of the cutscene play out so that he gets  better security behavior in the mission. Right away, Kaadzik heads outside and  to the left towards the zen garden,   where he quickly equips a CX block,  which is a powerful remote explosive. He’ll toss the CX block at the operating theater   window where Erich is, and will do  what’s called a “fast detonate.” A fast detonate is where you  detonate the explosive once you   see the “detonate” prompt appear on screen,  and immediately holster after detonating. This causes the explosion to happen  much quicker, and is necessary to do   here because you need the explosion to happen  when the CX block is near enough to the glass. Erich is a unique target that doesn’t  affect your Silent Assassin rating at all,   you can kill him however you like without  being noticed or having his body found. Additionally, any damage that  visibly moves Erich is lethal to him,   because he’s a frail old man who was  born with glass bones and paper skin. The angle at which you throw the CX  block and where you throw the block from   makes it so that the fast detonate kills  Erich, but leaves the gardener untouched. Kaadzik then heads back inside and towards  the security room, where the guards are   all heading outside to either investigate the  explosion or just go on patrol for some reason. At the doorway of the security room,  Kaadzik is going to drop his pistol   so that it’s in the way of the sliding  door so the door will stay open for us. Because the guards are distracted,   nobody will notice or care that  we just dropped an illegal item. In the security room, Kaadzik will  then toss a breaching charge at an   interior door where he’s then  gonna grab a fire extinguisher. He’ll then exit the security room and  head down the ramp to where Yuki is. As Kaadzik passes Yuki, he’s  going to drop a breaching charge,   which automatically drops the fire extinguisher  as well, and then once he’s far enough away,   detonates the breaching charge, exploding  the fire extinguisher in the process,   killing Yuki and avoiding killing her  bodyguards or derailing the cable car. Normally, dropping an illegal item  in front of NPCs will compromise you,   but by exploding the fire  extinguisher quickly enough,   nobody in the hallway realizes what  happens and what we did is okay. Kaadzik will then enter the cable car,  finishing up the mission, the game,   and in turn, the run, with all missions having  been completed with the Silent Assassin rating,   all while never having changed  out of our starting suits. If you’ve made it to the end of this video, thank  you so much on behalf of both myself and Kaadzik. The World of Assassination trilogy  is such a cool gaming experience,   and the speedruns themselves are a  marvel of routing and experimentation. If you’re at all interested in looking  up more runs of this game or seeing runs   of the other seasons, head on over to and use that search bar. I’d also like to take a moment and say thank you  to Kaadzik for his help in making this video,   it would not have been possible without him. Kaadzik was a saving grace when it came to making   this video, and was beyond helpful and  accommodating in the creation process. Be sure to check out Kaadzik’s  YouTube and Twitch channels if   you’d like to see more speedrun  content, HITMAN or otherwise. Links are in the description. Additionally, I mentioned this  at the start of the video,   but this video would not have happened without  everyone who supports the channel on Patreon. Not only was this run suggested  to be covered there as a part of   a celebration for hitting 200 Patrons,  but it was also voted on and chosen by   the Patrons as their first official  “Patron’s Choice SPEEDRUN EXPLAINED.” I could not be more grateful for not only the  fact this run was chosen, because it’s a sick run,   but also for the fact there are over 200 of you  who choose to support the channel monetarily. Seriously, thank you, it is so unnecessary  but you continue to do so anyway. If taking part in future suggestions or poll  events to choose what runs will be covered in the   future sounds like a fun time to you, or you want  access to videos early, or even just wanna chip in   a buck or two a month to keep the channel afloat,  then head on over to Like I said though, it’s entirely unnecessary,  but thank you to those of you who do it. Lastly, if you want a place  to just chat about anything,   then join our discord server, It isn’t really a place where speedruns are  talked about much and I mean that in a good way,   like if you want to talk about speedruns there,   people will talk about speedruns with  you, but it’s mainly just a place for   a lot of supportive and wholesome people  to hang out and talk about their days. If that sounds like a place you  wanna be, then come join the fun. That’s all for this video though. This was a Silent Assassin, Suit Only speedrun  of HITMAN (2016), I’ve been tomatoanus,   also known as Taygaloo Cat my nuts, and  I hope you have an above average day.
Channel: tomatoanus
Views: 1,013,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hitman, hitman speedrun, hitman speedrun world record, world record, hitman 2, hitman 3, hitman 3 gameplay, speedrun explained, heavy commentary speedrun, speedrun, tomatoanus, io interactive, hitman 3 vr, hitman silent assassin suit only, hitman silent assassin, silent assassin speedrun, hitman silent assassin suit only speedrun, hitman suit only speedrun, gdq, games done quick, speedrun commentary, sgdq, agdq
Id: sWbsxzfwEs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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