How Soon Will You Meet Your Soulmate?

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hey there are you ready to find the truth about yourself ever wondered when you'll meet your soulmate you have ten questions and five seconds to decide just make your choice and count your stars and let me know your results in the comments section below there's no wrong answer trust me question number one choose a Disney movie that best demonstrates a loved Cinderella The Princess and the Frog Beauty and the Beast which of these cartoons is your favorite one time to catch your stars three stars go to Beauty and the Beast two stars go to Cinderella one star goes to the Princess and the Frog question number two are you a lovey-dovey person when I want to be yes I'm built that way no I'm really bad at it I hope you know what lovey-dovey means [Music] you'll get three stars if you are built that way two stars with you are lovey-dovey when you want to be and one star if you're really bad at it question number three do you currently have a crush yes and they know no that's silly I'd rather not say there you are I'm just about to know your main secret get your three stars if you do have a crush two stars if you prefer to keep it a secret and one star you don't have one [Music] question number four choose a flower roses sunflowers lilies does your mom grow flowers do you have a flower garden catch your stars roses get three stars lilies get two stars sunflowers get one star question number five do you believe in love at first sight yes it happens all the time yes but it's rare not only happens in movies I do believe in it how about you [Music] three stars if you do to two stars if you think you do but think it's rare one star if you think it only happens in movies question number six you run into an attractive person in the street what do you do smile and keep walking laughs and introduce yourself keep your eyes down and walk away hog the Hat moment when you realize you've probably met your destiny three stars if you laugh two stars if you smile and go away one star if you don't even look in their eyes question number seven do you talk to your friends about your relationships yes almost every detail only the important stuff I keep my personal life to myself friends will be friends when you are in need of love they give you care and attention you know the song get your three stars if you tell your friends almost every detail too if you share only important stuff and one star if you keep it a secret [Music] question number eight choose your ideal first date dinner in a movie a fun game night a walk in a park how many first dates do you already have dinner and a movie gets three stars a walk in the park gets two stars a fun game night gets one star question number nine you have a secret admirer what's your first thought I have an idea of who this is this could be a stalker I have no idea who this is isn't it nice to have several secret admirers get your three stars if you know who admires you secretly two if you have no idea one star if you think this could be a stalker question number ten do you believe in soulmates I don't know would I be taking this quiz if I did it I'm growing towards the concept that's the final question of art today's quiz three stars if you do two stars if you are growing toward the concept one star if you're not sure great you did it are you ready for the results add up your points and let's see what you got [Music] you got from ten to sixteen on the way but don't hold your breath your soulmate is a little busy at the moment and maybe you should be too well they're coming soon they still have a way off before they get to you don't fret this gives both of you time to tie up loose ends and maybe cut off of you before you two meet you're not quite ready for each other yet so the universe is holding off and for good reason you got from 17 to 23 right around the corner your soulmate is closer than you think you might run into them in the most unexpected way hopefully physically bump into them and have a classic how we met story [Music] do you believe in love at first sight this might be how it happens for you even if you don't we'll make a believer out of you you got from 24 to 30 sitting right next to you sounds like you've already met your soul mate your one true love can easily be a close friend or someone you see frequently don't be surprised if someone makes a move on you soon it won't be obvious because this person knows you and doesn't want things to get weird so go with the flow and let the magic happen [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's your result share it in the comments thank you for watching and don't forget to hit the subscribe button for more cool tests [Music]
Channel: What's It For?
Views: 3,553,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psychological tests, psychological test, tests and quizzes, personality test, personality quiz, personality tests, personality quizzes, personality tests for kids, tests for kids, tests for fun, quizzes for kids, quizzes for fun, test your personality, for kids, for fun, 1 million tests, soulmate quiz, love test, love quiz, true love, test for girls, find love, soulmate test, mister test, alfa tests, tests for girls, boyfriend test, boyfriend quiz
Id: WwLiNnKl2Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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