How Riot Games Created A Champion NO ONE Likes - A League of Legends Movie

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[Music] while playing League of Legends players might feel like some champions are broken others overpowered and unfortunately a few maybe a mix both in this series we've covered basically all the ways that you can describe champions from broken to overpowered and conversely underpowered of course we've also covered Lisa one of the League of Legends most popular champions and what makes all of the players fans and pros love him the way that they do naturally there's only gonna be one type of champion left to cover the ones who are of a different breed those champions that are much more rare on summoners rift champions that well no one plays these champs are generally underpowered unpopular and maybe even a bit boring as sad as that is of all of the champions that are at the bottom of the least played category none of them define what it means to be under played the same way that this guy does Ivor ever since his release he is arguably the least played champion we've ever seen some champions in the game's history were underutilized like how the old Gallio was really only good against heavy magic damage teams keeping him far far too niche to really see consistent play others weren't strong for a very long time like how the old oh god only saw a few months of viability amidst years of being a bad pick but truthfully it doesn't really feel as if Ivan is so bad that he can't even be played it's just that nobody likes him no one cares about Ivor and even when he's strong in the meta or at least could be a pretty good situational pick no one plays him which is not only sad but also makes for an incredibly interesting story this is League of Legends least popular champion named Ivan [Music] it's an interesting gameplay position that we can put him in which is a support class character in the jungle position and so normally they have all their you know supports have all their limitations in terms of damage and what they can do but we basically get around it with this yeah well you bring up support jungle air anything that's interesting because we've often heard support jungler you know as like this foe class that people like to think of where they're like you know news a support jungler and it's like what does he do the supportive well he eats get out of the enemy jungle in this and then hits him a bunch and and they don't get to play the game I was like okay that isn't alright but I mean I guess I guess it's the support relative to like a master yi but but some of these characters that people have felt our support junglers I think don't really live up to what you may expect out of that theme right I mean we wouldn't we wouldn't specifically classify them as a support jungler and say that they fulfill like that niche Ivan's story was interesting from the moment that he was announced not only because he's a new champion which we all love to see but also because of the nature of his release Ivan's design was specifically tailored at being a brand new type of champion a true support jungler over the years Riot has tried to do what they can to shake up the jungle roll Kindred's release was a huge step for the game as they were designed to be the main ranged carry jungler a marksman a role that is typically reserved for the bottom lane to actually be in the jungle was a new and fresh idea and people loved it and in the case of Ivan he wasn't any different this idea was super solid from riot and it's true when looking at the roster of junglers there aren't any real supports that can go jungle we use this term in game about the supportive jungler a name that is usually tagged on champions like nunu and sejuani but this is a bit misleading sure these champions are supportive but they are not supports they are not innately peeling champions they are not enchanters and in fact they're a totally different class they are tanks their goal and their gameplay is designed to be more helpful to your team than the true carry like kha'zix or rengar but to say that League of Legends didn't have a support jungler was completely true thus the green father was born I really thought that going back to his release would help give us a clue on why his popularity really never took off and in the literal sense I was genuinely curious if he was not seeing too much at first however this doesn't seem to be the case Ivan's champion spotlight has 3 million views and magikarps actual champion spotlight has nearly 4 million which relative to the rest of the champions in the game that's fairly normal at least in terms of the initial numbers he didn't necessarily get off to a slow start in fact Ivan's story started out very strong Ivan was released at the end of season 6 and at first he wasn't that good he would end up being buffed quite a bit and would receive a few changes fixing some of his core problems like buffing his Q cooldown by 2 seconds at all ranks adding a nice quality of life buff that lets you press Q Q if it hits to instantly fly over to the target as well as Daisy receiving a maximum health buff and a bug fix for her this is something that we will get to more later on I promise after Ivan was directly buffed the jungle for season 7 only a few weeks later was also changed we had the introduction of the new jungle plants we saw smite changes the small camp spawn timers and experience changes updates to the camp's themselves and the introduction of a new support item called redemption the crazy thing was how quick the turnaround was for Ivan a few weeks before all of these changes he was clearly terrible but because of all of the changes for season 7 he then quickly became the strongest champion in the game nearly every single one of those jungle changes were beneficial for Ivan such as all of the camps that you smited healing you now instead of just the red buff as well as Redemption being added Lockette having its shield doubled and the honey fruit allowing Ivan to have a healthier clear since he has no built-in sustain he would easily take over the competitive scene his new setup pretty much only right the heights of jannah during the art and sensor meta as he became arguably the best enchanter that we've ever seen only a month after the original buffs in season 7 release ivan would be nerfed twice on the same patch patch 6.24 saw ivan receive a direct nerf in the normal patch notes and turns out he was still too strong so he would be hot fixed nerf again later that week on patch 7.3 Daisy was nerfed and well had some bug fixes one thing that I've earned used to be able to do was hide epic monsters like Baron and dragon with literally just one bush making him an incredibly strong pick in competitive on patch 7.8 he was no longer able to hide Baron and dragon with just one bush now requiring walls of bushes which was necessary sure because it was broken but still a huge nerf on 7.10 his jungle clear was nerfed making his weak early game even weaker and his biggest weakness more exemplified on 7.12 his base damage was reduced on his E and then finally untouched 7.14 the cast range on his brush was halved these are a lot I mean a lot of the nurse over the years I've done quite a bit of research into League of Legends champions while making these videos and it's pretty rare that you see this many consistent consecutive nerfs once a month for almost a full year Ivan was nerfed and that's gonna hurt a champion a lot for any champion even a popular one like Lisa nor Yasuo it would be very hard to recover from months and months of being gutted there have been plenty of times where champions like Yasuo Vayne thresh and Lux have been bad but these champions almost always work their way back into the meta because they are played so much however what would happen to a champion that wasn't all that liked one that wasn't very popular and was only played because he might have been the number one most opie champion in the entire game I think to answer that we need to take a look at this graph this graph has to be one of the most damning things that I could find that sums up I've earned story this is ivan's ban rate history on you can see that he wasn't banned too much because he was pretty bad he would then receive a few buffs and the jungle would be changed and all of a sudden he was Opie he would reach a peak at around a 22% banned rate he would be nerfed and some support items were changed but then people kept playing him and got better at him causing another huge spike this time peaking higher at around a 26% ban rate riot would continue to cut down the tree as we saw before with nerf after nerf after nerf and then his band rate dropped to nearly zero once it hit this low the question would then be how long would it stay there would players get better at him once again and we would see a small spike would it go back up in just a couple months well Ivan was overpowered at the beginning of season 7 and was a relevant and strong champion both in solo queue and competitive play until around the summer of 2017 now we're almost at the end of 2019 about to be season 10 and Ivan has literally never recovered you are looking at a champion who hasn't been relevant for almost three years [Music] let's be real not every champion will be the most popular in the game's history people just have preferences on the things that they like some like different archetypes and deems of characters AG swordsman and blade wielders like Cain and Yasuo play out very differently than Lux does who is a more happy toned light mage which also extends to their theme not just the gameplay however certain champions are predictably smash hits with the community if Vayne was already a popular and loved champion than the huge release of Caixa should come as no surprise that she would reach the top of the play rate charts their kits are similar enough in the way that they play out but Caixa has a more modern kit and a complexity that works in her favor not prohibiting new players from wanting to try her she also has an evolved mechanic that was already thought to be super cool on another popular champion in kha'zix so carrying over ideas from two popular champions and creating a new one out of them might do pretty well point is I don't think many devs and specifically the ones that design Caixa are all that surprised to know that she is one of their most successful releases ever it's pretty easy to understand why she sold so many skins and is so loved by the community but it literally is never the intention of Riot to design champions that aren't going to be played they never plan on a being that way because if they knew that a champion won't be played too much why would they ever waste their time designing them unfortunately though it's just going to happen that way sometimes it's possible to blame the theme the idea or the core concept but for Ivan specifically I'm not satisfied with saying that his core concept is bad and that's the reason why he's not played I don't think because he's not a win Bladesman or a blind monk is the exact reason that you're not seeing him I totally get that I'm being quite biased but personally I think a druidic would Green father or even Elvan type character is my favorite theme in the entire fantasy genre if you ever played EverQuest do you remember the woodlands and the oak mist forest what about greater Fae dark in the city of Kelvin with those massive trees were the fairies the elves and all the gnomes live that has to be my favorite area in the entire game I remember as a kid being very impressed by the visuals of this place and falling in love with it for runescape the lost city of Zen Aras where the fairies live was a huge reveal and that games quest line which is probably one of the most memorable places for those who played runescape what about the elven lands out west with the city of prif and us these were massive releases this is easily one of the nicest looking zones graphically and the elven music of runescape 3 after they remastered the game soundtrack is hauntingly beautiful finally you can't leave out the Elwynn forest either on Wow as it's one of the best starting areas in any video game period for anyone playing human and starting new on wow this was the first area you were dropped into and it blew people away in league even though there aren't a lot of characters with this theme the ones that do have it I think are really cool I personally think the Elder wood skins are the best skins in the game period I know I'm being biased but I love them ever since TFT updated with the new rise of the elements druids and woodland characters are in there and it's a pretty nice comp to run I love that these champions art in the pack on top of being cool it's a pretty effective cop especially early game and of course Ivan's in there too the point of this entire section is that I think there's nothing wrong with what I've earned is trying to be and what his theme is supposed to be and has a lot more to do with how it's given to us his theme is beloved by many players and fans of the fantasy genre including me I believe there would be a lot more players that would like Ivan even if his kit was different inherently this concept of the enchanter druid woodland character is not flawed however it is the class implementation of the support into the jungle itself which is a huge huge problem Ivan's execution in the kit that he has is fundamentally flawed and has obviously well clearly missed the mark with the player base by far without a doubt in my mind Ivan has two distinct abilities that ruined the champion for most players and the junglers the try amount that being his passive and his ultimate I spoke to a good friend of mine named Jun who was a challenger player in the lead writer at pro guides when asking him about some thoughts on Ivan he pointed out to me something that was pretty interesting and stuck quite a bit it's not that Ivan doesn't do damage or doesn't get a lot of flashy kills because again neither do the rest of the enchanters it's more in the way that his kit specifically plays out and the fact that being in the jungle causes riot and the design team who made him to have to make a few sacrifices in general and League of Legends it's just satisfying to kill things and deal damage even when you're 0/10 on Yasuo and trust me I play Yasuo and I've been 0/10 at least a million times because I'm a feeder even still it's just fun as heck to press EQ and do your spin something about dashing all over the place and killing minions and jungle camps makes you forget about the flame in the chat and your teammates telling you unspeakable things it's a form of escapism within the game unfortunately while playing Ivan you're kind of stuck being everybody's best friend who is supposed to be a happy-go-lucky champion with a great attitude who doesn't kill anything damage anything and is just here to be a supportive addition to the team who can't carry on his own but he can make everyone around him a better player and a better person in one of the most toxic environments in all of online gaming which isn't a good mix playing I've earned feels like your level of fun and your teammates level of fun too is almost completely reliant on this state of the game when things are going well and you're winning nobody cares that you locked in I've earn everybody's happy and it's always oh wow okay Ivan's kind of opie guys just kidding he's viable but if you lose Ivan's the worst champion ever this jungler is terrible I've earns a troll pick I sucks never play it again in my game when making this video I reached out to the redditors on Ivan mains to see what they had to say about him and what kind of input that I could get I list a few questions to help make sure I knew how they felt - and what their perspective is coming from somebody who mains him the previous point is something that I really wanted to know and the reddit post I asked about the idea if the Ivan mains have a problem with how unpopular he is and if they run into problems with toxicity and their answers really do make you feel bad for them these guys are just trying to play their favourite champion in one of their favorite video games a character that they just enjoy playing and sometimes you can't even make it through a champion select because your team purposefully bans your one trick since Ivan stinks dude the other problem with the reddit spoke heavily on is one that is very known by the league community and has been for years not just the Ivan means which is Daisy Daisy might be the worst ultimate in the game at least to a few points Daisy is so buggy and she's literally received countless bug fixes in the patch notes she's starting to rival Azir with how many bug fixes are needed to make her functional she is the hardest pet in the game to control far worse than timbers is for Annie she is clunky unintuitive and a straight-up nightmare for most players completely new Ivan players not only misused Daisy itself but are even scared to try to do the horrific spaghetti code that you're forced to interact with [Music] one thing I do know is that riot does actually care that Ivan is like this don't get me wrong riots not a perfect company they don't make zero mistakes and they clearly do balance around the most popular champions and the ones that sell the most skins but by that logic if you want to play the greedy developer card it should still be important to them that Ivan gets some love because a champion that sells almost no skins is therefore a useless champion recently we saw them try to make a change that helps newer Ivan players and lowers his skill floor which is now that he's permanently ranged I know a lot of the one tricks don't like this change in fact they've told me that they hate it but looking at it from the perspective of someone who's brand new to Ivan this really eliminates an annoying variable it was already hard enough to learn his jungle pathing micromanaging a buggy Daisy learning to not get invaded learning to invade yourself peeling for your team hitting your cue which flies super slow and getting through the early game the fact that you're now permanently ranged does help your early game red buff ganks and even though the Ivan pros could use his bushes like it's nothing it's now one less thing to worry about it can be hard for one tricks to give up the parts and the mechanics and the kit that they really like but you can't just throw accessibility out the window and in the future maybe riot will come up with some more potential changes for Ivan despite reaching record low numbers for a champion in his presence Ivan is still a very important champion in the story of League of Legends he's a jungler that isn't normal but that's not a bad thing he's the only true supportive champion that doesn't play in the bottom Lane he's the only jungler of his type and that makes him unforgettable my hope is that Riot knows he's not a total waste of a champion and could just use some more love and is definitely a little bit misunderstood guys we're almost at 2-under case subscribers so if you're not already subscribed I would really appreciate you doing that thank you so much for watching leave a like and I will see you all now [Music] you you
Channel: Exil
Views: 1,286,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, riot games, lol, new champion, aphelios, cinematic, league champ, new champ, league champion, worlds 2019, league of legends worlds 2019, proguides, proguides lol, league of legends history, league of legends documentary, League of legends new game, league of legends pro guides, League of legends new champion, Season 10 changes, Season 10 new champions, season 10 league of legends, Ivern, Ivern Guide, upcoming 9.24 changes, new season league of legends
Id: 9WF1PTt33Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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