How recruiters are in each branch of the military once they get you in their office.
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Channel: Yusha Thomas
Views: 8,274,088
Rating: 4.931632 out of 5
Keywords: army, veterans, military, recruiting, ar, ed forces
Id: LqxrJHkzS0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The Air Force one isn't too accurate. Those motherfuckers are never in the office.
RIP Coast Guard
"We prepare you to be homeless as shit" hahahaha
All you can eat CRAYONS?! SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!
"Here's a bible and a calculator, if a fighter jet is flying 400mph from Dallas to Memphis, how many rounds of golf can an airman play in that allotted time?"
Ah yes, the typical "Navy is gay" jokes.
On a side note, as a Marine, I laughed audibly at the crayon bit.
Why is the Air Force portrayed as having such high requirements? Are they that elitist?
Pretty good, the navy one is too obvious and boring though
I need to join the navy.