BASIC Training (Week 1) 1966 VS 1996 VS 2016
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Channel: Yusha Thomas
Views: 5,819,847
Rating: 4.9142904 out of 5
Id: 0SihQghhTg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 10sec (190 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I dunno man, these crack me up. I lost it at the SHARP part.
I went through in '99, and the old vets were saying basic was a lot softer then it once was. I think it's just one of those things where every previous generation thinks things aren't like they used to be. Army boot camp will probably never be as soft as Air Force boot camp. The soldier basic makes you out to be is overstated, anyway. Your real training comes when you get to your unit. Basic is just that...basic.
The Drill Sergeant aged very well
My father served in Vietnam and he said basic was some serious shit. He apparently got hypothermia at one point but they thought he was just faking it so they smoked him some more and during a low crawl through some mud a Drill Sergeant used his boot to push his head down into the mud. They eventually believed him and whatnot and all was well in the end but I can only imagine what the rest of basic must've been like. Going to be interesting to compare stories when I get back from basic.
"I'm from East St. Louis, Drill Sarnt, where you from??"
"I'm fresh off a mothafucka's ass, and I'm gettin' homesick."
Oh, shit...
I went to basic in 2011 at Benning, anyone who's been recently, how is it now?
Graduated from Delta 1-50 in Summer 2008 at Ft. Benning
If my SDS saw me with a phone, I would've been smoked out of existence.
The SHARP bit at the end got me, it really is like that.
I got a good laugh out of it, especially the 2016 part.