How Powerful Can A Paradiddle Be? (w/ Thomas Lang) | The Drum Department πŸ₯ (Ep.24)

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[Music] thank you foreign hey guys it's Thomas Lang here welcome to the drum Department today we're going to nerd out over all things paradiddle [Music] wow unbelievable uh Jared was geeking out on your on your left foot there I'm like yo yeah as soon as you go into the paradise with the feet it's like okay I give up oh come on man it's just a paradiddle yeah it's don't overthink it you know if you just do the same things you do with your hands with your feet yeah you're golden it's as simple as that it's just that simple it's just that simple welcome everybody Welcome to YouTube Welcome drumeo members to this very special episode of the drum Department we have the a of a teams today we have Thomas Lang we have Jared Falk you got little me and we are going to talk all about the amazing the flexible the rubber paradiddle it's amazing isn't it it's it's like what made you guys think that YouTube needs another pair that Alexa hey I don't think we've all we've even uh you know exploited all the options yet I agree and we're here to explore more okay because the paradiddle is such a you know cliche basic rudiment and so simple but most people just use it as an exercise on a pad or something yeah you know I think it's there's a bit of a misconception that the parent at least just this basic sticking exercise but it's uh it can be much more than that it can be you know a cooled Groove in many different ways it could be a cool fill you know and real chops so okay now let's start with the most important question because this came up recently what is actually a full paradiddle well you know yeah there's a bit of misconception because the paradiddle the single paradiddle is only two singles one double that's the combination whether it's right or left doesn't matter oh okay so a paradiddle is stands for either right or left hand and diddle always stands for double so it's para double single single double single single double which hand you start out with doesn't matter so a paradiddle is really only just a four note phrase and there's the right version and then the inversion the left version so there's right left right right and then the mirror image left right left left but the paradiddle is only that half of the phrase about well that's half a paradiddle man it's gone yeah but we've always taught us as eighth notes or eighth notes the full thing and and then other rudiments you delineate between right hand lead and then you can also do left hand yeah like the roll the roll Strokes for example but you know even like the double paradiddle it could be either right or left hand lead right it's it's all about the combinations of uh singles and doubles right in a paradiddle did it could be you know both of those are really a paradise anyway paradiddle of course is cool because it's you know it's such a basic mix sticking two singles one double yeah you know and um and what can you do with it you know I I like to use the parallel in many ways on the kit let's start with something basic I mean everybody knows the speaking obviously you want to practice that on your snare drum and just get comfortable with the sticking you know all the accent X you know shift within the paradiddle Shifting the whole paradiddle in relation to the pulse those are all great exercises I'll show some of those so start with the basic pattern right left right left right left and accent the quarter note [Music] and try to create you know extreme Dynamic sort of contrast between the you know accents and non-actions and then move the accents from the quarter note to the to the second 16 note for example [Music] then move it to the to the and to the double move it to the last 60 notes three four [Music] all those exercises you know them all uh and they're cool because all of those are kind of who beats within themselves foreign that's you know playing the last 16 note action third little it it lends itself totally to being funky right it's funky can we all agree on that does the internet agree with that I think it's funky if you just play it as a basic beat like right hand on the high hand left hand on the snare drum and just play one and three of the kick drum can you can you can you Loop through that show us uh exactly so with the accents on the down [Music] yeah okay [Music] and um what I like um with just going back to the regular parallel is if you just play that as a handle scenaro and then try different foot patterns against that sure um and all or copy the right hand for example I'll start with some simple one and three [Music] that's cool if you like double you know the right hand with my right foot it sounds like this it's a very Immigrant Song in a way yeah right [Music] or you can play you know quarter notes thank you all these different variations so what I'm doing is I'm just playing the paradiddle as an ostinato changing the kick pattern against that I love it and that has a lot of potential what have you not tried because I saw I've seen you do all these different accented patterns with the feet I don't know if everyone noticed that on the intro you just also switch to yeah what have you not experimented with um like if you were if you were to sit down and say I need to do something I've never tried before what what type of thing would you where would your head go with paradiddles nothing because this well you know because you can try all I tried all the nist the tuplets with paradiddles in yes and all the different uh note rate verses of the paradiddle um and we'll get to that but really there isn't much um I mean and I explored I don't know where I end up at the end of this list let's see whether we can go because because it seems like you've gone through so much I've gone through a lot of progressions like yeah they just come they're just like rolling through them yeah I I keep forgetting a lot of them actually because there's so much stuff you know Thomas Lang forgets more about the paradiddle than you'll ever know that's true that's very true uh anyway so um let me go back to yeah try this guys try this play on ostinato paradiddle play a really strong BackBeat so the left hand accent's strong on the two and four and then try different Kingdom patterns start with the quarter note like one quarter note then play the second 16 note you know and then play the third sixty note or the eighth note and then last six and then play the first two second two last two the first three you know all that kind of stuff but try that it's a good exercise for Independence and uh you know and applying the paradiddles foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign but the point is that everything happens under the paradiddle uh what else is cool uh I'll try to remember oh what's really cool is those accent shifts in paradiddles or Shifting the whole paradiddle which I always enjoyed so here's a great exercise so you play paradiddle I'll play it on the cowbell and snare drum and I'll play the the quarter notes on my foot snare and I'm gonna take the pair that'll played on starting on the one then I'm going to shift the whole pattern a 60 note and then another 60 note and so on [Music] [Music] and that's a cool thing that you can apply like you know over a quarter note pulse and you can create some cool kind of displacement because the structure stays the same it's only in a different position in relation to the quarter note so how you're going to into that because he you seem to go into it naturally but you're basically just dropping the first 16th note right or adding or adding yeah so either or depends on if I'll go this to the left or to the right right so I'm either adding one single note so and I start with the left hand for the second pair flip it around so instead of playing the left left at the end I play left right and then I start left on the one so you shorten it foreign [Music] left right and then I automatically land on the left on the one which means the second 60 note is the right again which is the beginning of the parallel so that it suits the the rhythmic example you're trying to cover yes exactly so that's interesting exactly otherwise I'd have to play three lefts which you can do yeah [Music] either works you know and I do both but it's a cool thing because you know you you you still perceive the pattern as a paradiddle hear that but it's in a different position in relation to the quarter note now thank you those are all paradiddle shifts and we haven't even talked about and we're not gonna I don't want to go there we don't need to inverse reverse none of that oh yes you can do all that yeah yeah yeah let's talk permutation here's a good one this is a little tricky let's go to the let's do the I'll show you one tricky one since we're with the paradiddle shapes so here's a good one because you can also play a paradise with your feet of course so I'm playing a paradiddle foreign thing with my feet it's cowbell oh maybe I'll play play Cowboy and I'm gonna play a paradiddle with my hands over that in unison okay [Music] right hand with the right foot left and with the left foot which is cool you know it's good exercise it's a good way to start playing paradels with your feet just copy what your hands are doing we're gonna play the paradiddle with the feet and shift the hand paradiddle the 16th note to the right thank you okay that's basically what we did earlier only now with the foot pedal going and then we're going to shift again at 60 knots and lands on the right yeah on the eighth note and then we're gonna do it again and again until we Circle through the four positions and it sounds cool foreign okay if you've just joined us there is only one guy playing right now and that's Thomas Lang yeah that's that's incredible and it's it's super cool having uh the two foot Source sounds yes if you don't have a I have fancy foot toys here so if you just have a hi-hat works just the same do that when I play doubles I play one Splash and one chick so I'll play you know play a splash on the two on the last you know and uh I play Splash chick yeah foreign watching there's lots of people watching now and they say I want to I want to learn that what it how how long should they expect to put into something like that to get it to the level you just performed to that um well it completely depends on how to say how do you answer that well I mean he's thought so many people in these in your in your drum camps so you've seen people go through the process of like so yeah and then is it years is it yeah because you have to develop your left foot to the same level of competence and command as the right foot first yeah so you have to do a lot of left foot exercises first then there's the coronation and Independence uh element and then there's the accuracy element um so let's start then like do they start with the hands no you have to start with like basic technical stuff like singles and doubles with the feet yep you know so you have to be able to learn this is a mixed thinking pattern it consists of both singles and doubles so you have to be able to be you know play very precise consistent singles alternating with the feet and consistent doubles um and then combinations of singles and doubles so that's the first step you have to develop your feet to the point where they can play what the hands can play right and then you put it together and then there's that Independence uh first is the coronation element then there's the independence element and then there's the interdependence because if one element falls apart everything falls apart have you seen anyone else that can play that uh no no interesting yeah challenge challenge and there's many ways you can do this you know if you're watching challenge guys try this challenge it's just a paradise but that's the truth though it's it's such an elegant rudiment for that reason it's literally four notes but it has a rhythmic quality to it that I think we can relate to very easily totally so it makes it much easier when we are learning to do it with our feet and go wait wait Thomas said it's gonna take me two years to do this no but but but just there's a lot more this sounds much less like an exercise and more like a groove on its own everything is a Groove every rudiment and that's the thing rudiment have a bad rap you know because uh they reek of of of chores and practice and like oh I gotta do my rudiments you know it sounds like uh yes they're not they're they're musical terms and and phrases every rudiment is the same I mean I'll show you a couple of things you can do with the paradiddle and may have showed them before and I teach all my students because again apparently it could be a cool Groove you know a paradiddle could be a cool fill that's it it's just a paradiddle you know or it could be a cool film orchestrated with symbols and toms like putting the Raw on a Tom or you could you can put the diddle on a Tom it's a cool Phil [Music] or you can put the two the pear and brown crashes um or uh you can no I like to spice things up by a doubling on the crashes and play basically a rough on the ones like [Music] but it's the the hand pattern is still just a parallel or you can play it as a kind of a fast up-tempo like Fusion group yeah still just prepared a little bit or as a halftime fail on the right sounds it sounds interesting or you could say or forever yes there's fours forever because you can do like nested paradiddle you know like or you can play it into three win five whatever for example you can this is a good one so I'm playing a triplet feel [Music] that's interesting all right I want to put you to the test now oh my okay we're gonna have some fun we've got some tracks prepared for you holy crap that's or heard any of you so I gave him the option we're gonna start with the first one which is I don't want to give away what time it is because then he's gonna know what it is I want to surprise him with it this is the uh disco one okay okay so um let's find out what you might play for a paradiddle groove on this song so when are you ready Jack can cue that up here we go [Music] Staying Alive [Music] gosh beautiful so that that works that that's perfect I did better than the original I don't know okay so you actually just teased another one I want to throw at you this is a different style I will do the second one this is the uh what's the shuffle so uh there's a little bit of drum trivia by the way this song is the first song that used the drum Loop yeah but actual tape Loop an actual guy Loop hence the word loop it's from Night Fever yes it's a group of knights exactly because the drummer was sick a parent of his was the only had to leave yeah yeah anyways respect to the Beatles for the Beatles to the BG's for not replacing him for that yes absolutely uh okay this next one uh this is gonna work perfectly with what you showed a second ago so I want to see what direction you take this because this could go two different ways okay so let's see if you want to queue up this is the uh The Tears for Fears this is [Music] welcome to your life [Music] it's cool because it has that triplet noise the original has that three or before yeah [Music] so it inspired a lot of those I love that you just did both perfectly you gotta do both all right this next one I'm curious to see what happens here okay uh this is the metal one Jack oh my God uh this could be really cool you got the right drums for this okay so uh I'm I'm just gonna leave it at that let's do this next one up this is the Metallica there's so many ways you can do that one this is a whole song [Music] foreign yeah we're gonna skip the next one we're going all the way for the Gusto okay uh this is gonna be this is this might be this way tricky this is a classic okay uh prog rock song a very well known drum break and uh you might want to let's just see what happens okay okay give it up Jack all right foreign [Music] [Music] so cool so but there's so much more with the paradiddles we can do and inverted paradiddles all the inversions of course those are cool too because you can play a regular pair a little [Music] kind of gospel choppy kind of uh licks are paradiddle inversion yeah you know all the like uh the all those kind of chops or there's so much linear and non-linear kind of combos that are based on the paradiddle and those two singles one double company you want to just play for a couple of minutes yeah like this one big one inverted paradiddle it's all the same unreal I like I like this one too because we did this earlier we did the paradiddle with the feet and the shifting on top it's cool when you do the inverted parental with the feet and then shift the parallel on top okay because then you have a completely different combination right right like so I'm playing an inverted pedal with the feet um something just dropped oh that's my mic back and so on that's a good one and also what's cool is I think you can do a lot of stuff playing Turtles between hands and feet you know [Music] you do like wait on the two hi-hats like a diagonal [Music] Left Foot Right Hand Left Foot Right Hand or you can do left foot left foot left hand for example if [Music] It's Tricky but it's cool when you then play whatever combinations with the right foot and right hand over that [Music] um or uh yeah feet against hands so there's a lot of you can you know it dissect every rooted wind and played in interesting ways but this is a is one that's fairly that's so common and I think a lot of people cannot date the fight with that pattern and that shape you know so if someone if someone does just take it back all the way to the basics if someone's just learned the basic paradiddle and they played it in the groove they played in a fill where where did where would you say they should plan on going next um I think they should work on Dynamics all the accent permutations which requires some type technique of course so like that typical snap of the wrist on the double for example you know [Music] so I would move to sort of more technical use of the paradiddle yeah and then on maybe it's building speed using the paradiddle just hand exercises strength building uh um and then I would move to orchestration and applying it on the kit in a musical way and finding interesting melodic sort of uses you know of that pattern for example just putting the if you play an accent on the quarter note put the accent on different sounds you know put the writing on the floor tom left and on the rectum then experiment with different pitches and sounds in different uh positions within the paradiddle for example the second time on a different sound [Music] or play a diddle on a different sound or play the two the pair Raw on sounds [Music] and experiment with all kinds of orchestrations not just Toms and you know different pitches but also crash the symbols in high heads whatever you have along with the kick drum you know like the with two crashes is a good one I'll play it on the stacks you know the hi-hat and this deck or with two feet and and all of those are cool fills actually so I would experiment with using those newly discovered melodic applications as fills you know foreign great exercise was always um playing a paradiddle beat one bar and then playing the paradiddle orchestration with one Tome then the orchestration with the double on the Tom and then the two crashes in a cycle because you have to mentally switch really quickly between maintaining the same sticking but completely changing orchestration which is a very different thinking process than thinking about sticking so that's I found was a great exercise so one bar of paradiddle Groove of this [Music] okay but the same sticking throughout okay foreign [Music] we're gonna actually talk a little bit about one of our students because we love to celebrate our students here at Romeo yes if those of you are watching right now are curious about warmer what happens inside the members area of drumeo please check out our seven day free trial there's a great graphic that's going to pop up right now it's coming I know it is it's gonna be there I know it anyways there's a seven day free trial check us out because you'll get to see all kinds of cool things there it is um today's student of the week is Phil r01 Phil grew up playing hard rock music in the 80s me too and he says he enjoyed listening to the guitar solo but the drum beats were what really really did it for him he's really excited about the drums he says since that period I've always been tapping my hand on everything which later often annoyed the people that worked with me and he says often in the mid it wasn't until 2021 when he finally bought an electronic kit to take some lessons and this is just the beginning let's check out this Quick Clip congratulations Phil r on being student of the week all right Phil congrats [Music] hookah [Music] one man on the chest [Music] killer job Phil that's okay you're in a bit yeah and uh a little Jefferson Airplane some psychedelic music is great it's cool can I ask a few questions to Thomas yes of course because I've been sitting here and haven't said much yes and Hal doesn't ask me to be on these things very much I just need to like exercise my authority everyone okay why is the bass drum tilted forward a little bit you know no one here can see it but your bass drum is like tilted forward whereas generally I'll put it back I want my playing surface to be completely vertical what do you mean by like nice drum head I don't want the drum to be angled because that would shorten the beta throw I want my this playing surface to be completely vertical okay so it's you know when you clamp the kick drum pedal onto the kick drum you know the the back at the front of the bass drum are Level basically okay a little bit full I know because you're used to seeing it kind of pointing up oh it's it's just straight if you look at you know the distance from hoop to floor on this side and on the other side it's level so it's actually just sitting there with perfectly vertical drum heads okay interesting yeah okay another question okay um so you you're obviously like a really really great practicer you've somehow have you do you think you've practiced way more than the average drummer definitely not you don't think so no I just practiced with a method and with a plan well because a lot of students these days like they have all the information yeah right they even have the inspiration like there's students watching and saying they're just blown away yeah the amount of things that you're able to come up with off the top of your head but still I think when when the lesson's over and when it's done they still struggle to sit down and just put in the work yes I mean that's all it is you have to put in the time it's all about obviously being disciplined and determined and having the passion for it if you don't have the the passion for it it's going to become a chore it's going to be difficult I never had that luckily I always felt that I wanted to learn more and wanted to improve and explore things and I also had fantastic teachers when I first started and I had a very clear method and sort of a very methodical approach to practicing setting goals having um you know always knowing what to practice how long to practice what time management you know efficiency uh short-term long-term goals lists of weaknesses that I was working on every day so it was very methodical you had all of that written down or a teacher helped you with that a teacher helped me with that and and I then further developed that because I found out fairly early what kind of works for me practicing wise because I could see the results and I kind of figured out what doesn't work for me and and that helped me a lot now because of that I think I practiced more efficiently than maybe other friends or colleagues of mine and I seem to get to goals quicker yeah because I had a very planned and methodical approach to it and I still practice like that I mean I can get a lot of stuff done in a fairly short amount of time because of the way I organize my practice routines I never practice any more than three things I divide everything into three chapters you know every practice session um and I I set short-term and long-term goals and I I keep very precise um records of what I'm practicing and what my practice result is on a daily basis it's very result oriented yeah not not just putting in the time right I want to achieve something every day and there has to be a difference between today and yesterday and tomorrow you know so I always try to um check something off the list and even if it's just something really tedious I know that that contributes to me being that step further tomorrow um and you have to be patient but very disciplined determined and of course if you if you look at practicing as a sort of a chore and okay it's got to get done you know then um it's it's I don't think it's going to be very efficient and uh um it's gonna become tedious and boring yeah you know well they say like they always say like learn to love the process meaning that you can somehow achieve the idea of learning and loving the process so you can go from I don't really like this process now I like it like I've done that in the in the gym I just started working out a couple years ago I'm not like that but I'm like I'm stronger than I would look at you look at you and I'll buff now and tan what's going on you've been on the holiday I'm not tan I just turned red but I mean I don't know where I was going with that yeah I mean there's like social City I learned to love the process of going to the gym and exercising a certain way so I could actually do it and you you said like you learned what works for you and what you like yes so I guess that's like that's maybe the message for other people is trying to figure out a way to learn to like it might not be your exact way you've done absolutely and you know there's things that are really tedious that I don't enjoy practicing very much but that are necessary uh and unfortunately I don't have practice time now I don't have time to practice at all but when I used to practice um there were things that are just boring because they're very technical and Ultra repetitive and totally non-musical uh and and when I had to practice stuff like that I practiced it with in with in in context with music just along to records instead of just a metronome for example yeah or I just literally turned the TV on and watched whatever I wanted to watch so I never felt I'm wasting any time and I still cannot watch TV without doing something productive at the same time it's impossible I can't just sit there and watch a movie without doing something yeah you know and uh because I used to every movie I watched growing up was along with playing the drums basically I had a TV and you know I would rent this you know VHS videos or whatever just watch a bunch of movies and sit there and go you know whatever the most tedious thing was that I had to practice but I knew it had to get done and I just tried to make it as comfortable and entertaining as possible for myself while still putting in the work and and that got me through all those really boring chores you know yeah um okay last last question so I was once playing the the fives with the feet like right left right left left I'm sure you can do it easily some stuff over top of it I kind of like the way it sounded yeah and I and I was showing a drummer and the drummer's like oh that's stupid you're never going to use that what's the point never practicing that of course and you have you have like a lot of those types that that'll have that facility so what what do you say to the people who say well you're never going to use that like displaced pair to the group so what's the point of never learning it I use it all the time you is he's just saying that because he can't play it and he can't use it and he can't see that there's a use for it yeah that's always you know you know it's always the people who who have you know those kind of comments usually come from people who just don't know any better yeah you know and I don't want to call it incompetence or something it's just or ignorance it's just it one if they knew they would go of course you use it all the time I use the stuff all the time I mean most people don't even know what a five you know that right left para padiddle yeah is yeah you know right left right left Glenn silver calls it um per diddle you know if you hear it just as a phrase just the right foot on a horn section that's a five that's what it is so I use it all the time that person just doesn't know that this is actually a five phrasing he hears it as some kind of funky pattern offset eighth note 60 notes cool if you knew that those were actually fives he could then go thank you you know and you can use it and nobody and it doesn't have to be like oh look I'm playing fives not you don't have to Showcase it as something complex or anything it's just an interesting phrasing and one of many we can use yeah and I think I guess just because just because you can't necessarily see a path to where it'll be used or how to be used is it a reason not to practice well if you don't know it you'll never see the path if you don't know the pattern understand the potential of it all and if you haven't actually done the research into it then you won't know anything about it yeah like totally useless of course all knowledge is useless as if it's not there yeah you know okay lesson sorry I just we didn't even welcome you here or welcome you back it's been nine years since nine years we got straight into the lesson I did mention it was Thomas Lang yeah but that's it but it's been nine years nine years oh my goodness and I mean you're still shredding you guys are thriving here you know it's great last time I was here we were just talking about it it was a much smaller operation and you've you know expanded immensely yes yeah were we even in the studio yes we were where yeah it looked different but now we have a few other Studios this was all cardboard boxes and fair walls and it's really dusty in here and yeah well welcome back this looks still the same pretty much except for all the new design and acoustic treatment but yeah this uh this room uh was the one we don't want to really change the room no it's cool big enough to fit a drum set yeah exactly yeah all right I said one thing I wanted to say based on what you were talking about okay you just spent 40 minutes exposing the greatness of the paradiddle rattling off a thousand different ways to do it yeah you can do that because of all the time you put in and the energy you have all those things available to you because you've done that work and because like you said why would I use the grouping of fives you just gave me 2 000 reasons why because you just have that available to you because you've done the work and it's like it's all music to you at this point right oh absolutely it's all about the music and how to use these basic patterns in the musical way in a creative way yeah um because because you know all these patterns exist there's a reason why we all uh you know learn rudiments because there's nothing you can play in the drum set that doesn't already exist as a rudiment literally nothing yeah yeah that's why we have rudiments it's like the alphabet yeah let us make syllables make words make sentences make stories and that's what the rudiments are they are tiny little uh sort of phrases that have a lot of musical potential already in them they're not just pad exercises and you can take any one of those orchestrated in an interesting way and make it turn it into music and then combine it with others and play longer phrases and make the stories like that and if you understand that and if you practice them creatively it's really not boring at all right you know I find it me I'm a drum nerd and a music nerd you know I find all this interesting there's so much you can do with these basic little patterns if you're a little bit creative it's all just about thinking outside of the box and a little left field sure you know and uh and exploring and experimenting with these phrases yeah okay we got a fun game I want a quick play with you okay we do this with every guest artist it's called Blast beats I'm going to ask you 20 questions in 60 seconds okay if you answer them all someone out there on YouTube is gonna win a prize okay dang 20 seconds in uh 20 questions in 60 seconds okay it can be done go favorite place on the planet Dolomite mountains heal up or heal down both who are you listening to right now uh classical music coated or clear clear artists you want to work with uh sting symbols clean or dirty clean golf or tennis uh pedals chain strap or direct drive chain TV or movies TV uh how many snare drums is too many never too many white wine or red wine white single pedal or double pedal double fly or drive our concert Toms still cool it's very Suitor t-shirt t-shirt lacquer or wrap drums slacker steak or seafood steak LP sorry vinyl or streaming streaming Jared or Dave what Jared or Dave oh my God that last question every time oh you tear me apart well both both good answer okay well thank you for taking part in that Thomas um I'm gonna give away a set of did somebody win someone's gonna win okay who did that in 60 seconds you're welcome uh someone on YouTube is gonna win uh three pairs of the drumeo Vader drumsticks cool uh Joe Sanchez Jr you have won three sets of our Vader drumeo drumsticks please email me at Krab at your earliest convenience with your uh shipping address and we'll get those sent off to you as soon as you can congratulations Joe congrats Joe okay that was I'm processing that was fast yeah that was good uh one last thing we want to talk about is that really cool stack you've got there oh yeah so this is a model Classics custom brilliant 12 inch stack every episode we like to Showcase piece of gear I'm gonna show you because the cool thing is we're gonna give this away to one of our members so yes uh so this is a new product relatively new product from Lionel in their Classics custom line look at that it still has the uh the um the tag on it look the price tag it's shiny I'm gonna put some greasy Austrian sausage fingerprints on this for you okay but this very simple you guys can uh win in case you're wondering it is composed of a B12 bronze alloy it's still kind of shiny yeah those are 12 inch right can I blind the camera somehow where are we here yeah how do you do you run the stack ever is this one you normally use yes I use this and others uh but I like this very much it's very um sharp and crisp and trashy but it's not too aggressive it's not offensive you know I like it a lot and it's it's very you know pointy and it works really well in combo with kick drums or floor toms you know foreign it does everything wow you know and I want one now too exactly yeah so if you're curious about one of those you can check them out your major drum retailer they sell for about 180 bucks to us so it's not even that expensive no and boy does it sound good it does sound good so good all right the winner of that awesome stack is going to be we're just gonna go to in the members area the super Bean the super super Bean not just the regular Bean everybody the super Bean uh super Bean email me at and we'll get that cool stack sent out to you after Thomas has finished uh doing all those things he said he would do to it I try not to break it he'll try not to break it okay he might though we still may be given to you I don't know yeah that's fully christened I promise it won't break it he promises okay uh and now we're gonna give away a membership I want your membership to Romeo for someone out there in YouTube land I see rewind that is hanging out here with us heat one a few weeks back so I hope he's enjoying his time here at drumeo let's see uh Thomas I uh pick a number between one and ten please five five fantastic choice all right the winner for the one-year Romeo membership on YouTube is Christian Gibbs congratulations Christian email me at k-rad we'll get you set up with a one-year drumia membership and you can check out all the cool stuff Thomas is going to be doing here you can check out all kinds of cool stuff cool stuff I don't know why I'm whispering I guess because it's secret you're trying to make it more dramatic Thomas thank you so much for hanging out you're welcome thank you guys for having me this has been great um yeah so paradoodles everybody check them out check out the paradise everybody it's a pretty good promo first everybody right this is our new paradable promo yeah it's ripped up perfectly uh yeah so those of you on YouTube will be back again next week those of you the members area hang tight we're gonna come right back and we're gonna answer some of your questions so until next week everybody take care see you later
Channel: Drumeo
Views: 455,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drumeo lesson, YouTube Live, Free drum lesson, music lessons, drumeo live, drum rudiments beginners, drum lessons, beginner drum lessons, session drummer, Drumeo, drumeo beginner lessons, drum practice, drum video, live lesson, fun with drums, metal drummer, metal music, practice tips drums, practice tips musician, music lesson, beginner drum lesson, Domino Santantonio, The Drum Department, drum talk, drum podcast
Id: L4_oXp7cJos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 12sec (3492 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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