How Poor Sleep Leads to Weight Gain | Why Are We Fat? | ENDEVR Documentary

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the Auckland night markets are where people of all ages come to get a bite to eat as this is my first time here I'm Keen to see what's on offer and why this place is so popular with all the people that come here how you guys going okay what have you got all righty here you go all right is that good spongy you guys come here much yeah of course every week oh not every week no most weeks how come you come here food's good what did you have tonight I had dumplings what have you guys had tonight are the chicken's good I like the Chicken Kebabs over there like the chicken on the skewer right in the corner there those are good on the other side conversation healthy is there any healthy food here so people know the food's not healthy but they buy it because it's tasty and it's really cheap so what are you gonna order here you got somebody I'll tell you yeah sausage Lamb Chop pork chop chop suey coleslaw potato salad and potato salad for ten dollars so do you think it's healthy um maybe if I eat half of it half of it would you think you can polish the whole thing off um I could usually but I'm not I already already had some of these oh okay but I do have to be careful because my dad's got um early onset diabetes and this is not being careful yeah that's no I don't eat this every day every second day no wow awesome so we don't want anything no I'm all good thanks I reckon you'll have half of that left over that I can share it with you walking around here I can see everybody's thoroughly enjoying the food but as a diabetic it's a complete disaster area for me most of the food is cooked in refined oil most of the food is refined starches and Grains all the meat is totally processed for added sugar then there's squirting sugar all over the top of it it's all bad news for me so the moral of the story is if you get fat you could end up as a diabetic and you can't treat yourself anymore I'm going home for a boiled egg or maybe I'll cheat I've come to the Auckland University Medical School to speak with Dr rinky Murphy an expert in obesity and type 2 diabetes 260 000 people in New Zealand have diabetes the majority of those are type 2 diabetes and it costs about a billion dollars a year many people from different backgrounds develop type 2 diabetes but just because you're overweight doesn't mean you're guaranteed to get it some people deposit excess body weight into the organs at different levels than other people so individuals have a different personal body fat threshold the point at which it tips into more dangerous areas that are in the liver in the pancreas in the heart and a marker of those is in the belly so people who have increased waste circumference tend to have increased deposition of fat in the liver and on the pancreas the m RI scan showed that 10 of my pancreas had 33 percent of my liver was fat rinky shows me what my fatty liver might look like sliced through someone's liver who I would expect had some excess fat in their liver oh my God that's my liver check it out it looks like foie gras I asked rinky if losing weight would help there have been studies overseas that indicate around 10 to 15 kilos is required to reverse um that that's led to type 2 diabetes so we say about 10 to 15 kilos now individuals may have a different response if depending on their ethnicity and their Tempo and trajectory of their weight gain during the period that someone's developed type 2 diabetes 10 to 15 kilos so one thing I find useful is to ask people to cast their minds back when they were last well and without diabetes and that weight gives some idea as to what would be an initial Target and going beyond that is obviously even better my getting your weight down is the key to avoiding diabetes or the complications from diabetes me to go extra hard today at the gym but I've got to tell you I still hate Luke and the exercise strong glute muscles are actually protecting your lower back in this exercise that's really good good keep it going keep it going Lean Back rope lean back and roll there you go your body's telling you to stop your mind is starting to stop just keep going good point and those knees reach forward 10 seconds 10 seconds finish strong three two and one nice work there it is good big breaths stay relaxed good now let's get the rotations take a couple steps forward so out of the way good come back around and do the same rotations in front how you feeling what do you think Sherlock good job I don't mind the spot I'm a trainer I don't mind it so you can give me a hug if you want there it is I got together with my support team and something that two of the experts said really surprised me it's taken me 30 years of working in general practice but I've come to the conclusion from just looking at People's Health and well-being that Sleep Quality is almost if not as important as diet quality now you'd have to know how important I think diet is to understand the magnitude of what I've just said oh dear I say William that is the PHD qualified nutritionist here I 100 agree if they comment yeah that had never occurred to me that sleep had anything to do with my weight or my diabetes to find out more about how and why I talked to sleep specialist Dr Kirk parsley how you doing nice to meet you Kirk nice to meet you Simon I was a former Navy SEAL and after going to medical school I came back to the SEAL Teams as their doctor and the the Navy Seals are approximately my age were coming in and discussing with me these problems they're having one of the things that they were discussing is that they were tending to hold more body fat than they were used to their blood workers coming back looking like an 80 year old man just looking like they were pre-diabetic I just thought well let me look into sleep and see if it could possibly explain the symptoms they're talking about and then I found dozens and dozens of relationships between how much body fat you have and how well you sleep the average sleep in America right now I believe is 6.2 hours per night and it was about 6.8 hours per night 10 years ago every decade you go back there's about a 10 decrease in sleep all the way back to the early 1900s we can all survive on short sleep but when you talk about actually thriving and performing at your best to date I don't think that there's anybody who's been well documented to thrive on less than what we suggest is about seven and a half hours of sleep for adults which is bad news for me living the life of a busy Chef means it would often be up late working all hours of the night does less sleep affect us all sleep contributes to obesity and diabetes in many ways it's primarily through hormones getting less sleep than you need will affect your insulin sensitivity in a negative way much like a diabetic or somebody who's maybe pre-diabetic and that affects how you store the food you eat and then sleep also affects your overall appetite through a couple of other hormones just sleeping one hour less than you need to sleep on average over the course of the Year you'll put on 14.3 pounds of body fat and as if lack of sleep isn't bad enough for your weight Kirk went on to explain that lack of sleep affects a whole lot more we know that decreasing your sleep increase your risk for all disease so it increases your risk for heart attack it increases risk for stroke it increases your risk for all autoimmune diseases diabetes obesity it affects your relationships your risk for suicide is greatly enhanced mood disorders just about everything I asked okay give me some tips for a good night's sleep the first thing that you'll notice in a modern bedroom is they don't have any big television there up on my wall which a lot of people tend to have I always tell people that your your bed is for sleep and sex only the other thing you want to do is make sure of course you have a good quality mattress um you know if you have you're feeling bed springs and things like that then you're just going to be tossing and turning a lot more you're going to be moving and you're just not going to get the deepest levels of sleep and then you have to have an adequate bed size so if you're sleeping with somebody else there has to be enough bed for you both to move around to get pressure away and also find cool spots on the bed and then we have you know these blackout curtains which is key you know no light comes through these whatsoever goes all the way from your ceiling all the way down to the floor this bedroom is so dark at night that you can't see your hand in front of your face you keep it nice and cool keep it nice and comfortable get rid of the electronics and you're halfway there I thought you said you weren't allowed any reading but you got reading glasses right by the way yeah well these These are actually not reading glasses what these are is a way to block the blue light so these are actually shooting glasses but what they're doing is they're blocking blue light so once the sun goes down my wife and I both have these glasses and it's keeping the blue light out of my eyes and it's not messing with my circadian rhythm with the you know with my body's ability to and train with the sunlight I was surprised by the different sleep can make but I was equally shocked to learn that other species might be making me fat there are trillions of bacteria about 10 times more bacteria in our gut than human cells that we have so in a way we're actually more microbial than we are human these microbes that are living inside of us are controlling so many aspects of our health they're helping regulate our metabolism helping regulate our immune system there's even a connection between the microbes in our gut and our brain and so they're potentially regulating aspects of our mood the gut microbiome not only helps with digestion and intestinal Health but it's involved in regulating our metabolism it actually changes the set point in our immune systems there's a really huge complement of our biology that's directly impacted by the gut microbiome so the microbiome affects lots of things about my health but is it making me fat we've known for some time that obese individuals have a somewhat different microbiome than lean individuals and a major question has been is that microbiome that's different in the obese individual is actually contributing to or causing the Obesity and so researchers did a very clever experiment where they took that obese microbiome and they put it into healthy normal mice and they compared what happened to those mice in terms of weight gain to other mice that just received a lean microbiome and what they saw was the mice that received the obese microbiome gained weight more rapidly so it was a very Vivid demonstration that the gut microbiome can actually cause obesity if you reverse that and put the bacteria from a skinny mouse and a fat mouse it can lose a third of its body weight it's pretty dramatic dramatic sounds good but I'm a chef not a mouse the question is for humans will we behave like mice can we change a human's gut bacteria and will that change their risk of obesity and diabetes and the answer right now is we don't know but if it did it could be dramatic it could be a game changer okay but what can we do right now what it comes down to in the end is pretty simple and that is looking at the nutrition guidelines and following them so if you're eating your vegetables and fruits and whole grains and legumes and nuts and seeds which are all part of the national dietary guidelines in most countries then you'll be doing your gut a favor on my journey I've heard what's causing the Obesity epidemic but how do we fix it is this something that will solve this problem we've been in pursuit of the Holy Grail which is the Quick Fix give me the pill I'll I you know I eat badly I don't exercise I'm going to get a bee so I'm going to get diabetes give me the pill that I can still live badly live fast live badly but it fixes my problems it fixes are easier fixes diabetes then we've got to stop thinking about the pill we've got to look at our lifestyles and we've got to think about making some hard choices we've got to steer away from the recent trend of the last 50 60 years of dominating our diet with processed foods that have a physical chemical form that doesn't suit us it's a simple philosophy it's like is this stuff coming out of a packet I need a food label to understand what's in it yes okay that's not food so don't eat that you know we end up with these star ratings and color codes and traffic lights for what we should and shouldn't eat you know the mere fact that we need those for packaged food tells us it should tell you to step away from the packet ditching the processed food is a good idea but there's so much food available it's hard to know what's healthy and what isn't is dieting the answer going on a diet will make you gradually lose weight but at some point your survival mechanism in your brain is going to kick in and it's going to think we're now starving and if there's any food about we better eat it Pronto because we're going to starve to death that's that's the inbuilt subconscious mechanism that's going on and what tends to happen with dieters and we know the term yo-yo dieting when they go back on eating or splurging out on foods and eating the way their brain is telling them to eat they're going to put on weight very quickly there are other factors that cause dieting to fail like stress some people when they're stressed will overeat other people will actually eat less when they're stressed but one interesting thing is that almost everyone will change the types of foods that they select when they're stressed so almost everyone will go and shift toward more calorie dense so-called Comfort Foods when they're stressed and those tend to be fattening unhealthy Foods a lot of people use eating as a as a stress reduction technique so if you can't learn a different and more effective or I'm going to say different but hopefully more a better mechanism for dealing with stress then you're going to have a really hard time following any diet for any period of time but if you're overweight and want a lifestyle change which of the diets out there is the best one to take up one of the most interesting studies on this was the Mediterranean diet in a pre-med study where about 400 people were randomized to the usual American guideline diet versus a olive oil supplemented group or a nut supplemented Group which were both called the Mediterranean diet and what the study showed there of people in those nut supplemented group in the olive oil group actually got diabetes at half the rate at what the people on their traditional American recommendation diet got so it suggests to me that Mediterranean diet may have particular benefits for promoting less fat spilling over into the pancreas in the liver and protecting against type 2 diabetes our modern Western diet is also out of touch with our gut bacteria if you look at these hunter-gatherer populations that have no Western disease no obesity and you look at what they eat it's primarily plants in large quantities they eat 150 grams of dietary fiber per day we eat 15 grams of dietary fiber per day a 10-fold decrease in the food that feeds our gut microbiota so we're actually starving our microbial cells to some degree because we're not eating the dietary fiber that the microbes in our gut rely upon so healthy diet starts with plenty of plant foods which have less calories of filling and have added benefits plant foods are high in fiber they're high in antioxidants and vitamins and minerals so this is your vegetables of all different colors it's your legume so your chickpeas and your lentils and your beans and your nuts and your seeds your whole grains quinoa those sorts of foods the foods that we know are good for us [Applause] [Music] protein which is missing in starchy process food and as helpful as it reduces hunger protein as you're losing weight can make your brain think that you're not starving normally your brain would think you're starving as you're losing weight you'd get hungry you uh your the way your body burns calories would start to diminish but if you eat a high protein diet it can attenuate those things so you feel more comfortable you're maintaining more lean mass and you're maintaining your calorie expenditure as you're losing weight last one I've been watching what I eat and exercising but what makes the biggest difference it's hard there's a bit of weight to lift up nutrition is the most fundamental thing but I don't see it as a pie graph where you've got one percentage on one side and one percentage on the other I see it more as what you'd call a Venn diagram where they very much overlap and complementary so if you're exercising in the right way and you've got your nutrition pretty well sorted those two things together are incredibly powerful and a lot more powerful than simply doing one or the other this only happens once a week in the everyday reality for people is that they've bombarded with um unhealthy options but we live in a world where we're constantly presented with tempting sugary processed food have had sugar there are a few things we could be doing a number of our government authorities are trying to do already to various extents we're trying to educate people that's the first thing and educate people what are the right foods to eat and what are what have you guys got Coke education is one way forward but not everyone agrees it will work but it's good if you educate people mostly the message only goes to the people that are already fairly healthy so we find that it just increases the Gap so that the people who are already healthy they get healthier because they want to be healthy and they're interested in the education but then the people who are not so interested they are not changing their behavior because of the education Dr Wilma Waterland had wanted to test the effect of price on people's food buying decisions she set up an experiment in a computerized virtual supermarket and set people grocery shopping the fertile Supermarket it really looks like a real Supermarket so it's three-dimensional and people can shop with that trolley they go around the shelves and then click products with their Mouse and we ask people to do a shop as they would do normally for their households but what we can do in the back ends is that we change things without telling people so say 100 people go in they have normal prices 100 other people go in and they get a fat tax and we can then see how that influences their purchases well we're manipulated the price of products to see if it would encourage people to make healthier food choices we have done about four different experiments in the virtual supermarket a subsidy on fruits and vegetables we've done one where we did taxes on unhealthy food and subsidies on healthy food one where we changed the prices and changed the labels and one where we did a suffering text so we found in all experiments that changing the price is very effective in changing consumption so if you introduce a subsidy people buy more healthy foods and if you introduce a tax on unhealthy food people buy less of the unhealthy Foods I have a fresh water no sugar right yeah so should our government be subsidizing healthy food and taxing things like sugar yeah I think we've got to go down the same track as tobacco with sugary products they're they're causing us all kinds of harm most of us are having a truckload of sugar without even thinking about it it's laced in the manufactured foods that we eat attacks on sugary drinks has been shown to be effective in Mexico quite recently they brought it in 2014 and it showed that with a 10 tax consumption reduced by 12 percent the reduction in consumption was greater for people of lower socioeconomic status they reduced their intake of sugary drinks by about 17 percent talking about how can it be that unhealthy food is so cheap so why does a Big Mac only cost two or three dollars and how can it be that we have all these shelves of all these unhealthy Foods so thinking one step further into what are we doing at the moment how do International agricultural subsidies and policies and commercial pressure influence our food system and and how can we change that I think we all need to make more active decisions about our lives we're all quite passive and that's it's easy to be passive and become a piece you actually have to be much much more active to prevent becoming obese an active role is just what one South Auckland school has taken and they've seen a huge change for the better in their students Dilworth rural campus has a real different way of feeding the kids well it started off we were really interested in getting kids fit when they came out here because they do a lot of outdoors and we do daily Fitness that's an important part of what we do but what we noticed there was that in our first sort of couple of years really that even though we did a lot of outdoor stuff and daily Fitness that we had a lot of big boys who I guess had gain more muscle but they actually weren't dropping a lot of weight and I was thinking why is that because they're eating pretty well and so then I had a conversation with my chef and said I think we need to sort of look at our maybe start to look at our diet John asked aut dietitian Dr Karen Zinn for advice she suggested cutting back on the carbs and removing sugar from the boy's diet but when he'd Chef Craig heard about the idea however he was skeptical I thought oh this is just Bonkers you know so I thought oh well I've got to do it myself you know before I take it to the kids and stand in front of a 100 100 kids parents you don't look like you need to lose weight though well this was a this is 27 kilos later Craig's massive weight loss is an inspirational story in itself but he still had to convince everyone else that this was going to work first year talking to the parents talking to the boys getting them to understand we started doing the pulled pork and the and the materials went and the butter chicken the boys like those sort of dishes sounds pretty tasty what did you used to eat before you came here for breakfast what would you have at home KFC McDonald's and all sorts of fast foods at restaurants and sugary Foods are you serious yes ready yeah so what do you think about what you're now eating when you're at school compared to at home it's a lot better it's a lot more filling and nutritional and it helps us get through the day and you have no sugar highs and sugar lows and all those sorts of things the boys are rostered on to help make the evening meal tonight's dinner is lamb curry with fresh green beans and cauliflower rice high in protein and vegetables and low in carbs so we've got our nice grated cauliflower and again we're going to put that into our Woks a little bit of oil we'll flavor that up stir fry that up and again we've got a cup of that with our lamb Corner tonight we'll keep building the flavors on it anyway but as you start I mean we're going to put more spice we're gonna put more seasoning delicious yeah keep coming through if we can keep these boys happy keep them learning and teach them some good healthy nutritious meals give them some healthy nutritious meals on the way good to see that come dinner time the students can't seem to get enough of this wholesome food how's dinner yeah yeah yeah but students and teachers eat from the same menu and everyone is enjoying the benefits of this nutritious tasty meal the main thing we've got rid of is is a ton of sugar um literally a ton yeah it's actually a great estimates it's over a ton of sugar out of the out of the diet a lot it's a lot of sugar last year we did the whole year on this new diet and we noticed a significant difference in our bigger kids particularly in the waist measurements coming down to the point where those boys were different body shapes altogether by the time they got to the the end of last year so we figured this is it it's not just exercise the diet was really the key the key thing that made the difference I've been working hard for three months now and finally I've got enough confidence to go to the gym rather than just working out at home keep the quotation good good one good jump back keep the weight there it is legs won't jump up perfect keep the weight over the hands that's good well this is it I'm ready to redo all the tests I did three months ago and it's time to see if all the expert nutritional and fitness advice has paid off I've been working out three days a week I haven't necessarily loved it but I'm pretty sure Luke has got me to the stage where I'll be fit enough to show a marked improvement there it is nice job mate good it looks like you missed your appointment with The Beautician again so I have to come to see Yuma I know that you're going to do your nice little artistic shaving thing so you just fill your boots yeah why not here I'm back here again I'm getting my chest shaved very artistically done by Ivan thank you pleasure hopefully I'll be a bit fatter on that uh treadmill the test is the same as before ECG electrodes will monitor my heart rate and oxygen mask measures my Exercise capacity on the treadmill last time I definitely ran out of puff let's see if I can do better this time okay so um in less than a minute it's going to start and if you recall it started at quite a low speed to begin with and it's going to work its way up to a Brisk face and then that gradient is going to come in there after so hopefully it'll feel a little bit easier to you this time amazed into the test with a gentle animal but it's not long before the speed increases and hey between you and me I'm quietly confident so this is where um last time Simon really increased that uh it's looking really nice so far the six percent incliners punishing on the legs that stage last time my heart rate increased dramatically but I'm feeling good so I'll push on cool great stuff Simon that's it just come a little forward on the treadmill good work keep it going keep pushing doing really well that's it keep it up well siren keep those good strides going doing well okay it's about 45 seconds left for the test now my heart's pounding and breathing and the mask is very difficult but I really want to finish this I'm not giving up and coming down coming down that's the one awesome good efforts [Music] okay there's just something you have to do every week every week good for us but did I do better than last time so the difference between last time and this time is when especially when you got to the um around about that six to nine percent gradient on the treadmill so it's getting up to a reasonable slope there um last time you really ramped up and uh basically you know finished off you know pretty quick thereafter this time you've gone on another two stages further and cardiovascular fitness is is improved substantially so that's gone from uh 26 up to 30 which is doesn't sound like much in terms of just general numbers but that's a big jump in terms of Fitness so to go from that point to there um is you know around about a 15 or so risk reduction in terms of cardiovascular disease so moving that up to a really really good thing to see so yeah a lot better well I'm pleased I didn't make a total disgrace out of myself but I am seeing some results so what we're looking for is to to make a big jump all the way down to this phase through here which is approximately the 21st but you've gone even further right through to around about 42nd percentile approximately so you've made that that really big risk reduction leap you know I see that my cardiovascular risk has decreased substantially and if you just go to the gym or go for a walk or go for a run you don't know what difference you're making to your body so I've seen some hard concrete evidence my blood pressure was good all the way through I didn't fall off the damn thing at the end so I'm making progress and the gyms work it Fitness is looking good but what about body fat hey Pam hi Simon welcome back time you can see the bod pods already and waiting for you last time I climbed into this thing I was carrying 40 body fat I'm really hoping to have dropped below 30 so I'm not in the risky category anymore on to the dexa for a quick scan three months ago it showed a heap of fat around my waist and thighs but I'm hopeful there's been some changes there too but both tests now complete it's time for the results all right well looking at what the bod pod tells us and this is the bod pod is pretty much gold standard for um for body composition and as you can see here um your percentage body fat is now 33.8 percent whereas it was 40 percent so that's quite a considerable look it's an improved result but if I can be brutally honest I'm bloody disappointed although I've lost seven percent body fat I'm still in the risky category and I'm gutted with people who are insulin resistant or even with type 2 diabetes we see a a marked improvement in insulin sensitivity with just a 10 body fat loss and that's um close well you're getting close to 10 percent so it's certainly on the way to being an awful lot more healthy and it shows that whatever it is you've been doing it's been working really well so your muscle mass has gone from 55.09 and now it's 55.7 muscle mass increase can make quite a difference to overall health but also it really will assist in in weight loss because muscle is quite highly metabolic so it burns a lot more energy so the more muscle mass you've got even if you're not actually exercising right at the time that that muscle is is burning more energy when we compare the old dixa results with the new I feel a little better because the belly fat which is highlighted in yellow has gotten smaller this will further reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease and diabetes so I have turned a corner oh well that's the answer isn't it I've just got to keep going and keep going sustainable loss that I'm looking for isn't it perhaps I was expecting a a magic formula weight loss and I haven't got that but I have lost weight I have lost quite a lot you've lost a lot of weight and and that was dangerous weight and so that's good to have gone and it's only going to get easier now because I suspect you're probably a lot fitter and maybe it's might be a good time now to look at your exercise program and start building a little bit more resistance training start getting that lean mass up a little bit more okay yeah resistance trying awesome [Music] hi hi hey Simon how good how are you you look great wow really good I'm buying these thin jerseys oh slimming seriously no you look marvelous well let's check what the numbers are doing hey okay so it's crunch time for tape measure right right here yep it's 101 so that's great after being measured and weighed by Tamara I'm off to see Dr William Ferguson for the last time I'm anxious to see what he thinks I remember what you were at the beginning but um I'm sure that's a tab more a tad more great all right well let's go through and give this to William Simon you've really achieved something here I can see it I mean you've really changed your shape and I first realized of course that you'd really succeeded when I saw this um you know bod pod image the thing that just leaps off the page is how your central fat distribution has just melted away so look I I'm just so impressed with uh with what you've been able to do here anyway let's let's go through it so you know your weight has come down from the first visit at 95 to 84. and that's actually taken your BMI your body mass index from 31 which I remember you were shocked to discover classified you as obese it's taken you down to 27.5 so am I still in the Obesity you're in the overweight no you're not obese you're in the overweight category and if we can get you to 25 uh down from 27.5 we'd we'd say well look you're you're at the upper end of the normal range so your waist circumference has come down from 112 to 101. you've lost 11 centimeters of lard from around your middle that's like quite long right that's seven centimeters that's a lot and my world is that long yeah yeah a lot yeah and along with that um uh according to the bod pod you put on a kilo of muscle and actually a lot of people when they go on weight crash loss things you know they actually lose muscle as well so so that's a positive gain and the next thing the report I heard from your Fitness man yeah is that you've gone from you know somewhere probably below the 15th percentile up to the 40th percentile in terms of your Fitness the overall picture is completely clear you've just normalized everything you really have you know with what you've done despite these setbacks you've really taken yourself into the normal range of almost everything most normal oh but it's the internal fat that was killing me back to the MRI to look inside three months later and I'm back and I've got to go back in that thing and let me tell you I don't like it at all you're in a tube and you're all constrained it's not very nice but hopefully it's going to be friendly to me with the results hopefully hopefully my liver and pancreas doesn't have quite so much fat around it certainly what I'm hoping for wish me luck no more breathe and breathe out stop breathing breathe normally let's see if your work regime has uh worked out for you this is the result oh check out that pancreatic fat look so first skin on the left and second skin and the total abdominal fat to reduce by five percent it's a huge reduction and those are the bad fat and which are infiltrating your organs and in your abdominal chamber and then as you can see subcutaneous fat no change which is good why because those are the fat keep you warm it's under your skin and keep you warm you don't want to reduce that and the visceral fat is the fat you know infiltrates your organ and within your abdominal cavity reduced by five percent and the most amazing thing is pancreatic fat you reduce nearly half you know it's 10.8 before as I said normal people will be around five and you're normal no more right yeah yeah almost normal pretty much pretty much yeah pretty much normal and this is the hardest fact to reduce and I I don't know how you do it but you did it and that's the most you know significant risk factor for type 2 diabetes so from that result alone I can tell your diabetes parameters should be improved significantly fantastic and you know I'm a little bit astonished actually because never seeing people can reduce 50 of the pancreat fat that quick and as I said people need to do surgery they had to get that and you whatever you're doing you already achieve that so amazing professor John learns enthusiasm encourages me to ask the impossible is I think could I potentially reverse this diabetes that's a possibility that's what I said because if people with barotech surgery and reduce their pancreat fat and then can turn back into normal then you have a high chance to be normal and I don't know whether you're normal or not yet but from that point from pancreat alone you're nearly normal and if I keep going there is a possibility in the you'll be diabetes free and hopefully next year I will see you diabetes free all right submission yes and the high five for that yeah that that's amazing yeah let's taste should we taste the basil first back when I was diagnosed as an obese diabetic I worried that I wouldn't live to see my daughter grow up that she wouldn't get to know me you wanna try some I don't feel that way now I've had great advice and support and I've learned a lot get this now I know why so many of us are fat and I know what I have to do to change that I've turned a corner but the process is not finished like everyone else I'll have to keep making the effort but it's definitely worth it I like that tastes like aniseed yeah
Channel: ENDEVR
Views: 227,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free documentary, documentaries, full documentary, hd documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), Business Documentary, food documentary, fast food documentary, documentary food, sleep documentary, sleep fat loss, sleep fat burn, weight gain, sleep deprivation, sleep deprivation effects, documentary food health, sleep fat burner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 31sec (2551 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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