How Players Perfected FNAF Custom Nights (Part 2)

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about a month ago I made a video explaining the mechanics behind the first three Five Nights at Freddy's games and how skilled players used those mechanics to bring the games to their absolute limits to tell you the truth the reason why the video wasn't longer was because I just thought the rest of the games didn't have that much in terms of interesting topics to cover and I was just wrong and I decided to leave it up to you guys whether or not I would make a part two needless to say the response on the first video was overwhelmingly positive and I thank all of you for that so why don't I just give you guys exactly what you want if you've been on the channel before welcome back and if not hello my name is midaxon and today I'm going to be talking about how players perfected FNAF custom nights again thank you now I shouldn't have to say this but make sure you watch the first video first you'll be missing out on a lot of things that the first three games had to offer and I'm gonna assume a lot of base level knowledge that that video explains alright FNAF 4 is pretty similar to FNAF 3 in the sense that it doesn't exactly have a custom night but rather a challenge or in this case challenge is that come after the main portion of the game these challenges are blind mode mad Freddy insta foxy and all Nightmare there's also Knight 8 which is basically just a harder night 7 and is The Game's 420 mode equivalent I'm gonna go ahead and start by explaining the game's base mechanics and then we can apply that to the actual challenges Five Nights at Freddy's 4 is the first five nights at Freddy's game to not have a visible map however there is still a very specific layout in this game with many different positions various animatronics can fill also similar to previous games the animatronics function on intervals and AI levels that determine their movement opportunities if you don't understand what any of that means then you ignored me when I told you to go watch the first video first I'm gonna break down the animatronics Behavior individually since this game fixes a problem that Five Nights at Freddy's 2 has were most characters function similarly and rather plainly to dive a little deeper into how they work we can start with Bonnie and Chica their movement opportunities can occur every 5 seconds once they are at the door you must listen for a breathing audio cue and shut the door until you hear deep footsteps indicating that they have walked away if they are at the door for 20 seconds minus whatever number night you're on they'll jump scare you when you next check the bed Foxy's mechanics while in the Halls are pretty similar he starts in the same place as the other two and also has five second intervals for movement opportunities however unlike the other two he can go down either Hall he has two specific audio cues that you can listen for in the center of the room to determine where he is if you catch him with your flashlight he backs off and you should ideally continue this Loop for as long as possible to prevent him from entering the room once he does enter the room his mechanics shift entirely from there Fox utilizes a progress bar ranging from 0 to 10 that slowly Rises he has different visuals for certain ranges of the progress that tell you how close he is to jump scaring you which occurs at 10 progress like the previous two his difficulty also increases throughout the night funnily enough despite his movement opportunity occurring every time on 10 or above AI level it still goes up higher on later nights Freddy like Foxy also has a progress bar ranging from 0 to 80. his interval is 4 seconds and not five for the first 30 units of the progress bar each 10 progress will spawn a fretle on the bed maxing at three they progressively get louder depending on how many are on the bed and you can hear them from other points in the room once you've reached 60 progress you're dead thankfully shining the flashlight decreases the progress very quickly fredbear and Nightmare act very similarly to each other fredbear is present for the entirety of Knight 5 and from 4 to 6 am on night 6 with nightmare only appearing from 4 to 6 am on Knights 7 and 8. fredbear's interval is three seconds instead of five with nightmares being two you can hear them traversing the living room but they'll enter the two halls silently and jump scare you after certain amounts of time which get harsher AS nights progress aside from this their actual mechanic next mostly involve taking the roles of the other four animatronics as they can appear on both sides of the room in the closet and on the bed they teleport to the bed or closet if they've been in a hall for 10 seconds and you go to check the opposite Hall there is a little bit of RNG to this and often they will play a laugh sound when teleporting but they can also make fake laughs that give you false information and that's the basic breakdown of the mechanics of each individual animatronic now most of that information was taken from it's taken's very comprehensive breakdown on FNAF 4's AI of which I omitted a lot of specific details for brevity's sake if you want an even better understanding go and check out that video as well with all of that out of the way we can begin to actually discuss thick gameplay there's a number of funny exploits that have been used for the main Knights of FNAF 4. for one thing a player named chicken ninja 42 beat every night from one through seven without any sound the main idea behind this is to just try checking every point of danger as quickly as possible so as to avoid the need for the sound cues on the left and right sides on top of that paying especially close attention to balancing every threat's intervals and getting lucky also plays a massive part yes yes oh my God a username to Braden who I will be referencing extensively in this video because he personally helped me quite a bit with writing also found a strategy for night 5 that allows you to beat fredbear without using either side door the strategy only works if you allow fredbear to fail a few movement opportunities on purpose otherwise you probably won't be successful let me read an example situation that Braden would come up with in his description if he moves to the left Hall I would wait for three more movement opportunities to pass then start counting to 10 for the teleport timer at about 6 I would then run to the opposite door to teleport him inside the room and wait at the door until the full 10 seconds this is done so that if he happens to succeed the first movement opportunity you stop his regular timer before you die but you also don't force him in too early in case he failed three movement opportunities this will not work if he fails four in a row but if you tried to account for four you'd probably die if he happened to succeed the first so I had to settle for three when creating the strategy similarly to Modern strategies for FNAF 2's 1020 mode a timer is utilized to make sure that the intervals can be kept track of properly after that it's just a matter of not messing up and you can beat fredbear without ever using a door [Music] moving on to 420 mode the first person to beat Knight 8 was a user named dinky Dana the completion was only a day after the game's release but it should be noted that dinky Dana was one of the few people who were on Scott's VIP list at the time and got access to the game a little earlier than most the thing I find most interesting about this run is what he says at 3 25. I'm wondering if it's going to change at 4 AM like the other nights this means he didn't even know for sure that nightmare would be showing up at 4am because no one else had time to show it lo and behold come 4 AM he does appear then it's just a matter of clutching it out for the next two hours yes we just beat a night eight 420 mode we beat it 6 a.m We Beat night eight oh my gosh we got all four stars you can actually get the main thing to note from this very first completion of 420 mode is that he let foxy in ridiculously early on into the night in reality it's possible to keep foxy out of the room for the entire night as long as you manage his sound cues alongside the other animatronics you have to worry about to be quite honest managing foxy correctly was just about the only major optimization that 420 mode really got at least for the most part where FNAF 4 really gets fun is in its other challenges which can be stacked upon each other to form even harder gameplay blind mode forces you to rely on only your ears and awareness to play the game mad Freddy halves Freddy's interval from 4 noun to two insta foxy and all Nightmare there are rather self-explanatory funnily enough old nightmare is actually considered easier than most of these other challenges being stacked upon each other so considering that you may be able to guess that FNAF 4's hardest possible challenge is blind mode mad Freddy insta foxy on nightmare mode or night 7. the first person to beat this challenge was none other than DJ's Turf an iconic figure in the max mode community and FNAF community in general who I talked about in the previous video This was done on the Halloween patch for FNAF 4 which makes mostly visual changes aside from the mangle ambient noise that plays for the entire night another minor thing to note is that although it isn't shown in this video he does complete the fun with nightmare balloon boy Mini-Game to skip the first hour of gameplay entirely which you should obviously do to someone who didn't understand FNAF 4 very well going into this video a blind mode challenge probably seemed a bit ridiculous to you but the audio cues are definitely more important than the visual information in this game that being said that doesn't mean that it's easy when the visual information is totally absent the reason why this challenge is so hard is mainly because of Foxy or in this case mangle if you remember what I said for 420 mode the ideal strategy is to keep foxy out of the room for as long as possible but insta foxy makes that impossible so the second best thing is to be able to manage him by seeing what stage his progress is on which is also impossible because you're blind on top of that that mad Freddie makes the attention that you'd want to give to Foxy spread even thinner than it otherwise would have been overall the circumstances formulate a deadly combo that makes Foxy the biggest problem just close it oh okay okay we got it that's the last one that's the lastness number six that was by far the hardest oh my goodness if we fast forward to a few years ago strategies for this challenge had gotten a little more specific in what you should do so as to give as much success as possible ideally you should visit the closet and hold the doors shut on foxy for seven seconds immediately upon beginning the challenge it's also recommended to keep your cursor in the center of the room when leaving the bed so that you don't accidentally perform an unintended action because you hardly have time to make silly mistakes like that it's also recommended that a timer is used not necessarily to keep track of the intervals but more simply to keep track of the Knight itself FNAF 4's Knights are six minutes long one for every hour so by the time you get to four minutes you'll know exactly when you need to shift your focus to dealing with nightmare with regard to his fake laughs they're kind of an unfortunate RNG point of the challenge you can minimize your chance of dying by always checking the bed first and then the the closet because it takes less time to do that but either way it's still kind of a matter of getting lucky there is a way to reduce luck however not for nightmare but for everyone else you see around December of last year Braden who I mentioned before did a demonstration of a strategy made by a user named Ace this strategy is capable of eliminating all luck and making the first four hours impossible to die on if done correctly how is this possible if you guessed it involved a timer you have the sharp intuition the way this strategy Works involves the intervals however unlike the other games we've talked about before there is a set pattern you can utilize in your route to eliminate any chance for RNG the steps go like this we start the timer as soon as the loading screen vanishes and immediately heads to the left door and Flash it from there get rid of the fretles in the bed and then rush to the closet for foxy at this point your timer should be at 11 seconds then close the door for 7 seconds until you hit 18. then Flash the fretles again until 21 seconds and run to the left door again this is just the initial setup if the setup was done correctly the left door should be reached for the second time by 25 seconds just after it crosses 25 seconds which should be on that five second interval by quickly closing reopening and closing the door again you can then safely Flash the hallway at 30 seconds then repeat the same on the right side as it crosses 35 seconds and Flash at 40. then run back to the middle to complete a full cycle of the route the timings from here should be consistent until 4am and it seems like an in-game hour is about a cycle and a half of this route the reason why this works for Freddy and Foxy is simple since it's just a matter of giving them the right amount of attention but what about the other two apparently whenever you close the door on Bonnie or chica when they're in the middle position of their progression the game forces them to show up at your door and they can't be reset if this happens however if you just close reopen and re-close the game forces them to be pushed back like you'd normally want them to be which makes them consistent thus making everything consistent because this strategy standardizes basically every aspect of the gameplay you could technically beat this with blind mode and no sound however that still leaves a massive nightmare shaped elephant in the room you can't really standardize nightmare's gameplay if you have zero information it's just not possible so so far nobody has beaten the entire night with blind mode and no sound since it's kind of just dumb luck and no one wants to try that because it wouldn't be that fun though it is technically possible to this day that's where we stand as far as challenges in Five Nights at Freddy's 4 goes now we can move on to Sister location Five Nights at Freddy's sister location came out on October 7th 2016 and it was entirely far more ambitious from every FNAF game that came before it choosing to have different gameplay every night and have a lot of free roaming aspects however there was a secret ending that could be accessed by going to the private room on night 5 which is more commonly known as private room or entered boss fight the inner boss fight is the first time we get to experience conventional FNAF gameplay since FNAF 3. the Knight is a ridiculous nine minutes long and the power goes down at a rate of 13.8 percent per hour leaving you with only 17.2 percent for your own use if you guessed that this Knight was gonna have green runs you'd be absolutely correct the map layout is pretty simple and there's no quirky mechanics to deal with it's just you and entered being that he is the only animatronic you're meant to deal with his behavior is actually pretty interesting he doesn't begin moving until 40 seconds into the night and from there he begins movement opportunities on 10 second intervals from 1 to 3 AM they shorten to six second intervals at 4 AM they shorten to four and down to two in that final hour he generally has sound cues for when he moves but can move silently and mislead you on where he really is similar to fredbear and Nightmare in FNAF 4. this is to make sure that the cameras aren't redundant I assume but they should still be used sparingly so you don't waste power if you were to run out his movement opportunities would decrease to every half second though if it's any consolation his movement opportunities have a 50 50 chance of succeeding regardless of any other Factor throughout the night so you could still survive if you were close enough to the end as far as I know the history of the Green Run records on this night started on August 26 2021 with a player named Kalin achieving an eight percent tied PB run from this point forward she would carry every single Green Run world record on the inner boss fight to this day but how was it done well at this point it should be no surprise that a stopwatch is used to monitor his intervals on top of that since the map is rather small and you will usually get very specific audio cues you can do what you'd do in FNAF 3 and 4 and keep track of where the animatronic is in your head however since his movement opportunities function on 50 50 chances there is quite a bit of RNG dictating where he'll actually end up at what time which translates to how well a green run can go in instances where he moves into either the left or right closet he's guaranteed to go up to the door on the next movement opportunity there is also a position invisible to cameras that he starts in and often returns to when his route is reset by being denied office entry it's also worth noting that using a controller or playing on a PlayStation 4 is actually significantly easier because you can use the d-pad to close the doors rather than hovering over and clicking the buttons in the office the main things that really suck about attempting this specific Green Run are the 5050s on movement opportunities and the sheer length of the night for most of it you're just gonna be sitting and staring at a timer hoping that an unfortunate series of Silent movements isn't about to kill your green run because of this it's easy to understand how the first of these screen runs could be only eight percent but gradually get improved over time to 14 within just a few weeks [Music] then Kalin achieved the current world record almost two years ago now 15.8 percent only 1.4 percent off of the theoretical perfect green run and to this day that's where the entered boss fight Green Run stands there's one more thing that I can briefly show off related to this just because I think it's cool so six months ago DJ surf was able to beat the Knight without using the camera at all basically it just requires getting lucky with not having silent movements through the doors it's not particularly impressive compared to the high level green runs I just thought it was neat and worth mentioning it worked [Music] my goodness now we can move on to the big stuff the custom night DLC sister location's custom night DLC was released on December 1st 2016. about two months after the original game just like FNAF 2 the hardest challenge was this game's version of 1020 mode also like FNAF 2 it's useful to separate the threats into categories just so you know exactly what you're dealing with but before I tell you about the categories I'll go ahead and talk about how they all work in great detail ballora operates on sound cues to tell you which side of the office she's near and how close to the door she is she has a counter that gets set to 50 every time she moves which goes down by one every 0.2 seconds once her AI level is greater than or equal to this counter she moves again at 4 AM 5 will be added to her AI value with an additional 5 being added at 5am Funtime Freddy also has sound cues on the sides of the office and he will send Bonbon into to your office through the door if it's open his counter is set to 30 at 10 seconds into the night or once he switches sides which goes down by one every second similarly to ballora once this counter is greater than or equal to the AI level he will switch sides again at every 3 second interval a random number from 0 to 39 is picked and if Freddy's AI is greater than or equal to it for at least 250 frames since the last movement occurred he will send Bonbon which has a two out of three chance to be on the same side as Freddy and a one out of three chance to be on the opposite side compared to that yendo is pretty simple drawing a number between 1 and 25 every time the camera is flipped if the AI is greater than or equal to that number he will drain one oxygen every 20 milliseconds and kill you after 100 minus the AI level times 2 frames Funtime foxy has a counter that gets set between 40 and 50 when viewing cam 7 along with a timer for when he leaves every quarter second one is subtracted from this value and if the counter is less than his AI level he will advance in his progression by one stage and that counter will re-randomize he will attempt to attack when the timer reaches a value lower than his AI level once foxy leaves he will knock on the right door once 5 Seconds has passed if he's thwarted successfully his timer will be set to a random value between 30 and 40 one percent of your power will be stolen and his progression value will be reset to a number between 0 and 1. Bonnet is another simple one similarly to yendo a number between 0 and 30 is drawn and compared to her AI level when the cameras are flipped if her AI is greater she will appear and you must click on her nose before she finishes advancing to the left side of the screen biddybab functions on three second intervals at the end of which a number between 0 through 49 is drawn and compared to her AI level if that value is greater she will advance by a stage her final stage will be reset if the vent door is closed on an attempted office entry similarly to ballora her AI will increase by 5 at 4 AM and 5 again at 5 am electrobab will advance towards the closet to end cam 4 with a counter being set to 30 every time this advancement is done or when you shock them to go away every second this counter goes down by one and when that counter becomes less than or equal to their AI level they will appear every 5 Seconds one percent of your power will be drained but the entire process is reset if you give them a controlled Shaw minarena has near identical AI to electrobab with a counter set to 30 that goes down by one every second that acts once it becomes less than or equal to their AI level however the action that gets done here is a progression by one stage which resets their counter every stage makes them drain one oxygen but at increasing speeds stage 1 is 0.5 seconds stage 2 is 0.25 seconds then 0.1 seconds 0.07 seconds and every subsequent stage is .05 seconds until a controlled shock resets them to Stage 0 zero mini Arena 2 is another copy and paste of yendo and bonnet's AI but instead it adds one Amino Arena to your screen in the office until there are five of them which do not go away finally we have lolbit who serves as a superficial distraction which can be displayed by typing LOL onto your keyboard during gameplay on three second intervals a number between 0 and 49 is drawn and compared to his AI level if it is greater and the LOL Keys have not been pressed within the last 5 seconds he will appear on the first monitor after 150 minus the AI level times 3 frames from that moment he will appear on Monitor 2. and after the same amount of time he'll appear on monitor 3 and after that if he's allowed to fully progress his logo which covers your screen will appear and automatically go away after 400 frames and that is a very detailed explanation of how every animatronic in this mode works so how do we categorize them well the easy one is office animatronics which are Bonnet yendo lolbit and minorina too then you have sound queue animatronics like ballora Freddy and biddybab then you can easily categorize the two shock animatronics into one set and finally you're left with foxy who almost always needs to be quirky and different in the games that he's in individually even just groups of these threats are pretty overwhelming for newer players but altogether it makes for straight up sensory overload funnily enough though once you do learn what's going on it's probably one of the most consistent and least luck based of all of the maxed modes as proof of this it only took the challenge's first Victor hippo Zilla 30 minutes to beat after having practice on the wait a minute old version uh I'll get to that in a bit since power is a pretty constrained resource on this night the main strategy involved keeping your camera on foxy for most of the night and switching to the closet cams to get rid of the ones that drained power and oxygen when necessary Foxy's camera is absolutely essential here because you need to know pretty quickly when he's left aside from that the challenge is mostly about being skilled at dealing with the threats individually and bringing it all together and doing it for 6 minutes thank you what a party pooper [Music] as a quick fun fact a user named insta has actually beaten this mode at 200 speed it has certain advantages and disadvantages for one thing the Knight is only half as long and the game goes so fast that sometimes Funtime Freddy's attacks May cancel themselves out however Bonnet is super fast Funtime foxy needs to be checked every two seconds lolbit appears more frequently bittybab is super fast in the vents and yendo only gives you a 0.75 second window before straight up killing you it's pretty damn absurd but it was done yes yes yes yes [Music] oh my God it took me too much time Jesus Christ holy crap much time so what about that old version that I mentioned a bit ago well on December 2nd Scott would unlock golden Freddy mode in an update for the custom night DLC he himself had managed to beat it on the first few difficulty presets but the very hard difficulty which was 10 20 mode he said he couldn't even get past 1am on this was the pre-patch version of sister locations custom night the update that released on December 3rd would add a bit more power to 1020 mode and also added the secret cussing he received for beating it and only then was anyone actually able to complete the challenge because this game had some mechanics that ran on frames similar to Foxy and FNAF 1 there were people who beat the pre-patch 1020 with frame rate manipulation that allowed them to have more power than they normally would have that trick could also be used to achieve insane Green Run but none of these were counted as legitimate completions for obvious reasons months would pass and those months turned into a year and then it just kept going nobody would dare to even attempt it because of how difficult it was until zombie Gabriel came along [Music] hey YouTube zombie gibbles here and today I'd like to bring you my completion of old 1020 the very first in the Five Nights at Freddy's community and the only one probably for a while because this is absolutely insane said Impossible by the Creator himself and has finally been proven wrong I'm able to predict it that's so good I'm gonna really hope I didn't lose power there or maybe I'm really far behind that was close oh my God I just did the hardest thing in the FNAF community no way this was a Monumental achievement to put into perspective how hard this challenge really is zombie Gabriel only had one percent power remaining in the past few years a newer strategy to increase your screen gamma has been used so that the oxygen depletion from the minarinas could become an irrelevant Factor since it doesn't actually turn your screen completely black for whatever reason a lot of people decided to use the strategy and a lot of other people decided not to use the strategy as it's definitely leaning towards being a cheese Strat after averaging the remaining power from many successful runs that would come after it I calculated that the average power remaining in the Run often would be about 0.42 with every run ending on either one or on a zero percent blackout knowing this it should go without saying that doing green runs on this version without frame manipulation is just straight up impossible so I'll go ahead and talk about post patch green runs instead actually I lied on January 7 2022 shooter 25 uploaded a 4 Green Run of the pre-patch challenge this time a timer and the gamma Strat were being combined so that the gameplay could be as efficient as possible the timer would make it so that inputs could be performed more precisely for the animatronics that ran on intervals but when you're doing it at this level it basically becomes a ballora and bittybab RNG Fest the next day while aiming for a five percent run he'd get a crazy seven percent run instead funnily enough DJ surf had theorized this wasn't even humanly possible about half a year later bulon would get an 8 run then nine percent on November 1st of that same year then finally on May 18 2023 the current green run record for the pre-patch challenge happened a 10 run according to them 11 is the realistic human limit for this Challenge and 13 is the theoretical Max the same Runner also has the post patch world record which stands at 24 percent and that should probably show you just how difficult pre-patch really is foreign Pizzeria simulator it doesn't have a custom night right but theoretically there are still plenty of factors that you could consider to make a hard challenge if you have all salvages all adds no upgrades and limit yourself to not using any of your tools you arrive at the hardest Saturday which is what I'll be talking about in this section for anyone unfamiliar with the game's mechanics the goal of the office sections in Pizza reass simulator is to complete a set of obligatory tasks on a computer in front of you in total these tasks take about 129 seconds with no upgrades but this is only under ideal circumstances because unfortunately to your left and right are big ass vents that make up a complicated system of rooms for the animatronics to Roman as they slowly inch towards you just like previous games the animatronics function on intervals and movement opportunities the movement opportunity in this game is always a one in three chance but the intervals shorten between different days going from 8 seconds on Monday all the way down to two seconds on Saturday a special monotony timer forces intervals to 2 seconds after 30 seconds of no movement and one second after 45. the biggest issue with the gameplay is that many activities will increase your sound risk that is your percent chance of being heard by an animatronic if an animatronic has wandered into either vent beside you and you're not shining a flashlight at them you receive a guaranteed jump scare sentence making zero noise would be ideal and the upgrades and tools help you minimize noise in your tasks as you progress through the game but you're not allowed to use those in this challenge this game also introduces a temperature mechanic which kills you automatically at 120 degrees Fahrenheit and goes up while using the computer as if that weren't enough each of the four ads has a 25 chance to play Loud blaring music for 5 seconds every 20 seconds thankfully if an ad has played once throughout the night it won't play again kind kind of like the Phantoms on the nightmare mode in FNAF 3. and if they overlap then the one that didn't show also counts towards that clause so what's the strategy for this well the funny thing about Pizzeria simulator's office gameplay is that unlike every other FNAF game it has no time limit you could theoretically play for as long as you want it so if you want to know what the strategy is after doing some math I determined that only about 16 of this Run's length was spent actually performing the tasks the other 84 percent is spent camping the vents in near-death situations although you can overlap tasks with camping defense as well this cannot be done if one of the animatronics is too close or they'd certainly hear and jump scare you after 13 and a half minutes of mind-numbing gameplay shooter would complete Pizzeria simulators hardest Saturday [Music] so that last one was a bit shorter and more straightforward but I figured it would still be worth talking about in fact there's a lot of things I didn't know about Five Nights at Freddy's one through three when I made the first video that I think are worth talking about now so to end this video I'm gonna do a more fast-paced bonus section covering the things I missed in those first three games so using this incredibly precisely timed sequence that involves Foxy's jump scare you can soft block Five Nights at Freddy's one in a way that lets you beat the Knight without using any cameras you can also use this same trick to get the theoretical best possible Green Run on 420 mode which is 28.7 percent since it is a completely unintended bug and not just a gameplay exploit it's not really valid in competitive discussion but it is a cool thing that exists [Music] [Applause] you can also beat 420 mode without using the lights at all which is only possible because of this Interval Timer put together by shooter the same idea is utilized to beat 420 mode whilst stalling Freddy on the stage for the entire night after 15 plus hours of attempts shooter was able to beat 420 mode using the original big bug strap with three percent power remaining this of course means that no movement opportunity exploits could be performed the camera must be set to Pirate's Cove and the right door needs to be closed on every camera check once Freddy is in the corner wait oh my god let's go oh my God what that was almost four percent what now Five Nights at Freddy's 2 just a few weeks ago a new strategy for 10 20 was discovered called the -3 Strat and it's kind of insane the strategy was first beaten by insta as crazy as it might sound it gets its name from the fact that it takes three animatronics out of the equation entirely there is a glitch that tricks the game into thinking you are watching two cameras at once normally this would be useless since you only get to actually see one of them however withered Freddy withered Chica and withered Bonnie are stalled if you're viewing the parts in service room so this strategy removes them from the night entirely giving you significantly more free time to wind the music box and turning toy Bonnie into more of a good thing since he allows you to get rid of any other toys and events GG oh my God that's so much easier [Applause] finally we have five nights at Freddy's 3. true player beat aggressive nightmare mode whilst getting every single Phantom jump scare how this is possible is beyond me foreign [Applause] [Music] Freddy game player was able to beat aggressive nightmare mode with a ventilation error for the entire night which is pretty heavily RNG based but does have a strategy that involves keeping springtrap as far away as possible and manually tracking him through the vents and cameras insta was able to beat aggressive nightmare mode with zero errors which is basically just playing it normally but very safely still pretty impressive I just did any oh no errors with springtrap in my office at 4am this is my third time finally Braden was able to beat aggressive nightmare mode with no audio lures and without Freddy game players strategy that I talked about in the previous video he did this by getting really really lucky with springtrap spending the majority of the night roaming around and not actually making any major advancements past cam 2. every time he attempted to go into event it was denied and he just kept roaming around randomly this lasted somehow until almost 5 00 am from there it was a matter of stalling for as long as possible which he did by resetting the ventilation and just kind of sitting there until he finally won [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now I'm sure all of you are probably wondering about the one game that I left out here's the thing ultimate custom night is very very complicated it could probably make for an hour long video on its own but I will cut you guys a deal I know it's a lot but if you can get this video to 50 000 likes I promise you that I will make the best ultimate custom night video you've ever seen if you had a good time it would mean the world if you subscribed for more content like this and turned on post notifications so you never miss a video if you want to support me further five dollar channel members get early access to new videos and you can also follow my socials and join the community Discord server and with all that being said that's gonna be all from me I hope you enjoyed the video until next time [Music]
Channel: minaxa
Views: 829,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddy's, minaxa, sister location, fnaf 4, pizzeria simulator, greenrun
Id: yAe7FjKmIcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 29sec (2609 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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