How Pep Dismantled Ancelotti | Tactical Analysis : Manchester City 4-0 Real Madrid|

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hi and welcome back to football meetsimple complete an utter domination was the order of the day as pep guardiola's men cruised her four-nil win against Carlo ancelotti's Real Madrid this game was all Man City from start to finish but what tactics did we see from ancelotti and why were pep City so dominant let's take a look and we'll begin with City on the ball as they dominated on it especially in the first half initially in the city build up we saw a lot of similarities with the first leg with stones pushing up from the Midfield and a back three consisting of a kanji Walker and Diaz aligned de bruyne and gundawan to push higher up into the half spaces whilst Benzema would head up the Press with Modric pushing higher and between the two pivots so that he could look to cover either side but to prevent him being overloaded 2 vs one vinicius and Rodrigo would operate extremely narrow allowing Valverde and Tony Cross deeper to pick up the men in the half spaces so the goal here would be making Central progression as difficult for city as possible in these scenarios at times City could get a pivot on the ball however if real was set in their defensive shape the city pivot wouldn't have time to turn so often they would be forced backward so overall this would mean that the wide center-backs in Walker and akanji were seeing a lot of the ball and they are two of the less competent on the ball players for City so real would have been happy with this here we see that stones and rodri double pivot akanji Diaz and Walker being a dedicated back three but Madrid's narrow three makes play through the center much more difficult so when The Wider center-backs were able to get onto the ball if Ria was set in this shape it would be fairly easy for the Winger to move out and apply pressure though the Winger could be the outlet and scenarios like this kamavinga or Carvajal on the far side would be able to be much more aggressive on their Winger and prevent them turning for the most part we could see the Winger staying higher pushing the fullback deep and de bruyne dropping into this area year however if Real's defensive shape was set it would mean the midfielder would have the scope to push out and press the Broner and prevent him making progress although we did see at times de bruyne picking up the ball in these regions that are fairly natural to him what we would also see in these scenarios where Real Madrid was set in their defensive shape is that even when de bruyne and Gunda one pushed up into these half spaces because this higher three were covering the city double pivot real were much more capable of dealing with the men in the half spaces with Volver they at times dropping in allowing the back four to shift into a five mean that even when the Winger did receive it was a 1v1 and these runs could be tracked much more efficiently so essentially it was highly important for Madrid to prevent the ball into the double pivot because if the pivots were able to turn that would change the game completely this is because if they could get their heads up with men attacking the horse bases there was the possibility for Holland to drop into these regions in the Midfield or even if that wasn't the case it opened up the possibility for two V ones in small spaces so for example suppose rodri got on the ball in this region and had time to get his head up when Modric pressed it would leave stones in a little bit of space in this region so on more than one occasion we saw him receive the ball in a situation like this and then drive into the heart of the Midfield alternatively if rather than Modric for example being drawn onto the man it was a Winger in vinicius this would still facilitate the two versus one as Walker from Deep could now receive in the slightly wider position the real press is much less efficient here so rodri can receive and get his head up so he can drive forward and this draws Modric towards the ball but Stones is making the move in behind him so Modric was drawn and then Stones can push higher up so Madrid were narrow Stones can find Walker in this case that draws vinicius wider so now Modric is more isolated in what looks to be a 1v1 but Stones plays it into rodri who draws Modric and creates space for stones to then receive the return and he has Acres of space to drive into and as we can see crows and Valverde were looking to cover men in the half spaces these scenarios where the pivots were able to get into more control positions opened up possibilities for City firstly now when the men were in the half space it was harder to track them because a deeper pivot would potentially have to close down a man who was driving forward it would also mean that Valverde for example couldn't afford to drop deep early in order to create that back five as this would lead them too underloaded in the Midfield so City now more often had the five vs 4 against the real backline meaning that the lives of camovinga would have to start narrow and once the ball then came out wide we saw how effective both Jack greylish and Bernardo Silva were in their one versus one situations against their fallbacks tormenting them throughout the 90. especially supported by the men in the half spaces where if the fallback got too tight they were consistently making runs to receive in these regions only sometimes being tracked by the midfielder the right hand side was perhaps where city were most ruthless was of this when Bernardo got onto the ball he was not only supported by underlapping runs by De bruyne but he would at times look to overlap him as well being able to receive in Crossing positions or if kamavinga stood off Bernardo could then drive in on his strong foot but it didn't end there as time and again Walker made these expansive runs from Right Center back at the exact right opportunity to then receive ad Pace again looking to Cross or rotate possession City's midfielders have more controlled possession so the pass into Bernardo is on that is immediately the trigger for Walker to make the overlapping run and he doesn't get onto the ball but it opens up the opportunity for Bernardo to drive in on a strong foot but from early on in this match pep made a slight tactical tweet that may have made all of the difference as it forced Real Madrid to adapt their defensive shape rather than sticking to this back 3 build up with the three center-backs as soon as City felt somewhat comfortable in possession they instead switched to a back two consisting of Diaz plus one so it could be Walker or a kanji so for example if Diaz was in that position it would be Diaz and Walker and the kanji would push up but unlike other times we've seen City use the 2-3 shape where the Midfield 3 would be spread fairly evenly across the pitch like this instead the double pivot remained in their position with only the center-back moving wider this would cause issues as now the Winger would be dragged wider much earlier meaning that Modric was under that two versus one pressure much more often these situations on the other side weren't helped by the fact that as the game went on rather than dropping into the 2-3 shape with the rest of the Midfield or even more of a Midfield 5 when Riya were under more consistent pressure vinicius began to stay higher up the pitch as more of a transitional threat especially as Walker was now higher off the pitch presenting these opportunities this would leave Real Madrid overloaded down before flanks and also vulnerable through the center so they adapted their shape instead now opting for more of a Midfield Diamond that could look like this with Rodrigo being drawn infield again the priority being protecting the center of the pitch and forcing the ball wide so here we see that much narrower Midfield shape from Real Madrid with Rodrigo being at the tip the downside of this of course would be the space out wide however when the ball did go wide and city were looking to overload the flanks it would mean that Real's whole Midfield would be forced across the pitch this did have disadvantages though as what we would often see is the likes of rodri or akanji picking up the ball in these regions and this would force Carvajal narrow to defend the man in the half space and as a result we saw grelish time and again receiving the ball wide with the space to run at Carvajal leading to grealish causing Havoc throughout the 90 and Real Madrid just couldn't cope but I also briefly want to touch on City's pressing shape from gold kicks they would drop militia and aliba into the box to begin with and city did not want to be outnumbered in the Midfield regions so where Holland would look to press rather than being joined by De bruyne and leaving a three versus two in central regions like we usually see it was grealish from out wide who would join in and Tony crows the deepest man will be covered by De bruyne and if a second pivot dropped alongside him gundawan or rodri would look to support this would still leave a potential One Versus One in deeper regions however real would be able to play out at times by initially drawing grillish towards the ball before playing it to a pivot and akanji was aggressive in covering the fullback in these situations though it was somewhat risky for City Real Madrid also had some success long in the scenarios especially when akanji was looking to push onto Carvajal what we saw in these situations was Benzema dropping into the Midfield and vinicius and Rodrigo both playing much more centrally so this could mean a two versus one against rodri allowing real to initially receive the boar alternatively if a center-back was drawn higher Rhea were more than happy to go long and look for the pace of vinicius Andrew Rigo running in behind and they got into dangerous situations but could never really make it count the citizens have enacted their revenge and progressed to their second ever final coming in as heavy favorites versus Inter but what went wrong for Madrid in this match and what are your early predictions for the final drop it down in the comments below for the manager tactical scores this was not close with Pepsi dominating in this semi-final going almost perfect with pep earning a nine ancelotti on the other hand don't make me do this ancelotti earns a tea but what are your thoughts drop it down below I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did you might enjoy the content available on my patreon not only does patreon help to support the continued production of content as I am a one-man team but it also gives you early access to videos that will come on the channel you'll also get exclusive videos get to vote on polls and so much more and it's cheaper than ever no longer having a tier system so everyone on the patreon gets access to all the content so head over to football made simple to check it out but that's all for today and remember keep it simple
Channel: Football Made Simple
Views: 411,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tactical analysis, Tifo, tactical, analysis, manchester city 4-0 real madrid all goals and highlights, pep tactic
Id: -Ex4sFw0AKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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