[FULL REACTION] Manchester City OUT of Champions League, lost to Real Madrid | ESPN FC

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1-1 on the night 44 on aggregate they Advance 43 on penalties so many things to discuss with this game as who welcome in uh Stuart Robson and also a very smug Jurgen clintsman whove got every prediction right by way we were looking ahead as to who is going to qualify for the semifinals people have forgot about that you don't have to bring it back oh it's all right that's okay where do we start well tell me where do you want to start well this is one for the all those people who know nothing else other than to read starts and and you know they go on social media and they're all over the place telling you how he's done this and they've done that and XG and this because it boils down to at the end of the day putting the ball in the back of the net and defending well and Real Madrid and the end did both and we could look at city and say well they didn't do enough but I mean in terms of a contest it wasn't the first game was a really good contest in Madrid 3-3 entertaining end to end Counterattack most of the time I suppose from Real Madrid this really wasn't much of a contest it was so one-sided but we've seen Real Madrid do this so many times and we wondered well last year they were going to do it again well they didn't they fell flat in the face in fact they got a big they got a big dose of pie in their face last year they got hammered but they didn't they learned their lessons city did not uh they lost I'm I'm thinking at least one maybe two bad goals in Madrid the they lost another bad goal early on here and ultimately and we've talked about it all year all season they'll get away with it in the Premier League it looks like they haven't got away with in this competition they've not been as good defensively as last year maybe some would say they haven't been as good in the final third as well going forward but they certainly haven't been as good defensively in this competition all the Premier League and they've paid the penalty for that uh we saw in those highlights in we Alli you look at the amount of ball that Manchester City didn't necessarily convert into many clear-cut chances was that down to Real Madrid parking the bus or down to a lack of creativity for Manchester City you can give credit to Real Madrid but they didn't have any other option they didn't have any other choice it's not like when they won the ball now they were going on the counter or they were completing passes no Real Madrid was push back push back push back and so the only option that they had was hang on and hang on as best as they possibly could so then the owners and the responsibility is on Manchester City now I have a few questions structurally for Manchester City and while Manuel aangi can do a job offensively I suppose and he can add himself into the Midfield and create a numberous mismatch I don't know that if I'm Manchester City a Manchester City fan or a Manchester City player for that matter I want Manuel aangi being the one who's a decision maker top of the 18 yard box or inside the 18 yard box as good a job as he may do he's not a better option than foden or Kevin De bruyne or some of these other sort of more skilled players in the attack and yet so many many times maybe it's by the sign by Real Madrid but certainly it didn't seem to be the case Manu AI is the one that is trying to play make tole 18 yard box where are the other guys the other thing that I would ask if you have dku coming on the field right and you have proven that is a One V one mismatch against kahal why are there players of Manchester City actually crowding the left hand side and making runs in behind caral no no no no clear out clear out you have a mismatch take advantage of it and the speedo was always going to create problems I don't understand why Manchester City just kind of they dwell on this passing passing game sideways and back and sideways and back and he comes around the box and around to the other side you never use earling Howen and the times that you try to use earling Howen he was not strong enough to hold it with his back to goal in the end it becomes predictable and easier to defend Robo is it fair to analysis to analyze this game in a in a critique of Manchester City given the amount of ball that they had against the sideline Real Madrid absolutely yes Real Madrid defended their Penalty Box really well but there was times when Manchester City and you know they got a couple of crosses in in the first half and the only things that harand did right he won two balls in the air one that hit the crossbar and there was another one that he didn't quite get back into the danger area but apart from that they P they Tred to pass their way through yes they got the bruyer in a couple of times down the right hand side in that inside right position unfortunately it was also a Ki that got into the inside left position a couple of times as well but at times they had have to change their game Real Madrid was set up to to stop them passing through them and Manchester City kept on trying to pass through him all going wide again and then coming back in again they then put Bernardo Silva out to the right hand side and I don't think he ever went past anybody he kept on playing it back to Kevin De bruyne Kevin De bruyer played it Square to Roger it went over the other side at some point you have to throw the ball into the box Bend balls in whip balls in and just make Defenders defend Manchester City didn't do that enough you saw the stats 67% possession and 33 shots you have to score more than that when you have that sort of possession how do you approach it Jurgen if you're Manchester City and you come up against this Bank of four and four how do you try and break this down and isn't Pep Guardiola experienced enough to try or certainly explore a plan B but asand gave a good example you know if doku coming in he needs space to get in there he needs space to to get behind this man and uh and not overcrowd in that area this is certainly one one aspect that you can discuss afterwards then you obviously you had the um the post being hit by by harand you had the big chance from De bruyne you rely on your big big players in a game like that that they make from very little that they they make more uh that was not the case but I mean if you look at the stats uh like w said right fully you know you had 70 almost 70% and and you pass the ball around around around you need to kind of come out with a little bit more with a little bit more determinated kind of uh results I mean more uh uh yeah in a certain way I had the feeling sometimes there there was not the urgency that you need to have at the end especially last maybe 20 minutes 25 minutes you got to give it a go you got to get the crowd behind you the crowd was certainly they are behind them but but there's another level of of support you know when you make it look desperate when you make it look really urgent and you you you kind of really try to fall to force a goal and that was somehow you had the feeling okay then we go into extra time we go maybe we get a chance or two in extra time and we decided that an extra time and that hauns you and for sure de bruyne will sit now in the in the dressing room and he will not be happy because that was a huge chance that he had even if I think he had an overall a good game and those are the moments that you regret afterwards and and Real Madrid had a clear plan car angelotti obviously he knew what happened last year you he said it's not going to happen a second time I'm let me tell you and I'm not going to do that again I'm not going an open eye to eye um kind of a contest here um so they play defensively very disciplined very strong uh and uh and always were were waiting for their counter break chances um which they then utilized in the in the first half right away um and then it gets down to a nailbiter it gets down to um to a penalty shootout that U both both coaches prepare their teams um for the penalty shootout they have their list they have their players that are supposed to uh be the top guys to get you through then even if it's so late in a game and uh and Real Madrid is now is now through it I think you know this is in a certain way they deserved it even if obviously Man City had a majority of the game it's unbelievable the amount of times they've been able to do it real Madrid obviously not last year but I think we have to address one of the big talking points is that how many big teams would have taken off arguably the hottest Striker on the planet yeah now this was this is at the end of the 90 minutes I don't mean the hottest as in form right now y but I mean if it was an auction out there tomorrow it would be mbappe and it would be Ellen Holland wouldn't it maybe with couple of other uh talented players throwing in but here we have a whether he's having his best game or not his best game when you bring dco on you're looking at PACE and I get it want to bring Alvarez on I get that cuz he's been excellent maybe you could bring him one for a Bernardo Silva then you got another attacking option because as the more as as the game wears on and the fatigue kicks in and the the constant defending that Real Madrid were having to do and we saw how tired those guys were uh they would have I I think this is City got more balls into the box or they should have done and one of the things that not that they're ever a team that puts lots of balls into the box they're not and that is one sort of criticism I would have at times uh particularly if I was a striker that even in the Premier League I would like to see more crosses go in I think Helen Holland would say the same thing uh but it really took that opportunity to do it away mhm you know the big do there was no other option it had to go in It Go had to go in hard and low now they got a goal from it to be fair but it always had to go in hard and low across the face it could never be stood up as an extra time because there was nobody to go and win it and you have to feel I think that as they got more tired and rudiger was defending and natur was just defending and defending and Carval could move had to be taken off the taking off the Talisman of the number nine in the game in the Champions League quarterfinal when you need a goal to stop it going to penalties was a huge call was it was it an indictment on his form in these last two games well it's an indictment on his form and it's also maybe an indictment on his manager even though he said something different in press conference press conferences recently his lack of confidence because if he had confidence that he's talked about he's been to he's been in the media and he's rubbished any pundit who suggested that Ellen ham was having a bad time right or a or a slightly poer time but yet here he is in his Moment of Truth and he's taking him off right and that's a big call now if it if they win and de bruy the scores and and don't forget he's taken a he's taken a penalty as well hland absolutely he's taking a penalty so that was huge that was huge from Guardiola and I think on this time he's got and and a couple of things about that you have the focal point in the attack in earling Highland and so as the Defenders indeed are getting tired they still keep an eye if they're going to keep an eye on one player is going to be erling Holland so if you have an additional presence in the Box in the case of Julian adward is coming in potentially for Bernardo Silva now as everybody gets dragged to erling howand he may not even have to be the guy who scores it but now julan Alvarez finds himself in a position in which he gets an opportunity when you keep the focal point in the attack in it still keeps the attention of the Defenders but now that you don't have that presence there now you're kind of like all right well we don't have that threat the other thing I would say about erling Holland obviously as a striker I would want to be out on the field and and and as a fellow Striker and Jurgen would attest to this the last thing you want to do is being taken off when the game is still on the line but you also have to perform at a level that Rewards or that indeed demands you stay on the field and there were many times and I mean many times where the ball gets played into erling Highland and nacho who on the list of Defenders for Real Madrid it's actually behind Chu am manyi who's not even a Defender but we have seen carelot use Chu am manyi because he doesn't quite trust nacho per se to play in a in a Moment Like This he had to because Tru am manyi was suspended and he was nacho that is bodying of earling H I'm like hold on a second isn't earling Holland supposed to be the strong big presence guy the physical guy why is he getting thrown around by nacho why is he getting thrown around by other Defenders hold the ball you can lay it off to the bruy and he can find the next pass or lay it off to Rodrigo now he can find the next pass if you don't have that hold up play then you cannot spin out and go into space we want earing Hound to get out on Space well he's got to do the dirty part first and that's hold the ball up he doesn't do that he cuts out his own opportunities do you agree Robo absolutely I was watching him very very closely and four at the first five times he touched the ball and as just as Alli said the ball was rolled into him up against nacho he to he fell over once he gave the ball away the second time nacho went and nicked it off him twice and he did he laid one ball off out out the first five or six times he his performance wasn't good enough and then he loses his confidence and I was looking at his movement when they could have rolled the balls into his feet I know they don't look at it very often but there was times when rodley was looking at it and harand was making a run across the pitch he wasn't so I'm going to back into the center roll it into me around the box and now I'm going to get myself turn because the top Strikers love the ball rolled into them in and around the box so they can get themselves turned get shots away at the moment he has to have a goal made for him he's not going to create any goals by himself by individual Brilliance play brilliant play that's not what he's doing at the moment he's lost his confidence he seems to have lost his technical ability with his back to goal it's a problem I think for Man City but how you're not going to get a goal made for you if you're sitting on the bench are you right that's a fair point how how many how many Strikers do we know and I've seen over the years that I've done absolutely nothing in a game but but top poke the ball in the back back the net and take the headlines MH oh we've seen them you can take it all the way back to clintsman I've played done nothing that German guy exactly but I'm being serious now we can argue we can debate he should have come off he shouldn't have come off he's playing well he's not playing well blah blah blah at the end of the day there are so many front men out there and i' I'll give you an example one I I I played with Ali mcco right A lot of times mcco you couldn't see him if you sent a search party out for him right and then all of a sudden need pop up like he did instinctive a finisher in the box and he's taking the headlines the next day the manager took that out the equation and that's what he is he's not the most subtle of footballers Ellen hen but he's a finisher but he's going through a bad time I'll give you that or a bad time by his standards but but he took away the potential for him to have a moment and take the headlights you don't always need your front men to be the best player on the team you just need them when you put a good ball in the Box to be in the right place at the right time and I thought it was telling that he took him off what do you think Jurgen yeah you can look at it from both both sides obviously you know you give Alvarez the chance to be the Difference Maker in that moment which he can any time I mean he's a very very good Striker as well and for Erin even if it's not his his best game certainly he can still decide the game it just needs one one ball you know he just needs one opportunity and he's back you know and his confidence is suddenly back and this is how how the life of uh strikkers are the life life of the striker is just to to wait for the next ball and turn things around and for sure he will be he will be frustrated he will be disappointed with the the outcome of the game also with his own performance probably but still I mean he he hit the he hit the crossbar with his header if that goes in and know we all saw that ball already in he's is is the match winner then at the end of the day but those are things that um a manager and B guarda has done that so many times and will do it hopefully for many many years to go still you know they they feel certain things they they see they see during the week they talk to the players uh they know exactly where where the players are and then based on those observations that they have during training sessions outside the training sessions you know when you move around with the team and you travel and all that stuff then they they they make their decisions based on what they've experienced the whole week and that's why he made that decision to to bring in Alvarez and uh um instead of a of a midfielder you know take take the Highland out um and he also will think about it now and he always will you know question should I have done that or than this but the game is over the game is over and Real Madrid is through and with a very defensive display and with a lot of things that they learned last year with the defeat there um and you got to give them a huge compliment we talked about the vulnerability of manester City's defense going into this tie certainly compared to last season how po how poor was conceding that Rodrigo goal Robo uh it was a bad bit of Defending because aangi as we said was stepping into Midfield are we being a little harsh is it not just unlucky Manchester City just one of those days considering how much of the ball they had how they dominated a team like Real Madrid who a going win in the Liga Arsenal at home same thing Chelsea at home Chelsea by the way 1-1 same thing had the ball all day couldn't score well could score a second uh so we've seen it we've seen it before look they're a great side they're a great side you could still argue they are the best side to watch in European football but they just haven't got it done they just haven't got it done and I'm amazed you know I think on the other side on the other side of it is is Real Madrid here is a side it's going to win La Liga that could well win the champions league and you talk about adversity Benzema Saudi Arabia gone down the spine of the team you got cross at 34 Modric bit part at 38 yeah you got youngster you got Bingham obviously come in and he's been a revolution but it's lost a little bit of a step in his performance and then you have a back four that's had as Alex said nacho in there cheni in there Kingo in there uh it's had uh three or four different left backs it's had Carvajal playing Center half it's had two goalkeepers that are not the best they they figured out that Len's the best of the two of them have and keer and yet here we are no other manager in my opinion no other manager would have been able to get Real Madrid to this position other than Carlo angelotti with this calm demeanor managing the players not panicking just using all his experience and fighting the fires that he's had to fight not been brilliant not been no not been aesthetically the best on the eye but just knowing what it's all about getting results and to do it having lost all those players and have the season that they potentially are going to have is quite amazing that's we've seen a lot of Real Madrid this season and they haven't been brilliant they haven't been cating they're going to win La Liga because they're the best team in Spain but they're up against for example Barcelona side who have struggled early on yeah to take it even further ctoa ala milita it's it's starters no doubt starters guys that were going to be your starters for the length of the season and that have been outstanding performers for Real Madrid out and yet you continue to get results and what you find from Real Madrid sometimes we ask of this team's identity personality well this is what Real Madrid has in bunches personality and speaking of personalities I I cannot let this conversation go on without mentioning Antonio rudiger look first of all the last three penalty kick takers for Real Madrid Lucas Vasquez natcho and Antonio rudiger when they woke up this morning they would not have thought that they were going to be taking a penalty they could not have imagined that they would be taking a penalty but regardless Lucas FAS steps up goal nacho goal and the fifth penalty kick taker in a quarterfinal of Champions League Antonio rudiger now the only reason I can imagine that this guy is taking a penalty is because he has the personality and the character to say yeah give me the ball I don't care give me the ball I'll be the guy I'll take on the pressure and what he has done this season is that he has taken on the responsibility to be the one reliable Center back that they have one one reliable Center back that they have had the whole season has been Antonio rudiger and he has been outstanding for carelot and he was outstanding again tonight few players fewer players in the modern game and we I'm not talking about just Talent few fewer players wear their heart on the sleeve more than Tony Rudy yeah of course didn't play in the second leg last year and and sometimes and don't forget under I think it was under Lampard at Chelsea he was out out the equation wasn't he he was persona non grata but that in the modern day I've everybody want to talk about the the the dazzling stuff that goes on in the game and all the skill levels we see to see somebody with his experience and his knowhow and German international he's played all over the place uh he's now playing arguably the biggest club in the world but to have that passion and that drive and wear your heart on a sleeve as I said is something I think a lot of people watching and playing the game could could take something out of rather than you know just looking for bits of scale and bit and the amount of passion that he that he has and heart to step up play the way that he has has been amazing to watch and what's incredible and and still maybe surprises people Jurgen is that Real Madrid a real Madrid because of the success they've had in this Champions League competition in European Cup obviously before that and really it shouldn't matter if a team won it five times in the 60s or want it back to back under all these different facts shouldn't really affect what goes on today but it clearly does obviously it's big part of confidence you know when you look back into your club's history and you see that you know whatever you know team was going far in Champions League and one I don't mean I don't know how many domestic titles this kind of builds this this belief this this confidence then to go always forward you know in Real Madrid is that phenomenon similar to a bit Bayern Munich is as we talked about that many times we obviously talk about that game with as well later on but um when you st on the field um as a player and you face Real Madrid you're not looking at how Real Madrid played last week maybe in Villa real or or on another team or Pilla or or wherever um you you look you look at what this club is all about you know you you understand that these these players that are on the other side of the field now warming up they've done it all and that gives you so much uh I mean it it intimidates you it tells you it tells you so much more and then when they step up in decisive moments of the Champions League when it hits down to the to the final eight then all these things matter they matter a lot you know if you have now if Tony gross is now one year older or younger doesn't really matter it's Tony gross and so it's Antonio rudiger who since years is yeah he in there he has a bad game and has a bad moment and has a bad experience but overall he's consistently playing one of the best teams in the world and that forms you that gives you that confidence and that gives you also the the moment to understand oh I got to step it up now I'm not the perfect penalty taker maybe but give me the ball I walk up there and I give it a shot and he hit it in he he hit a little bit inside of the post as well so that's how how close it was at the end of the day but that's the beauty of the story then and uh he walks now out and obviously totally happy and in the semi-finals and uh and that comes the next game the next game to prove it all and then we go into a summer where they have to prove it all all these big names that we see now in the quarterfinals they have to show up then in the European Championship or in the cup America uh and prove it again week in week out uh next up for Real Madrid it's a little matter of all classical they take on Barcelona on Sunday meanwhile Manchester City's hopes of a double treble a dead but they could still do the double double yes uh as they take on Chelsea it won't be a double double cuz they had a treble last year yeah but they could still do the domestic double double I'm not taking one off that will be our first game on what is a great weekend of soccer on ESPN plus City take on Chelsea thank Jurgen why thank him why am I thanking you I'm not talking Bayern Munich that's it we're done no not not having [Music]
Channel: ESPN FC
Views: 477,085
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Keywords: real madrid, real madrid vs manchester city, manchester city vs real madrid, champions league, manchester city champions league, espn fc, soccer, soccer on espn, futbol on espn, futbol, futbol espn, football, football on espn, soccer espn, espn soccer, fc, espn, espn fc tv, espn fc soccer, espn fc full show, espn fc show, espn fc today, espn fc full, espnfc, jude bellingham
Id: 8zGpU9cb1WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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