How Pantheon's Interactions Reveal The Lore

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hello there we are finally back from our trip so this is going to be the last video before we jump on to the proper videos again so expected episode of rift news next and then we will cover the story of pencil speaking of which because people enjoyed me explaining mordekaiser's interactions I decided to give Pantheon's interactions ago as well so as always this video wouldn't be possible without skin spotlights but thankfully because Pantheon isn't so fresh anymore hopefully we won't take away any of their views so without further ado let's get on it all of this is going to be a surprise to me so this is my pure reaction I have not seen anything before let's go again YouTube and OBS don't really play together so if the video we stopped it's on my end of yours battle is a dance and the fortunate find their partner see that's the interaction that I saw because people people are keep people kept telling me oh it's confirmed the gallery and Guren our together not really because you know the fortunate find their partner he's not talking about relationship he might be talking about like a battle partner right like you know these two clashed on the battlefield before and they might again even though oh by the way in the story I don't think unless Katarina mentions it I'm trying to recall if that's true but ever since the rework of both of these champions they never actually mentioned the other in their stories so right now the relationship between Katarina and Garen is only among nutracheck no critic no critic so the second thing I wanted to talk about is his accent some people call it the neck read accent I wouldn't say so all right I would say that this is a little bit far away from me um but I don't I kind of like this old voice more I don't know um I gotta guess probably by Harry bloody hell I like the old gruffy man and this guy I understand why right give him a hard accent they did it because they're gonna ins are something totally else from anyone else on Road era so this Greek accent is supposed to represent the argonians being from a not from a totally different place about being totally different nation right even though they are they kind of aren't a different nation they are still mostly from Isaac on and trimmer from what we know but you know all right let's just keep going of course this video teen spotlights we love them you know this wouldn't be possible without them aatrox her slaughtered gods but now he faces a man again that accent is little too strong but it's fine aatrox the world ender but from Death Comes life okay okay his lights I know this is the this is the third line but his lines are pretty good the power use sort has destroyed you aatrox you will find no other end that's cool aatrox would drown the world endured just to stain the heavens you sought to become a god and you would make their pet I am NOT the pantheon you new creature I am a truce immortal about to slay a dragon Atreus are they actually using the pronunciation that I kind of made up during my video and you would make their heads is it axes or trace I am NOT the pantheon you blue creature I am a truce of Atreus ok we need to pause here for a second if you are not sure why I'm surprised here it's because when I covered the original updated story of Pantheon couple of years ago I used the wrong pronunciation for his name I called him Atreus but that name has origins in the Greek mythos and it should be pronounced at Reyes betrayers it is probably just a coincidence but I noticed that not only they try to use the pronunciation I made up in their video but Pantheon uses the same pronunciation in game 2 it is totally just a coincidence but I like to think that's right watch my old video and they used my pronunciation anyway let's keep going there is a really weird coincidence but alright I'll go with it more clear about you slaying a dragon I once trusted my destiny to the stars dragon now I trust in steel I know what it reminds me of the way he says dragon that's totally Skyrim that's totally there but isn't it but isn't it supposed to be like a Greek accent because Skyrim has very Nordic accent I once trusted my destiny to the stars dragon now I trust in steel he totally sounds like a garden or aspect it does not matter parasite the blows of gods cannot shatter the world if they strike me instead that gods need slaves and they found you okay no slides are you naughty to not need a god they need a leader is this a god or a rock you preach movement while anchoring our souls who wrote these lines these are amazing this is like this is like mordekaiser kind of level like mordekaiser had amazing lines because mordekaiser's lines didn't teach us anything new but for people who did not read the lore mordekaiser's lines kind of revealed what the world was about and that's the same thing is happening here I don't know who wrote Pantheon's lines but this is amazing this is absolutely amazing Kaine either the weapon is redundant or you are while you bow to the Sun my spear finds your neck wood it's got a cool how he's hostile again that's because of this story like I love how his lines renewed story without you actually having to read the story right so even if you don't know anything about the story at all by playing Pantheon and kind of remembering his lines you'll know what's happening I love how he's lost out the words behind your faith Solari and the robes of your priest that's a pretty awesome reference we need aspect and armor you are more resilient than you know at all our destiny is to fight and only the bravest do not refuse it I understand this law nari if only your kind would see what you see Soraka they would weep for you as you weep for us hi NEC rit big fan this is so cool again if some of you never read the story of Soraka you can tell from this that Soraka is a celestial but she's done something different from the other Celestials right so and from this line that's obvious so after this you're like you know what something's happening with Soraka maybe I want to check out why she's different and oh this is so cool this is so cool if it isn't the aspect everyone used to like wait what wait what what do you mean used to like what he do wrong but if it's a Soraka it's supposed to be dharak but wait what and I'm missing something here what did tarik do wrong he can he just saved flowers and animals that were endangered you call yourself the aspect of the protector but now the one in need is you I earned my spirit with my brother's dying breath how did you earn yours the Meseta that I have faced many self proclaimed God's the worst where's the face of a child all right why do you it's also cool because I wonder if the aspect of but the aspect of toilet didn't kind of take over Zoe the same way the aspect of war took over Atreus so the aspect of Twilight doesn't technically wear the face of a child you know it just landed power to Zoe still that's pretty cool fight lead into the same earth and bleed we must face me Phil how many hosts must I kill darken the darkens final words are not their own but the cries of humanity how hard so badass the Stars lie those lines are so bad all things end stand back up and never be defeated he's so in character of God died the man lives again that's what I'm talking about a reference to a story right aatrox had such a deadly blow that he killed the aspect of war the God died but Atreus survived right so cool I will fauna at least one more time I will not surrender the beyond that can have me when I am done hold on hold on the Beyond can have me when I am done I wonder what he's talking about specifically if there is like the beyond because the beyond we know could be the realm that you know mordekaiser has the heavens do not fear me because I am a God they fear me because I am a man I'm so predictable vehicle they are called gods but when they die you cannot hear their howls about the wind behind me Eliza form I wonder if there is brand above the hearts turn ah we have privilege there on the reference to taste the air which is the last gasp of all who have died before us after every defeat I ran around the mountain until even shame could not keep up another or rather my spear is the weight of only one life my way dead that running around the mountain there was another awesome reference to the story because Atreus wasn't a known great warrior Atreus was always kind of the average warrior but he was the kind of warrior who when he got beat up he would just stand up and he would try again right so that that's how he kinda passed everyone else not by being better than everyone else but he just had you know he was more resilient and he just I don't wanna say he was better than everyone else because the the story specifically says that he wasn't better than everyone else but he simply just you know could take the beating and just keep going so that's how he got ain't like into the high ranks even though there are no real high ranks but when you fight in the record tribe you gotta have to go past the weak we are caught between darken and aspect but we will rise up in spite of them that super ultimate vengeance is cold I do not that by the way is totally confirming our older theory this is totally confirming our older theory we had a theory that was never confirmed we had a theory that the Celestials gave humans the power to make us end it so that the Ascended would be a weapon against the void this was never confirmed directly in the story this is kind of our theory but as we know the the ascended Cara the project ascended can a broke apart when a seer died and no one control them and as they fought against the void they got a little bit corrupted and suddenly the the Ascended turned into the what Pantheon is saying here is that humanity is that is stuck between the aspects which are the Celestials who creat who try to create a weapon against the void and when in the end the humanity stuck between those and the weapon they created so this line kind of reference is the fact that the darken and the aspects are connected so just another drop in our theory that the Celestials are responsible for the darken and now they are trying to remove them because it's a failed project but still it makes our theory stronger so let's let's go vengeance is cold I do not need it on the mountain no mercy for a strong power would be around oh you write because you must spear and sheet a pantheon oh these are so good dry war yalta okay into legend unbroken I almost feel agent of one I almost feel like his lines shouldn't be hurt only by the player but it should be heard by the enemy as well because he's shouting that right life was always a war that was so good strike now strike harder oh why why isn't there a thing riot why doesn't he randomly shout some of the lines you know in the game it's like ambient sounds that feared make you ball you will not fail if it is worth it you can only defeat yourself at all for ian's everything no some of the lights are these lines when you click on someone and you're attacking you only you can hear the lines or as Sona says only you can hear me summoner but you know normally when you're attacking someone only only you can hear that the enemy only hear stones laughs dances if they have sounds and dirty jokes already joke taunt dance laugh right that's all and sometimes the interactions between champions but nothing else okay Oh Oh hey did you know that we have social media and twitch where we talk about other league facts and stories and did you know that we have need MUX and shirts to the links to all of that will be below and as always thank you come again [Music] you
Channel: Necrit
Views: 249,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Story, Necrit, Necrit94, Pantheon, Panth, Panteon, Targon, Leona, Diana, Zoe, Aurelion, Aatrox, Darkin, Varus, Shurima, Ascended
Id: f4rd9nwL-iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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