How Ordinary Men Became Nazi Killers - Prof. Jordan Peterson

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there's a book called ordinary men that's a lot like that i don't think i've mentioned that to you before but ordinary men is a book about it's the best book of its type is maybe it's the only book of its type it's possible but it's plotted much like breaking bad in some sense it's a story about these german policemen in the early stages of world war ii and they were guys who were old enough to be raised in germany really before the hitlerian propaganda came out in full force you know if you were a teenager say in the 1930s you were going to be pulled right into the propaganda machine and maybe you were part of the hitler youth and like you were raised in that you know but if you were older then you were raised before that and you're not as amenable to propaganda once you're older than about well i would say about 22 or something like that it's it's it's pretty young actually if you're going to make a soldier you have to get a soldier young because once people are in their early 20s say they're kind of they already have their personality developed anyways these policemen were sent into poland after the germans marched through and uh you know it was wartime and there was this hypothesis in germany that the jews in particular were operating as a fifth column and undermining the german war effort because of course the germans blamed the jews and a variety of other people for actually setting up the conditions that made the war necessary and so when the police were sent into poland they were also required to make peace roughly speaking and so they started up by they started out by rounding up all the jewish men between 18 and 65 and gathering them in in stadiums and then shipping them off on the trains but that isn't where they ended they ended in in very very dark place i mean these guys were going out in the field with naked pregnant women and shooting them in the back of the head by the end of their training and what's really interesting about that is that is that their commander told them that they could go home at any time so this is this is not one of those examples of people following orders and the reason they didn't roughly speaking there's many reasons but one of the reasons they didn't is because they didn't think it was comradely so to speak to leave their the guys they were working with to do all the dirty work and run off you know and that's really that's really an interesting fact you know because you'd in in different circumstances you wouldn't think about that as reprehensible right you'd think well that's part of teamwork and under rough circumstances and that's at least in part how they viewed it and they were also made physically ill multiple times physically and psychologically ill by the things that they had to do but they kept doing them anyways so it's one step at a time and that's the thing is that you end up in very bad places one step at a time so you gotta watch those steps
Channel: Jordan Peterson Fan Channel
Views: 1,555,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jordan Peterson, Jordan B. Peterson, Jordan B Peterson, Professor Peterson, Dr. Peterson, Peterson, Jordan Peterson lecture, Jordan Peterson advice, Jordan Peterson Clips, Best of Jordan Peterson, Best of Jordan B. Peterson, psychology, lecture, Maps of Meaning, education, Holocaust, genocide, World War 2, ww2, Hitler, Poland, occupation, war crimes, Ordinary Men, concentration camps, Blitzkrieg, Christopher R. Browning, Christopher Browning, Adolf Hitler, Third Reich, atrocities
Id: JM2o9e-pwoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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