How One Card Broke A Card Game

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when it comes to digital card games it's very easy  for the developers of the game to design a card   that is super interesting and has a crazy mechanic  without really thinking what it's gonna do to the   game sometimes when you make a new card and it's  added to the game it makes a brand new interaction   that has never been seen before that can just  break a card game and hearthstone is no exception   to this when hearthstone was being designed it  was the first main digital card game that they   were able to try a bunch of new mechanics because  well it's a digital card game while designing the   game they made a minion that completely broke  the game's rules that well as you can probably   guess broke our stone before we get into what  the card actually is we first have to identify   what the rules of hearthstone are to win a game of  hearthstone it's very simple you want to get your   opponent's life to zero if they're at zero they  die one player gets to go first and you cannot   interact on your opponent's turn whatsoever in  other words you can only play cards on your turn   if it's your opponent's turn you have to wait  and see what they do each player has a specific   amount of time on their turn during each player's  turn the player is allowed to play as many cards   as possible until the turn timer runs out but this  does not include animation time for instance if i   play a card at the very last second the animation  still has to resolve for both players meaning that   it technically goes above the turn limit this  means the player who goes next still has to sit   and watch all the animations resolve itself before  they can actually do their turn even though it is   their turn to compensate the animation problem  blizzard added something into the game known as   the slush time this is extra time given to the  player to compensate for the amount of animations   that they still need to resolve on their client  however slushtime does not always fully account   for the entire length of animations when i  mentioned that a card breaks a card game i'm   not talking in the ways that the client crashes or  you get network errors i'm talking about the core   mechanics of the game getting broken and that's  exactly why a card like nos dormu breaks the game   nos dormo's effect is players only have 15 seconds  to take their turns now for a lot of players they   probably thought nasdora was a very harmless card  in fact this card was released with hearthstone   all the way back in 2014. and in most situations  the card was completely harmless all it was doing   was just limiting the amount of time you had  to make decisions and play cards from your hand   but this was only the case for hearthstone classic  as you can imagine with new expansions coming out   and new cards being added there will be more  interactions with a card like nastormo that   have the potential to break a game of hearthstone  see the thing about nasdormu is that it only sets   your turn timer to 15 seconds it does not account  for the amount of time an animation can take and   if your opponent is waiting for an animation  to resolve as their turn timer is going down   we have a card that breaks the game with the  release of black rock mountain their second   adventure which mainly focused on the single  player aspect of the game one of the boss's   high justice grimstone had the ability to summon  nasdormu and the effect was well let's watch there's only oh you've gotta be  kidding me you gotta be kidding me he's taken far more than 15  seconds this is just so dumb what the hell that was not 15  seconds blizzard please blizzard   i got literally less than half a second  because he wouldn't stop talking blizzard   come on blizzard why are you doing this to me  every time one's out on me oh what the [ __ ] wait as you can see the player was not able to  play any cards but because the bots turns are   instantaneous they were able to play as many cards  as needed until their turn was finished blizzard   did the correct thing to hotfix this bug as fast  as possible so more players would not have to deal   with this issue but this bug persisted past the  hotfix even though the issue with nasdormo was   a big problem in terms of solo adventures nos  dormo's problems were only starting to begin   once players realized that using nos dormo  you could skip your entire opponent's turn   things got a little bit messy in almost  every single competitive game if you can   find an advantage over your opponents you're  gonna use it to make sure that you could win   and some players will use an exploit like  nazdormu first we'll start off with the game   mode tavern brawl tavern brawl is just  like regular hearthstone going against   another player but usually the game mode  is a little bit wonky and fun because they   usually try something unique compared to  just regular hearthstone this specific   tavern brawl had both players playing an iconic  character in warcraft lore and this happened oh come on that was not 15 seconds what a rip okay what in terms of tavern brawls this one was  definitely special because you're playing   with two unique classes that are not in  any other game modes but the nasdormu   problem still persisted across other tavern  brawls oh god it's so hard to do anything i don't think he did anything  wait what how is he still playing what that's not fair where'd my turn go even  though nasdorma was a problem in hearthstone   it wasn't a huge problem there was much bigger  problems that the developers had to worry about   so this kind of went to the wayside that was  until they released their next expansion the grand   tournament the grand tournament introduced  a brand new mechanic into hearthstone this   mechanic was known as josting for every  single hearthstone card there is a mana cost   associated with that card the higher  the number the more mana it costs to   play the way that joe's thing worked is  that each player would draw a card from   their deck if the card that you drew had  a higher mana cost than your opponents   you would win that jost as you could probably  imagine the jousting mechanic took a very long   time to resolve which means that players could  exploit the jousting mechanic with nasdormu let's see if i can do this what that didn't work so well   oh good enough i guess all right do  we have any other joust thing here did we do it oh i think we did it i think we did quickly  that's that's pretty fast that's pretty fast because of the jousting mechanic players started  to learn that with longer animations it's much   easier to skip your opponent's turn with nasdormu  and the main way to skip your opponent's turn   became using useful brewmaster youthful brewmaster  had the effect when played to return a friendly   minion from the battlefield to your hand this  animation took a very long time because not only   did you have to play the card you had to bounce  the minion back to your hand if you had two   brew masters and you were very quick at playing  them you were able to skip some of the animation   on your client but for your opponent they  would still have to watch the entire animation blizzard was a lot faster to react to this issue  as more players than ever were using nasdormo to   skip their opponent's turn blizzard released  a hotfix on september 3rd 2015 about two weeks   after the grand tournament was released hotfix  was that nasdormu no longer interacts with the   animations of joust and youthful brewmaster in  a manner as to allow portions of the player's   turn to be skipped blizzard helped the issue of  players griefing other players with nasdormu but   they did not solve all the issues with  this card there was still a bunch more it turned out that blizzard only hotfixed the  animations between players but there was still   a bunch of interactions in the game that  were causing quite significant issues with   nasdormu the very next expansion the league  of explorers we were introduced to a brand   new card that virtually stopped your opponent  from playing the game with nasdormu the idea   was to play nasdormu and play two cursive reforms  which add a cursed card to your opponent's hand   because the curse cards animation in  effect resolve on your opponent's turn   this would skip their entire turn for the rest  of the game and they couldn't play a single card come on come on don't do  anything don't do anything come on come on come on please work please work uh he's trying to play a card  he's trying to play a card but he can't   is this actually working there's also a lot  of visual bugs with nasdormo with the main   one being that his effect could be multiplied  on screen where you literally couldn't even see   the game anymore even though blizzard did end up  solving a lot of the problems throughout the years   that doesn't mean with more cards being added to  the game there's still going to be other issues   with nasdormu but there's also the competitive  aspect of this card one of the biggest appeals   for hearthstone is random generation there are a  bunch of cards in this game that randomly generate   another card for you to play with within the same  match even though it's not in your deck and this   happens to be the case also in competitive and  since nasdormo is considered to be a bad card   it's never put into someone's actual deck the only  way we could see it in a competitive match is if   it's randomly generated and the problem with this  is that most players who compete in competitive   hearthstone don't play with a 15 second turn timer  because they want to make the most optimal play   every single turn which means when this card  is randomly generated in a competitive match   it's breaking the game in the sense that well  players don't really know what to do you don't   always have the option to kill off your own little  rocket show but they do kind of control them oh my   god this is the anti-life coach oh my god live  coach is going to lose this game now the reason   why i bring up competitive hearthstone is because  during one expansion scent of dragons there was a   very powerful card that people put into their deck  that had a very good random effect this card was   ysera unleashed which had the effect to shuffle  seven dream portals into your deck and when   they are drawn you summon a random dragon as you  could probably guess nasdormu is a dragon and when   nasdora was summoned by one of these dream portals  the entire opponent's turn would be skipped   my dream is your nightmare that's incredible blizzard decided to take nasdormo out of  the summoning pool for dream portals and   fortunately for the developers this  was the last time that nazdorma caused   a problem later he was rotated into the  legacy format meaning he was no longer in   the main popular formats of hearthstone  where he would never be able to cause   another problem with a new card or just a  game-breaking bug ever again with that being   said i really appreciate you taking the time  to watch this video if you did end up enjoying   it i would really appreciate a subscription  and a like and i hope you have a great day
Channel: Rarran
Views: 1,084,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, card game, new expansion hearthstone, new expansion hs, kripp, trump, regiskillbin, zeddy, hs, hearthstone battlegrounds, exploit, game exploits, cheating, bug, hearthstone bugs, hearthstone tips, hearthstone battlegrounds tips and tricks, hearthstone tips 2022, hearthstone rotation 2022
Id: 7G0F5IOqY_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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