How Often Should an Oil Service Be Performed? Our Thoughts…

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all right guys today we're going to talk about a controversial subject we're going to talk about oil service intervals let's get into it [Music] so everything I'm about to say in this video is my opinion it's what we do in these shops and um everybody's got their own opinion on this I know a lot of good technicians that I have a lot of respect for that have a differing opinion of this and that's perfectly fine I'm telling you what works for us and our clients now let's go ahead and start off right off the bat with talking about um where it would be appropriate to change the oil change interval let me tell you about where we live and what our clients like to do and we do have this conversation with people so where we live is a is a good climate yes it's hot yes it's humid but we don't have snow we don't have salt on the roads yes we do have the ocean right here but we don't get we don't get rust issues the only time people get rust issues here if they go drive on the beach and most people aren't doing that so Vehicles here last a very very long time they do not rust away they do not rot away if you maintain them they mean you can I mean we still have people here with cars I mean we've got one of our employees that has an 89 Toyota Camry and the thing still is in great shape so these vehicles can last a long time physically so we then have a conversation with our clients what is your plans for this vehicle when they come in and we first meet them what are your plans for this vehicle is this something that you trade in do you trade in quite often or do you keep Vehicles until the wheels fall off the overwhelming majority of our clients will answer no I'm keeping this till the wheels fall off price of vehicles today totally understand that if they come in and they say no I trade this thing and I'm getting rid of it you know I trade them in about every 50 60 000 miles okay there's going to be some services that we are going to to tailor a little bit that we're gonna we're gonna still offer to them we're still going to tell them about it but then we're gonna be like listen you're not going to keep the vehicle so it's not something that you have to worry about but if we are trying to make a vehicle last a long time we in my opinion we need to change the oil change interval a little bit from what a lot of the manufacturers say um I'm going to show you a couple examples you know let me show you one example on here of one that the first one that I pulled up and I'm going to talk about oil consumption we all know on modern vehicles they have an old consumption problem okay I mean you know I'm not talking about just a few Volkswagen's got oil consumption issues Chrysler has oil consumption issues GM has oil consumption issues I mean they all have oil consumption issues my belief is because the Rings are just getting a little less tension on them we're trying to get that gas mileage up so you know that's something to take into account if we're losing oil if we're burning oil then we've got to think if we're putting oil that direction right into the into the cylinder and burning it then certainly we've got to be putting hydrocarbons back down into the oil right the other direction and this can cause our oil life to be low to be lessened right so the additive packages in the oil can be used up because they're they're there to to kind of sequester those those hydrocarbons that are coming down out of the out of the um out of the combustion chamber so this is things all to think about when we're when we're talking about oil change intervals again I'm gonna my opinion is when we're talking about manufacturers of vehicles and I have apps not saying anything bad about the manufacturers of vehicles they do a fantastic job designing you know engineering designing building Vehicles majority of them um but they are there looking out for their bottom line they're there to say we want to sell cars we want to make the cars good but at the end of the day we want to sell cars and it's not really they're not really there to say we want to make a car last 500 000 miles which they realistically can do okay you know the magic number's always been 100 000 miles people still think that's you know that's a lot of miles on a car that's not a lot of miles on a car today at all not where we live so but the maintenance schedule is generally designed for the first vehicle owner I'm a firm believer that the Europeans I'm not going to name any names here but many of the Europeans a high-end European manufacturers you guys can guess what I'm talking about here start with an m start with a B um they know their first vehicle owner they know the new car buyer the new car buyer comes in they buy the car off the showroom floor they keep it from 30 to 50 000 miles and they traded in on another one they don't want those cars those cars oil service can be 250 easily on those cars they don't want those people to be spending 250 dollars every 7 000 miles doing an old service on it so they got the interval way out I know a lot of guys on here a lot of you are some of my you know good friends are on here right now and they're about to comment you know manufacturer says they can they can last longer I'm not saying that the oil won't last longer I'm not saying that the oil will not protect that engine longer 7000 miles for us is a good middle of the road it gives us we're not doing it too often we're not sitting there extending it out we want to protect the engine and I feel like this is me this is my own personal experience this is what I've seen over 40 years of doing this um and I got there's a lot of guys that I respect that are that are out there that are that will pull engines apart and say look there's not a lot of wear but we've seen a lot of engine wear issues with extended oil change intervals so when we say 7 000 miles I feel like that's not overdoing it that's not under doing it I think 3 000 miles is an absolute if you're using proper oil and we're going to get into filters and we're going to get into the proper oil but you just wait a few minutes for that but um I think if you do a proper oil service on a vehicle 7000 miles is it will let the vehicle last a long time it will not cause excessive engine wear and it will lessen the amount of of wear and tear on the internals or the engine so why why do I say a lot of people will say well the manufacturer says throw a number out there whatever it is 15 000 mile service Ten Thousand Mile service 7 500 which okay whatever it may be okay and they go the manufacturer says that they built the car they know the best well you know we could go back to early 2000s when a certain Asian company that starts with a T said let's do the oil services every 7 500 miles and then they started having engines blowing up inside of warranty okay well they were the engineer they were designer of that vehicle they engineered that vehicle built that vehicle and they said 7 500 miles on it and they were blowing up engines inside of warranty there's your key okay and what do they do they immediately came back they had to fix those engines and they lowered the oil change interval okay why do they lower the oil change interval why do they have to fix that they made a mistake okay well they made a mistake that cost them money inside of a warranty so you know if if you went to um to them and said let's just say that those engines weren't failing under warranty let's say that those aim engines went a hundred thousand miles and then they had problems with them would they have changed the oil change interval okay probably not because at that point the car is gone they don't care right they just want you to buy another car you got a hundred thousand miles on it you think that's a lot of miles and you buy another one okay so but it started costing them money and so they lowered the the interval down the same manufacturer they wrote the book they wrote the interval and yet they had to change it manufacturers are looking out for their bottom line there's nothing wrong with that I get it I'm not saying anything bad about them they're sell vehicles okay and if they can keep the cost of ownership low okay on a vehicle they're going to sell more of them if they can take that European manufacturer that starts with an m and they're selling that car for 80 to 100 000 and they can get that owner to know that first owner that keeps it 30 000 miles and they've literally done one oil service in that 30 000 miles maybe it costs them 250 bucks maybe it got thrown in with the price of the of the car you know okay well when it comes down to the end of that and they want to trade it in they go well I haven't spent any money in this car this car's been great I haven't even had been to the dealership not even one time okay well they're gonna probably buy another one that same owner if you said well I want you to come back in here every seven thousand miles because the car want the car to last the longest and then they had to spend let's just say it was 250 on an oil service and even with 200 on all service and they had to spend that at seven at 14 at 21 and at 28 there's four of them there's a thousand bucks right 800 to a thousand dollars and they go I've been in the dealership uh you know what maybe I'm gonna go look at something different do not think for a second that that is not factored in to those maintenance intervals I mean I will tell you right now I'll go to the mat on this I will tell you that that's factored in so there's no doubt about that and we don't really look at it from that standpoint what I look at it and what our Shops look at it from the standpoint of is do you want to make this vehicle last a long time and if so let's be a little more aggressive on the oil services let's not overdo it let's not do it every 3000 Miles now let's let's look at a couple things here real quick just just to give you an idea that even the dealership Network isn't always prescribing to the manufacturer recommendations and these are the these are the manufacturer's Representatives let's just go to this Chrysler real quick so this Chrysler is a whoops and I just went out of it let me see if I can't go back to where I just was here we go um all right this is a 2015 Dodge Ram 5.7 okay very common vehicle we go down to engine oil Ten Thousand Mile little interval 10 000 model will change interval okay oil filter we're going to see the same thing 10 000 miles all right so same exact vehicle all right same exact vehicle we're going to come over here and we're gonna go this is just a Chrysler dealership on there website oil change intervals 8 000 Plus on the same exact vehicle okay so uh why are they doing something different than the manufacturer they're the representative of the manufacturer okay why do they change it you know people say oh they're just trying to make money they're doing it different you know I don't know I don't know why they're different but clearly they're different so yeah it says 8 000 plus but let's be realistic here they're gonna off they're gonna recommend it every 8 000 miles so gotta be honest with you very first one I've ever seen at eight but okay let's look at the same exact vehicle let's look at a bulletin let's go with the 10 000 which is what the manufacturer wants you to do let's look at a bulletin from the manufacturer on the same vehicle this is an oil consumption Bulletin okay and if we look at it everything all 2012 to 2019 okay vehicles gas vehicles the accepted rate of oil consumptions for engines used in the vehicles listed above is one quart every 2 000 miles okay now and they're even saying but if you drive it aggressively your high RPM or high speeds or loaded if you're if you're pulling something then you know it's going to be it could be more oil right so why if we're saying that 2000 think about this for a second let's let's loot let's let's use that math real quick so we're saying a 10 000 mile oil change interval so you come in zero mile you change the oil your you could potentially be putting a cord in it at two thousand miles according to four thousand miles according to six thousand miles and a quarter in at 8 000 miles and then you're changing the oil right well what if it holds five quarts of oil you've put four in it over the over the last eight thousand miles but 10 000 miles right so that's a lot of oil to be putting in it uh many years ago this was on a 2012 domestic product I'm not going to name the manufacturer don't want to get in trouble here okay we had a lady that came in and she was having an oil consumption on a uh on her SUV truck okay again a domestic product and she had been back to the dealership it was a 2012 and it was really new it had like 20 something thousand miles on it and it was consuming a quart of oil every Thousand Miles and she'd been back to the dealership and they said that's normal now they had a I want to say on that one a seven thousand mile oil service okay so uh she no I'm sorry that was a ten Thousand Mile lower service also I'm sorry that was a 10 000 oil service so she came to us she's like can you guys help me can you guys do anything well I mean what are we going to do it's a brand new vehicle under warranty so I called almost slipped and said the name I called the manufacturer directly and just talked to their representative and say this is what we've got and it's a year and the manufactured representative she told me that the actually normal oil consumption on that vehicle was every one quart every 750 miles on that vehicle well let's do the math on that if it's a 10 000 mile oil service even if it's a 7 500 mile oil service I mean you're talking about anywhere from 8 to 10 to 11 quarts of oil in between an oil service okay a case of oil being pouring into that vehicle in between all services so my thing is why do they make these normal consumption rates so so aggressive you know because they don't want to have things under warranty they don't want to be replacing engines under warranty they know they've extended these warranty these these intervals out they know it's going to have some wear in the motor they're going to be burning some oil now a lot of this will burn that we've got today on Modern engines I think is because of ring tensions and things like that but still you know we got to look at it from a manufacturer's standpoint they don't want things under warranty and they want the cost of the ownership to be low you know we used to have oil services every 3000 Miles I do think that's too aggressive that's too much we used to have transmission services we used to have coolant Services we used to have power steering Services things like that these are all services that people would recommend even manufacturers would recommend especially transmission services maybe not power steerings but definitely transmission services they used to recommend quite regularly and then they went away from that you know do they make the Transmissions better yeah did they make the oil better yeah did they make them last 500 000 miles I mean comment down below do you have a transmission right now that has original oil in it that's got 500 000 miles on a original fluid in the transmission 500 000 miles we're going to get some comments down there going to say yes and then I can probably for everyone that says yes I can probably get a hundred that say no my transmission went out at 125 or my transmission went out at 150 okay well maybe we should be recommending those right the same thing with oil services maybe we should be recommending them a little more often we do let's talk about filters let's move over here and let's talk about some filters so we all know oil services are a I mean many places use them as a loss leader we don't do that here okay we believe the charts the proper price for an oil service we're going to do the proper proper service on the vehicle we don't use cheap oil filters at all we don't use cheap oil at all we follow the specifications it's not going to be that it's recommended oil it's going to be that it's approved oil for the vehicle um and that's across the board and there's a lot of different oils out there if you guys are working somewhere and they've got one oil that they dump in everything um you might want to rethink that situation that's all I'm going to say about that so uh not one size does not fit all on this stuff and it's the same thing with every fluid in the vehicle so let's talk about filters though most places are buying the absolute Rock Bottom cheapest filter they can possibly buy why because they're trying to do an oil service for the Rock Bottom cheapest price they can possibly do it for okay I get that I I don't subscribe to that but but I guess if that's your business model okay but if you're putting a cheap filter on it and I could cut some filters open because we do these days we don't have to cut them open because most of them are cartridge filters but I've been cutting filters open for a long time many many years and looking at the inside somebody will come in and go we got the greatest filter known to man and you cut them open and go um yeah not so much right the gold standard for us no pun intended has always been Wix gold and there's a there's some there's some YouTube channels out there that are get real aggressive into into testing filters and they get real in depth on these in these filter tests they do they send the oil off they they put debris in it I mean they measure everything out and Wix seems to come out uh on top or equal to the top on almost every one of them you go out there and find those those videos uh it's always been a great filter I hope that Wix continues Wix if you're out there and you're listening to this please continue to be that because a lot of companies have gone the other way a lot of companies that used to be great are no longer great um we won't we won't talk about names but you know we want to go with a high quality filter so Wix gold you can look at our wall over there I'm not I'm not messing around here Wix gold is the minimum filter that we put on everything and I say minimum just because you know we don't we're not putting anything less than that on it um this is all our domestic and all of our Asian Vehicles that's what these are getting okay so high quality filter this is important when you're doing an old service high quality filter also right we want to Boy watch those videos with us most people put some of the cheap filters through their paces and you'll see how little they feel how little they filter when we do European Vehicles we're going to do man or we're going to do Hanks um so again high quality filters designed for the European Vehicles they've got the right felt and the right um it's just designed properly for the vehicle are these cheap filters absolutely not you know you know I don't buy these filters aren't aren't two dollar filters um and that's okay because when we're having our conversation with our client we're going to let them know we're using the best that they can that we can get we're using the stuff that's meant for the vehicle um and you get even there is a lot even the dealerships out there that are doing discounted oil services that aren't using I mean you figure you're going back to the dealership you're getting an OE filter it's not always the case because they're using discounted parts because they're trying to be they're trying to play in that Arena with all the low-priced people right and and I don't play in that Arena we don't want to be in there there's a there's too many there's too many players in there right let's be in the arena where we're going to be high quality okay and take care of the vehicle like we're supposed to it's the same thing with brakes and we could get into all that stuff too um but a lot of times you go into an OV for breaks and you're not necessarily getting an OE brake pad because they're trying to be in that price Arena so the reason that we use the high quality filter is I feel like when we do the high quality filter we can do that 5000 miles on it on a synthetic blend and we can do a 7000 miles on a full synthetic oil service we're perfectly fine these filters are going to last that long and they're going to do their job and then when we get the vehicle back in We're not gonna have to worry about you know bypass bypassing or anything like that so I know this is controversial I get it I'm going to get there's going to be a ton of comments on this video down below from all kinds of people you know you should follow the manufacturer's recommendation and I and I am not going to say that you're wrong by doing that you do what you're going to do just please think about this from the standpoint of what is the manufacturer attempting to do low cost of ownership get you into another vehicle that's what they want I get it man I'm happy for them and I don't have any hard feelings against them for doing that as professionals maybe we look at our our standpoint and go can we make this vehicle last longer for somebody right can we take care of them a little bit better and and do the oil services which are not super expensive anyway a little more often to save them from buying a motor or having a or having an engine go out at 150 000 miles if you have an engine that that goes out at 150 000 miles on a vehicle the vehicle is worthless at that point you're getting nothing for it okay there's no trade-in value on that there's no it's it's basically a worthless vehicle at that point you're either going to put a motor in it or you're going to get nothing for it scrap it and get and buy a new vehicle why not have a vehicle that at 250 300 350 000 miles is still a perfectly viable great running vehicle going down the road and it's still got value to it you know so that's what we look for here and that's why we do the oil services that we do I'd love to hear your comments down below I'd love to see the comments down below I know I'm gonna get a lot of them tell me what you think tell me what you do tell me what you do different tell me what you do the same do you agree do you disagree we read all the comments we love all the comments um and and listen I have no hard feelings against everybody you do everybody does things differently so this is just how we do it I appreciate you watching hit that notification Bell hit that subscribe button hit that thumbs up we really appreciate you we're getting towards 50 000 and we got a fantastic giveaway at fifty thousand uh cameraman is looking at it it's it's kind of back there right now oh can we see it I don't know um it's back there right now so we're going to show that in a future video for sure but hit that subscribe button so we get there quick thanks for watching we'll see in the next one
Channel: Royalty Auto Service
Views: 304,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oil change, Oil service, Car maintenance, Oil filter, Truck maintenance
Id: hgDsYPO5cAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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