How Nuclear War Between Russia and United States Would Affect YOU

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Congratulations! You're the first generation  since the end of the Cold War, where a nuclear   apocalypse is a very real and likely possibility!  So turn that frown upside down because if you've   been concerned over unaffordable housing,  crushing student debt, wage inequality,   global warming, and more- then nuclear war is the  answer you didn't even know you were looking for! What are the odds that things  will go nuclear in a hurry,   though? Happily, for all of us, the  odds are actually quite excellent! The first and most likely source of nuclear  Armageddon that eradicates human life from Earth   is the ongoing war in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin  has been rattling the nuclear saber ever since   the Russian army made a brave advance towards  Belarus from the outskirts of Kyiv. Suddenly,   Ukraine was no longer the pushover they and the  rest of the world thought it would be, and things   only went from bad to worse when the Russian  army suffered more defeats during the 2022 autumn   offensive. Since then, despite House Speaker Mike  Johnson and MAGA Republicans blocking Ukraine   aid and allowing Putin's army to begin to score  victories, Russia is still in pretty dire straits.   With Johnson threatened with being removed from  the speakership, though, he suddenly found the   fortitude to agree to pass a massive Ukraine  aid bill that threatened to create significant   problems for Russia. Europe's massive ramp-up in  aid and arms manufacturing is also slated to not   just catch up to Russia's now war-time economy  but surpass it in both scope and capability. The question is, now that the West has finally  taken the Ukraine war seriously, what happens   when Russia's clown-shoes army starts to suffer  significant, war-losing defeats? How will Vladimir   Putin respond to the West at last providing  war-winning levels of equipment while his own   factories and oil refineries are increasingly  under Ukrainian drone attack? With no means to   score a conventional victory, will Putin turn to  weapons of mass destruction? If he should do so,   the United States has already pledged  to retaliate- in a conversation with   his Russian counterpart, the US Secretary of  Defense stated that the US would destroy any   unit responsible for launching a nuclear  weapon. A second attack would result in   the destruction of the facility from where an  attack was launched. A third attack with nuclear   weapons would result in US forces launching an  all-out attack against Russian forces in Ukraine. Russia's been doing a pretty lackluster job  scoring gradual victories over Ukraine's   exhausted, under-trained, and under-equipped  army. Up against the might of the United States   military and its allies, Russia would crumple  like Chris Rock getting smacked at the Oscars-   keep NATO's name out your mouth. But that's  a bad thing, not a good one because it forces   an already desperate Russia back into a corner,  and Putin's very survival likely depends on not   getting completely obliterated in Ukraine-  to say nothing of his massive ego. Thus,   the condition for the use of nuclear weapons is  set, and any nuclear attack against US or NATO   forces only ends in one way: Russia being turned  into the world's largest radioactive parking lot. Unfortunately, despite the odds  that Dmitri and his buddies sold   the nuclear warheads in the missiles for  vodka and turnip money being very high,   at least some of Russia's missiles are likely  to find their targets in the US and abroad. But this isn't the only nuclear  flashpoint because everyone's   favorite bad boy, Kim Jong Un (use photo,  but replace Martin Lawrence's head with a cutout   of Kim Jong Un's head has got himself nuclear  weapons. Knowing that losing a war against South   Korea and the US means an end to his dynasty, Kim  Jong is extremely motivated to use nuclear weapons   before they are destroyed by US/ROK special forces  and aircraft. This would prompt a nuclear response   from the United States, given that South  Korea is under America's nuclear umbrella. Not only does North Korea have weapons that  can now reach the continental United States,   but there's the China question. How would  China respond to multiple nuclear impacts   right across its own border, knowing that  massive plumes of radiation and debris will   be blown inland by ocean breezes and into  China's most populated regions? In effect,   a nuclear attack on North Korea is a nuclear  attack on China, and President Xi is unlikely   to sit on his hands. His own political survival  and the legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party   would be at stake, motivating him to respond  with either conventional or nuclear force. And from there, it's a short spiral  to total nuclear destruction. But the really good news is that we don't have  to wait for war to be mercifully shuffled off   this mortal coil by cleansing nuclear fires.  At any moment, with heightened tensions between   the world's major nuclear powers, any sort of  equipment malfunction could trigger a nuclear   war. But no, we hear you say- there's no way a  simple error could trigger nuclear armageddon;   surely nuclear weapons and their related  support systems are only watched over   and maintained by the most competent of  individuals and best-maintained equipment. Oh, sweet summer child, we,  too, miss the naivete of youth. There have been so many close calls due to human  error that, frankly, our continued existence on   this planet might be all the proof anyone  needs of a higher power. In 1956, NORAD was   flooded with reports of Soviet Mig fighters in  Syria, unidentified aircraft entering Turkey,   a British bomber being downed, and sudden  maneuvers carried out by the Soviet Black   Sea Fleet. This looked to US personnel exactly  like the makings of a first strike against NATO,   prompting fears that European partners  would carry out a nuclear retaliation. Except for the unidentified aircraft over Turkey,  which was a bunch of swans flying in formation,   and the Soviet fighters in Syrian airspace were  a presidential escort for Syrian President Shukri   al-Quwatli. The British bomber that was  apparently downed, possibly by Soviet fire?   It experienced a mechanical malfunction, and the  sudden maneuvering of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet   wasn't preparation for an attack- it was part  of a publicly announced and scheduled exercise. Thanks to the recent solar eclipse,  social media is awash with all sorts   of moon conspiracy theories. But  in 1960, the moon wasn't just fake;   it was a full-blown Soviet nuclear first strike.  Radar equipment stationed at Thule, Greenland,   with the job of detecting incoming Soviet missiles  flying over the north pole, mistook the rising   moon as a swarm of missiles. The only thing  that stopped a massive counterattack was the   fact that Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev was  in New York City at the time for a UN meeting. A year later, Strategic Air Command Headquarters  suddenly lost contact with NORAD and multiple   ballistic missile early warning sites. These  communications links were all hardwired and   independent of each other, making it incredibly  improbable that they would all experience a   simultaneous malfunction. This left only  one option: Soviet sabotage in preparation   for a nuclear attack. SAC proceeded to prepare  the entire American bomber force for a strike   against the Soviet Union until it was discovered  that while each of these lines of communication   was independent and redundant, somebody had  the bright idea to run them through the same   relay station in Colorado. A relay station  that had experienced a technical malfunction. In 1962, a bear nearly ended the world. This  was the height of the Cuban missile crisis,   and the US military expected the Soviets  to carry out sabotage just before a nuclear   first strike. At midnight on October 25th, a  guard at the Duluth Sector Direction Center   spotted a figure climbing the security fence. He  activated the sabotage alarm, setting off similar   alarms across the entire region. However, at  Volk Field in Wisconsin, faulty wiring meant   that instead of the alarm sounding, a klaxon  alerting Air Defense Command nuclear-armed   F-106A interceptors to launch immediately.  The crews of these aircraft had been told   that there would be no drills and thus believed  that a nuclear war was already taking place. It   was only an officer in the command center who  drove his car onto the runway and stopped the   aircraft from taking off. The intruder was also  eventually identified as a curious black bear. Those aircraft could have been recalled via  radio- maybe. Recognizing the potential for   enemy spoofing, most nuclear crews were instructed  to completely ignore radio calls once they were   airborne in a real-world scenario, like the  crew of a French nuclear-armed Mirage IV in   1966, which, due to a thunderstorm  disrupting electrical transmissions,   received a wartime takeoff order by accident.  The jet was on its way to deliver its AN-11   atomic bomb to its target and ignored all  radio calls, as per their training. However,   the heavily burdened jet required in-air  refueling, and when they reached their   rendezvous point, and there was no tanker  waiting for them, they were forced to turn   back to base and abort their mission. It was  only then that they learned of the error. If you think that these kinds of errors are  limited to the past, when early warning systems   and nukes were pretty new, you'd be incorrect.  In 1995, Norway nearly ended all creation by   launching a simple research rocket. Russia  had been informed of the launch beforehand,   but nobody had bothered to tell the Russian  radar operators manning the nation's early   warning system. The detected launch began  on a trajectory perfectly mirroring that   of an expected American first strike using  submarine-launched weapons close to Russian   shores. This actually caused Russian President  Boris Yeltsin to activate the nuclear football,   and for a few minutes, the world was  a button press away from destruction. Are you feeling better yet? We hope so  because no matter what problems you're   facing- nuclear war is close  enough to take them all away. But how would you be personally  affected? Will you be one of the   lucky hundreds of millions who get to leave  the world behind via nuclear obliteration,   or will you be a cast member in Amazon  Prime Video's Season 2 of Fallout? There are four primary targets for a nuclear  strike, and both the United States and Russia   have the hardware to hit all of them in a  full-blown exchange. You might think major   cities would be the first target, but you'd be  wrong. First up on the nuclear chopping block   is each other's nuclear capabilities- this means  missile fields and nuclear weapons storage depots.   The attacking nation would hope to eliminate  their opponent's nuclear capabilities before   a retaliatory strike could be launched, or at  least a significant portion of them, to limit   the number of weapons that can be used against  them. This move favors the one who shoots first,   which is why the nuclear triad is so important.  With the ability to launch nuclear weapons via   air, sea, and missile silos, nations become  resistant to devastating first strikes. Next up are centers of government and military  power. This means capitals like Washington and the   Kremlin, but also major military installations and  naval bases. Believe it or not, each nation would   expect a conventional war to follow a nuclear  one- or at least have to act like such a thing   is possible. Thus, major troop concentrations and  stockpiles of equipment would be targets for the   nuclear flame. Are you an E-2 with a 45% interest  loan on a brand-new Dodge Charger? Don't worry;   a nuclear bomb is en route to renegotiate  that loan to 0% interest and 0 payments. Surely, you're probably thinking, now I'll be  set free from the burden of existence by nuclear   attacks that hit major cities. Well, you'd  still be wrong because up next are targets of   strategic importance for the long-term survival  of a nation. This is a nuclear war, after all,   one of the few types of war left where the  express intent is the complete eradication   of a nation-state. This means wiping out food and  resource production areas. Hate the impact that   fossil fuels are having on our environment? You're  going to love it when nuclear bombs annihilate and   irradiate vast swathes of the Gulf of Mexico,  Texas, Alaska, and other oil and coal-producing   areas of the United States. It's the ultimate  Green New Deal, with everything glowing green with   radioactivity. Literally, overnight nuclear war  will bring humanity's carbon emissions to zero,   so if you're an environmentalist, then  vote for nuclear war in the next election. Millions of people suffer from gluten  allergies that severely impact their health,   and exponentially millions more don't  actually know what gluten is and refuse   to eat it because it's trendy not to know  science. The good news for both of these   crowds is that nuclear war will solve  gluten allergy forever, with the massive   grain-producing territories of the United States  and Russia- who provide the bulk of the world's   grain- all blanketed with nuclear strikes.  If you hate the cruelty of factory farming,   the good news is that nuclear weapons will  forever liberate hundreds of millions of   animals across American and Russian farms.  The point of these strikes is to literally   starve your opponent into extinction and thus  prevent them from rebuilding their society. Alright, it's finally here- we've teased you long  enough. With nuclear infrastructure destroyed,   major government and military centers in  ruins, and most farmland and strategic   resource sites irradiated, it's finally your  turn. It's finally time to be set free from   the nightmare of late-stage runaway capitalism,  “it's just a prank, bro” social media influencers,   and a government dominated by geriatrics. Now,  the cities are targeted, with major cities like   New York, Los Angeles, and Dallas up first on  the chopping block. The destruction of major   financial and cultural sectors is paramount to  the goal of complete obliteration of the enemy.   The 9/11 terror attacks in New York City,  in which only a small part of the city's   financial sector was destroyed, still resulted  in nearly a 1% GDP loss for the entire nation. Economists will tell you that  nuclear war is bad for the economy,   but what their propaganda doesn't show you  is how nuclear armageddon is the fastest and   only way to reduce inflation to exactly zero  percent. These same financial experts will   also tell you that the runaway housing  market requires careful legislation and   market correction. What they won't tell you is  that nothing will permanently fix the housing   market and make homes affordable again, like  the annihilation of every major urban center,   along with the instantaneous death of over 50%  of the population. Is nuclear war the solution   to your problem of buying a home somewhere  you actually want to live because property   is unrealistically expensive due to runaway greed  and an unregulated market? We're not saying it is;   we're just saying that before you bash nuclear  war, you may want to consider the positives. Nuclear war gets a bad rep, but the truth is it  guarantees that either all your problems will be   immediately solved or all your problems will  be immediately solved because the sources of   those problems are now radioactive ash. Sure,  there will be new problems—but these can be   fun problems with the right mindset. Hypocrites,  after all, will play games like Fallout to escape   their daily lives, but when they get to play  Fallout for real, they will complain about it. But what if you have the horrible misfortune  of living somewhere that nuclear weapons aren't   currently threatening, somewhere like South  America or Africa? Well, we hate to tell you,   but the odds of you surviving a global nuclear  exchange are actually pretty good. Don't worry,   though; you'll soon know the sweet  release of death thanks to a rapidly   collapsing global order  and the effects of fallout. There are very few nations that are truly  self-sufficient to any degree. Japan,   for example, is so self-sufficient in food  production that it recently became a national   priority to increase the amount of farming done  at home. Most of the products you buy today are   shipped in from somewhere else, and even if you  live in a nation large and diversified enough   to have some amount of self-sufficiency, those  goods still need to be shipped to your location.   The number of nations who can produce their own  oil, let alone refine it, is significantly low-   even lower in case of a nuclear war, as many  of these nations would be targets themselves. During COVID-19, we saw the effect of  disrupted global supply chains or at least   got a small taste of what pre-globalization  used to be like. The problem is nations were   once used to being largely self-reliant or  conducting most of their trade with nearby   neighbors. Globalization has drawn the world  together, but it also means that the components   for the things you use every day are built  in ten different countries and assembled   in an eleventh. It's not impossible for nations  not directly affected by nuclear war to survive,   but it will be very difficult, and their  economies will shrink dramatically. This would   lead to widespread chaos and economic collapse  as millions cannot find work or afford food. Many of these nations would be eyeing their  neighbors hungrily, eager to take their   resources for themselves in order to maintain  their own survival. And there would be nobody   to actually stop them, with major powers like  Brazil and Egypt easily swallowing up neighbors.   For all the flak the United States gets for  its global military presence, the US military   helps stabilize the world by dissuading bad  actors from starting a fight they'll lose. War never changes, and in the wake of a nuclear  apocalypse, it would once more become mankind's   favorite hobby. Brutal resource wars, likely  with the use of non-nuclear WMDs like chemical   and biological weapons, would be waged. Mass  migration from nations targeted by nuclear   weapons would create the greatest immigration  catastrophe in history, and these migrants would   likely still be extremely well-armed. Despite  the destruction of major military infrastructure,   affected nations would likely still wield  significant military strength- significant enough   to overrun neighboring lesser powers. And with the  gloves at last fully off, these nuclear states,   who will have maintained a small reserve of  nuclear weapons, would be very likely to use   nukes to get their way- especially against  nations who can't retaliate in the same way.  That brings us back home because even  if you survive the initial strikes and,   by some miracle, society continues- then  congratulations because you're getting drafted   into the military. With Russia and the United  States absolutely crippled by nuclear strikes,   both nations would turn their surviving  military might on nations that were not   initially targeted. Seizing resources  from regional neighbors would be a   matter of national survival, launching  mankind into an age of resource wars. But in all likelihood, the end result for everyone  on earth from such a massive nuclear assault is   simply extinction. Nations may limp along for a  few years, but the effect of so much radioactive   debris being spread across the planet is both  an ecological collapse and climate disruption   severe enough to seal humanity's fate. Mankind  may be able to tolerate violent climate swings   or even a background radiation level so  elevated that everyone now has extra limbs-   but the complex food web we rely on could not.  The total ecological collapse of the planet is   inevitable from a full-scale nuclear exchange,  with the only hope of survival being specially   constructed shelters deep underground that could  hold tiny populations for a century or more. We're pretty confident Elon Musk will eventually  start building shelters that will definitely not   be used to conduct unethical human experiments.  Musk, after all, will need to ensure a portion of   humanity survives to fight Mark Zuckerberg's army  of cyborgs for the ultimate fate of planet Earth. If you want to be a spoil-sport, then  click here for “How to actually survive   a nuclear attack,” or click  this other video instead!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 145,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IzpKJF3GtS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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