How NOT to install a new roof

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all right guys um i've got a real treat for everybody today uh like uh like a halloween treat um like you go to uh to somebody to like a neighbor's house that you never really talked to he kind of keeps to himself and then for halloween on october 31st you finally go to his house and you're in your costume and you've got your your pillowcase to catch your candy in and then that guy that you never talked to that's just been aloof the whole time that you've been at your house this is your neighbor you see him but you guys never talk and then finally at halloween he's got the best candy it's always that neighbor that's got the best candy and i think that today the treat that i'm gonna give you guys i think that it's it's not unlike that neighbor with the best candy that you never talk about that you never talk to that you see but you never make eye contact with this is that neighbor right here this is that roof we're about to break down a roof system that is not that old but was put on incorrectly the shingles were changed out yes but everything else was overlooked egregious oversights everywhere and we're about to expose those oversights we're about to do a deep dive into what not to do when you're replacing a roof system this is also why if you live in one of our service areas being montgomery alabama and mobile baldwin county alabama if you live in one of our service areas and you get a roof estimate from us i guarantee you that our roof estimate is going to be higher than everybody else's and these are the reasons why if you guys are ready let's go this is billy guyette with guyette roofing and we're about to do a breakdown of how not to install a new roof system let's go here we go all right so we're going to start on the back side of the house i'm on a lower slope section that is riddled with soft spots it's very obvious that that water is getting in here this is probably a 2 12 slope a 2 on 12 which you probably don't need to be putting shingles on a on a slope this low there's maybe ways to do it if if you've got ice and water leak barrier underneath these shingles i i highly doubt that that was done anyway we've got several leaks in this area several leaks that i can actually see from the roof i haven't been on the inside yet this was probably the wrong roof system to install on this low slope section it was the cheaper alternative and that's why it was done i'm sure so we've got architectural shingles on a 2 212 slope that is going to be problematic almost every single time um so we definitely don't advise that uh let's see what else we got back here we've got all right we've got a a two inch cast iron uh plumbing pipe uh pipe coming through the roof right here and there's no pipe collar on it so they uh shingled around it and then just put roof mastic or roof cement they just caked it on and i don't know if the video uh is gonna capture this but we've got a a low spot in the decking right about there that is indicative of rot that means we've got rotted decking right by a plumbing penetration that wasn't even flashed it's not that it was flashed incorrectly there's just no flashing around it there's just roof cement roof cement will last uh for a few months and then when the seasons change the roof cement starts to separate or crack you can see a pretty defined crack right there where the shingle meets the the roof cement so water is getting in there you can see cracks all around there where water can get in it's best just to buy even an economy-grade pipe collar here we go economy-grade pipe collar um that economy-grade pipe collar would have been better than that so this brings us to our our next spot we've got a plastic pipe collar this is economy grade or builder grade um this is a four inch plastic pipe collar these uh these are definitely better than than the cheaper alternative which is just putting roof cement on um so they got that right but then right away they've either had problems or they they did this uh proactively they installed the plastic pipe collar and then we've immediately got roof cement caked around it so all this is going to do is dam up the water and and create another leak even though we've got even though we've got an actual pipe collar around it you can see that this low slope roof gets gets the drainage from uh from the upper roofs so we've got a lot of water coming down smacking this pipe and it's uh not flashed correctly they've been chasing leaks we've got caked on caulk and silicone this is going to be a problem for years to come until it is uh done correctly we've got another two inch cast iron pipe here no roof cement so that's good but we've got silicone caked on there um that's another problem so let's let's get off the uh pipe collars here um so we've got a little detail over here this is a uh an eyebrow on the on the roof or a sub roof to the to the low slope roof um there was definitely an attempt to flash it but you can see they just use cheap aluminum here you can hear it and it's all it's it's just installed incorrectly i i don't even know how to break this down [Music] it's just a bad move right here you should have some some custom-made apron flashing for this detail and you can see how it's it's already starting to pop up right here we've got the exposed nails and then more roof cement you can see all of the roof nails that were used to fasten down this aluminum are just completely rusted uh it is torn the aluminum has torn in a few spots this is just going to be also a a source of chronic chronic leaks for a long time until it's just done correctly you can see over here it looks like we we started to run low on on shingles and we just found whatever shingle was in the back of our truck and we threw down some weatherwood three tab shingles to finish out the roof project so that's also a problem we will keep going uh this right here i have a real problem with because we um we have a roofing company in in alabama um we work from uh the southern point of alabama all the way to to central alabama and we write up a lot of estimates and in all of our estimates we it is mandatory for our estimators to include re-flashing sidewalls no exception unless we're looking at new construction where it's already been done whoever roofed this didn't want to go that route so there's no new flashing here so they they either took the old flashing out or are left whatever corroded rusted flashing was there they brought the shingles straight up to this sidewall and just caked more roof cement on so we've got the same problem on this side wall as we do with that with that pipe right there times 10 because this is a larger area this is a natural spot where where water is going to is going to drain off the roof and it really needs flashing to to drain on so the correct way to install sidewall flashing is to have your sidewall flashing go underneath the siding so you either have to remove and replace this this siding are you have to carefully remove the fasteners from the lower part of the siding and slide side wall flashing underneath and then the the the flange of the sidewall flashing is is attached to the roof deck you put ice and water our our leak barrier membrane that goes on the roof deck and up the sidewall five inches and then you put your side wall flashing you clip it in and then you put new shingles and you've got a leak free area for years to come these sidewall areas are critical in the longevity of your roof system if they're not done correctly you're going to have some costly repairs if you ever decide to have it done correctly we've got an eyebrow detail right there or same thing there's there's no flashing detail whatsoever um we could have a nice piece of apron flashing going up that wall we could have another custom made flashing where the fascia goes into the roof line there no flashing whatsoever we've got we've got new shingles and uh and then roof cement caped on top of the new shingles so there we go that's um that's probably not going to cause a catastrophic leak but uh it's still a bad way to roof a house you can see right here that we've i apparently that sighting went all the way down to to this vertical slope right here um i don't know if if that sighting there was uh was rotted or whatever but they they put shingles right on right on the wall right up the wall um every shingle manufacturer voids their warranty if your shingles are covering a vertical wall shingles are made to go on roofs not walls so that's also a problem now let's we're gonna walk up the roof here this is a good one right here so i i came up through the front and i noticed this when i was coming up but you can see that they didn't use ridge caps so there's not a single ridge cap on this roof every single ridge has the the same architectural shingle that is used for the field of the roof has been cut up to be used as a ridge cap um there's a lot of problems with this this is not a good roofing technique this is a way to save money on all of our roofs we use a self-sealing ridge cap that that is made for hips and ridges this material right here is just a field shingle this is your regular standard architectural shingle this is not made to go on a hip it is it is done to cut cost so that that one always makes me upset just because i i know exactly what they're doing when they do that it's just a a cheap alternative to proper self-sealing hip and ridge shingles let's see see we got all right this is a good one we've got a uh brick chimney right there obviously this this chimney is no longer operational so instead of putting a galvanized metal cap they just put two architectural shingles i'm sure those are glued somehow but um that's not the right way to cap off a chimney so now we're going to make our way down this is a 10 on 12 roof pitch i've got my special cougar paws on they help me grip onto the to the asphalt shingles let's see what we got here this is a low slope section on the front we've got a a pretty bad leak towards the bottom here and i'm not sure where where the water is originating from but um this looked like a uh this low slope roof looks like it was a landing area for when they were replacing the the current roof it looks like they they use this as a staging area for for new material and for trash and you can see a lot of scuff marks on the shingles going up this valley this means this roof was probably put on in the summertime um and they nailed this valley right here uh before the roof was done so there was a lot of foot traffic and this is what all this is all these scuff marks right here is is foot traffic from guys walking from this low slope roof up onto the 10 on 12 valley there to access the rest of the roof and you can see here that scuff marks were so bad it actually tore the shingle then we've got a roof cement there the roof cement didn't work and now we've got the shingle cracking um so more chronic problems something was going on right here this is a an overlap in the the low slope roofing material this is going to be self-adhering modified bitumen this color complements the the shingle color so they got the colors right but the installation is wrong um you can see right here where they've got some type of metal underneath here and i'm not sure what the purpose of that is but the metal uh apparently wouldn't stay down so they put they put screws into the metal that penetrate through the modified bitumen roof system and we've got more problems and i'm pretty sure that the the leak at the bottom of this roof is is originating from from one of these screw holes uh it's not the right way to to seal down your membrane or seal down any flashings um so we just gotta you can look at this uh this row right here of modified bitumen you can tell it was just scrap pieces i don't know if the the video is gonna show this but you can see the the jagged edge in the in the modified right there that means this was just a scrap cut piece you when you when you're doing these low slope roofs you you start at the bottom and you work your way up and and i guess they they ran out of material and just use scraps there you want a nice manufactured edge at any overlap instead we've got jagged seams right there that can wick water and water can get in there eventually let's see we've got flashing detail there i'm not sure what's going on there all right so we've got more flashing details the they use uh modified bitumen as flashing which is which is okay um but they didn't go up all right so the video got cut off i had a phone call coming in um anyway it is it is okay for modified bitumen to be used as as flashing and it's actually preferred on a lot of flashing details but where they went wrong is first of all these these corners are not cut right but this is uh this is beginning to open up right there you can see that and the the modified was not faster than the right way to to this siding right here um they could have used some termination bar that goes on top of the mod bit and and keeps the mod bit from sagging down or opening up but there needed to uh to be some type of termination point here you can't just bring roll roofing or modified bitumin up a vertical wall and just leave it without fastening it uh fastening it into anything um so that's a problem right there as well then we've got we've got some more um cheap aluminum flashing here that's starting to separate there i was never terminated then right here this is another eyebrow section with no apron flashing you can see on a wind driven rain that water can just get right inside the roof system there you should have a piece of apron flashing that goes underneath that siding and then kicks out onto the roof there so i think uh i think that's it for this uh this video on how not to install a roof system um i apologize if uh if these videos are are overly negative maybe but um we get on a lot of roofs every single week we have people that call us that that have roof systems that aren't that old and they they already have leaks that are that are starting to to surface on the inside we go out and check the roof and we see that they've got newer shingles or shingles that that still have a lot of service life left in them but it's all of the other details that they're not doing right um they're just throwing up new shingles on the roof i have no idea if these are even nailed correctly i mean i could i could take a crowbar and start to peel back some of these shingles and and see where the the nails or fasteners are but at this point we've we've got we've got a lot of other things that we can talk about on this roof without even getting to to nail placement it's just very important that when you're in the market for a roof replacement to ask questions like what are you going to do around flashing details what are you going to do in low-slope sections of the roof how how are you going to nail the valley how are you going to nail the shingles what are you going to use for ridge caps what are you going to use for starter strip or are you going to put edge metal around the house are you going to reflash the chimneys are you going to re-flash the skylights the sidewalls that replacing your roof system is is more than just putting on new shingles putting on new shingles is probably 30 percent of the cost of a roof system it is so much more than that and we we try to educate homeowners because it's not their fault the average homeowner is going to put one roof on in their lifetime and there's things that i don't know a lot i know a lot about roofing but if i'm getting um my bathroom remodeled i don't know if they're using the right kind of grout or or if the toilet the commode is gonna flush the right way in three years after it's installed i i don't know any of that i'm just trusting the contractor that i hired and i i wish that it was that simple but it's not you have to do your own due diligence and ask the the roofing company these these questions and hopefully they can answer but even if they do answer require pictures during the roof replacement process we we use this app called company cam where we take pictures of the entire process and then we can we can share those pictures with with the homeowner if if they want to see them we definitely have the pictures for for just documentation if you hire a roofing company that's not taking pictures of their work then that probably means they're trying to hide something so ask those questions is is the project going to be managed by a project manager um ask those questions so i you know i'd um i hate to see roofs that are that that are falling apart like this because i i feel like it in the long run yeah it means that we have job security but i think that it it costs the it costs the economy a lot it's a drain on the economy when you have someone that's going to pay eight thousand dollars to throw up a garbage roof when they could have paid twelve thousand dollars to to get a cadillac roof system that's gonna last a long time in the long run they're gonna be saving money by spending more money up front and i know everybody knows this and it's not just about roofing it's about vehicle that you that you buy a whole house that you buy that you normally get what you pay for and we just want to we just want to educate homeowners your home is a is a big investment and and your roof is a part of that investment don't uh don't choose the wrong roofing contractor it can be bad all right that's enough negativity i'm about to uh to go to the house it is almost six o'clock and uh i don't know what we're gonna do i think we're having steak tonight anyway this is billy guyette with guyette roofing reporting from downtown cottage hill oldest neighborhood in montgomery alabama that's it alright see you guys
Channel: Guyette Roofing and Construction
Views: 855
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Id: BNai3x_JW8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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