How Netflix's Nimona DESTROYED Disney | Nux on Saberspark

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I was told that nimona is great and I was also told that pneumonis it's like one of those things that I got like completely mixed messages on so I am more than excited to see if it's worth watching nimona an animated movie that was recently released on Netflix that many believed would never see the light of day we are living in an era where times are changing where Disney is taking L after glorious L and finally finally we will be able to see an Era of Good animation this film was in the dirt the funeral was over mourners we're having some post Diario hors d'oeuvres and then the Mona's fist just shoots out of the grounds while screaming I live for those who don't know Disney had the opportunity to distribute this movie I was like it's a big game and decided you're joking it was too gay for Disney oh my god dude this is the ultimate L Disney the studio that is literally dying by pandering its ass off to like the mega woke crowd that is literally how they are losing their ass in the box office they missed this absolute Smash Hit because it's too gay that is Poetic Justice yeah scrap it instead the film was originally going to be a production from Lucas the folks who made ice age and peanuts but in 2017 21st Century Fox the apparent company who owned Blue Sky was purchased by Disney for a whopping 71 billion dollars so now Disney was in charge of Blue Sky in 2021 Disney shut down Blue Sky because apparently it was too expensive or something like that was apparently like 75 completed when Disney made this decision with many of the folks who worked on it obviously heartbroken to see their hard work wasted there were also rumors from Blue Sky staff that Executives from Disney were extremely apprehensive of lgbtq themes in the movie what does that even mean they have gay characters in every single one of their movies the plot they'll just show them far what they want token gay characters but they don't want gay characters that are actually like well-written characters is is that the problem this is my favorite Disney L I've ever seen clearly the gays were not profitable enough for Disney to give a okay Cyclops he was on screen for 10 seconds that can be edited out for international distribution hey sure why not but main characters who are men kissing Disney was like you know what uh we'll do that once it's profitable enough and not a second sooner a slice of humble pie for Disney because they've been eating nothing but at the box office yeah it is please suck my fat butt like your flop the newest Indiana Jones movie flock yeah well it's actually picking up steam as of late but compared to most Pixar films yeah compared to most Pixar films was a complete disaster yes they didn't lose 200 million dollars they only lost a hundred million dollars but Netflix here was able to score a win by salvaging the Mona and apparently broke records on their site with it now I wouldn't praise Netflix wholeheartedly since they've been silly billies of their own accord with scrapping their own animated properties as of late this doesn't redeem Netflix from canceling inside job like that Ed wall adaptation from the folks who made Over the Garden Wall is dead oh oh I'm gonna lose it I'm going to actually lose it but Netflix helping with nimona hey I would call that a win but here's the question is the movie actually good pneumonia was originally a webcomic created by Indy Stevenson AKA Indy now as soon as I saw the visual style for nimona I thought to myself ah this looks like something from Tumblr which hey I was 100 correct I also get some like Adventure Time vibes from the character designs the web comic ran on Tumblr from 2012 to 2014. and it would eventually turn into a graphic novel in 2015 Blue Sky announced the production of the film and then of course you all feel the rest so good it's like Disney buying it that's a really good adaptation God damn it's scrapping it and then Netflix were claiming it no I do Wonder though if a reason why Netflix jumped into The Fray is due to Indy's previous connections since he is the short film Shira looked kind of bad though of the Shira reboot on Netflix okay work is uh very important when it comes to business so I wouldn't doubt it it was fine yeah I get those good connections you know now I've Kira was good at some points what is no one saying yeah ever read the webcomic or the graphic novel though I did skim through it after watching the movie but I wanted to go into the movie with zero Impressions the movie was directed by Nick Bruno and Troy Queen with quite a few folks with all right now I'd imagine that this is due to the movie being passed around from Studio to Studio which makes sense gonna give you all a synopsis of the movie but just giving a fair warning spoiler alert from here on out nimona I'm down to get spoiled spoilers don't really ruin it for me for the most part surprise I thought it would be just spoil the hell out of me daddy my legs are spread an interesting twist I gave me OverWatch Vibes with the high-tech nights with laser Shield yeah it gave me OverWatch Vibes too when I saw all the nimona porn everywhere the stories about a kingdom that defeated monsters long ago and how an order of nightstanding Constant Guard to protect the city the said order was created by a legendary Knight named glorious the utmost hero of the people a thousand years ago and a character by the name of baluster and commoner is allowed to enter the order of knights by permission of the queen it quickly proves his worth and even has this really cool dude who is a descendant of Loris as a best buddy all right sure his name is Ambrosius and they are just the closest of good friends just a couple of guys being dudes they're just guys being dudes and it's a great setup for the rest of the movie though I do have my critiques but we'll get to that in a moment so baluster accidentally kills the queen during his ceremony [Music] oh man oh man it is now on the run from the kingdom he has to prove his innocence and that is when nimona arrives nimona is a shape-shifting hell-raising Anarchist who wants to team up oh my gosh he's just like me for real for real baluster as it's villainous sidekick the two joined forces to discover the truth and clear the name of Alistair and the eyes of the Kingdom you need the Squire then let's go kill get him let's go that's funny I was invested in the story it's a murder mystery rump around a sci-fi fantasy inspired City hey dude fantasy nights are the coolest blend that are it's so hard to do right in a fantasy sci-fi World why are people wielding swords it's hard to do right but when they do it's just such a great aesthetic oh kind of gave me zootopia Vibes in a way that was more chaos and less furry well hold on I technically was some Fury due to pneumonia shape-shifting so okay how about that when you see that big pink thing you're not gonna be like oh wow furry there is no porn of rhino nimona I am willing to stake my balls on the line I was disappointed with the lack of World building I expected to see more of the city it's people and its culture there's an implied emphasis on class Division and a big plot point for baluster's story is how he came from the common rabble something that was not admitted for entering the order but it was difficult when racism or classism is a theme I really like when it's explored properly I like when it has a full Arc I hate when people wield it like a weapon to make you feel bad for a character or root for a character I feel like it really needs to be given all the respect to tell the difference among the people of the city like besides the other Knights hazing baluster I just told the people as average people with nothing extraordinary about them one way or the other they don't seem like they're downtrodden they don't seem lesser than others so it doesn't really impact me the same way as the movie is trying to like I guess imply my man sieber Sparks you're being like God damn it these citizens are being treated way too fairly for my tastes I like citizens when they're being stepped on when they're being spit on I hate seeing citizens be treated fairly god damn it be a little authentic to me hell ifster himself needed a more compelling backstory or active goals in his journey to become a knight there were moments he seemed like he was just kind of going through the motions and lack the inner fire of achieving his goals sorry I'm bringing up zootopia again but we saw that fire with Judy at the police academy understood her struggles and goals I don't really feel that with baluster initially but hey it's forgivable the movie makes up for it other ways there's a queen who gives baluster a chance to switch things up by becoming a knight and I wondered about her motives but I assume they were just genuine because she gets killed early on the film okay the character called the director who is very obviously the bad guy a story about institutional oppression and bigotry and there's a character who oversees an elite order of purebred Knights and has the title of director oh yeah it's not a stretch of the imagination the thing that interested me the most in the story was the Divide between baluster and it's so wild how like all the knights are wearing white and he's wearing black [Music] Brosius we're under the impression Ambrosius loves baluster but due to his station and Heritage he has now pitted against the man he loves due to Legacy and his nightly Val she's pretty good he loves the guy from the other side of the tracks but does he have the ability to see past the veil of discrimination can his love for baluster overcome societal pressure and institutional hierarchies check this box but in a way that felt lackluster it was good wait what they just meet up in secret oh man oh man but it could have been better let's back on that here in a moment then we got nimona hey she looks like she looks awesome she looks like the best character for sure good incarnate with an appetite for screwing with institutions just like me for real for real who would have been best friends with a rock and roll Spider-Man from spider-verse I think his name is Hobie yeah that guy he's a freaking love Hobie hoopy whobe he's awesome no mana's got this Gremlin energy and shows up I love that so much yeah that guy he's a grizzling energy dude just just knocking things over for the sake of knocking them over she has nox energy for real for real she's nux pill to the max balusters life as an innocuous Hellraiser but would eventually reveal that she is by the definition of a city a monster due to her shape-shifting powers she can turn into animals she can turn into other humans seems like a lot on the table though I wish the movie would have gotten even more creative with it but hey oh well it's fine it gets the job done for the action scenes with battles and chases I was having a blast with the animal shape-shifting made me think about he's like Beast Boy except pink this is just Barbie Beast Boy he's also Gremlin energy oh my God Beast Boy and nimona are literally the same person The Emperor's New Groove when Cusco and Pacha are running from isma and also maybe think about the wizard battle from Sword in the Stone you know the only good part of that movie yeah that was the best part of the movie for sure oh you want to play rough nimona's character gets more fleshed out as the story progresses which I do appreciate her motives are revealed to be more than just I'm bored and I want to do crime apparently she was the monster according quote that originally was defeated quote unquote by gloris a thousand years ago that's a Twist holy that the two were once friends but where the city believes that nomona was a bloodthirsty monster she was actually harmless and was rejected by the people a thousand years ago for being different with glorious betraying her too admittedly this was a weak plot twist I'm all for glorif once being friends with the Mona but Gloria's change of heart was very sudden and needed more impact in my opinion perhaps in miscommunication all right all right accidents that left war with afraid and confused but instead she just immediately sided with her Village and somehow became a legend in the process I needed more substance there movie the very same way that baluster needed more that's a little weak I feel like if this would have been a TV show it would have had a much better way to flesh this out in 12 episodes hey look at movies just not long enough to cover everything that that they're really trying to see for like zootopia there were only two characters that they actually needed to flesh out in this movie there are three and it's really difficult to flesh out three completely separate characters in an hour and a half run time that's what his motivations well at least his initial motivations the finale itself was also a little simple for my liking despite the awesome Kaiju Vibes that's cool monster design I like it balusters save the Mona the knights and Ambrosius see the lights and the Mona sacrifices herself with a loose end that implies that she survived personally I was hoping for more friction between the Mona malester and Ambrosius that baluster was stuck between two individuals donning for each other's throats with pneumonia and Ambrosius due to their understandably charged emotions and perspectives the character of the director seemed like an easy scapegoat for a villain when we could have had something more dramatic I feel like they do that so often also it's like the first half of the show it's kind of aimless with who the main villain is and then the villain is just the director who is racist and cruel and looks down upon people Mona and Ambrosius like I said earlier I skimmed the graphic novel after watching the movie and it seems that was actually the case in the original story for the graphic novel also glorif wasn't a childhood friend of nimona I believe I couldn't read all of it but I noticed some Stark differences when compared to the Cinematic adaptation if anything it left me wanting a series but knowingly there we go that's what I'm talking about the production of this movie I'm just glad it exists at all so yeah for a movie with such inspired immature themes yeah there's no way Disney would be able to just censor out the the gay romance myself was a little too safe and predictable for my liking but what really saves this movie is the dynamic chemistry of the characters the back and forth was the Mona and baluster is the best part of the movie with a character who has the rounded straight man no not straight like that and then this I see what you did there chaos Gremlin who pushes the envelope this type of dynamic is a classic Duo and can work very well when done right which is most of the case in this movie my one complaint though is the occasional tonal Whiplash which is again why I wish this could have been a series with the chance to Pace things out it's weird to go from serious hips of discrimination than to cut to a dance number Montage with a shark eating pizza also there's a bit of irony it's hard to ignore when the Mona is like I'm not a monster and then the next scene is like expressing her interest and killing people though again gotta underline it's hilarious the word irony I think that's just nimona having fun but for the people of the city not in on the joke it doesn't really help her case with winning them over but then again they always opposed here regardless so maybe I'm just wrong on this one all in all though uh nimona has a lot of her some people are vilified so at that point why not just be the villain I feel like that's a really common mentality not just in television but on social media for example when someone gets vilified by everyone they realize well I'll just be the villain and they get a million times worse like if you look at Aiden Ross the man wasn't nearly as bad as he is right now before he got vilified when they vilified him that's when he really went crazy that's when he really started doing some real heinous and it's undeniably the nucleus of the movie which is good for a movie named you know nimona I really mentioned the themes in the movie and how they weigh in more on the mature side the long-standing Prejudice of Institutions the Discrimination of people outside of said institutions so to economic division but the biggest theme seems to be identity which is represented in nimona and her ability to shapeshift not normal and a threat there is undeniably an lgbtq subtext in the story but in a way is there really such a subtext the main two characters are gay how there's a gay relationship but it's not the focal point of the film it's also never treated in a hostile way from the antagonists of the story it was a normal life yeah that's really how how you have to do this stuff you can't make it stick out it has to be if you want to normalize it it has to be normal in the story it's approached never overtook the plots or the characters and was just a thing and I really respect that now I'm sure some folks will still complain uh saying like it's a woke but I'll take this over Disney pretending to care with zero conviction any day that's how I started this whole thing hold this fat colossal quivering pulsating L Disney the end even has a line of dialogue that was along the lines of maybe we were wrong all along which was very powerful that monster is a threat to a very way of life and what if we're wrong what if we've always been wrong the music was good that is a hard-hitting line especially today when I feel like most debates that are held between different parties whether it's political or otherwise everyone has their own mindset and there is nothing anyone could ever possibly do to change it no one will change their minds they are going into this it's like dude when you when you see people say listen let's have a rational debate maybe maybe my mind will change your mind won't change love the rock and roll it was a perfect match for nimona and her goofy chaos the voice acting was also great you had the actor for hit girl from Kick-Ass Chloe Grace which was wonderful casting along with the rest of the characters visually the movie was a blast though I do have a few Hang-Ups again it's hard to be a hundred percent critical against the movie that was on its deathbed but I'm gonna voice my opinions anyway first off the stylization was excellent the animation industry has been shifting towards more stylized movies and shows as of late and I am 100 here for it if anything nimona gave me Arcane Vibes with its shading and textures though to a lesser degree the background in this movie like just from what I'm seeing there's no shot this even compete compares to Arcane I am one of the staunchest Arcane Defenders you will ever see cross as vacant at times which is particularly conflicting when looking at City scenes but it's not bad just a bit too sterile maybe this was a creative decision or a restriction because of the budgets but either way it left me wanting for more especially with my previous desire for more World building the setting itself was like an urban city from an OverWatch level uh surrounded by the wall from Attack on Titan cool concept but uh yeah need to be flushed out a bit more in my opinion yeah with the camera designs and animation are the real winners when it comes to visuals I loved how expressive the characters are from their mouths their body language I like that also the eyes made me think about Klaus in a way which is absolutely a compliment there's also a cartoony energy to the film that works well with the action scenes in particular with Dynamic movement and composition that is exciting especially when a shape shifter is involved the Escape scene in the First Act was a blast and kept you guessing with what animal might appear next to help nimona and balusters she pooped him I'm a jam now I do wish we got to see more in that regard since the novel itself had a dinosaur but hey again it's all good I was satisfied with what we got also pneumonia's human design was fun as well like I really liked her shape and it felt fresh and unique it fit her very well with her personality and by God so she struts around Russians steal the show one arm club's about to get some new members oh look at that Gremlin smile dude I love this style get it overall nimona was the movie that refused to die and I respect the production company on the print of pictures for giving it a second life and that Netflix was willing to host it again it seems like a more substantial story could have been told here but as far as the movie adaptation goes I enjoyed it but once more the animation industry finds itself in a very interesting place right now where Pixar and DreamWorks are struggling with theatrical releases yes yes fail incredible chaos chaos Elemental and Ruby Gilman nimona breaks records on Netflix but here's the question was it a financial success it's hard to say since Netflix is Hush Hush when it comes to metrics but the movie survived and I think that's more than enough of a victory considering its circumstances the folks behind a mona can continue to create inspired movies and shows and the distribution companies will have the marketing fortitude the supports and Creations instead of letting them drop into Oblivion theaters and streaming are both in a very precarious and interesting spot right now as viewers are expecting to be wowed in order to spend money if a movie in its marketing yeah then I don't know what happens next guess we'll have to wait and see hey I wanna know what you all about nimona you watched it post your thoughts Down Below in the comments I'll see you all next time that was a good video I'm happy to see Netflix take a w from Disney not that I love Netflix by any means just watching Disney fail it just oh God it makes me aim makes me so hard like subscribe and follow me on Twitch stay weird fam
Channel: Nuxanor
Views: 98,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nux taku, nuxanor, meme, reddit, stream fails, vtubers, hololive, vtuber nux, nux taku shorts, nux taku streams, saberspark, saber, animation, nimona, disney, netflix, blue sky, cancelled, nimona reaction, nimona review, nimona netflix, nimona drama, nimona funny, saberspark nimona, nimona ending, nimona trailer, nimona meme, disney fail, disney downfall, woke, disney woke, How Netflix's Nimona DESTROYED Disney
Id: IU0rxZsV1ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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