How much Weight Gain in Pregnancy is normal?| Dr. Anjali Kumar | Maitri

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there are only a few times in a woman's life when she is looking forward to the weight gain pregnancy is one such beautiful time when weight gain is a sign of things going normal inside do you know an average woman gains about 9 to 15 kgs weight in her pregnancy the baby is just about 3 kgs where does the rest of the wage comes from oh my God how will I get rid of this weight so hello everyone I'm Dr Anjali Kumar I'm a gynecologist and obstetrician and I bring greetings to you from met3 met3 is a space where we talk anything and everything about women's health so continuing once again with our pregnancy Series today let's talk about this weight issue where does the pregnancy weight gain comes from your baby on an average May weigh anything between 2.5 to 3.5 kilogram now that accounts for some of your pregnancy weight gain but what about the rest so the growing large uterus accounts for about 1 to 1.5 kgs of weight gain the placenta weighs about 0.7 to 1 kilogram so placenta is an organ which connects the mother and the baby so it's a big circular organ which is attached to the top of the uterus the amniotic fluid in which the baby is floating around also could be anything between 1 to 1.5 liters did you know a pregnant woman has about 2 to 2.5 liters of extra blood circulating in her body there is also increased water retention in the body this could account for 1 to 1.5 kilograms of weight gain the larger breasts also account for 0.5 to 1.5 kilograms of weight gain there could be extra fat Stores Only 2.5 to 3.5 kilograms now this totals up to roughly about 10 to 12 kgs so most important remember it is weight gain it is not just the fat gain this much weight gain is required in a healthy pregnancy if you do not gain this much weight this could mean that either the growth of the baby is compromised or some important components like the amniotic fluid the blood volume Etc may be compromised which is not a great thing to happen in pregnancy so what is the desirable weight gain in pregnancy which means how much weight should I gain in pregnancy so it actually depends upon your pre-pregnancy weight and BMI how can you calculate your BMI so BMI is nothing but weight in kilograms divided by square of height in meters you can easily calculate your BMI with any calculators available on line so in case you've been underweight before the start of the pregnancy which means that your BMI was below 18.5 the recommended weight gain for you is between 13 to 18 kilograms in case you were of healthy weight which means that your BMI was between 18.5 to 24.9 the recommended weight gain for you is 11 to 16 kgs in case you were overweight before you started your pregnancy which means BMI of 25 to 29.9 now the recommended weight gain is just about 7 to 11 kgs in case you were obese which means that your BMI was more than 30. the recommended weight gain for you is only 5 to 9 kilograms in case obviously if you're carrying twins then these numbers will have to be higher you remember a balanced a nutrient-rich diet along with moderate exercise and physical activity is the key for the healthy pregnancy weight gain for most of the pregnant women the right amount of calories are in the first trimester only 1800 calories in the second trimester 2200 calories and in the third trimester of 2400 calories remember you have to eat for two but you don't have to eat double I'm not putting on weight in the first trimester when will I put on weight I know this is the most common query which I also get to see in the patients when they come to me in the first trimester in the first trimester most people do not gain much weight in fact many women as many as 85 percent lose weight weight in the first trimester that's perfectly all right do not worry you would eventually gain weight it's only in the second and the third trimester that the steady weight gain starts to happen you will now gain roughly about 0.5 kilograms every week until delivery I am gaining too much weight so gaining too much weight during pregnancy which is more than the recommended weight gain can increase your baby's risk of being born with a larger size which means a bigger size baby a bigger size baby is obviously difficult to deliver with many complications at the time of birth there is something known as shoulder dystocia which means that the baby's shoulders get stuck at the time of delivery increased chances of cesarean delivery instrumental deliveries did you also know that bigger babies have a higher chance of developing obesity when they grow up in their adult life uh increase weight gain in pregnancy can also be a sign of excessive water retention high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia and the biggest problem with the increased weight gain is how will I be able to lose such weight gain after delivery so now few tips how to avoid gaining too much of weight during pregnancy number one start pregnancy at a healthy weight or BMI if possible always eat balanced meals drink enough water be mindful of your Cravings of Belgium chocolate ice cream at 2 am in the middle of the night is more likely to be adding to your inches uh to your waist then the baby's weight always choose complex carbohydrates which is like Roti rice breads homemade food avoid having added sugars solid fats processed and packaged foods be active and start a simple walking routine this is the simplest exercise which every pregnant woman must do every day try and enroll yourself a prenatal class or maybe a prenatal yoga class in fact most of the scientific bodies recommend that a pregnant woman must be active for minimum 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity per week what if I do not gain the recommended weight in pregnancy so less than Optimum weight gain increases the risk of fetal growth retardation this means that the baby could be born smaller in size the baby's growth or the baby's weight is less than Optimum the babies which are born too small may have difficulty starting breastfeeding maybe at a higher risk of many illnesses infections and might experience developmental delays so what are these this is not meeting their expected growth milestones for their age so some fun fact do you gain more weight when you're pregnant with a boy so it's actually true women carrying a male fetus have significantly increased maternal weight gain during pregnancy when compared to women with a female fetus can I try to lose fat when pregnant so in the past as doctors we did not want to promote weight loss during pregnancy for women with obesity also because it was thought that it would not be good for the baby but now the new research shows that the women with obesity can safely exercise and diet to lose weight without any negative impact on their babies while being so if you've been struggling with your weight in the past it might be hard for you to accept that it is okay to gain weight now it is normal to feel anxious as the numbers on the scale edge up keep in mind that you must gain weight for a healthy pregnancy the extra pounds gained will eventually come off after you've had your baby a healthy diet and a regular exercise during pregnancy and after delivery are your Best Bets to ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby and early recovery to a fitter Hue so today if you found this information reassuring and useful please spread this video with your friends and family especially those who are on their family way till then take care and I'll see you soon with some more exciting information about women's health
Channel: Maitri
Views: 251,260
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Keywords: weight gain in pregnancy, pregnancy, weight gain, normal weight gain, how much weight should a pregnant woman gain, healthy amount of weight gain in pregnancy, how much should you put on in pregnancy, pregnancy and weight, how to lose pregnancy weight, how much is normal to gain in pregnancy, dr anjali kumar, sejal kumar mom, gynacologist, weight
Id: k6pvKOMmDkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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