Sex in Pregnancy- Is it safe?| Dr Anjali Kumar | Maitri

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pregnant women and their husbands often wonder if it is safe to have sex during pregnancy most of the time people do not know whom to ask this question and are even hesitant in asking their doctors about this will it cause a miscarriage will it harm the unborn baby does the baby know what's happening and how to do it safely so here is what to know is sex safe during pregnancy yes it is sex is a natural and normal part of a couple's life during pregnancy penetration and the intercourse movement does not harm the baby baby is well protected and cushioned by the amniotic sac the mucous plug at the mouth of the uterus the muscular uterus walls and finally your abdominal walls can sex trigger labor not really the contractions of the orgasm aren't the same as the labor contractions these are transient tightenings of the uterine muscle these are known as braxton hicks contractions and they usually quickly pass off on their own still as a general safety precaution your doctor might advise you against having sex in the final weeks of pregnancy as the hormones in the semen sometime can stimulate contractions these hormones work in a similar way like the hormones known as prostaglandins for the same reason having sex in the post-dated or overdue pregnancies also sometimes can help to induce the labor sex drive during pregnancy every woman's experiences during pregnancy are different including how they feel about sex for some the desire fades during pregnancy while some women feel more deeply connected to their sexuality and more aroused when they are pregnant some actually feel that their desire actually goes up because now they are not worried about the birth control so during pregnancy also it's normal for the sexual desire to come up and go as your body changes you may feel over conscious as your belly goes or sometimes some women actually feel sexier with the larger or the fuller body in first trimester because of nausea fatigue or sometimes breast tenderness it actually might kill your sex drive do not worry it will come back in the second trimester as the women generally become more comfortable the sex drive might come back the third trimester the sex now may actually feel very uncomfortable in the last few weeks of pregnancy because of the uncomfortable body size anxiety and worry about the childbirth whether this would harm the baby or not sexual positions in pregnancy lying flat on the back in the normal missionary position or the sex after the fourth month of pregnancy may not be really safe or comfortable as it is actually difficult with the baby's bump in between it may not be very safe also because in this position the weight of the growing baby constricts the major blood vessels at the back which are actually supplying the blood to the baby and the uterus so avoid lying back or avoid lying flat on your back after the fourth month of pregnancy any position actually which reduces the pressure on your belly is safe it can be women on top it can be on the side it could be anywhere any position in which there is no direct pressure on the belly uh in case of vaginal dryness you can use a lubricant to make the sex more comfortable in case the sex is still uncomfortable you can enjoy intimacy in other ways too oral and anal sex one big caution it's absolutely unsafe and dangerous for the partner to blow air into the pregnant woman's vagina remember this can be life threatening it can cause air embolism it can be immediately fatal anal sex will not harm the baby but it may be uncomfortable in case a woman has pregnancy related hemorrhoids should i use a barrier contraception or condoms as always if you are not absolutely sure about your partner's sexual history you must use a canon remember pregnancy does not protect you against sexually transmitted infections such as hiv herpes genital warts chlamydia and these infections can affect your baby too so please take your call wisely very important when not to have sex during pregnancy number one in case you are at risk of miscarriage or have a history of past miscarriages in the previous pregnancies number two in case you are at risk of premature labor which is you're having contractions before the baby matures before 37 weeks of pregnancy in case you are having any kind of vaginal bleeding or any kind of infective vaginal discharge in case your amniotic back is leaking fluid or you have ruptured membranes in case your cervix has opened too early and your doctor has told you to be on bed rest in case you already have a cervical stitch in place that's a stitch which we place at the mouth of uterus to make sure that the cervix does not open before time in case your ultrasound says that you have placenta previa which means the placenta is no lying in case you are expecting twins or triplets or maybe multiple pregnancies red flag signs after pregnancy sex so in case these signs happen immediately inform your doctor and report to the emergency room number one any kind of pain in the lower abdomen any kind of contractions in the uterus so this is transient tightening which is now not getting all right second vaginal bleeding or any kind of a watery thin watery discharge from vagina any significant discomfort what if i don't want to have sex during pregnancy that's perfectly all right there is more to intimacy than sex discuss with your partner in an open and loving way if sex is difficult unappealing or off limits it's okay absolutely to not do it benefits of sex during pregnancy now sex during pregnancy can also have certain benefits number one it keeps you fit sex burns calories and can help to keep both the partners fit it improves the bonding between the partners some couples find that sexual activity in pregnancy actually brings them together ah in a study in 2004 it has been found that sex during pregnancy can actually give a boost to the immune system increasing the levels of iga which can fight many infections it causes increased happiness the sex during pregnancy releases endorphins which can make the mother and the baby both feel happy and relaxed sex after delivery the first six weeks after the delivery this is known as post spartan pivot now sex during this time may be the last thing on your mind you may have very less desire because obviously there are stitches you may have uh stitches down below this is known as episiotomy this is the incision which is given at the time of vaginal delivery you may be healing from the abdominal incisions in case you've had a sizzling birth uh generally women tend to have bleeding about still about six weeks after delivery so that also you know doesn't make you feel comfortable to have sex fatigue after pregnancy because you know you're obviously tired you've given you've given birth to a baby you're looking after the baby you're not really sleeping well uh the changing hormones levels so uh post delivery you know suddenly there is a fall in the level of the estrogen and the progesterone so obviously it changes the changes lots of things in the body too you may be having so breasts from breastfeeding also a lot of women face postpartum blues anxieties over parenting relationship issues and lot of other things ah as doctors we always say that it's a good idea to wait for at least six weeks after delivery before any kind of intercourse uh it's very very important to be emotionally ready physically comfortable and relaxed remember to use a proper contraception as fertility can resume any time after six weeks of delivery it's very very important for all of you to know that ovulation can begin anytime six weeks after delivery uh in case uh you know you want more information about the contraception you must follow our contraception series on mercury some subjects need to be talked about and spoken openly at methue we believe in making uncomfortable conversations easy and comfortable so today like always if you found this information useful please do not forget to like share and subscribe to matrix and i will see you soon you
Channel: Maitri
Views: 1,137,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pregnancy, sex, sex in pregnancy, sex during pregnancy, can pregnant women have sex, is safe sex during pregnancy, pregnant women sex, can sex cause miscarriage, can sex induce labor, how to speed labor, how to go into labor, sex and labor, contractions, sejal kumar mom, dr anjali kumar, pregnant women, pregnancy dos and donts
Id: V-jCCShyOvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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