How much ROBUX can you make from UGCs in 7 days?

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the UKC system sucks and I'm not the only one that thinks but instead of talking about how much it sucks I'm going to join in and also make really bad 's now if you didn't know how to make roox easily from U I can't tell you myself and as I'm so inexperienced with UC I felt that getting help from a professional was a good start so how much have you made from gc's um let say close to 100K that is that is crazy what did you make to uh get this much robox I made cut outs of famous people for example Ronaldo Messi you know people like that all right can I see some 259 favorites as well damn 1300 sales damn 1,300 sales okay holy but do you think like how much luck do you think they send this it depends on how you do the item and how you advertise it's mainly more items the better so if I did like the same thing how how long do you think it will take me to get a th000 roblo maybe a week a week yeah okay all right okay I'm going to try I'm going to try now if you didn't know if you sell one GC you only get 30% of the robo you sold it for now Asar said he thinks I can make a th000 robo in this week so that's what I'm going to try and do with that being said I'm going to start this challenge off and create my first juc all right so it's time to make my first item now so from what he has told me it seems like I'm supposed to make cutouts or just fake limiteds I'm kind of skeptical on the fake fake limited one cuz it feels like I'll just get banned you know but actually one year ago I made a fake limited which was just never uploaded I don't know if I'm going to find it but if I do find it I'm just going to upload that today I did not find the model I was looking for so if you were a normal person you would have just made another one right just make a new fake limited but I didn't feel like that and I just made some random really really weird thing I'm I'm sorry for what I've done okay I'm I'm really sorry for what you're about to see all right that being said this is the hat so as you can see this is the head right here and well this is the um accessory I don't really know what this is I think it's like an hamster as well a beaver whatever you want it to be basically but yeah your head is right here inside the mouth which is kind of weird but it's creative it's original so this is the hat that I made for day one now tomorrow I'll make another item that might not look like this one if this does well though I'm going to make another one like this okay but yeah it's kind kind of detailed and I think it's kind of cool I mean it's weird but it's like it's cool though you know so let's just expert this so let me just go inside Ro Studio real quick and yeah time to upload it all right so my video corrupted when I actually saw what happened today so I'm just going to give you a summer instead so it turns out three people has favorite the hat which I didn't think would happen but with free favor you could think that you would get some sales from it right well turns out I have actually gotten Z sales which is sad but it's fine cuz I did not do what he told me to do that's why I'm actually going to start doing what he tells me to do and make some cut out ugc's but for that I actually need a person to cut out of course and I think I got the perfect one I'm going to do Mr Beast so let's just take some random one like this one maybe probably not that one actually yeah okay so let's do this one I'm just going to add a reference image of him there we go there he is so nice and beautiful and finally I'm going to add a cube which I will then make into a tiny tinyy little circle that you can see right there so yeah now with this circle I'm just going to trace Mr Beast out and there we go Mr Beast is fully outlined now don't worry about all of these stuff right here it's there so the texture doesn't glitch out or something let's just press on F and he is now is one color so because of that let's just add a texture to him and as you can see now he is fully cropped out of the background let's just export this now to Roblox studio and let me just upload it then so let's just go ahead and make this a back accessories cuz he's supposed to be behind you I think I made this a waste accessory oh yeah I made this a waste accessory my fault my fault all right there we go so it's done now we added a description the name and the image looks good I guess so let's just submit this for 750 Roo and I'll be back when it's done I got a warning from that what how did I get a warning oh wait it's cuz Mr Beast it's a person okay okay so that's that's something wait so they have fixed the bad moderation then holy okay so that didn't work but it's probably fine let's just try and do something else this turn then oh that I spent so much time oning that that didn't feel that good I got some old stuff that I made you know what let's just upload this thing okay all right so this is what we're going to upload instead of that thing that I made cuz that just got taken down so it's just a little cap that lays on your head let's add it to Roblox all right so it's day three right now and I haven't felt like doing anything today but trust me I'm going to do something today still cuz that's just I I need to do that anyways as you guys can see the reason you has gotten five favorites which is really promising for some sales and if you're wondering the hamster attack still only has three favorites but still that means that we might actually have some sales today so let's just check the analytics and hope for the best so let's go to Avatar items and we haven't sold anything at all I really thought we were actually going to do that but that's sad it's okay though it's okay though so out of eight favorites no one of them actually bought anything which to me is kind of crazy like who favorites stuff without buying them maybe you're saving them actually anyways for today's Yushi upload I'm actually going to do the same thing that I did yesterday and I'm going to upload something that I have already made and it's this sword right here now I made this sword kind of a long time ago about 2 years ago I think but I really really like it like personally I think this looks really cool but yeah this could be the perfect back accessory so I'm just going to upload this and I'll see you guys tomorrow okay so it's day four right now and I have high eler today so I haven't checked anything at all but I really like this sword so I actually think this might have gone in some sales so let's check it out and 10 favorites so this has the most favorites so far of all the ugc's which I think is really really promising so let's just go straight to the point and check if as has gotten some sales so let's go to Avatar items and come on man it's stay more we haven't sold anything at all damn this is much much harder than I thought it was going to be but you know what I feel like we should pick it to advertising this sword right here cuz I I don't think I have a better chance with another U see this is probably my highest chance of getting some sales cuz this actually looks cool and I think I actually got the perfect idea of doing that of course without spending any roo as you might know I own the game what if I added my UC into the game now would it be kind of cheating it probably would but right now I just want to be over with this challenge so I feel like I'm just going to do that so I'm going to try and find somewhere I can put this in and I'll I'll to you guys when I have done so I decided to not add it into the game cuz other people said no but instead I made another U and well with that you see I promoted it inside the roox group that HS the Roo game so hopefully I can finally get some sales a I can't really make a hug see today cuz I'm going to go away in like 30 minutes or something but today I actually think we saw something so as you can see the DIY Hubert only has three favorites but we have 36 people that actually know about it as well as 16 people on Discord so I swear if I don't see more than just one sale on this I'm going to lose it okay so to the big reveal did we actually sell something with this oh gosh okay Avatar items and holy we got eight sales okay wait wait that's actually really really promising then it doesn't look like that much but it's 200 Robux we got 3 days left in this challenge that means we're going to be shy about 200 Robo um okay so we really just got to Hope right now that this goes as well and the algorithm hits this item cuz yeah otherwise we just failed the challenge but now we actually got something that's starting to sell and now to the final reveal did we actually make a false Roo well no no we did not it wasn't even close yeah so in total it made around 600 Robux which is 400 Robux shy of 1,000 so it's safe to say that I did not complete this challenge anyways I really hope you enjoyed this video go ahead and subscribe if you liked it also leaving a like is on the table but yeah thanks to my members and I hope to see you in another one [Music] bye-bye oh yeah
Channel: Bloxy
Views: 65,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make robux, roblox robux, how to get robux for free, roblox, bloxy, Roblox UGC system, FREE UGC, Roblox UGC's, How to make UGC's, Roblox UGC system is trash, how to be ugc creator in roblox, ugc roblox
Id: E_V21zqadGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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