How Much Profit can a First time Farmer make from 500 Chickens?

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hi guys so in my previous video I talked about starting a 500 capacity Chicken House on a budget now if you didn't watch it I'll leave a link to that video right here so you can check it out but what you need to understand is that the main conclusion was that we are going to be doing boers and there were shortcuts to be made but in the end we all don't just start Firs simply to start it on a budget in the end you're looking at is it actually profitable for me how much money am I going to be making so in today's video I'm going to be sharing with you guys how much profit you actually expect to be making from a budget Farm a 500 chicken budget farm so stick around right through to the end because there are a lot of things that are going to be discussed a lot of variables that you need to understand so first before we go into that we need to First understand the cost because in the last video we didn't share the cost yeah we shared the shortcuts you would make and everything you would do but we didn't share the absolute cost of how much it would cost so we have to first understand the cost the second thing is that I'm going to use US Dollars all the currencies all the figures are going to be in US dollars so you can convert them to whatever currency in your country and the third thing is that the prices are going to be typically where I am and that's Uganda now the market in Uganda for chickens I wouldn't say is like the hugest but it's also not very small compared to a lot of countries so I would say you know it's good enough to compare the food prices here are considerably cheaper compared to a lot of other countries but again even the end product is not so much expensive so I feel like it would be something that would give a proper estimation but again it's important that you actually look for the prices depending on which country you're in so that you put it in a better context for your country so when you go to the cost the first thing that you're going to have to put a price to is going to be the chicken house itself so if you're going to be raising braillers 500 brailers you're going to have to raise them in a chicken house so first thing is the size of the house you're going to space them between 12 12 and 13 BS per square me and what that means is that you're going to need a chicken house that measures about 10 m by 4 m 40 square m 40 square m is enough for you to put BDS at 12.5 BS per square me and you be at 500 broilers inside that chicken house you're talking about commercial broilers not do pass PS not about layers typically commercial broilers inside that house that would be very sufficient now when we talk about the actual construction of the chicken house the materials that you're going to use number one you're going to have to use poles like we said earlier on then for my costing the sides I used iron sheets just like you're seeing on my chicken house here actually I'll put an insert of a chicken house that I built exactly like the one that I think would be an ideal one this is the chicken house that I built and constructed earlier on for my grandmother but this would be a perfect chicken house it's very cheap so you use iron sheets at the bottom just like this one and then you'll have mesh for the top that's enough certainly enough you just put a roof over it here I have chain link and and wire mesh that's all you would need that would be typically very enough so those are the costs that I use but you can even make it a little bit cheaper because instead of using iron shoting like me you can use wood you can use timber remember that these things also come with their complications if you're using wood and Timber it means that cleaning it for the next batch is going to be complicated and if you're doing broilers cleaning is quite often so you want to use a material that you know you can be able to work with but if you're working on a budget then you'll have to struggle and suffer to clean properly but reduce the cost so when it comes to the cost of the chicken house you're going to pay about $220 for me that was the cost that I got uh for a 10x4 chicken house using iron if you use wood and you know wooden off Cuts tree off cuts it becomes even cheaper next up is the equipment that you're going to be using inside the chicken house so when we start with the chicks you know when they are still babies you're going to use smaller drinkers so the chick drinkers you'll need about maybe seven of them you know seven of them would be sufficient and the total cost of the seven drinkers would be about $13.24 next up would be the chick feeders the chick feeders are going to use are the small wooden troughs you know they wooden small and long uh those are quite cheap honestly very very cheap and if you're going to be using those it's only going to cost you about $676 for what's enough to fit your chicken house and then next up would be the adult freeders so the adult freeders will also be constructed from wood they are wooden troughs uh you'll place them inside the chicken house and for that it will come to about 15 years so the thing that you need to understand with the wooden feeders and the drinkers is that they waste food a bit you know you have a bit of wastage of feed so you need to monitor them very well don't overfill them so you need to make sure that you feel them a bit more often you know you come back a bit more often to make sure that you put food inside there because if you over feel them to make sure that uh you you don't come back very often then the chickens will keep you know pouring the food down and whatever they pour in the liter they usually don't eat so you want to make sure that you put a bit less feed but put it more often you know come back more often so they don't spill food and then next up would be the adult drinkers now the adult drinkers are typically very improvised they are not drinkers that you're going to buy from a shop these you can actually make yourself I've actually made a video on this channel I leave a link to that video right here which shows how you can make very cheap local adult drinkers you'll usually just buy Jerry cans from a shop or somewhere and then just cut them formulate a drinker and use it so these enough to feed your chickens would cost you only about $10 only $10 will be enough for you to buy the material that you actually need to make these drinkers the next St would be the litter inside the chicken house for litter you can use different kinds of litter you can use wood shavings you can use coffee HKS you can use rice HKS depending on what available and cheaper to you yeah so for me where I am right now the cheapest option is actually wood shavings you would need maybe five bags maximum inside that area and that would cost you about $540 next step is the chickens themselves so now left the equipment next up is the chickens themselves now with chickens you can't make shortcuts you certainly can't make shortcuts you need to make sure that you get the very best quality of chickens available because if you don't the chickens are just going to eat your food and never put on the weight that you require so make sure that you get chickens from a proper breeder so that the chickens are good they're not sickly they're not you know falling sick and causing you problems you want the very best the very best quality the very best that you can supply to the clients so when it comes to the 500 broilers it would cost you roughly $351 35 next up would be the Cho so you need something to use to hit the chicken house and usually the most energy efficient viav C source of heat inside the chicken house is usually Cho and with Cho you'll need about two bags you know depending on the quality of the choco it could maybe get to three or four but if you have good quality Cho you only need two bags because you're only going to brw for about 2 weeks the area that you're hitting up is not so big so you don't need very huge stoves so for Cho it would cost you about $16 us22 next up are the vitamins now what are vitamins for at the beginning as soon as you bring in the chickens you're going to have to give them vitamins uh to reduce the stress and then after that every time you do vaccinations you actually give them water that contains Vitamins because vaccines stress chickens vaccines are usually a small dose of the disease itself so you don't want to keep the chickens very stressed so in order to minimize the effects of stress on the BS you're going to have to give them vaccines so you're going to need about 2 L of vitamin which you're going to give the chickens right for for the beginning and also after vaccination about 2 lit would be sufficient and uh these 2 L would cost you about $16 us24 next up are the vaccines themselves now vaccines are another place where you can't compromise you can't compromise and get the worst quality or even mediocre vaccines you need to make sure that the vaccines you're getting are good quality vaccines because if you get terrible vaccines you give these vaccines to your chickens the vaccines are not effective they're not working for the chickens your chickens are going to get sick you're going to to lose everything you want to lose the money you put into the structure into the birds the food everything so you want to make sure that you get the best quality vaccines that you can actually get and so H you're going to need two dozes of ncdi IB usually two rounds because the very first one you'll get when the birds have been given as the haty so you're going to need two doses of NCD IB NCD is nucle disease and then the second one that you're going to need is gobor also two dozes so about four different vaccines you're going to have to give to the chickens and this would cost about $181 the other thing that you need to know is that the figures I've given for vaccines are for a th000 dozes because for me where I am it's impossible for me to access vials that are 500 dozes I've only found 1,000 dozes and you can't get 500 doses so you have to buy the vaccine for 1,000 doses you understand get 1,000 doses of course you'll mix and then get off simply enough water to that would amount to 500 dozes that's what you have to do but don't give the BDS less vaccine that they actually require it's better you buy more a little bit more expensive it's $10 guys $10.81 so it's not too much but it's very important the next thing would now be the feed itself so when it comes to feeding the chickens there are two main types of feed you're going to give the birds some people give three but more commonly people give two the first one is the starter feed which you give for the first two weeks and then after that it will be the grower feed which you give from uh usually day 15 up to when you car the FL you're going to be calling it early maybe 35 days you know you'll give it uh the grower feed so the stter feed the birds will consume about 542 G per BD uh for the stter feed that's the 2 weeks the beginning 2 weeks if you convert that to kilog for the 500 buds that means that you're going to consume about 291 kg total consumption of the feed and then the cost of the stter feed is roughly around 49 cents per kilogram so what that means is that the total cost of the feed the St feed is going to be around $141 us57 and then next step is the grower feed that you're going to give to the birds till the point of selling them so for the grower feed each BD will consume about 2,000 8810 G or if put in kilog that means that's 2 kg and 810 G that's what everybody is going to consume so if you convert that into kilog for all the 500 buds that takes it to about 1,4 5 kg for the 500 Buds and then the price per kilogram of The Grow Feed is about 41 Cent per kilog and so when you convert this into the total cost of the 1,45 kg that takes it to about 549 59 so when it comes to the feed there are a few assumptions that we're going to take for us to get to these figures the first thing is that you're mixing the feed yourself yeah for me right here I'm using a Prix that's what got me to that cost so I have a Prix and then I add my own soy cake and then I add my own maze brand and my own broken maze in order to make the fit the premix usually will have the other micronutrients that are needed for the bir so those on I'm not buying uh personally but I'm trusting a company which is supplying me the premix to make that feed it it brings it to a really cheap price compared to for example using a big concentrate yeah that's the advantage the other thing that I'm going to assume is that you bought maze when the price was low actually kept it so the price of maze in this formulation or in this cost is actually quite low so you buy during Harvest Time and then store to utilize when the price goes up also the other thing that I'm assuming is that we are keeping the buds up to de35 so if I'm talking about the grower feed the grower feed is up to de35 de35 means about 5 weeks you understand for us here in Uganda that will be about 2.1 kg live weight of the BDS 2.1 kg when you Slaughter that that gets to about 1.5 1.6 kg Slaughter weight and that's sufficient on our Market a lot of people are consuming that and it's okay for us here so I don't understand what it is on your Market you might need to make a few adjustments to bring it maybe to 42 days or maybe a little bit longer than that depending on which country you're in and so that means that you would have to feed the birds a little bit more food so you need to calculate and change everything and then when it comes to the labor we're going to assume that your labor is free what does that mean you're going to be working inside the chickens yourself remember you're trying to do everything on your budget so if you're not going to be working yourself then you're going to get someone maybe a cousin a sister someone around who's actually going to help you to do that work inside the chicken house so that it brings the cost down for you as much as possible you don't have to pay for labor when you can actually work yourself or when you're on a very tight budget so if we put the entire cost of raising these 500 brers till the point of selling it comes to about $1,364 us24 that's our figure next up we're going to our sales how much money actually going to be making from the sales so there are assumption here is that you're going to sell the buds as live Bud because again remember you're on a budget if you're on a budget that means you don't have the money to slaughter the bud you don't have the money to buy a freezer and refrigerate the BTS so there's just no way you're going to be spending money on slaughtering and refrigerating so you're going to sell the BTS as live BTS the other thing that we're going to assume right here is that you actually had your Market figured out yeah you don't have to get the in the BDS and then start raising them and then start looking for Market when the buds are 34 days old that doesn't make sense you need to make sure that you already have your Market your C your market so that number one they don't eat into your profit because on day 37 if you're not selling those BDS actually starting Day 36 you're losing money because they're going to be feeding more and more so make sure that you have secured your market right at the beginning so that you don't struggle selling them keeping them around for long and you don't have any money coming in so when it comes to the market currently in my country a live Broiler at around that weight will go for about $378 now this is not too low this is not too high it's just about right in some places I've been to it's significantly lower in some places I've been to it's actually a bit higher but this is more of a reasonable price $378 a reasonable price to sell on the market so what that means is that when you sell your 500 brailers on the market you're going to get $1,891 us89 that's cool isn't it so what that means is that you're going to have a profit of about $527 63 guys I think that's insane that's really crazy think about it just 500 braas you're only keeping them for what 5 weeks and you're getting over 500 us I feel like that's good but we're going to make assumptions yeah the assumptions are number one you raised the broilers very well they were good quality Buds and you managed to raise them very well they didn't get sick they didn't get ill because as soon as they start getting sick and Ill you're going to spend money on medication things that we haven't budgeted for inside here we have only planned for vaccines and that's normal there's no plan for medication here number two if the birds are getting sick they're going to grow slower so they will take a longer time to reach the marget weight and then you're going to feed them for longer they might even fail completely to reach the target weight the third thing I going to assume is that you fed the BDS properly on proper quality feed at a low cost at a really low cost so that means that you bought the feed at as low a cost as you can get them but number four is that your negotiation skills are very good very good you manage to actually get an acceptable price for the broilers because like I said if you struggle with the market you're going to get way lower prices that means your sales price is going to be lower and your profit is going to be lower so these are the things that you pay emphasis to now also to remember that this is only the net profit for your very first batch for your subsequent batches you're not going to have the cost of building a chicken house and of buying equipment like the feeders and the drinkers so that means that your subsequent flocks become significantly significantly cheaper so when it comes to your second batch we shall take up the cost of the chicken house and the cost of the equipment and that's about $265 and so what that means is that your profit on the next batch of birds will be about $792 and 63 cents guys that's crazy that's really crazy imagine doing that on only your second batch of 500 chickens that's really crazy I feel like it's something really good it's something good that you can start with when you do this it simply means that you can now get more money reinvest first of all into the very same structure or build another structure and bringing more buds into that structure so that maybe every 2 weeks selling buds you know consistently selling so that you don't lose your market and maybe bring in even more and build bigger houses or more houses so that everyone week you're bring in buds so that it doesn't stress you and so that you're able to make money consistently so tell me comment in the comment section below would you actually consider starting a broiler Farm on a budget honestly I feel like yeah anyone should be able to consider this anyone I've shared a lot of videos on this channel about chickens and I feel like it's nothing complicated anyone can start this also I've shared about the cost of starting a 1,000 layer commercial farm so if you want to consider an explore that you can check it out I'll leave a link to that video right here so check it out catch you very soon with another video lots of love bye-bye
Channel: Farm Up
Views: 84,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FARM UP, farm up poultry, farm profits, millionaire farmer, beginner farmer, millionaire, profits, rich farmer, how to become a rich farmer, millionaire farming, farming tips, earning from farming, farming goals, dr daniel, poultry farming, poultry farming tips, small scale farming, small scale poultry, farming business
Id: iJOC7m844lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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