From Being a Nurse to Chicken Princess on the Smallest Space

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I'm buying a chick at 192 on a higher side plus the fee that is my calculation so I get the chick at 192 Shillings I grow the birds for 1 month that is 4 weeks sell them and uh at 300 Shillings on a higher side and on a lower side at 280 Shillings so roughly I make 80,000 to 100,000 Shillings as my profit at the end of the month so that is almost six times what I was earning as a as a medic during my white colar job I'm a first daughter in my family an educated nurse I'm a wife I'm a mother and this these nurse decided to do this dirty job out out of what I've been doing as a as my main job being a first daughter to my dad I have managed to build a three-bedroom house that was the gift I would give to my parents because at first they thought we educated this nurse and she eventually ventured into just chicken but chicken has done me that I managed to build a three-bedroom house without harambes without WhatsApp groups chicken did it [Music] yeah [Music] greetings to you all a agriculture is here in Troya County and if you're new to our YouTube channel guys kindly hit the Subscribe button like and share and today we bring you one of the best chicken breeds and one of the best smart farming ideas in terms of poultry look behind me a very small space chicken are there brers are there and a Fed storage is [Music] there welcome a agriculture to transo it's an honor to have you here at Glades Farm kimini sub count in transo County so this is a gladies farm where we do uh various activities of of course with chicken we have improved kenyi breed at the farm this is where we raise our birds from one day old chick up to 1 month that is basically brooding then we sell the brooded chicken to the small older farmers who are going to raise the birds to maturity some are going to sell the eggs from the mature Birds some will sell the the meat from the mature CS so as you can see these are our breeds it is an improved All Purpose breed a very vibrant breed uh a Hardy breed so I'm glad to have dealt with this breed you can see they looking lovely they are very Hardy and resistant in the rural community the breed is uh has faster maturity after 3 to 4 months the Cs are ready for meat after 5 months you can start receiving the eggs they have tasty meats and they can do well in the rural community so this is the reason why I decided to quit my nursing job just for this business I'm a graduate in nursing I graduated in 2015 and after graduating of course with that mind of having white color jobs so I went through my internship medical internship after that I went to be employed in private institutions these hospitals I was paid 15,000 to 18,000 the highest employer paid me 20,000 then in 2019 uh I thought that I need to try something else as a side hustle to help me run of course my meet my needs so uh chicken was my first thing that came in mind and I thought uh this should be my priority in the list of the things that I was planning to do I had a childhood friend who was a teacher and for so many years I saw her practicing some chicken keeping at home she used to do some keni chicken and as I was growing up I saw her trying to practice some improved keni chicken so I decided to pay her visit in her Farm she had around 100 chicken improved keni she was raising them to maturity then selling them after 6 months some after 5 months and uh I know she she was making some good extra money from what she was paid for as a teacher so I thought this is where I should begin because I have some Benchmark uh towards the end of 2019 I decided to resign from the Private Hospital that I was working and uh I was a good architect and I had so many uh uh Petry layouts in mind so I decided to look for a fundi who would put up a structure a small one that could raise at first I started with 100 that is what I had seen from a friend so I had a small structure the ones that you see here are a bit Advanced because I've grown in this industry so I had a poultry structure that could accommodate 100 chicken towards the end of December in 2019 then come to 2020 around April May there that is when Corona was in the country H and now I decided to Embark into this business because we all know that most of our teachers even uh engaged in that business and because I was following that mentor of mine who was a teacher she grew even from 100 to 200 she was now doing 300 that challenged me to even getting more flock and I decided to go to 200 I was still raising them because I was looking for market so I was raising the chicken for 3 to 4 months disposing them then I thought this was taking too long for me to realize what I wanted and I started uh thinking that I need to try to brew this chicken to raise them to buy de chick raise them up to one month you know most of our Farmers don't uh are not able to raise the chicken in that uh young stage and because I had everything you can see I have some source of electricity I have some small brers here I thought I would be the best person who would Transit the farmers from that uh handful state that they are afraid of to something better so I decided to raise the birds for one month I had no Market but I usually Market them uh of course not I I had no I had a few working farmers who would buy five chicken 10 chicken so I GW from 300 chicken uh every month disposing some and keeping some to maturity of course at first I would not sell everything I was selling around 150 and keeping the 150 some would come some Farmers would come after 2 months others after 3 months but I would maintain that small Capital after selling the 150 chicken to bring another flock so I GR grew into 2021 I started doing 400 chicken every month to 2022 there was some growth you can see the growth is coming because of course I'm making some profits so the profits are also increasing my capitals so at the moment I'm keeping 500 chicken after every two weeks so in a month I do at least 1,000 chicken I'm selling the month old chicks to Farmers after 3 to 4 weeks I'm able to dispose the 500 chicken so my market has grown and I don't have specific customers those Farmers that are buying from me are going to bring some they're going to refer others and they coming back they coming back to pick more than what they picked and bringing two or three Farmers so the market is growing itself because of the breed that I'm dealing with and uh I don't see myself uh finding another job or going abroad to look for white color jobs because I can make what most of the employed people in Kenya are making from my little uh small business here that has grown to something bigger I'm okay with it as a mother I'm a happy mother I can always buy anything I want for my children because I'm assured of some pocket money that I get from the chicken so my children are happy as a wife I'm a supportive wife because I have my own income I'm just sited at home working from home looking around my children but I can provide I can bring something on the table uh besides that remember this H this lady who is purely into poultry this dirty job job at the end of the day I dress well and imagine what I don't just call a rider because I drive I have my own car that I bought it out of this chicken I also have my motorbike and a rider I've employed someone because this Rider helps me to deliver some chicken to some Farmers so my own vehicle my motorbike is what chicken has done to me I have as a woman I have also secured a plot for myself of course I have a for this year 2024 to add more chicken to multiply the business so that I can build now a rental because the plot is already acquired so guys chicken has done me great and I don't regret venturing into it I recall the moments I used to rise up very early in the morning and I'm supposed to be at work by 7:30 and live there maybe in the the following morning because maybe sometimes I was having some night shifts and you know you would get home very tired you don't have any time for your kids for your family and at the end of the month what you would be happy for was the 15,000 or 20,000 so I usually sit down and ask myself uh what is it that other people are doing to make life better and I used to look at H somebody like our current president who Rose to be a president and uh from what what we had the story that we had he was selling chicken by the roadside and that was of course that that always became my first option and I was thinking can I can I also be like President rut can I try this chicken not necessarily selling them by the roadside or do something with chicken that would at least give me a happy life uh I used to hear some stories of our founder of who has been doing poultry muku poultry and I was thinking also if these people have done poultry they are twoo success uccessful people that I know of course there are s people who have done poultry but the two people usually inspire me and one day I sat down and decided that I think poultry is the way to go I've never regretted being in poultry because it has changed my life of course poultry has a lot of challenges uh there's no business that has a soft Road uh but poultry is one of them I've always been a risk taker and it brought a lot of challenges when I was starting in the beginning but at the moment I can say the challenges are reducing because at first I remember when I was buying some breed somewhere I used to buy maybe 200 chicken I could lose around 50 to 100 chicken but still that never demotivated my my spirit to continue doing chicken so for the last Almost 2 years I had so those challenges sometimes you would get the chicken at that tender age I have some dogs here they would eat the old flock then you're there to start again but I kept kept on hoping that one day this business will transform my life they I I managed to solve my my pains in poultry when I got to this breed that I'm dealing with at least I'm the happy farmer so far because at the moment I can do a th000 chicken and I can lose at most 8 to 10 chicken so I usually think that this is now rewarding me my efforts that I had in the past the pains my past pains are being at least fixed because I can sell 100% And remember the eight that I'm losing I'm always added an extra 10 chicken because we had added two chicken in a box so I don't lose my chicken so I'm making an extra coin out of that uh the other challenge is feeds of course we are buying feeds at a higher cost but we will not we will not lose up because eventually we have to to look for that small margin that will make our business go faster so we can buy feeds at a higher cost but of course we have to make also the price suitable for us and for the farmers so those those are some of the few challenges diseases are common but with the current B that I have I don't experience a lot of poultry diseases but of course we know with management biocurity we can it is something that we can avoid what I would like to tell my fellow Youth and women is that people think that agriculture is a dirty job chicken is non profitable but what I would tell you is uh there's no diry job and uh what matters a lot is your account there has never been dirty money neither has as have we had uh an empty account that has made anyone happy so action speaks louder than words uh welcome to Glad farm and see what poultry has done in my [Music] life hello gladies how are you I'm fine thank you we are so happy and glad to be at your gladies film this is a agriculture thanks and welcome to gladi farm this is what it takes to be a poultry farm oh nice how does your day look like well my day is not as a poultry farmer it is not a I cannot give a a a constant way but of course I will give how it looks like because at times I have baby chicks so I have to wake up very early in the morning at around 4: or 3 a.m. in the morning but when I have 3 weeks old chicken or 4 weeks old chicken my day at least uh starts a bit late at around 6:00 a.m. in the morning so I will give my day when I have the baby chicks and also when I have maybe 3 or 4 weeks old chicken so when I have uh uh de old chicks I usually wake up very early in the morning because you know the small chicks they need some light some warmth during the brooding stage so I have to wake up at around 3 4 to check whether the warmth is okay maybe to to add some charcoal because I use uh charcoal for brooding and some source of electricity the infrared bulbs but the infrared bubs are not sufficient for the energy so that is why I supplement with the charcoal so I wake up at 400 check the warmth then I go back to sleep at around 6:00 a.m. in the morning there are some routine practices that I do one I get into the poultry house ensure that the fot foot part is disinfected before I get in it is a new day then I check whether they feed is enough of course I'm starting a day so I have to get all the feeders and drinkers wash them then I start feeding them and giving them some water it depends when the chicks are young I supplement them with some vitamins for almost 7 to 14 days uh but during the other weeks I don't supplement them with vitamins so I do feeding I do I provide water then of course the normal cleaning in a poultry house so then I feed them three to four times in a day so my day ends at around 6: to 7:00 p.m. in the evening when I'm providing the warmth until 3:00 a.m. when I'm up okay yeah you mentioned that you buy cheats and feeds at 190 Shillings what uh what amount of feeds and how many number of FS well sorry I think it should be 192 shs so the i s my chicken from a reputable company that uh sells chicken at a package so they provide the feeds and the vaccines so so because uh for them they Supply uh vaccines to those farmers who are buying 300 chicken and above so the company that I'm dealing with uh is looking at the farmers that are going to buy the month old chicks and they are assuming that those small older farmers who are going to buy the chicks at after one month chicks they don't have uh enough resources like I do because have advanc in poultry they need to buy the chicks when they are fully vaccinated they need to buy quality one month old chicks the same way I'm sourcing for Quality uh one day old chicken so the package is you buy a kg for 1 month of course my birds feeds on a kg of feed for one month so 300 chicken uh they are given 300 kg so like for me I do 1,000 chicken 1,000 kgs at 192 Shillings for a month then I also get the vaccine the booster vaccines are the farm where did you opt in selling chicken well when I was starting as a poultry farmer I used to do mature birds that I would grow them up to 5 to 6 months uh then sell them of course I would in have a lot of input on feeds sometimes I would lose them along the way due to diseases and at the end of it all maybe I would not I will realize a small profit and coming to know that most of the farmers uh don't prefer buying de old chicken I saw this as a business opportunity and I realized that farmers are really interested in getting quality chicken that are fully vaccinated most of the farmers think that buying de old chicken is had to raise and uh they have a lot of challenges with vaccination that is why I saw it is a business opportunity I thought raising them for one month uh was a good uh Venture and again I I realized a lot of profit when I I Diversified into this because I initially I tried the mature birds and I also gave a try to these one month-old I compared and this was the best way to go okay what variety of these because I see they are all uniforms well this is a dual purpose breed it is an improved keny when I say Dual Purpose these are birds that can lay and they can give us meat so they are ready for meat after 3 to 4 months these are the Cs that we can sell them then for the females they can start laying from 4 and a half months to 5 months this is a an F1 breed and um it is a Sasso breed I chose this particular breed for 1 month old because H so far it is a breed that I've have dealt with that gave me the lowest mortality so I can sell 90 to 95% of what I get after 1 month because the breed is very Hardy uh it's motivated me to do one month old chicken okay very nice do they how do they produce more eggs yes they do in fact uh if you look at them as you said they look Brown you can confuse this with a commercial layers but for this breed it is an improved Ken breed the layers are excellent layers uh I've ever kept 100 chicken to maturity females and I would collect 87 eggs to 88 eggs per day so that shows you the length percentage is quite high and again um if you compare the commercial breed and this one uh the the the improved keni eggs can fetch a good market prices compared to the normal layers so this is an excellent BD for eggs okay can they be farmed on a free range yeah as you can see what I'm even trying to feed them now these are leftovers and some maze I give them some greens of course I've not given them now but this is what I do so these birds can do well in the rural community they can scavenge so well and regardless of the breed and the feed they have a testate so for so you can imagine the farmers I'm dealing with are those small older Farmers those that cannot be able to buy these commercial feeds continuously but I've been able to satisfy their Market to satisfy their needs because the bir can fit in their economic status that is why they would choose this because of free Scavenging and yeah free ranging chicken farming has been uh it is a very profitable business someone to venture in but it has a lot of challenges what are the challenges and what do you do to cope up with the challenges uh well I can say my uh my biggest set setback has been losses losses to diseases and losses to some predators uh for instance when I was starting this journey in poultry I lost a lot of birds because I was dealing with a breed that uh had very high mortality and uh this almost took me back to starting a fresh but thank God I found a good breed and so through that I've been able to grow and learn and finally I found a good company that would fix my problem the other one was uh predators and uh some small animals like the dogs the rats so when I was a beginner I had a simple structure because I was starting small I had very small Capital but gradually I grew and I was of course stable financially I managed to construct these nice structures and I at the moment I don't lose the birds to these small small animals the the dogs the rats the cats yeah so my problem so far is fixed but it started somewhere I am so interested Ed in doing chicken farming and I love it because it's more profitable as an expert what can you advise me what what does it t wow congratulations now that you already have the intention to try this this is what I I started somewhere I visited a friend and uh there's something that I learned from a friend but of course I did not copy everything my friend was doing mature b birds but I came sat down drew a clear plan and decided am I going to go this way the mature way or the brooded way so this is where we start are you planning to raise the birds to maturity where is your interest the eggs the meat or these one month old chicken that you will supply to your Farmers so that is where we begin if you think that is if you think you're going to go my way the brooded way there are some Basics that we need we need poultry structures I will not tell you to build a modern structure like this one because you are a beginner or maybe you have a structure if you're a beginner you'll start from what you have uh because poultry is profitable gradually you'll be selling your chicken earning some profits and establishing a better structure so you'll just need the basic poultry structure proper ventilation proper floors proper drainage those are the basic things that we need in a poultry house so we start with the housing of course I don't expect you to go and raise the chicken in your bedroom your kitchen so number one is the poultry house okay with the minimum factors that are requireed number two we will need to see uh do I have enough Capital am I able to raise a chicken that will give me a good profit margin if you if you think you are able to your finances are okay that is another factor to consider then the other thing will be where will I sell this chicken who is your number one to 10 customer you ask yourself am I going to sell this chicken to a hospital to a school a group of women where are you going going to sell just list maybe 1 to 10 number one customers that you're going to sell this chicken so that we don't buy the chicken and get stuck because we want to grow in this business so once you have that plan of where you're going to market the birds that is another Factor number three number four the basic equipments do I have the feeding equipments do I have the source of electricity source of energy do I have the uh feeds and where to store the feeds those are now the basics when we are getting into in to poultry then once you have gathered all that where am I going to Sauce the chicken am I going back to this gladies Farm to ask more about the source of the chicken or where am I going to get this reputable company that will supply quality chicken so that you don't go through what I went through of of course getting a breed that will have high mortality will take you back but if you sour the chicken from a reputable company so once you there you're almost closer to your business so you have everything you have now the source of chicken now you start uh procuring the chicken and of course Very key record keeping we need to see if we are making profits or losses so as you factor in this chicken and uh because I Would One Day wish to come and see your farm also to see if you are progressing I need to know if you are really making profits and you need to also appreciate that what gladi was telling you was true I was making some profits so you have to have your records I think uh I think that is all I can tell for now well let you are really doing an amazing job and as aim agriculture we really appreciate you for having us here I'm humble it has been a pleasure I hope this will change the lives of other Youth and other women in agriculture most [Music] welcome welcome to my farm a agriculture you can have a dip here these are the disinfectants uhh kib so this is my Poultry Farm oh my goodness yeah be serious yeah this is where it started and where I am now amazing so you can have a look at uh my few birds that are left of course I had a bigger flock this like how many I'm left with 250 this is a nice breed yeah I kept this one you can see their five weeks because I have some farmers who have already booked them you can't see these chicken are five weeks yeah they are five weeks and they this size yeah no wonder you quit your your nursing career yeah into the same reason I'm saying uh actions will speak louder it's good if they check on the farm and appreciate what we have guys she's so Innovative just from a glance when I look around I cannot see the yellow feeders the yellow drinkers have you noted something maybe you choose so you can see this is just a simple way that I improvised my drinkers a feeders this is just a pipe that is used in the toilet then I had to cut it into four pieces so this is my Drinker this is my feeder uh this is also a drinker and a feeder yeah then yes if you want to clean this Drinker mhm how would you clean it so it is uh it is movable I just opened this Parts it yeah unpl it all right yeah then I wash them of course every morning it is my daily routine activity so I clean them daily yeah you know poultry uh it's all about biocurity yeah so you can see I have two two structures these are all of them are 5 weeks but yeah so I had to split them into two uh these are 250 these are 300 they are all booked for a farmer uh I also have these small structur that are usually my brers they are for baby chips uh it is now cleaned are waiting for Preparation so that we can receive the baby chicks on Tuesday so this a brw and that is a br yeah they are two two different brat wow yeah wow so I usually have them separately so that when these ones are out uh I have some time to rest the house before I get some to this house but this can accommodate up to 500 for a month this one yeah interesting yeah and you're using this one as a storage yeah for my food storage of course I have a main store but I bring one two bags here store them for a short time yeah I think uh that is what you are really trying to emphasize on and the message that you really have as a agriculture is smart farming and that's why you bring you Farms like gladies just look at this small space this is like uh from here to here is like five M and from here to there it's like 8 m right and this has a capacity of how many BS this one is 250 300 wow so this is 550 capacity at maturity stage below here we've got a storage below here we've got a storage below there we have got brers so tell me even in a plot of 40x 60 you can't miss this is like a small car and you can put it to very good use right yeah wow you told me you have another surprise for me is it yes I do let's go maybe we can walk in here uhhuh oh wow this is so amazing yeah this is another Brer I have uh one week chicks there will be two weeks on Tuesday MH yeah so these are 450 BDS it's another structure that can accommodate 500 so I will have to open open these up to this end so that they can grow up to one month yeah wow that's amazing GL doing a good job yeah use the pot for building yeah this is what I was talking about uh I was telling you a story that I do some charcoal I wake up very early in the morning so these are the Infrared bulbs and this is a brooding pot I just improvised most of the farmers do those other brooding vehicles that have some holes but for me I chose this because it conserves energy uh then the normal uh infrared bulbs too then of course the feeders and the drinkers you can also appreciate the fact that as I'm starting in the baby stage I I utilize this uh feeders and drinkers but as they are growing I don't buy others so I just use my that is so amazing yeah and one thing that maybe I like to bring to your attention glad is yes and also our viewers who are looking forward to starting H this is a very good thing but you know when the cheeks are at this stage yes the biggest setback that you should be fighting or trying to avoid m is not even mucle disease yeah because nowadays vaccination has really been all over and you're really trying to control but now it has to theosis yes sure um you can see that feeder there yeah the cheeks are feeding in it but you can see again the beding is in the feeder sure and I'm assuming that one came as a result of scratching and they playing so the best thing that you can do again you can see the drinkers there yeah you can see around you can see the drinkers have got the wood shavings and even the water has taken almost the color of being soil right yes and at times when you lift it you find it's moist below it sure that's a very conducive even you can see here just to enter and show you you can see here where the the Drinker it's already moist yeah okay yes and you can see here the is a lot of cooking sure and when you put your hands inside here the temperatures are quite High yes you know yeah like fermentation is taking place yeah and this is a super condition for multiplication of coxidia you know remember we have got two types of coidis right yes the Gast yeah and the one that is in the system of the blood which is basically in the blood sometimes as a farmer you might work so hard and control coxidia in the gut but not in the blood circulation system so you find that you as someone who is working hard to produce these chicks to sell to the farmers who will now finish the cycle and I've seen the quality and the people who refer us to you in particular are really stressing the point that you have got very good cheeks and even when they get their side the morality is low so you can try to work on that this is simple just suspend them yes at a slight height to be in line with the back of the chicken okay yeah you can avoid such feers yes because a Feer is meant to be this way because it is Bell shifted the feed will come out through the bottom side okay yes and the feed will not Rise Above This level okay so the chicken be able to feed from inside avoiding spillage which is a loss to you if you look here you can see this is some feed feed mixed with the man and that is a loss because the feed is not going to the right place so this one will help you minimize the feed wastage and also it will help you minimize mixing of the Litter with the Fe so just suspend it to be in line with the back of the chicken these are challenge have met with so many chicken Farmers but so far so good I can tell you for free it's perfect you need to give me a secret and tell me where you get this breed look at the uniformity yeah actually uh thank you it was quite informative at least today I'm learning something coidus yeah I've been doing poultry but of course learning is continuous so I will check on what you've just advised yeah you can appreciate the fact that this breed has uniform growth one color amazing yeah this is saso breed from Mima chicken let me now reveal the company it is from Mima chicken yeah I've always talked about saso SAS SAS but now it is coming from OA chicken s so GRE if someone wants to get these chicks from you yes because you said you broing and selling to them yeah I want to buy them what is the waiting period well uh 3 to 4 weeks you have the after booking yeah really yeah 3 to 4 weeks and you also said you have got a package for feed yes we do the vaccines yes we do amazing show me something else yeah you said you've got some mature I have some mature Birds amazing yeah so the left of us that I'm left with after selling the one month the two months so I don't give up because I keep some for for the later Farmers yeah so this is my structure for the mature birds uhhuh lay yeah these are the laying boxes just improvised it is not this is this was from my modification mhm I always try to keep it simple wow yeah oh this is a good thing I can see guys we love everything here look at where the droppings are going look at where the birds are if you look at their feet very clean someone working here does not need to keep coming in contact with the birs is it sure yeah you will feed them from here and then they drink from here they will drink from up here and then they will lay here so you just work from outside if you want to get out of the manure you get it from below here even as an expert and you you know most of the time when you are observing Birds we are able to tell the doing of the the well doing of the birds just from observing the stool yeah besides even looking at the external characteristics and behavior of the bird so if you look here you can find that the stool is nice it's in the right texture and it's amazing a quick question I can see your Fe very simple right yes is it done here or for the mature chicken or again the same package no so for the mature Birds I get them the uh maze broken maze then I mix them with some Ki Mash wow you can also see that I have some greens that I give them there yeah so I supplement that M for these mature Birds amazing yeah then you can see this one is a a basking area yeah sometimes let them out to bask on the sun because the house is fully enclosed so they can have their greens here their leftovers here and have some time in the sun yeah I must appreciate what you're doing thank you and for the sake of our viewers I've really love the breed I've just come in contact with it for the first time thank you but it has done well and for the many farmers who refered us to come and said we must visit Gladis F and see what amazing things she's doing on the smallest area over a thousand birs and indeed congratulations thanks so much keep it up thank you for those guys who intend to try the kyi improved Birds she's your plug we've shared a number it's running here maybe she can also say it tell them at 0704 7775 878 we can't wait to see the full story on how you started and up to got you yeah let it come thank you all
Channel: AIM Agriculture Farm
Views: 416,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AE1aNFeV_2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 59sec (2279 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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