How Much Money Can We Launder In A Day?

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foreign there's a couple of things you should know about Australians we love a good barbecue we love having fun in the summer with all our mates that is patriotic members of the Commonwealth there's one thing we love above everything else we love our Queen [Music] and not many people know this but Australians are the biggest gamblers in the world our number one favorite way to lose money is slot machines we have 60 times more machines per person than any other country in the world we love them so much that we give them cute little names they're like instead of calling it a poker machine we call them pokies and these cute little pokies hypnotize so many gambling addicted Australians and drive them to poverty and suicide and while they make billions of dollars for the gambling bosses they also have another superpower pokies are one of the main ways the criminals launder their money you put dirty bills in the machine and you get brand new clean ones out of it you know it's super convenient both for organized crime that's always looking for ways to clean their money and our giant unregulated gambling industry that's always looking to boost their insane profits by letting criminals use their machines now the last time a YouTuber pointed this out they were criminally prosecuted threatened with prison and their house was mysteriously firebombed a fiery message that's hard to miss this was a deliberate attack it's the second time the property has been firebombed in a week surely this is all coincidental these clubs don't just willingly let criminals launder their money so so we decided to meet up with friendly geordies the now homeless YouTuber and test how much money the Aussie casinos will actually let us launder before we get kicked out [Music] so we're here in one of the poorer suburbs of Sydney which coincidentally happens to have one of the most lucrative Pokey clubs now there are 743 of these machines in here and we've got ten thousand dollars in this suitcase so we're going to try to turn this dirty money into clean money using these machines but first we're gonna have to find a professional if you can teach us how to do it now this is Troy stalls if anyone knows how to launder money it's him he was hired by clubs New South Wales the giant Lobby group for the gambling industry now his job was to inspect venues for money laundering and he's seen some pretty wild things in his time the worst one I didn't tell you was um so I went to Reeves they got control of boxes like a hard drive for your computer down in the dungeon so I go down the dungeon and I'll stop Double Take I said why is there 70 chairs in this room some are new summer just been re-tuned and pulsed and ready to go and the duty manager said me Troy R we'll probably go through 20 or 30 of them tonight because they soil the seats while they're high in the pokies no staff are going to clone them up and what then they just say bring me a new chair yeah yeah yeah and they keep Pine they keep playing they've done their business on the stool they just keep playing so now apart from the Poo chairs he also discovered that 95 percent of clubs were willingly letting money laundering happen but for some reason his bosses didn't want to hear about it I'd been rattling on about it for about five years um various emails with managers were swept under the carpet why do you think they don't want to stop the money laundering at all look it's it's too much money coming into the industry let's forget that it could be from Child exploitation or prostitution let's not worry about any of that it's about the Mighty Dollar unfortunately so Troy became a whistleblower and leaked his shocking findings to the public now his bosses weren't very happy about this you know being in charge of gambling in the most gambling addicted state in the most gambling addicted country makes you very rich and Powerful these guys have taken down politicians before and Troy quickly realized he pissed off the wrong people they decided to punish Troy with a never-ending lawsuit so far Troy's had to pay nine hundred thousand dollars in legal fees he sold his house at and during the whole process he was also diagnosed with terminal cancer which you know also costs a bit of money now along with all this we've also got the fact that Troy is simultaneously stepping on the toes of organized crime in Australia how are you not scared look like I'm not sure um that's a really good question um I don't mean to talk you out of it now yeah I'm going now so what we've got here is a terminal cancer patient being brutally punished by one of the most evil and Powerful institutions in the country for daring to do the right thing now look we don't really care about that kind of stuff but they crossed the line when they went after a YouTuber for the crime of interviewing Troy on his channel now it's personal so we decided to meet up with friendly geordies and Troy to test just how easy it is to launder money on these poke machines you know before they both go to jail I've got my bag pack ready for jail so it's all good is there actually a possibility if you guys going to jail no we'll win it well there is there is a possibility we're gonna confident thanks again let's go a lot of Summer yes our first stop is Liverpool Catholic club now you'd think if you've got a large group of people walking into a club with fifteen thousand dollars filming themselves committing a crime it's going to be some kind of high stakes Adventure but after feeding bills into the machine for 10 minutes we realized it wasn't much fun at all oh we're gonna be here for ages this is can you please launder the money quicker this is going to be the most boring YouTube video in the world Imagine I'm like that's more the money is so fun this is not fun at all only because you haven't sold ice early yeah that's true we should have done the crime first but made it an interesting video and then done the boring stuff Alex stepped in thinking he had a better strategy to speed things up oh that's a fast system oh the technique now eventually he got bored too isn't it amazing how quickly you get immune to just chucking in thousands of dollars and just like come on hurry up this is a lot of money imagine being Mr Beast and filming his videos you just oh yeah I put a million dollars in a Pokemon Troy wanted us to put his membership card in so he could collect loyalty points from all the money we're stuffing into this machine you know with enough points he could get some free stuff oh we could scan the system get a free toaster yeah I might get a toaster sure yeah you're just gonna take our money yeah yeah yeah now in order to combat money laundering these machines are limited to five thousand dollars so we thought we'd let Troy put in the final bill oh yeah you put this one in will you do the honors give it a kiss for good luck it turns out there's no limit so it's back to work for us we've been doing this for about half an hour and no one has come to stop us I'm so tiring so if you're just crowding around watching someone just put money in there's no no playing they don't care at all it became pretty obvious that the staff wasn't going to intervene the only thing that could stop us now is the machine running out of space and we did it the the tray for 50 bills was clogged up no [Music] apparently the money launderers usually do a bit of gambling so they can blend in with the gamblers and not blow their cover so now it was our turn well I'm terrified to press anything because I've never spent that much money on anything in my life I'm shaking yeah you should be oh my God it's so scary what if you lose it no do 10 cents what are you doing one cent come on I worked hard for this money look at this is that enough you could have no no come on another one oh what stop doing this he's addicted no what does that mean apparently nothing oh should we take it out yeah this is boring yeah I feel like putting the money in was more fun take win the card might be upset oh credit zero [ __ ] wait so what if it's gone at least we got video proof that we put all those notes this is terrifying 7 500 has just disappeared I'm just hoping it'll be on our card when we cash out so we're going to take our car to this machine that lets you cash out into brand new clean bills without having to interact with any annoying humans who might ask you annoying questions like where'd you get all this money or I didn't even see you gambling another great thing about this machine is that you technically receive gambling prize money so whatever you get out is completely tax-free now hopefully our 7.5 K didn't just disappear failed zero credit what no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my [ __ ] god where's Troy on the phone too what has he done to us no let's go get a person but what are we gonna say excuse me we were trying to prank your club and you pranked us and we don't like the way that this turned out I'm freaking out here where where did our money go we wanted to ask someone for help but how do you do that when you're breaking the law oh there's no money on that machine yeah we put that in we put yep so how do we get the money onto this card do you see how complaint isn't the members card playing chance on that or maybe it's on Troy's one okay so you must have been that one it must be on the members so it's on your card now so to take it out we need you at the counter so um if I was to run fast I got a good day's takings on it yeah after that quick scare the process wasn't too hard the only issue is the maximum you can take out in cash is five thousand dollars and the rest has to be on a check and since it was on Troy's card the check has to be in his name but we got our money cleaned in the end and we might have lost like 2.5 000 depending on how much we trust this Shifty whistleblower Droid has made some money but look at this though look at this clean clean money so all that money you made making child porn not true you're actually a gambler The Gambler tax-free as well it was surprisingly easy to launder 7.5 000 so we're gonna try again but raise the stakes surely if we launder money in these shirts the staff are gonna stop us it's a launch of money and here we go again these men were just standing here for 20 minutes feeding hundred dollar bills into a machine and no one stopped them guys you know how many times like staff have walked past and read it just like they don't care really yeah the little did the boys know there was a professional laundering compliance officer hot on their Trail been off the job for three years are you gonna be able to spot them I hope so oh my goodness oh my goodness excuse me you guys look like money launderers to me will tell you it's stressful enough his voice is so official it turns out the boys had bigger problems than being pranked by a whistleblower they had to call an attendant to help them launder money and hope they didn't notice the shirts I don't know how to I put my card in but I [Music] [Music] yeah eventually another staff member came to help and another one soon enough the entire Club was here helping these money launderers taken absurd amount of money out of a machine without gambling yep yeah sure thank You Against All Odds they let them through without any question this unbelievable success was obviously making Alex a bit cocky taking a lot of time with my money one more money come on what's scary the diesel wolf Drew probably this actually because you didn't I like the rules were very clear in North Korea and we didn't feel like we're doing anything wrong oh yeah and just as they mentioned North Korea the secret police came in no recording no no oh my God thanks for watching over here when you go to another club things are going surprisingly well with the geordies fans working in security until their supervisor realized what was on our shirts we just felt we just found them funny [Laughter] so the shirts weren't a problem and neither was the money we were actually laundering it was the camera make sure that you guys aren't filming poker machines it's against the law sure sorry about that thank you we're all good uh we're gonna pay you guys out cool thank you and just like that we've laundered another five thousand dollars shout out to the staff here God they were helpful like just meant over backwards should make us feel as comfortable as possible I'll have to say seven people are around one poker machine isn't suspicious at all or with cameras so if we weren't making a YouTube video we could potentially launder so much more money I'll be easy with outcome yeah but maybe the shirts weren't as obvious as we thought if we wanted the staff to pay attention to the crimes we were committing we'd have to look like actual criminals where do I even put the cash there's no pockets we also decided to change venues as we got a tip off from one of the workers that the managers realized jordy's and Troy were filming a prank in their Club so we moved to bankstown sports club now at this point Troy pulled the classic terminal cancer patient trick where they're too tired and have to go to sleep in the middle of the day so we're on our own now whatever now this costume was immediately much dodgier a couple of civilians spotted me as soon as I got in the elevator address that's how everyone dresses here oh yeah fine I think you should perform us and on the menu here drink oh yeah actually I deserve one last meal maybe hopefully the Vietnamese iced coffee I ordered will calm my nerves because not only was this costume much more obvious but it also didn't have anywhere to hide our money it's hard not having Pockets you've got to hold a lot of cash in you but unlike the civilians the staff didn't care at all nothing like freedom I guess there was nothing suspicious about what I was doing not suspicious though no this is normal behavior at the casino we decided not to waste any time by trying to gamble and fit in because I obviously wasn't fitting in this place is much easier to launder money and you didn't even need to put in a card well that was very easy got five thousand dollars in my hand so do I need to order another one through here oh yes okay thank you I had a long day thanks so much would you guys like a drink yeah yeah I know I'm meant to be laundering money here but the amenities and the freebies are just so good we were getting distracted by how much the staff pampered us how much easier is this place than than Liverpool Catholics Club yeah this one's got the money laundering tip of approval shout out to bankstown sports club money Wanderers Paradise it was about time to put down our free drinks and go and finish laundering our monies I want my money I feel like everyone ordering drinks doesn't understand how scary it is holding five thousand dollars of flimsy paper I want to cash this in because this sucks yeah just please it was time to get the cash out but you can never be too careful you know I had to be real Sly I I didn't want to get caught what what do you have bad at thinking it's crazy getting all these clean bills without doing any gambling at all looks like clean they weren't suspicious at all it was honestly getting a bit boring all I could really do to pass the time was make awkward small tool do you reckon this shirt's a bit too small for me oh dude just a little bit maybe I should roll the sleeves up yeah that's a good look oh thank you yeah I'm a lucky man and we did it we laundered another 5K all clean dude these are the cleanest bills I've ever seen in my life I think so it was really worrying that you know not not only did I get away with it but the staff didn't question me at all and what was even more worrying is how not even the regular people noticed me everyone is completely zombified like time and space doesn't exist for them they have no reaction when I run around them oh foreign honestly this was making me pretty sad so it's time to retire the burger costume at this point it felt like there was nothing we could do to alert them to the fact that we're freely laundering money but maybe my criminal outfit was too stereotypical and outdated this next one is foolproof it'll be obvious that they're dealing with actual scary criminals and there we were again filling the machine to the brim with hundred dollar bills I'm not I'm not sure why but this machine wasn't really working very well I couldn't quite put my finger on it like [Music] oh unsurprisingly no one cared about Christo's costume except maybe this woman once again we managed to launder five thousand dollars at all sorry sorry no no I just just I just made some money you know just yeah yeah I know every time I win there's a machine in there thank you have a good one that brings us up to twenty two thousand five hundred dollars laundered in a day that's the equivalent of a kilogram of meth sales or 28 AK-47 sold to Isis and it was so easy to do I don't understand how you meant to get caught doing this you'd have to be a bloody idiot but when someone points out how easy it is to do this the gambling Lobby comes down and completely ruins their life with million dollar lawsuits but you can help Troy win this battle they won't stop punishing him until he's dead which is you know probably pretty soon so you should follow the link in our description and donate to his legal fund or buy some money laundering shirts for yourself from friendly geordies and the proceeds will also go directly to Troy's legal fund together we can make sure that his last Good Deed will be to teach a lesson to one of the most powerful and evil institutions in the country [Music]
Channel: Boy Boy
Views: 3,405,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DoyH1dgj8Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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