How much money can i make running hotshot trucking. (Real world numbers)

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welcome back everyone hope everyone's doing good sorry I'm a little hot and sweaty I just just got done chaining up the load so but I wanted to talk to you guys about what an average week of hot shotting looks like for me money-wise so I went ahead and I wrote I wrote him everything out which I get paid and like a PDF format so all my expenses and everything are on there but it's on my phone and I'm recording on my phone so I wrote everything out and so I'm just gonna tell you guys some real-world numbers of I mean this is a pretty pretty typical week for me so my gross total so this is from Tuesday to Tuesday's what my pay period is for the company so it's Tuesday - Tuesday and then I get paid on Fridays all right so any load between Tuesday and Tuesday is what is what this is referring to and this is for last week so today is Friday so I got paid today my loads were for the following Tuesday so before everything so my my gross or the company's gross because I'm least aren't that company so they're gross from what I made for a seven-day period was fifty eight hundred dollars okay so seven days I made fifty eight hundred now my company they do all the d-o-t paperwork they do all my if two paperwork they they take care of everything so I pay them a percentage to run under their d-o-t number and use their dispatch service so those are the ones that dispatch me out and they're the ones that take care of everything legally so they take 20% off off the top so 20% off the top is their fee for that and then they take 5% for the trailer so they cover all the maintenance on the trailer any tires let's see the hubs I mean all that stuff that's and then the brakes that are getting ready to get replaced on it they they cover everything so I don't have to worry about any trailer expenses so that's 5% so right off the top every single week I lose 25% off the top jeez how many times am I gonna say that all right so after that my pay is 43 50 so my initial take-home is forty three hundred and fifty dollars now we do have a fuel card so these so that's what it that's what an average week would look like with that before my expenses we have a fuel card we have roadside service I have to pay for my eld each week and my insurance and my pre pass that I just got so 43 50 is what you're looking at and then my fuel for that week which I did a lot of miles so my loaded miles was the miles that I had a load on my trailer for that week was two thousand nine hundred and sixty-five miles so that's not counting any deadheading so on average I run that's that's about a yeah that's $2 a mile so $2 a mile before expenses is what we normally try to hang around so that's not bad so my fuel so that's quite a bit of load of miles plus my dad had miles my fuel for last week was 1,350 8.53 since my roadside service so the roadside company that we use that we can call anytime they don't charge us a fee for it that's what we pay weekly for it's $17 per week my eld is $8 per week and this is something that the company just that I just seen on this on this paycheck this week was that they are paying my they're pulling out my IFTA money per week now so that way you don't have to try to pay it in at the end of the year or anything like that so they're pulling it out per week so for my IFTA for the states that I was in it was $38.50 for last week and then my pre pass so my pre pass covers all my tolls and my bypass all the way stations and all that so that's not counting the tolls that's not counting the cost of the tolls so my total cost for last week was $60.00 my pre pass fee to use it weekly is 25 dollars okay and then my insurance is 250 dollars a week for my commercial insurance and then food my food so I didn't need out at all last week actually so I spent 55 dollars at a meal prep meal prep store in Oklahoma which if you guys go back and watch some of the other videos you'll see that and then I had $30 a food that I meal prepped at the house before I left so my food which I didn't need and the in truck stops I didn't eat no candy no gum no nothing so it was $85 for the week so if you add everything up my fuel my roadside my eld my iftar my pre pass my insurance my tolls in my food it came out to be well is about $1,800 is it is what we're looking at so I started with four thousand three hundred and fifty dollars and then after all my expenses for the entire week my unofficial take-home was two thousand five hundred forty one dollars and 63 cents so there's there's the big number so 2,500 bucks a week is what it comes down to and that's after all my expenses is one hundred percent paid so the only thing that I have out-of-pocket after that is gonna be my weekly truck payment which I pay monthly and then any maintenance so a lot of guys that I see on some other channels I'll give a truck and travel a shout-out they they put up their weekly truck payment and I think it was like high 300s or somewhere right in there and some of the guys were commenting saying that uh-oh you'll never be able to keep up with the payments and this and that whatever the case is I I pay extra on my truck I don't know what I don't know what their what they pay or they just they're just making the regular payment it doesn't matter it's not my it's not my truck so I pay $500 per week so it comes out to be $2,000 per month but I do a lot of miles I average over 12,000 miles a month so I pay 2 grand a week my truck payment per month is a little over 1,100 so $2,000 a week and the way I figured it up is I kind of did like what how many miles so three years I would have about three hundred and fifty thousand miles and I wanted to have the truck paid off no later than three years so I think I'm on pace to do it in like two years and nine months or something something like that 1224 forty-eight thousand yeah so so a little over like a little less than three years is what I have so I have it on pace to have my truck paid off and about three hundred thousand miles on it so that's that's just how I do it I I make enough I mean obviously if I have bad weeks or I take a vacation or I take the week off or whatever the case might be then I don't make the full $2,000 payment I'll do like 1500 or 1750 something like that but on average I try to do two thousand dollars a month on my truck so that drops me down to two thousand dollars in take-home so that's kind of what some real-world numbers look like for you guys of what you can make doing a hotshot so after all my expenses which my expenses are extremely low I didn't stay in a hotel the entire week so to two thousand dollars two grand a week take-home and then I take taxes out of that also I take out 20% which a lot of guys say you don't have to take out anything because your expenses will be so high that it'll kind of counterbalance especially when you do the depreciation on your truck and everything that goes along with it your mileage tax that you get from the government your per diem tax that you get from the government but this is my first year doing hot shouting like this so I'm running under a 1099 and so I'm just taking out 20% also so if it comes back where I hardly owe any taxes well I'll have a fifteen thousand dollar bonus essentially to myself sitting in my bank so I take out 20% also so so sometimes it looks like I don't make that much so you take out 20% of 2 grand and you're looking at 1,600 bucks so $1600 a week take home after taxes and expenses and trucks payments and everything that's still a good paycheck I don't know too many other jobs where you're gonna go and make $1,500 $1,600 a week so you guys can do the math on that you guys can weigh out the options of what your bills look like and if it's worth if it's worth worth the money if it's worth the headache of being away from your family and everything week after week a month after month so but um that's that's it guys so I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I'll just go ahead and get it posted for you guys so if you guys want to see more videos or you guys want to follow me a long week to week with my with my expenses or my loads go ahead and subscribe to the channel and uh press that like button for me so alright guys take care
Channel: austin haynes
Views: 1,151,541
Rating: 4.7772803 out of 5
Keywords: Hotshot, Trucking, Money, Loads, Flatbed, F350
Id: 33Apdx9LUSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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