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well good morning so I woke up to no power in the shop or the house fortunately we just had a new generator installed at the house uh $2,800 for the installation because it needed a new transfer switch but anyway that's and a new generator for $3,000 so that's a lot of money anyway ready to start the tiny house and I was going to show you the materials list it's kind of dark in here here the sun is shining outside it's beautiful it's going to be a great day to work on it so I'm taking my materials list going to the lumber yard going to pick up uh what I need to get started so let's enjoy this adventure tiny house eight basically 8 by 16 is going to be the size of it on the trailer well Ka and I are back from shopping we've been let me just get her tied here for a minute so I had to make I had to make two stops I clean them out of stuff interestingly to make a little tiny house uh so I have two different kinds of insulation one store only had 2 in the other only had inch and a half and all the 2x4 12s at the first store were really twisted uh terrible shape they've been picked through pretty good I only only was able to find nine so I had to go to the other place get five more so what's on the truck is $1,050 so far so that's where we're at and I I found Windows uh that I'm going to get those will be some really cool looking windows for a tiny house so this tiny house is actually it's going to work well as a hunting camp uh just a cabin in the woods if you want it or whatever it could be it's a lot of multiple uses not necessarily just a tiny house if if I do if I if I made it to a tiny house then there's so many codes and regulations you have to follow um and I'm not into that at this point I'm just going to do the shell finish the exterior to code everything will be fine I am going to insulate the floor that's why I picked up the insulation because you won't be able to do that from underneath so later on so I'm going to do it now and then it'll be ready so Ka and I are going to unload this I'm going to unload this all the lumber is out here all the sheet goods and insulation I put in under the overhang I'll cover this up supposed to be rain not today today A beautiful day I I obviously could have had uh all this material delivered but I wanted to handpick it and make sure I got uh good stuff because when it's delivered you never know quite often it's good but uh once in a while there's a piece you can't use and I've figured it pretty close close for this project also we take a peek at this little side note I just got this fixed and it I've sold this and I want to make sure it was good for for the person that bought it needed a new carburetor I think it was around 20 $25 uh but everything is good now first pull so that'll be we leaving here soon speaking of leaving here soon I'm delivering two ebikes today um meeting the folks halfway they they're they're about uh I think four and a half hours from here so it's a nice day it's a beautiful day for a ride semi retirement I just love it so I'll load these on this is the Jan snow really nice bike make sure I don't scratch it won't bore you with loading these I have one more to load they bought two of them this is so I got half a day into going to the lumber yard loading everything checking out windows make sure they were what I want I think they're going to be pretty pretty special okays and we made it back what a trip so it's actually the next day from after I loaded the bikes and uh so we went and met with Vince and Lisa we met them halfway what great folks they uh seem to like Kaa that was pretty cool so uh they gave me some things hardwood slabs he has he says he has a huge amount of uh hardwood stored for wood projects that he does this one I can't even identify him he said there was a like a maple sped spelt uh he gave me some cherry some Butternut uh like six or eight pieces of hardwood that I can plane down and make uh make some small projects with so that was just a lot of fun they are great folks they also gave me another gift and they gave Sandy a a he hand turned a wooden spatula it was awesome it's really great great it's beautiful but uh on my other channel Ken's model railroading ho model railroading I can't even think of the name of my channel on that channel uh they gave me something else for the railroad it's pretty cool that'll come out on a video pretty soon I'll just be setting the saw here so I can keep the sawdust over on near the outside of the building but I have so much room now and so now let's look at the trailer so the the uh the biggest thing is getting getting the trailer level first I I've watched some videos of uh people that have built these on trailers uh without bracing it and you can see once they get the walls up and they're putting the roof on the trailer is going going like this and I'm pretty sure you can't get it square if you do that so I'm going going to just uh brace all four corners this is really solid and this rail is perfectly straight um I already had some comments about building it on on here with kind of a flare out for a wall to get higher and I did that because this is a foot so that's going to make make it really tall for over the road and I really want to keep that down to get all the ceiling height that I can so I'm for now I'm going to stick with this plan and you know what if I think I'm I'm going to leave the option of selling the tiny house with the trailer or not and then maybe the next if I do another one if this works well uh I'll buy a different trailer that would be like shorter tires smaller tires so the ground is down lower and the the bed would be flat all the way across all right let's do this right now this is about a half inch lower than this side I've left left the crank I've cranked it down and it's not a lot but I'll I'll get the back level first and then I'll just use the jack to pick it up and level the front so here we go good that might work perfectly I'll just lower the lower the front see what that does a little bit more oh I like that good okay let's go over and take a look at the level see how we come as I jack it back up when I go around to the front and crank the trailer up you can see I can get my hand under here now this is showing well showing this end has to go down to be level completely in the bubble let me go crank how do we do how do we do how do we do that's touching touching very touching okay so I need to put a probably a quarter inch shim on that side I lower the front of the trailer down and these are they're two8 inch shims just put that there going back up how do we do how do we do okay tight come check this out right on that is perfect okay so this needs to go up pretty substantially that's um 3/4 of an inch to an inch in 4 feet 16 ft so four times if it's four times 1 in that would be 4 in up I'm going to start we'll Jack it up uh Crank It Up 3 in see where it goes little more just a pinch too much I'm going and check the back the other side it can go down on this side so shim that there bringing I'll bring it down perfect and then shim that and then this one when I lower it the trailer will just Flex down and I'll have all four corners perfect yes okay I will not bore you with I need to scr up some some blocking [Music] material all right all right this side is perfect now for the other side before the rains come too heavily oh that's right on all right I'll just put brace blocking here the tire three of the tires are still getting traction so it's not going to fall over either so that'll be good okay I need blocking for here and this part is done first thing 4x4s these are 16t 2 in I'm going to leave them that length come out of there come on I'll pretty much stay right close to the outside within a couple inches probably and the 4way fours are in place so this will be the first cut what I have is 6' 9 and2 inside of rail to inside of rail so I'm going to make this floor 6' 8 in to start with so I'll cut that then there'll be a a short two by coming up with plywood gusset down in here will be/ in CDX sealing this off from the weather as well as underneath when we get to that so first step 6'8 for 2x4 I cut one as a just as a template sample so it would look something like this there'd be a short block there and a short block there so I didn't take into account that it the 4 4 as far as this I thought it was going to be a bigger step than it was so if I look at so some of you have been making comments thank you very much why not put it on top of the Rails why not build on top which that was originally what I was thinking uh but then I thought no I want to I have to be able to clear over the road for Heights so the one thing that's holding me back from doing this sitting on there is fine and I can probably still attach the 4x4 underneath as I go uh these little Nubs they they're welding on I I have to take them off if I'm going to do that so I think I am going to build on top it will give us just so much more room it's going to be a a lot better I appreciate your somebody mentioning that and probably by now 100 others have mentioned it I don't know um it's a great idea so I'm going to do that off to the lumber yard to go to get uh something to cut that off actually finally ready to start doing doing some building on this so it's a beautiful day out sun shining it's a little cool but I can now at least put the saw out here I'll get my workstation all set up and we'll be good to go the I've cut a few studs or floor joist really they're uh 7t 9 9 in we have an outside perimeter joist on each side they're inch and a half thick so that's 3 in plus 7' 9 8T oh usually Spruce is right on uh or maybe a 16th over the this was a whole inch over that's unusual what I'll do is I'll cut the two side perimeter joist then I'll mark them out on the saw horses for two 2T Center is what I'm going to do where's my goggles here's some carpentry Basics so uh we're going to space the St the floor Joys 2 feet apart one on the end so it's 2 feet to the center coming back 3/4 of an inch this time I'm going to Mark both sides because of the way we're going to do things you'll see that in a minute so I'll mark these all out ahead I always match these up if I'm doing two the same then the marks will always be accurate so I'll transfer it over to both of them let's take these over to the trailer and get started I'll be using uh pneumatic nailers today for some just because it's a little it's a little quicker except for the hoses you have to you have to get all the hoses out plug in the air compressor so the compressor still had air in it it hasn't run for a month anyway that's pretty cool and [Music] noise what a beautiful day wow I'm just temporarily setting that perimeter joist on the rail I have all the floor joist cut there'll be nine of them and then I have the other uh perimeter joist cut for there so it's going to be a little different CU it just seems like that's how I end up doing things lately uh well nail on the first perimeter first floor joist this is just like having a a table here using a 3-in pressure treated pressure treated is that what you call them galvanized nails pressure treated [Laughter] Nails okay again when I name I stay 6 in away from here minimum just so I don't get shot in the hand okay so now we can nail this one together it's kind of nice the fender is holding that side up till we get really going here okay I need to get something to Rack this this is a pipe wrench works really well can just put it right on there and rack it whichever way you want has to go this has to twist this way easy peasy as they say nice this is where it gets different I think I'll remember where I put that I don't know so I'm just going to slide it that way going to insulate the floor with foam rigid foam before I put the flooring down so I'm going to use strapping and I'm going going to secure those I'll go uh one on the out each outside and then split the difference in the middle just going to screw goes on but first I need to Center this left to right so I've already screwed on a piece of strapping on this side inside of the rail and inside of the rail on that side so that it can't go left I left it just a like 8 in loose overall I made two Marks here so I'm going to attach also look over on this side I just put a 2x4 across and I can set set these up on there for it to to rest on so I haven't squared anything up yet I I made the measurements exact here to the outside of the rail and uh to that side so I have a Mark here just using sheetrock screws 7 ft 9 in l [Music] [Music] well this is pretty well going to wrap up this video for today got a good good start it should go should be smooth sailing from this point we'll just start getting in more and more uh insulation get that floor down what do you think Ka ka's down here watching me words of advice nope okay thanks again have a great day hey if you're not a 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Channel: Kens Karpentry
Views: 19,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ySWQuN2uCI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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