How much does a SCUBA DIVER make?

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you what do you do I'm a software engineer by profession but otherwise I am an artist as well I skateboard I'm a certified scuba diver so yeah what do you not do I don't know what you guys are doing oh okay nice answer so let's talk about each of it right uh so let's talk about software engineering how do you get into it I don't I did volunteer to get into it and it was paying me well so end of the story that's so you're also a scuba diving instructor right so if somebody were to become a certified scuba driving instructor how much money can they expect to make an issue so I had a friend in Andaman who started with about 25 so he was getting paid uh as an employee but if people open their own dive school then yeah you can and I'm not sure how much but you can earn pretty well
Channel: Broke Brothers
Views: 145,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 49sec (49 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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