How Much Did Our DIY 1,400sqft Garage/Studio Cost?

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hey gang I'm Paul with sudpack and you all know my son Jordan what's up guys we haven't done a dual intro in quite a while but we're doing it today because it's going to take both of us to answer probably the most common the most frequent question we get down below in the comments how much are you guys or actually how much is Jordan spending on that building we were always going to answer that question gang we want to be transparent about the cost of this build and we were waiting until we got the MEPS and the framing completed to give the first price update we are going to do the final update when it's completed but for right now we actually wanted to show you guys what it cost just to get here we're going to get into that in this video let's get started let's go first cost we want to talk about gang is the land how much did this land cost well the lot was $190,000 and I say the lot because I do believe that the lot is worth about1 189,000 and I paid about 1,000 for that thing right there uh it is falling down around me but we are finding ways to make it work and we think we have a cool way to get it removed we'll talk about that in a later video but make sure you guys stay tuned for that it's going to be awesome $190,000 for this land gang get a lot of comments about people thinking that that is way too much this is the fastest growing County in the entire Nation values of lots land and houses in the area are skyrocketing before our very eyes so God blessed us with this location very lucky to be here yeah and we really can't show them what's going on down the street but if they could see those houses yep not just the houses the the buildings the stuff that they're building it's insane so once we have the lot secured it was time to start designing the stud pack Dreamhouse build we actually designed it in Baton Rouge at the dining table on like a paper towel or a piece of paper I still have that photo I'll throw it up on the screen but we had to hire an architect to make that dream a reality the architect cost 9,481 included in that $948 was $2,300 for the structural engineer figuring out the beams the structure the foundation and all of that and also included in the architect cost was the first soil report that we had done very important to have a soil report done and on that soil report it essentially told us that hey this is the worst possible soil you could ever have you need to get it removed which leads us into our next cost the foundation all right gang we are standing on the foundation it's a mess in here this is an active job site we were going to clean it up for this video so but we didn't so we apologize a little bit this is the foundation if you guys watched mud pack we tried to DIY this foundation for about 3 months we battled and we battled and we battled it's very cool to be standing on it now but it was brutal let's talk about the cost and break that down so once we saw the soil report and realized how bad it was and how much we had to take out we had to find somebody to do that for us right we found a guy on Facebook Marketplace Justin Legend came in here with a bulldozer removed all of the dirt in this area up to 5T which is pretty gnarly if you guys remember 5 ft is unheard of for a foundation especially residential and after the dirt was was removed and mount stud pack was formed we had to bring in truckloads of Select fill so that we could build our select fill pad I will say one thing we learned is we should have paid the extra money to have dump trucks lined up on the street so that we could just haul the dirt off the property when we do the house definitely going to do that do not want extra dirt on the property right but we also learned how expensive it is to get rid of dirt where I used to live people were filling in ponds all the time wanting fill dirt we just got to find the right acreage maybe I can buy some property with a pond and and next now now you're thinking now you're thinking so let's talk cost gang the select Phil pad was $1,270 that was like 38 truckloads of Select fill that was also labor for Justin digging the Dozer rental was $900 so I think altogether the select fi pad was $1,640 so we basically dug a hole filled it back with dirt for for $1,640 also in that $111,000 was the steam roller that we rented we were looking for a sheep's foot roller they didn't have any available so we had to go with the smooth drum which is fine for what we're doing so that's also included in that cost and that was a fun day compac this on vibrating mode I'm still shaking from that that was cool after our select fill pad was made and compacted then we had to start digging our grade beams so we rented a an excavator that cost $800 and that was pretty much our only cost for the grade beams besides our tiers and time and our sleep these kind of tear yeah it was really bad if you guys remember we battled the grade beams in the trenches in the ground forever lesson learned we will not be doing that on the main house don't even want to think about it so $800 for the excavator and then after we lost essentially 3 months a battle for the foundation we decided to hire a concrete team a foundation team and they came in and finished the job so let's talk about how much that cost we had to supply these guys with the rebar the steel for the re reinforced grade beams and the foundation the rebar cost $17319 and we still have extra yep that's the rebar and a bunch of the stirups that they bent for us according to the engineers drawing correct we had customade stirups that was really cool the next big boy cost was the concrete and the labor for that Foundation itself total it was $10,250 to get this Foundation finished the concrete itself was $648 40 if you subtract that from the original 10 that's about what the labor had cost wow what a difference it made just to have professionals come in and finish it and we're standing on it now and it feels great it looks great and I have a love haate relationship with this laab yeah every time I walk on it I reflect back to that time but I know that in the end this thing is super strong there are just a couple of hairline cracks but that's normal nothing major this thing is solid I love it yeah this lab has almost been here for a couple of months now and it's had this massive structure sitting on it so we've kind of got to see how it's been curing it's phenomenal it is so strong but before we had the concrete Port gang we actually hired the plumbers to come out and do the underground plumbing so they could Plum this and tie into the sewer M that process of underground plumbing cost $2,160 it only took them like a day and it was a pretty simple process we did learn that we actually called them at the wrong time they prefer to be called before the grade beams are dug so we'll make sure to do that on the main house yeah so dirt work put up your outer for boards then the plumber then you dig your graay beans around the pipes right and we also learned this is a DIY project we also learned that where we live we could have done this but looking back I don't think I wanted to no way yeah we still we still be working on it and then still on the subject of the foundation in the dirt we did that termite treatment with Zach he came out he helped us dig remember that Legend y $795 64 to have the dirt treated the select fil treated for termites which is super awesome and I think before we get insulated and drywalled we are going to do another bug treatment for the framing you got to we got to protect your investment yes sir all right and we've done a really good job so far gang at not wasting money surprisingly one thing that I regret is a $1,500 purchase for the structural engineer revisit that was if you guys remember when the foundation was poured during the rain we had the inspector issue that was a hard lesson that we learned but we learned it now we have a great relationship with the inspector it did cost $1,500 to get the structural engineer back out here to sign off on our foundation and I also had to pay for another soil report which was like another $1,000 so it'll say $2,500 learning fee yeah but you were also looking at losing a ton of money that we'd already put in in the foundation so it was aough decision I think I escaped pretty pretty scratch so it was cool all right guys welcome upstairs we're going to get into the framing costs and all the MEPS and stuff like that really interesting before we get into this want to give a massive shout out to our partners and our sponsors over at Builder First Source and Huber could not be doing this without our sponsors and our partners gang so grateful to them let's talk about the lumber everything you're seeing around us is pretty much Lumber it's a there's a dollar amount to it what is that dollar amount we added it up all of our invoices and it shocked us we spent I spent I what well I was thinking 20 grand right but this is why it shocked I spent $864 three pennies on the framing for this project again that is all thanks to our sponsors and our partners could not do it without them no way but if we didn't have them if you're you know if you're just doing this DIY regularly how much is that going to cost you we figured about 15 grand yep for a for a, 1400 ft garage apartment kind of Studio thing 14 Grand for the lumber still not bad just to put that into perspective gang the framing is usually the single largest item on a house after the slab right correct and then windows for us it was reverse and part of that is because of our sponsors but also because all our labor is free right that's right you owe me a bunch dude dang well we'll build you one after this and then my labor will be free so how's that work that's perfect it it's taken us a long time to build this thing gang we realize that but we're doing it ourselves and it's free labor yeah we have plenty of time yes I know you want to get out of that house store and move up here but we're not on a time crunch yeah but accomplishing what we've accomplished in the amount of time that we've done on it for the first time ever I feel so good I think it's pretty good you guys let us know in the comments but the framing itself was $8,600 like we mentioned earlier but the windows these guys were $1,798 37 pretty nuts very high quality windows from Pella we had a couple run-ins with the front windows but that was install error not pella's error we love these windows high quality fiberglass they're beautiful they were super easy to install they're high performance I I love this slider when I have to operate the slider on your house or in my house it's two hands two arms all my body strength check this out one finger no let me do pinky oh one pinky look at that pinky pinky easy I can even grab it from this little lip with my pinky and move it absolutely awesome it's got a lot of cool features we'll get into that later the windows were so expensive because of these guys up here these three big 6x6 essentially mold windows in the front coming in at around $2,200 each I'm super happy with these windows they look amazing from the front the back allow so much natural light into the space I'm in love with them and they fit really well into the architecture of this neighborhood something that we were really striving to do we didn't want to build a house that looked out of place right so after we had all the framing completed and the windows installed our plumbers came back out to do our plumbing top out remember Jimmy and his crew came by the fitting on the bottom the test fitting broke there's a video on that gang if you're interested but the plumbing top out cost 6 grand flat they did a spectacular job they were only here for one day and it was great it was pretty simple so did they give you a price at the beginning they did they gave me a price for every stage what the underground was going to be what the top out was going to be and what the Finish was going to be yeah yeah and the top out was all the pecs right insane amount ofcs even in this small building what's also cool is that in this space we don't have a central AC or hbac system we're just doing Mini Splits which you guys can see up here that black box is our roughing box for our mini split system it's going to be Mitsubishi with infrared it tracks you it blows on you you guys are going to be blown away by the system but how much did it cost for Robert to come out and do the rough in for the HVAC $2,163 he did one up here and one downstairs for the garage the garage is going to be conditioned not going to keep it at 60 in the summer we're not crazy but when it gets 110° in Texas which it absolutely will we just want it to be like 80 so it's super cool and that is a one tonon unit downstairs is 34s and one ton is plenty for this space and I think it's going to be great and you know what still blows my mind about those what a 20 amp circuit to heat and cool the upstairs and the downstairs with a heat pump absolutely unbelievable and staying on the subject of hbac gang we've got our exhaust fan in the bathroom all the way to our fantech exhaust fan over here we've got our Erv our energy recovery ventilator if you guys don't know what that is we have a video on that of course and we've got all of the stuff all of the accessories that go along with running our duct ourselves that was about $1,000 but we did it ourselves and there's not a lot in this building it was pretty simple so th000 bucks for that all right so MEPS we' talked about our HVAC we've talked about our plumbing let's talk about electrical right all of this stuff above us we've got the electrical system gang Joel from Electric Pro Academy came out and absolutely hooked us up with his Services he brought his family it was an awesome time and we did a lot of the work ourselves that's how we're able to build this thing for such a good price Joel's trip plus all of the materials $2,439 that is crazy Joel is an absolute Legend from for coming out here and doing that the way he did and giving us the price he did I mean if you guys aren't subscribed to Electric Pro Academy go check him out we love that guy yeah there are so many people who have helped us and Joel is going to be right there on Mount Rushmore of the stud pack Bild right and I mean you could pan over there rad I mean the panel we got a box over the panel to protect it we are going to show you that in a future video but I mean there's so much wiring that goes into this place to give you guys an idea our panel is 32 Breakers capacity we filled it up yep we filled it up there's so much electricity flowing through this 200 D service just for this garage we filled it up and all the planning that Joel helped us do because this building is going to be an auxiliary to the main house but we're doing it first and they have to be connected together in many ways electricity being one of them a lot going on there but again $43.98 for the electrical that covers our MVPs and our framing so what else could we possibly have on here Dad did we talk about the steel beam no we didn't let's talk about the steel beam the steel beam we can throw that into the framing cost but it just goes into the over overall cost you guys remember we drove down to Houston fabricated it installed it that steel beam cost me the steel beam cost $822 53 and then we paid Doug 400 to bring his Bobcat over and lift it into place so that plus four and don't forget the $90 for the trailer we had to rent to go get it true so about $1,300 Al together not bad not bad at allm that feels like yesterday dude yeah I know I know yeah and every time I go up the stage I sight down that beam and it's just as straight as can be man that thing is strong and another thing we bought has to do with this scaffolding it's not really a material cost of the building but it's a tool we bought and I know you H been hard when I told you I wanted to buy scaffold instead of renting it can you imagine all the times we've used it and all the trips it saved to a rental yard this scaffolding is paid for itself and I truly believe that the $2,300 investment for this scaffolding number one is paid for itself but it's been a key factor in our ability to save money on this project instead of having to constantly rent lifts or buy ladders or rent help every single time it's just cost us the time right that's the whole thing it's cost us the time to put this up get to where we needed to go and then tear it down but man and we took a lot of flak in the comments when we use the scaffolding to lift the trusses and save the cost of a crane but that would have been a th000 bucks right right and we don't have unlimited money on this project gang I you don't right yeah do you no okay and while I'm up here gang right above me we've got the trusses the trusses are actually not included in the lumber cost it is a separate division a separate purchase the trusses cost $3,500 and while we're up here in the roof we are going to talk about the lighting we have insane lighting plans for this space as we've talked about in previous videos we knew that we were out of our depth trying to design the lighting ourselves so we hired a company to do it that company like can help you that cost about a, $50 for an amazing lighting plan that was incredibly detailed very intuitive and we can't wait to show you guys the result of that we're here on the back side of the building gang we got a lot to talk about out here first thing is our aquar hose system aquar absolutely hooked us up with these they're about $220 each we have two of them about $500 after all the fittings and stuff so a big thanks to Aqua Water Systems another sponsor of ours another partner that we want to give a huge massive thanks to is sashco they have sent us all of our sealant on the project gang they have been absolutely incredible they sent us the lexo we've been running through cases of this about $110 for each case we're on our third so we saved a couple hundred there again a massive thank you and that's just one of the sealants the lexo that's the exterior and interior but we got Big Stretch for caulking on the interior more Flex through the roof and I can't wait to try this uh exact color sealant tintable caulk you tint it on site with your own paint color I am so excited to try this out that's going to come in clutch when we do the sighting Y which we are actively working on is getting the sighting and moving into the next stage of the process so don't worry gang we're working real hard behind the scenes trying to get that ready for yall and of course it's so hard to get every single little purchase we got to go to Home Center now home center there all these different little things that we needed throughout the job let's call it $3 to $5,000 just in separate individual random costs that came up unpredictables we'll call them 4 to5 Nails hangers whatever right boxes just stuff like that cool yeah so what's our grand total uh I haven't been keeping track I hope you have so the question is how much did it cost us three guys with a couple of sponsors and some hard work to build this structure the answer is it cost me $85,500 we're not going to get into the sense there's no way it would be dead Nails accurate let's just say 85 Grand to get here I feel like that's pretty good mhm what do you guys think I think it's good because I look at this and I say whatever this is the house is going to be three times I don't like that well that's what it is dude I'm sorry well that's where our sponsors come in not just for materials but when you guys see a sponsor segment in our videos that's what helps pay for this a lot of people ask how are you financing this build that's how gang it's YouTube all the videos that we put out all the merch all the sponsors all those different things go straight into the savings account straight into the building that's it it that simp hard work and that's what we got so hopefully that answers a lot of questions if you guys have any more questions feel free to drop them down in the comments we'd love to answer them hopefully we covered as much as we could but that's it dude 85k wow I was thinking we'd get to this point and we'd be around 100 so that's that's pretty good yeah if we can finish that thing being right under like 130 is that is that doable what do you think rad30 let say 115 you're going to be done huh 115 okay well we'll see we got the roof right the siding yep all the floors drywall insulation cabinets appliances yeah all types of stuff tile better get to work yeah we got to go to IBS in 2024 and make some connection SP but it's going to be great 85k gang hope that answered a lot of questions hope you guys enjoyed the price breakdown I guess I enjoyed making it no it's cool it's it's fun this is we're living the dream man this is awesome so we really are cool hit them with the outro so guys that's going to be a wrap and we're not going to ask you to spend 85k to smash your like button but if could we'd appreciate it that' be awesome smash it for us please subscribe if you're not a subscriber already ring the bell so you get notifications of our very next video don't forget to check us out over at Bunker for Christmas merch sure over on Instagram at stud pack official yep and we'll see you right back here on the next stud Pack video sirce job [Applause] [Music] bud
Channel: Stud Pack
Views: 190,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Au-wOcghkXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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