[4K] - How does money make you poor | Interview with Robert Kiyosaki

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hello everyone for the next half hour we'll be talking to robert kiyosaki he is a very famous entrepreneur talking to people all over the world about how to become a successful business person he is very tough he's very blunt but I hope you'll enjoy it and get something out of this interview let's get into it misuk yo Socky welcome to Romania my name is Georgia buck niche and it's an honor to meet you because not many people know what you do for a living most of the time you're a business man but you're also writing books and talking to people about business business development personal development I'm not so sure you get them intertwined correct so how is it how do you feel Romania who always been your time here for the past two days I understand well I came to Romania because my favorite relative is Romania and she was from Romania and then she went to Paris during World War two and became the prima ballerina of Paris okay and then after the war she moved to America and she married my uncle so she's remain in which she married a Japanese uncle okay and I went to school in New York in 1965 and my her name is killer ed Lydia and nothing him Lydia Lydia of course yeah Basanti and she was my role model for women she's beautiful vivacious artistic businesswoman and during World War two she fought for the French Resistance because she didn't like my roughness she's a hero oh yeah she was an artist and a hero yeah so during one night she was she had to drink with the Russians or something and [Music] and then she had to go and dance at the ballet in Paris and she was hurrying and she fell and broke her ankle and the show must go on so she taped her ankle even though it was broken and danced on a broken ankle and she never danced again so that's when she moved to New York and became an artist and a sculpture er and she had beautiful works of art and she was just my role model for a beautiful powerful smart woman so she's Romanian but she would always tell me about how beautiful Romania was and the people and she was very sad because her brother never got out of the country during the communist regime so you know about communism I don't I can't who can side know it cuz I wasn't here you know but she talked about how depressed he was unhappy where she was happy in New York okay so a lot of that but she said I'm here because of her my aunt Lydia and sob always want to see Romania because she said as beautiful as Paris and I don't book her a stick so now you're mixing business with pleasure you came to see the country but you're also working I'm always working I never stopped working you never stop no because you're not working for money so you never stop well I'm a military officer we military school teachers to work for a mission what's your mission in life and making money is really easy I don't understand what the big deal is so I retired a long time ago I was their age you retired it again for the people 4747 my wife was 37 I'm planing on 45 good you're fighting just like the right way you're working I'm not fighting jet lag I don't know what your obsession with just like is I don't know how you can travel so much you're a little that's why okay I mean I don't think about petty things you know I mean what do you think about petty things what do you think about now just leave me alone you know I just think about the economy business okay world affairs I want to my job is to make complex financial systems simple enough so the average person can understand it that is extremely difficult because most people are brainwashed when it comes to money go to school get a job work hard pay your taxes save money get out of debt buy a house and invest in a stock market everybody who follows that program has been brainwashed okay tell that to the Romanians that come from a former communist country we are 40 years into transition Americans believe the same things not just Romania's worldwide it's because of the system that controls the world economy and guys like you can't even see it you thinking about money I don't even care about money I make a lot of money because I understand the system I would never go to school get a job work hard save money get out of debt buy a house and invest in a stock market I do everything exactly opposite what do you do what should a Romanian that he's been fighting through communism to survive and now he's into transition and doesn't understand this about capital well everything is the opposite of what they're teaching you in school I wouldn't go to school and what would you do I would study money I understand because they don't teach money school correct I understand that money is debt and would tell you get out of debt that telling get out of money in 1971 if you read my books cuz I don't think you have I read in 1971 the US dollar became debt the US dollar is the reserve currency of the world I don't know if you know what that means what does it mean it's very dangerous for everyone now it does and it's not covered in anything it's the only value it has it's just a lot to us any of you anymore if you want to find out what I know or tell me what you know then don't interview me you do your own stupid show I'm trying to tell you something here and you want to tell me how smart you are that's very egotistical I'm here because I'm stupid let me explain something that damn it let's do it I'm trying to explain to you when they tell you get out of death that's stupid because the money is dead and the only way money gets out of debt is via taxes so all the people who work for money read Rich Dad Poor Dad what's lesson number one rich people don't work for him incorrect money is dead I use debt as money and everybody thinks getting in debt is bad well who told you that I think the stock market is for losers why would you put money in the stock market when it's manipulated that's what I think about someone was watching the manipulation going on behind the scenes that's what my brain is focusing on all the time and I don't pay taxes question is how is it I don't pay taxes I can tell you that's like that's an important question because most people are so most Romanians and most people in the United States cheat on their taxes because they hate taxes so much but you don't have to cheat on taxes if you understood how money was working you think Donald Trump pays taxes no mmm nobody has seen his six returns yeah I know him he's my friend we don't pay taxes that's the question how is it we do that that's an intelligent question the reason you can't ask me this question because you don't know how I do it that's what I'm thinking about I'm constantly thinking about how do I make money how do I serve more people how do I create new businesses make more money and pay less taxes and serve more people okay so you said you're a friend of Donald Trump and do you agree with his economical policies because now we don't want to talk about Donald Trump you can go talk about whatever you want to talk about I want to talk about what I know about well it's supposed to be an interview and I'm trying to give a little context to my viewers Paco I don't want to talk but Donald Trump okay what would you like to talk about money and debt money and debt in taxes cuz that's what money is okay and the person has been told to go to school get a job and work hard you're gonna pay taxes why cuz you work for money so the question well how does a person not work for money and pay no taxes so I was trying to give a little context to my viewers Romanians don't understand so much about capitalism and from what I'm reading and what I'm learning most of Americans also they shift from understanding capitalism as freedom to thinking of it as in a bad way what should the people understand about this way of living because we cannot all be entrepreneurs some people need to get some jobs or should we all try and look at how we can change your lives in in the way you show it in your books and your keynotes it's up to the person it's up to the person so free free choice you want to be an employee you choose to be an employee you want to be an entrepreneur you choose to be an entrepreneur but you've got a study that you do to different people but you have to study is different mentally emotionally and spiritually they're different people an entrepreneur is extremely different than an employee but it's a different study the trouble is our school system trains us to be employees go to school get a job work hard save money pay your taxes get out of debt and invest in a stock market that makes you poor you've had the chance to be taught early you've been challenged early most people don't get that chance where should people start question the saying I just gave you go to school what do you learn about money the fact that you just told me that mmm you need to go to get a job to have money I did say that you said that I said that this is what we've been told yes so go to school get a job question that okay so if I'm starting to question that if a young person is looking at and I say okay I'm ready to challenge that what do I tell to my father okay I'm not going to school anymore I didn't say that you said that I said that of course I would I just said question it what's wrong with getting a job I went through a job just understand how the system works but I'm not sure if it works to anyone what's your opinion on that I thought you read Rich Dad Poor Dad of course but not everyone has done so so I was trying to and what is lesson number one and rich dad poor dad rich people don't work for money and so on your school system so you get a job what are you doing you become a slave your work for money exactly and what's wrong with working for money that it makes you come back to work and we become a slave you pay taxes and you pay taxes of course and then they tell you to save money why would you save money when they're printing money everybody's printing money now why would you save money when they're printing money I know you don't save money you're building businesses why would you save money when they're printing money [Music] because you didn't I don't know because that's what you've been told to do of course so question that you see if you cannot think I cannot help I questioned all that why would I save money when they print money that's what happened in 1971 when President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard they can print as much as they'd like then they tell you so that you go to school you get a job to become an employee you pay taxes because you're working for money then they tell you to save money do you know why they tell you to save money I don't know because the system of banking York has nothing to do with communism or capitalism it's the banks run the world the rich run the world they don't care you're communist or capitalist so when you save so let's say you save $1 u.s. a 1 euro 1 yen the banking system can lend out 10 so the entire system is called the fractional reserve system the fractional reserve system is also printing money and then they tell you to save money so they they want you to save money so they can lend out your money 10 times so your dollar became worthless 10 times over and then they used to pay you 10 percent interest on your money now it's at best 1% and they're still lending it out 10 times so that's why you don't save money is because your money is becoming worth less and less and less and less and less the banks are getting richer and richer and richer then they tax you on that interest you that 1% interest if they pay you that much Japan is zero and the Japanese are so stupid they still save money we also have zero yeah and they still save money how stupid is that so that's what I'll questions so how come that happens now if I borrow money guess what do I pay taxes on debt I guess no why is that I know this is this is what I'm saying okay question everything okay so when they lend out money that's how money is created money is debt how do you store value then because we all work and we have let's say a lifespan of when we are productive and then comes retirement and you retired early because I don't follow the go to school get a job or a car at sake so that's hypnosis they hypnotize people into being employees who will work hard pay taxes save money get out of debt and invest in the stock market until you question those sayings those words you'll be a poor person so how so when they lent out and why is debt tax free I don't know because that's how money is created and so the banks love it they love people borrow lots of money so how do I get rich I borrow money and I buy assets with it the poor person borrows money and biased liabilities like purses cars houses and they get poorer and poorer and poorer but I use debt I borrowed 300 million after the crash dollars in 2000 by 2010 I'd borrow 300 million dollars to buy real estate that made me rich and the interest rates kept coming down so that my cost up money kept coming down and everybody else is saying all you should get out of debt you know why because they don't question the hypnosis they're under you've been hypnotized to work hard for money to save it the fractional reserve system prints it and then you pay taxes after taxes so i get by of all this debt and i get rich so the question is how do you learn to use debt to get rich because they tell you not to do not to get out of debt so all I'm saying to you is if a person does not question what they've been taught they allow us before they've been hypnotized into being poor then you put it in the stock market you know in pensions right so let's say I put a hundred dollars in a pension plan when do I get that money back most Romanians don't even dream of getting to pension now I understand that but it's not just Romanians please here it's worldwide this is why I think this is why I work this is why I teach you have to question what they're teaching so I put I put my money in a pension I might not ever get it back as they could lose it so the question I always say is well when do I get my money back and the average person has been hypnotized go to school get a job where a car save money and invest in a pension you never get your money back the whole thing was designed to keep you poor so that's why I argue with the unintelligent what's already been put in their head and that's what my poor dad put in my head go to school get a job work hard and that's America the same as Romania is not any different we save money put it in the put it in the stock market you never get your money back we all look up to the American Dream is it all fake I'm coming down to your book down because no please let me finish okay okay until you question what's already in your head you will do what's already in your head okay there is a people a Christian are not listed in the Bible because the words become flesh go to school get a job work hard save money get out of debt invest in the stock market buy a house buy a car until you question that you're hypnotized you'll be a poor person all your life okay six very short question so what would you choose between Apple or Tesla if you had the money to buy it what's that the company's if you had the money to buy Apple or Tesla what would you buy I just told you I don't invest in the stock market but in companies in business it doesn't either either them no so I don't get my money back I want my money back okay gold or Bitcoin Gold fight or flight that's a stupid questions and sometimes people that fight lose so what what's wrong with losing okay question what you've been taught and you ask me superficial questions rather than why wouldn't I invest in Apple or Tesla so that's a more important question it's an open question you can do what event but why wouldn't I invest in them because you don't get your money back yes I'm starting to learn yes I can make money much faster than Apple or Tesla and I used to use debt I wouldn't use my money but do you think they used their money to grow of course not look at Amazon the sky Bezos writes while the richest man in the world do you think he pays any taxes he doesn't even pay much profit to his investors what do you think Basil's became a billionaire paying taxes I wouldn't bet on that he doesn't pay taxes Trump doesn't pay taxes I don't pay taxes so the question is how how do guys like us do it is the question you should be asking because the rich people make the rules we study different things but I wouldn't go to school I appreciate you for taking the time thank you I caught up with me I appreciate you challenging people all the time through your interviews and your your workshops and everything I got so much out of your books and I'm gonna keep on reading I'm not that smart and that's part enough for that please question what you've got taught I've been doing that and for the past for the past year for example I stopped saving money in putting money into a company instead of saving into a personal account let's say that's good making some changes congratulation jizz yes but I'm talking to a very large audience we've all taught to do this the stuff you said so they need to start somewhere and that's why I say challenge what you've been taught why would you go to school when you learn nothing about money why would you pay tax that's a very tough question and we have we have that issue but do we not just but it's not just Romania is the worldwide you see please understand it's not just Romania must think you know today if you know people complain I don't make enough money in Romania well you have a cellphone you can make money all over the world you can't make money in dollars you and slotnick pesos you know it's just limited thinking if a person doesn't change what's inside their head the actual thoughts running their brain which aren't words they'll never change so the change begins when you question go to school get a job work hard pay taxes save money get out of debt invest in the stock market until you until you question that one nothing changes thank you so much thank you thank you do I wanna say anything about the new book well fake my book my new book fake is just that is how I don't use any money and how I don't pay any taxes because it's fake money fake teachers fake assets stocks bonds mutual funds ETFs I don't touch any of that garbage and you're not as Fletcher done taught to do that that's the question until that is challenged you don't think fake is fake thank you thank you Lisa Kiyosaki thank you very much thank you this is just a tiny fraction of the great content we do on this channel don't forget to subscribe like and share this video with your friends you
Channel: Cavaleria Com
Views: 349,087
Rating: 4.6986952 out of 5
Keywords: george buhnici, Robert Kiyosaki net worth: Robert Kiyosaki is an American investor, businessman, author, motivational speaker, rich dad poor dad, donald trump, banks, investment, debt, make money, how to make money, get out of debt, go to school, work hard, pay your taxes, invest, stock market, interview, celebrity, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Times, antrepenors, employees, taxes
Id: it4TpPbf78U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
Reddit Comments

Ooo why didn’t I think to borrow $300 million after the Great Recession? Stupid me for not thinking of that and getting RICH$$$. /s

RK isn’t able to wrap his brain around the fact that everyone isn’t able to secure loans without substantial capital upfront. Anyone that wants to be an entrepreneur today needs to save up money via a job or have connections to someone that’s willing to finance a business.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/biz_student πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kiyosaki as usual is the biggest cringe here. His point seems to be that nothing can go wrong from loading up on debt, and that smart people dodge taxes.

Both of these philosophies can work for people - but they can just as easily destroy lives.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Million2026 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The interviewee has no grasp on reality

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChetLemon77 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol he looks like an uncle who just woke up from a nap.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GanasbinTagap πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

the guy on the right "anyone can be an entrepreneur, people chose to be employees" lol ooooooooooooook buddy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Troubler50 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

how does a person not work for no money and not pay taxes. i dont know

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spacerat67 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He keeps reiterating that there is no tax on debt, but never mentions interest payments.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/yellowgooseneck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

RK is a known scammer and multiple bankrupted foolio who was sued by the woman who coauthored his best known book. A Trumpinist.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TotalProtonicReversl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly the interviewee pissed me off more

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/semonin3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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