How Many Is TOO Many In The Game Of Life 2 | JeromeACE

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well today's gonna be a great day because we're starting off with a little bit of the game of life too that's right we recently found out about this game probably about like a month ago after matt showed us and we had an absolute blast they took the original game of life and made it way cooler so if you guys wanted to keep on playing board games you know what to do show your love matty are you already yeah sorry i forgot i have to hit birdie you've been struck by a smooth nose i swear you said you've been hit by you've been struck by what like i thought you said matpat gabby what goes first wait what happened is spinning for it yeah that's lame yeah basically it's the same thing but go for college don't go for college it's a waste it's a scam i mean sometimes and so it begins yeah while in school no job gets taxed oh my god oh rare comic book rare comic that's pretty cool yeah i'll take that nice thank you money [Music] wow cappy you're the richest take it yeah it's gonna take me a second i forgot how many times i have to click the screen in this one take it or leave it [Music] all right what if whichever one you didn't take was left behind for the next person the next person to drive over that tile and okay way to go matt thanks dude i wish it was that easy to graduate me too it is through an online class through well i feel like which one i should take is the one that's more like being real life chef developer do it steal cats matt you know like three of us scooted through the entire game last time without paying taxes unless you were at the irresponsible risk cappy single-handedly funded this city he really did i am the economy oh you two go to jupiter be more stupider but i go to mars to get my guitars you know i'm okay with it yeah it rhymed yeah yeah going to college yeah good luck steven no i didn't want to roll that high again what's wrong you graduated steve i didn't want to graduate i wanted to take my time what am i graduating on the first turn take my time what robotics engineer a robotics engineer of course i have a question yeah i might not have an answer um if all the water in the world like there's a high statistic probability that his dinosaur peak right a lot of things in the water i don't want to think about well because like because like the water like has probably been through a dinosaur like it's not like it's it's been through a dinosaur at one point that's like a known fact like because the water's so old it's the same water on earth from that whole time right yeah so could i legally sell gamer dinosaur bathwater [Music] i don't know man i think you might get cancelled why have three of us taking guitar lessons i know because you guys saw how good i was and you just couldn't hold like hold back there hey stop texting right now on the group chat i'm on my phone what is someone in the group chat oh the oh the meme chat okay spin [Music] oh yeah it doesn't matter though yeah cap congratulations you're becoming a rocket scientist yeah yeah i'm calling it rocket scientist it feels like you've flunk robotics engineer you can't be a robotics engineer i'm already that you want to develop an app i kind of want all of us to be guitar playing robotics engineers yeah well i was an app developer the problem would you like to develop an app i would like to develop an app developer like there's actually an app i want to get developed one day all right i need to move again i i forgot sorry and you guys were just like i expected you to hop on whoa who is messaging where is this coming from what are you talking about and i feel so rude but i have the volume all the way down but it won't stop making it get a raise get a better job 132 000 i didn't know you could get a raise yeah that's a new feature no don't listen to steve get a raise yeah i'm pretty sure like robotics engineer is a great paying job in this game get a better job i can't believe i didn't know they had to get a raise and it was an option bonus i'm gonna go in to dead this is feeling too much like real life [Music] upgrade your computer or oh wow i mean if you upgrade your computer cap you go or mat you go into debt so i don't know if you're spending a hundred thousand banks well let's just live this like a real life no going into debt like real life living like real life man it's going into debt yeah but i got two crowns so it's all worth it for now yeah watching oh no oh no my loan doesn't even pay off my debt oh my gosh oh mega debt let's make him go into debt again imagine having to take out two college student loans to pay off your computer oh okay please don't pay taxes please don't pay taxes oh so close to taxes family wow that's early people are dogs steve which one i'm taking an animal yeah why do i not have an option for a cat because dogs are better i still think they're better in their own ways take it i've got a crown ladies and gentlemen i'm proud of you steve my turn okay it doesn't even matter because i'm getting money probably getting great oh steve no you know how much money steve has made from that because i know i've landed on that i know cappy's landed on that matt may have even landed on it at one point good yeah you know usually we don't have people going debt in life [Music] stark contrast from the real sad truth hey robotics engineer don't mind if i do i can't think they've only programmed two jobs apparently i didn't have enough sauce on that spin oh come on [Laughter] get ripped off here i agree dude this makes me feel better about my last game i agree i like people in double get an absolute whoa jerome you can go into quadruple bit yeah for two pointless pig tokens or i could get out of debt get out of debt get out of debt come on oh baby what a spin yeah we're getting out of debt today okay [Music] no it's tight first up nope oh right take your stupid two hundred dollars two hundred dollars that's two hundred thousand steve yeah two hundred in this world i mean two hundred this one no it's 200 000. okay take your 20 okays well maybe i will maybe i will yeah i'll take a seven nice kathy okay now i gotta remember i roll after this one [Music] stay single or get married stay single has more money on the path [Music] like look at all those money bits hmm tough call yeah yeah do i want to win or do i want to be happy when i'll go for marriage marriage love and marriage goes together like a cap and carriage oh man you could be the master of all books you could be the master of karate and friendship for everyone scoreboard you get that back no i want the most books i want to be stupid we all know steve's going to get to the end first and then he's going to keep spinning to like dig up like ancient that he reads for like the ultimate knowledge you guys stop rolling sevens and roll sixes instead no i don't think that's up to us steve oh i just stay single my entire life if i say single [Music] i don't know but that ties you for the books i don't think so matt i think you have another chance to get married later on in the game yeah i'm getting married right now yeah you are yay i'm pretty sure the game is all about like not one and done decisions like i think if you choose not to there it'll give you another chance later on ah yes it's just like my real wedding we rubbed our faces together wait you didn't you didn't do that oh no [Music] all right spinning nice get me out of debt plebes oh wait not nice i had to pay for that [Music] what was the game of life one wasn't it a hundred or two hundred thousand a hundred or fifty yeah it was a lot dude i'm zooming yeah you're really driving through life there's got to be like hasbro board game testers what's gonna say you gotta get a gigantic tv you got a gigantic tv yes a gigantic you're gonna need like a gigantomax if you want to take out that gigantic tv hey do i get to pay myself hey oppa oppa i'm getting married oh hey i get to pay someone yay enjoy your money jerome thank you i will [Music] give me all them hearts i feel like i'm off to a rough start but that's okay i'm gonna have a comeback here you're not that far back jerome i think you're doing fine you have three books as well but that's all i have hey thanks for the money oh my god steve has made so much money from that we're just handing it back and forth where's my back well i just gave it to you so you gave it back to me you're a scam sir i hear babies got back there we go steven's got back i thought you were able to pay off your loans earlier in this game or do you have to wait till the end you have to land on a certain tile to do that that was quite the spin yeah give me money nice dude stop in the name of steve in the name of love before you break my heart okay okay time to roll again nice yay i'm curious what happened to my dog he's not in my car yeah money stop taking my money money 280 [Music] oh there you go steve yeah give me money nice there's your money back plus interest so steve i think you're positive i had to even guess 200 maybe thousand from all that no i agree with you six is the lucky number apparently it's the most world numbers [Music] what are you talking to me about steven i said give me money oh matt's paying taxes oh oof it's fine i planned on this you hear that irs if you're watching i pay my taxes unlike even libby on 123 libby street does not pay his taxes wow don't even say that taxes is steven libby batman yeah oh all the money is saved from affordability oh nice spin to give me money all right ten thousand each breeds in minecraft sky factory four what i didn't even all i heard was sky factory sky factory guy factory whoa big spinner oh i did not want that you don't want what a 10 what's wrong with 10. yeah i'm cruising through yeah that's so you can go to the end and just sink cruise ships what do you mean yeah man come on yeah did you forget about our retirement plan my gosh who's through life steve you're the happiest guy i've ever seen in my life you have five of them already how does he get so happy oh my god smile on your face dude i have drained so much cash from this from the from that wheel sp i uh [Music] it's killing me it's bleeding me dry out here do you stay single oh my god dude you just paid matt a hundred thousand dollars steve i have lost a tremendous amount of money to that like you don't even know i love it just makes me happy but now we all have to pay him back and he's getting this blackjack all over again jerome steve i'm gonna lose it if i get it again if i get it one more time i'm gonna lose it you're gonna roll a six after this and it's gonna be straight to me okay thank you for some cash friends yeah i had bad friends and i only got 10 000 from each of you i gave each one of you guys 20 000 and you guys gave me i never asked for that money you just gave it to me dude don't lie i never asked for that money you just gave it to me action babysitter giganto tv room out here getting the gigantomax but of course my turn yay oh a solid gate ah yes a solid give me your money hey you give me your money goop sock okay you know why i keep saying tube sock it's from that one commercial that was like pick me up hit me again let's go okay investment he's like shocking the guy's tongue i don't really drink hey i finally got money i can tell jordan doesn't know about the tube sock commercial no i don't i don't cart race that was the funniest thing ever too i'd probably scrapbook a cart race [Laughter] so he's saying hit me again tube sock because it was a commercial for skittles like the flavor of skittles the sour ones and it was like him scooting around the floor in his tube socks getting the static shock but then the second one is just a giant tube sock doing it by any chance this is a 90s commercial because this sounds like a 90s probably i think it's early 2000s lavish with you guys who tied we get the same oh so i think that means me and matt get 80 000. no we could we both give 40 thousand pepper waiting for jerome ace i did okay there all right there we go next turn dude my phone is getting like really hot from playing this i hope your phone life is what took out steve's phone no i don't want to land on that i thought it was me but you paid yourself yeah but i'd rather just land on the 10. [Music] but you but it didn't matter [Music] five cappy what that's stevie five hearts steve yeah i'm securing that hey thanks pal you guys made an absurd amount of money dudes what is with this game in rolling sixes i don't know man i appreciate oh my god there's the second tube suck conversion bro no this game is programmed to roll more sixes than anything else i'm calling it i'm calling it it is of my belief that they failed this game if you roll six again steve i would have died i would have like left the game [Music] okay jerome let's go let's see what you got six oh my god oh hey you get 100k that's pretty good the bank gives you a bonus i don't know the bank was paying me to begin with interest rates are at like point one gotta say this was unexpected but oh that didn't count i want some uh water yeah i'm pouring up some water if anyone wants give me that money yeah yeah yeah okay so i'm guaranteed to get a better job right i have a question why is kathy have a illuminati on the right what do you mean you mean continue life i'm thinking online courses if i'm guaranteed to get a better job and you're and you get one uh book yeah yeah nobody cares about the books are you guaranteed a better job though yeah it says it said you will get a better job so hopefully yours open yeah yeah it's quite the better job oh my oh brain surgeon your lucky number is eight i don't know if it's worth it because i'd have to get rid of my six in order to do that pay myself 50 grand oh my oh my goodness here we go that money [Music] could be worth 80 000 though exactly that was my point you could get gypped [Music] nice you got a nice amount of money over there eight and nine oh yeah that's hot we're going into the bahamas geez stop stop enjoy kate identification's a scam except for in the game of life that's not oh another brain surgeon i don't want to get rid of my six it's made me a lot of money but think about all the brain surgery you could yeah but which one pays more realistically doesn't the wind energy have way less taxes like substantially less but how how many times have you paid taxes enough to go for this one yeah that's fair hey look at that more money yeah i really like i'm gonna lose out on that six hey up hey up going to sell that vintage spoon for no i'm not sad that road yeah you got to hold on to that vintage spoon forever [Music] hey [Music] do you still get to sell your kids in this i don't know what exactly happens to the kids at the end to be honest like i can't remember why is my dog in the front seat and my wife in the back seat no no no no no where's the second dog hey there he is come on steve that's your dog [Music] jerome you are so far back it's not even dude i i'm struggling out here man i'm gonna have a kid ah we don't need the music skip [Music] oh nice car i'm gonna have to ask you to speed up jerome i'm trying dude i'm trying out here cappy cappy [Music] i will now show you guys the benefit of the game of life mobile okay okay i have to poop but i will still be playing oh magic oh that's just really bad i mean we all play with our phones while we're making poos but it's just not ah okay i'm wagering a hundred thousand against matt while he's on the toilet ah play mini golf while he's on the toilet oh yeah beat that matt politicians i mean oh man matt gets a pay raise geez that's quite the pay raise is it's that guy's turn sight music 88 what a punk a one [Music] whew i'd go and plant the cup i have no piggy banks i'm not getting the piggy banks [Music] i'll take the money whoa take the money and run whoa i definitely got last there whoo okay second [Music] in with the foreign oh the one yeah oh my goodness that was so close there we go [Music] that's the cleanest one we've had all the others have had ties [Music] okay okay okay doing good so far next turn jerome ace i know that guy jerome roll like what are you doing man steve i'm i i'd love to i'm gonna lose it i'm so far behind you guys do you think i want to be back here yes i do repay loans well you can learn video editing yeah i think that'll have some practical applications call it a hunch maybe i'll make youtube videos one day maybe there we go maybe i'm hungry hi hungry oh hi hungry i'm dead you know the lovely thing about this is i'm gonna go make some food while we play oh dear god another one cappy you gotta roll yeah i'm not kidding i'm not actually but i am leaning back waxing out here okay what what life yeah let's play risky yeah that's a bad idea we'll be risking yours taxes man seven you're paying taxes no i think i skirted right past it yeah he skipped it [Music] wait but wait there's more oh no what is that another pay raise what okay cap you've had a good life so far i've been in the video game there we go you guys ever noticed that matt's taking a real long poop yeah i'm afraid of his fiber i think he fell in to be honest i think he needs more fiber okay tell me where i could buy that mansion for that price and i'm moving there right now i'm packing up my life and i'm moving if you took a look at that picture he was on the beach too whatever town that is tell me where that could happen and i'm packing up my life and i'm living a beach shut there for like a year hey look pay up are we all skirting past taxes pretty much i don't think i paid at all i think it's just matt who's paying the game of life what am i gonna be what am i going to be oh yeah 200. hey it squeams to me how is an astronomer pay more than a brain surgeon you ever looked at stars they're real tiny it's kind of hard you're right they need really good vision how can i be so foolish [Laughter] oh my god i hate this game i hate this game wow you haven't gotten married yet dude you think i want to be so far back in life you think i wanted this out of life i i actually do look cap's getting ready to retire and you haven't even been married i called it cap's retiring yup and the first to retire cappy yeah i'd be looking for buried treasure okay jerome i need to talk about my spending habits after going to the toilet yeah oh i just bought them in this game with all the money it took my entire life to earn i'm gonna keep you in the bucket list you bought a mansion for 200 000 yeah that was a great purchase you missed the whole conversation around that yeah the thing is it's in like dags map in the middle of uh kansas no there was even then i don't think you could get a house that beautiful oh sure you can i got one middle of nowhere kansas there's nothing out there yeah you got a beach you were on the water hey y'all steve that's a lake a man-made lake i don't care would you like to know the cheapest area to buy houses in america good it's scranton pa really um actually i hear there's a really great office in scranton wait is this paper company why is scranton so cheap is it really i don't know medium price per square foot for large homes is 94 that's cheaper than like tile costs if you get real stone tile and 94 dollars per square foot that's huh texas is second macallan texas to be specific oh yeah texas is really cheap property-wise the average cost per square foot for a single-family home is about 150 is the average huh interesting um one of my strengths is actually fifth on the list i'm surprised what is kansas 26 of houses are over 3 000 oh thank god steve i rolled the 10 when i only had to go one thank god i finally rolled that 10. [Music] dude i i wonder why houses are so cheap and screen i'm gonna be the jack of all trades master of none here i've got uh yeah jerome you're getting married you're spinning again yeah well maybe not yeah kids dude scram pa is incredibly cheap you can buy this entire historic castle for a million dollars well matt there's no castles in pennsylvania that's where you're wrong it can't be that historic that's where you're wrong buckaroo i can tell just by looking at the like walls falling apart in this that it's historic it has stone walls jerome all the walls are stone yeah if it doesn't come with cannons i don't it looks like the set of clues dude okay there it is if you were to buy that and not demand that they build a trebuchet it was all for nothing like map i'm gonna be honest doesn't it yeah right look at that look at the room with all the plants dude tell me this isn't straight out of a clue dude that's just clue i'm not going there i'll die oh god frisky road [Music] the real estate agent is colonel mustard i'm pretty sure there's a pain to get colonel mustard in his photo what no make the money back making an escape room themed like clue he's got a statue of colonel mustard so that colonel mustard could kill someone with colonel mustard just creep out your house guests on the way in put up like family portraits of all the clue characters and just see how long it takes people to catch on colonel mustard did it with the colonel mustard statue in colonel mustard's office [Music] they're just everywhere there's just a painting like at every square inch of the house i'm feeling the safer why not dude friend pa pops off how about this you're in love with scranton man imagine i pop on the internet and you're like matt why do you sound so echoey oh because i'm in my castle you can afford a castle but you can't afford some sound phone well no cause i spent all my money on a castle jerome oh jerome that's gonna be an easy 100k for you it even comes with like an amphitheater bruh steve nothing has come easy to me in this game it's a draw then again oh my god six oh there it is old faithful [Music] dude look at the backyard oh my goodness just hold on look at it would you just look at it [Music] okay sorry i'm just a little bit impressed with how cheap there's got to be something wrong here like toxic sludge in the air or something jerome you just got a kid we're having more we're having more steve pick up the pace i'm so far back my god look at where i am on the board yeah oh i've got a genius business opportunity for you jerome we're not buying castles matt no you get mr beast to play to buy it and then they play a real life clue you know what you know what celebrity in very typical fashion lost a load of money on castles uh who nicholas cage lost an extraordinary amount of money on well castles aren't really worth it oh i guess i need the snail farm what how do you know that because nicolas cage is hilarious yeah nicolas cage is the best man megan megan megadeth oh matt's back in debt again it's time to finish i have bad news guys i've spent all my money on piggy banks but i don't actually have any money i mean bucket list yep give me something good please nope nothing okay nothing it's jerry's turn all right eight ooh good thing i got to use four of that eight proud of you edumacation don't worry guys i'll get i'll get to you soon that is a beautiful house matt and that house can be yours for the price of 250 thousand dollars what what is that in scranton yeah it's in scranton i don't know what's wrong with grant there's so we're just wrong in there like 40 years old let's all move the screen pay up jerome hey you're looking at stars too i just noticed that i find this one even uh more beautiful steve and it's only a hundred and twenty thousand oh wow gosh i'm moving how's their internet hazard in it let me know right now oh grand pa just runs off of uh alien probes that's why it's so cheap you sign the waiver you get zooped up into alien ships every third day of the week no one's even close to getting my books right uh actually i think i'm tied for your books okay as well put a stop to that you have 12 of the money bags matt i don't have any money though matt's also in like mega mega debt yup sorry triple megadet it's mega mega megadet oh okay wow nice man that was pretty good what'd you get 409 000 for my home that could have sold for seven hundred dollars i thought that was from like the going for the pension side on the right side is the skateboard violently shaking for anyone else [Music] i'm gonna need this pension let's be honest well it's a good pen no it's not but i could probably buy a home in scranton p.a the one though you and scranton man dude i'm all about it now like is that actually where the paper company is in the office yeah yeah you drink it like the price of scranton would have shot up after the office yeah that show really painted scranton in a great light oh yeah yeah made it seem real like a booming business it's like it's like the jersey shore after the show the jersey shore yeah everything short didn't need any help it really painted it in a great light the difference here is that the difference here is that the um the office is a fictitious show made up jersey shore is just a show of like jerseyans in their natural habitat is it really bad that like that's where my family like we vacation there every summer literally like a town or two north of where that show was shot and like a lot of the establishments they go to i've i've like actually been to it's it's bad man come on that's three in a row they ruined the jersey shore yeah i don't think they did i think it just woke the world up to what the jersey shore really is no it's not that bad it's a family place the jersey shore for the most part [Music] oh steve you boogied there yeah i know what's going to get you sold on scranton they got an old forge road i'm not moving and screaming i mean maybe i am you're going to stop me no i said i'm not i'm i mean you guys want to move to scranton be my guest i don't know why it looks so much more beautiful than anywhere i've seen you live scran yeah dude this isn't scranton too look at this thing i mean it's very nice but this grant actually looks picturesque beautiful green's only two hours away from me matt man you picked the wrong area steve i meant for when you moved there okay perfect you can come to my 100 000 mansion and i'll i'll gladly give you some my toxic sludge error that must be going around for him to be that cheap there we go are those sharks in that pool mat if we're lucky with sharks with lasers i think they're dolphins what who could be and my entire retirement pension have only gotten ten thousand dollars i've gotten nothing from my bucket list yeah me either steve i'm in the same boat [Music] there you go steve you got something ew i found the ugliest house in scranton aha my turn yeah get get out of here jerome just move on is that the ten thousand dollar house no that one's actually three hundred thousand dollars i don't know what they think they have [Music] like that seems like well for ten thousand dollars i know exactly what they have that looks like a duplex or even that looks like a quadplex for rental properties is what they have matt by the looks of it little properties out of like the dingiest looking like doesn't matter dude four rental properties on one that guy that guy is paying his mortgage and then some no none screen for 240 thousand dollars he ain't well think about rent and screen i think he is i think he's 100 making a killing off that property you could buy a whole new house for you could buy four separate rental properties for cheaper than that house in scranton i'd like to buy that property and knock it all down have one big house let's let's just think about it this way matt says we'll say at the low end charging buy four of these houses for the same price though explain to me how that wouldn't be better i don't i don't think you could i think you're simplifying it a little bit i that house right there is on an easy day he is he is charging two hundred dollars a month right let's just say that jesus what are you renting for 200 a month that's unheard of that's 800 that alone is probably enough to pay his mortgage i wonder about pay rates in scranton if that's the case because you know yeah maybe you don't get paid anything in scranton so jerome i wasn't embellishing um that house is seventy thousand dollars the the one above it is two hundred and uh sixty five thousand so we're only off by a couple thousand like ten thousand dollars and you could have for that other house well the difference i'm thinking is the maintenance on one giant quad plex is better it's already falling apart and looks like a hamster box i i think honestly saying it's falling apart doesn't mean anything to me it looks like it just needs to be power washed look at all these piggy banks i got dude i think steve wins yeah maybe it does just need a power power wash it doesn't like it doesn't look structurally like it's gonna fall apart it just looks like it needs to be got a mold problem yeah it looks gross but i nothing a power washing or repaint won't fix that's fair oh there it goes oh my goodness the loans well i'm not surprised but i'm going to mansion so who really won this game
Channel: JeromeACE
Views: 259,056
Rating: 4.9301381 out of 5
Keywords: game of life, life, family friendly, game of life funny moments, let’s play, online multiplayer, kid friendly, life game, roleplay, no swearing, minigame, life: the game, the game of life, funny, board game, playthrough, funny moments, hilarious gameplay, gameplay, multiplayer, rage game, challenge, walkthrough, Jeromeasf, jeromeasf the game of life, jeromeace, jeromeace life, jeromeace the game of life, custom, comedy, lets play, youtuber, no cursing, how to, trolling, custom map
Id: 98-aG65BsYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 52sec (2692 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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