How Many Diamonds Does it Take to Beat ONE Pro?

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all right so we've ran it through gold we've ran it through platt haven't done silver yet for some reason i don't know why i didn't start on that but here we are we're doing and seeing how many people i can take on that are diamond i did put the cap on 2100 i will say that because otherwise i'm gonna get clapped i'm gonna lose and this video is gonna be very very short so i kind of had to do it this way but guys give youtube a little hello all right i'm out for blood on this i'm not even gonna lie to you we're going straight to small brawlhaven and i am playing terrorists right off the bat i just need to send a message more than anything i i can't be having you know me get off to a rough start i can't portray that there's hope you guys might wonder why it takes me so long to do these number one school but number two it is uh a painful process and this guy is just straight up dead oh my gosh so clean no wonder i won a tournament with this guy okay you can kill me here i think that's the main thing i'm worried about that the off stage play might actually be like way better oh and i basically speed choking there we go go for it nah he did i don't know why i thought taras would be like some sort of god even though i'm rocking the god king's skin but it doesn't matter he's a bull he's dead all right i'm going to stick with axe even though i know it's completely ill-advised and uh i'm gonna rock barraza this is actually such a bad idea for me to play guns into this is like one of my i legit one of my worst ideas i could have had it's so bad i'm just dead roll back i don't know i just don't know what's expected of me i don't know what i expected out of my barraza oh that's just mad dis okay i'll take getting hit by that and say about the nc that coal and that was just disrespectful yeah this is actually borderline unplayable i'm not gonna front okay i'm not even going to waste my brain cells trying that match anymore literally it's zero sense you guys already saying that i can't win this i've won much harder 2v1s in my life he's dead no shot that happened okay dead oh goodbye no way he's dead see i told you it's not that bad i feel like i should go mammoth almost every time i think mammoth is probably the most like well-rounded twos mapper just well-rounded map for this until the end when you get to the end i don't think it really matters i'm going to end up playing like what big great hall or something oh practically an sd dude these guys play all on top of each other and i can't do anything because they just clash what weapon it does not have that problem can someone uh enlighten me i knew this guy wanted to do it do you want to commit to something he's dead oh i didn't even bother reacting there you always got to warm up to like the new amount of opponents yeah also like i said i basically gave up a stock for free at the beginning of the other one so you know gotta keep it interesting i can't just be rolling through these guys like i said it's gonna be a very short video if i do that beast no way dude lights are so bad stop doing orb side air please that move is a little broken i think i need to accept one fact right i am better than all of them at gauntlets and if i just play it and just reverse just grab them with an air my chances of winning are way higher than trying to play whatever that was caspian you know okay right he has gauntlets king knight why why am i playing these characters that have no chance from the get-go so that's why after lots of thoughts and reasoning i just play onyx this guy's done too many weapon throw combos for me to believe that he's not even like that he's barely above diamond i'm just gonna say it now i wanted to be known that i just had a di uh ground pound i got true combo ground pounded into ground pound that would have been a very cool if that went through uh how fitting to go out like that what's like the big counter to gaunts though bow i uh made a big misplay i think uh we pretend like this one didn't happen no oh my gosh like stuff like that is just heartbreaking and dead the reason i'm doing three so much is because i know i can win wow all right i think we need to make a new rule and that rule is uh coal you are out of the lobby okay if you are you have to be 2100 in both game modes because i did not know coal was 2500 and twos i give them all three at once right just like that dude this guy just dares theirs that's all he does on orb that's all you need to do on orb what's going on in my brain to like process that to do that not even trying to save him bad teammates victory i can taste it mafia oh my gosh ending in style okay what it's actually the cold difference i'm telling you right now i'm not going through the effort to try and you know win against four multiple times because there is no way there is like no way if i lose it once i'm losing it every time listen listen listen listen guys right i made rules at the beginning who says i can't change them that's not cheating i mean listen i i made the rules i can change them right you guys think this is a democracy it's not a democracy come on now it's a dictatorship i'm gonna bet i and you don't win any more matches or ill gift a sub to call 2k okay and always spore just banned and went to enigma sport is simultaneously doing everything for his team and possibly the worst stuff for his team no shot the one thing i see that guy do the one thing that the zoll does the whole game and it's to close it out in a time of need he did 73 damage this guy's just gonna orb there what oh no i'm not playing on this map your sport you want to stop banning to small enigma nice okay oh that's how i go out all right new rule shang is banned okay i got rolled dude i've jumped off more than any of the previous times you know why because i know that uh if i don't have most of them dead i'm not winning that how's zero working out one two oh yes he's dead wait go for it low rise do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh that's the greatest win in my career bar none okay matcha i'll take my gifted sub now dude if i somehow manage to squeak out another win you guys are all bad i mean if the 1v you know 1v4 didn't say it this guy's straight up gold i think he got it mixed up after he saw that gameplay i would too he killed himself he literally lost track i thought he killed him again it's fine no greed where am i what are dodge i don't really know if that like truly hit me i believe i am uh dead yeah this is pretty rough i didn't want to have to do this but i have to bust out the bird no i i keep the here's where the issue starts to come in right four's still kind of whatever because i have space at this point i do not everything i did was already interrupted and now it's just taken to a whole different level because half the time i'll do like i'll start a string and then i'll end up ending with a different person i'm dead all right this is the final attempt on this amount oops the guy wasn't actually gonna die i think i just have to accept it we have to just move on maybe more numbers can help me but uh i don't think anything can save me at this point dude i used all my energy on that one match i'm gonna waste time doing the others so we'll just cut to the chase we know i'm not winning versus seven but i know you guys want to see me go up against seven so we're gonna go up against seven hopefully the remaining brain cells in my head don't all go away okay the match everyone's been waiting for no shot wait does he pull it off okay i'm way too far down there i got hit out of one sick put into a gauntlet share and then into a brazza nsig all right you guys can do this one more time and then my brain is officially melted he's afk he's not afk he just lags technically it's seven people right lagging or not please they're literally killing themselves not much i can really do okay where all right guys thanks for watching uh i haven't done silver's yet so i may do silver's next you know just to really like soothe the nerves uh i don't even know where i was at the end of that i completely lost track of myself and i died did you expect it to end any other way did you think i would win no i wasn't so appreciate you guys watching i guess i'll see in the next one bye guys you
Channel: Phazon
Views: 89,355
Rating: 4.9134288 out of 5
Id: ie4cq3Ng9Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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